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500 valor for the first 4 medals...bad idea!


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I'm not sure if you know this, but 2000k valor would be 2,000,000 valor. Or valor at the temperature of 2000 degrees kelvin if you had used a capital K.


2000 = 2k

2000000 = 2000k

2000K = 3140.33^o F



... just saying ...


Your diagnosis is clear, but what did you want to add to the thread?

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It means the healers who get 3 to 4 medals a match (the people who help you win the WZ), are sufficiently rewarded for their contribution.


If people are going afk after getting their 4 medals, that's what the new votekick system is for.


Except for, you know. Entire warzones just getting 4 medals and afking till the end. Dont think it will happen? They didnt think people would sit on ilum and kill trade or flip the objectives back and forth for valor buffs for warzones either. But they sure as **** happened.

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It means the healers who get 3 to 4 medals a match (the people who help you win the WZ), are sufficiently rewarded for their contribution.


If people are going afk after getting their 4 medals, that's what the new votekick system is for.


The problem is that they're bandaiding a bad system instead of just :wea_03:ing fixing the system.


Instead of making medals useless, change the medal system to award objectives instead of individual performance. BAM, medal farming disappears overnight, and medals aren't worthless.

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As far as i understood the coming patch description:


"Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match."


So, we get 4 medals: guard, taunt, killing blow, 10 kills and later can afk till the end of the match because there's no reason to die somewhere else if we ALL get the same amount of valor.


Did i understand correct your idea? If so, it's just BAD idea my dear BW.


Every match with my premade i do about 8-11 medals as vanguard assault. I don't want to get the same valor amount doing NOTHING with those who did their best at the field.


The better variant would be 200 valor and 5 Commendations each medal. For 10 medals i'd get the same 2000k bonus valor but must work for this. The first 4 medals are too easy to get. The reward must be appropriate.


Don't feed the crying hamsters!


We need challenge!

We don't need easy Valor farm!

We don't need free BM and other titles!


"WE WANT TO WORK HARD TO BE UNIQUE!" - Think about the concept.


If i understand your post correctly your just mad at not being able to get free valor and commendations in the future for having one of the few advanced classes that can guard/taunt and get 3-4 free medals a warzone, this system was implemented for a reason, go figure what(psssst its something about some advanced classes getting more medals). This is by far one of the best options they could do, also its still worth it to get more medals, since it normally gives you more mvp votes.


TL;DR a dude who is used to getting free medals is unhappy that these free medals wont give him more unfair valor+commendations in the future and posts a thread. LOL

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Its about time. The medal system is completely meaningless without specific context. Context that is nearly impossible for a program to discern even with thousands of if/then statements. Play to win the game. Its really as simple as that.


If you honestly believe that you're some hot **** in a warzone from medals that may or may not have contributed to a win, you're quite delusional. A person trying to get more medals past 4 wasn't trying to win, they were just trying to get more medals.


And also, the person who keeps misspelling medals as metals, I weep for how bad your education was.

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I prefer the idea of 250 per medal for first 8 medals.

Even pure DPS classes can achieve 8 if they play well, 4 just seems too little.


Ever heard about healers the pure dudes that get 0 medals, but probably contribute most to your team. so therefore 4 medals is just fine,also yes dps classes can get 8 medals, but to get that amount you will need to sometimes not be a team player, for the solo kill medal for example, therefore 4 is a good medal amount, i might think 6 is okay, but then we think of the poor healers agin.


TL;DR 4 medals is a good balance since some advanced classes CANT get 8 or 6 medals.

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I prefer the idea of 250 per medal for first 8 medals.

Even pure DPS classes can achieve 8 if they play well, 4 just seems too little.


And why should DPS classes have to work harder than everyone else to get the same reward? Also you're missing the point where an 8 medal cap would still involve everyone grinding out medals for the entirety of the match to get the greatest amount of valor and comms instead of playing the actual game.

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I'm all for it. Once players get their 4 medals, they could go back to focusing on actually winning the match.


So what am I supposed to do AFTER 0-4, or 200-450?


Medals are the only incentive to play hard, after the fate of the game is sealed.


This change is a pathetic bandaid. Not the right fix.

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This is a GREAT idea considering how I try to play. Here's what I do:


If I'm in Alderaan and my team caps Mid, usually 3 people (myself included) sit around over there. If we also cap left, then I place myself between their path to left. I can usually either pick off one, maybe two if they're undergeared. If it's a group of 3, I just let people know left is inc and I'll try and take someone down with me.


However, I'm not near an objective point, so I'm not getting credit for that. I'm also not constantly attacking, I'm defending. So I won't always get 10 kills, defense medals, guard medals. When I play that was I usually only get 4 medals.


Did I just help my team win? You bet I did. Could I have gotten 10-11 medals if I wanted to? Yeah, but I'd rather win.

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I highlighted the important part. Medals are ridiculously easy to achieve for your class. Not so for other classes. Healers, as I hear it, struggle to get 6.


This fix may not be ideal, but at least it means every class has access to the same amount of medals. The only other way to balance things would be for Bioware to make every single medal equally challenging to achieve for each AC.


My favorite are people that tell Healers "hey guys, stop being lazy and you can hit 300k damage too lolololol!"


Except, that's not my job. I'm not doing effective damage. I'm doing negligible damage. Thankfully, my RL friends have had me away from my fifty since mid-December, so I can't speak much to the current state of things (I have about 6 toons in their 40s right now across 4 servers, don't ask), but I know at least low level (and last time I was on my healing merc), I do have to sacrifice resources to do damage as a Healer, which let's be honest, is no where near the effective burst damage a dedicated DPSer could pull if I heal him.


It still costs Heat/Ammo/Force/Energy to do DPS, much as it does Healing. Squandering my Healing resources to do DPS isn't only me being selfish and medal farming, but it's me not doing my job. It has nothing to do with laziness.


The only medals healers can get fairly easily without compromising their job are 10 kills, 25 kills, 2.5k heal, 5k heal, 75k healed, 300k healed.


Depending on the WZ, 1k and 3k objective as well (Healing gets you almost NOTHING on Voidstar in terms of objective points, and it's wishy-washy on Huttball -- I've had matches I've spammed heals on the Ball runner and received, at best, 300 obj points, meanwhile DPSing down ball carriers on my DPSers nets me 3k obj points easily). Alderaan I can hit a Warden medal pretty easily as heals though.


That being said, I am all in favor for this change, considering my level 25 Assassin gets 11 medals without trying right now, while busting my *** on my Healer nets me 6 medals at best, and really only my Sage can get the 5k heal one currently (the rest of my Healers lack the expertise/surge).


Assassin: 1k obj, 3k obj, 75k damage, 1 on 1 kill, killing blow, 10 enemies killed, 25 enemies killed, 2.5k protected in one life, 5k protected, 10k in one life, 50k protected

^requires me to stand by people and autoattack


Non-Sage/Sorc Healers: 2.5k Heal, 75k Healed, 300k Healed, 10 kills, 25 kills.

^Requires me to constantly spam abilities and target intelligently

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Seriously, how big of an idiot would somebody have to be to subscribe to a game where he plays only the first 2 minutes of a 15min WZ so he can get his 4 medals and then go AFK for 13min. What would be the purpose of that? Edited by GenMacG
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Farming medals is not what i'm talking about. BW will just make medal farmers life easier, that's it. Most come to WZ for valor because there's no reward for door cracking or goals on Huttball. If they don't change the reward system, peeps will just come and rest after getting 4 medals.


As for the second thread. It was so quickly going down that i thought it would be more suitable to create it in PVP tree.



You get more valor for winning than losing... so someone who is only getting their 4 medals then afk'ing/not helping won't be maximizing their valor potential.

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So u get the same medals to buy bags and same amount or actually more valour than before. U need to win to get the dailies done. Nothings much changed except balancing about some classes getting extra valour comapred to other classes. Valour is boosted in WZs, which is good considering the state of Ilum. I can't see anything negative about this patch. Why such a whine???
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You get more valor for winning than losing... so someone who is only getting their 4 medals then afk'ing/not helping won't be maximizing their valor potential.


Yes this as been repeated ad nauseum, but if going AFK allows the other team to win in half the time it normally would take, the AFKer could join a new Warzone and gain yet another 2k Valor. If the Valor Winning Rewards is less than 30-50% more then losing, the AFKer would gain more Valor from those 2 lost rounds than those wining 1.


There should be a much greater difference between winning and losing a Warzone - stop rewarding losers (yes, if you have lost a warzone you are the current loser as am I) with epic amounts of Valor / Credits / Commendations / EXP.


Make winning the purpose.


And isn't the medal/objective-thing also changing? Something about a lot of new objective based medals to be introduced soon?

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Yes this as been repeated ad nauseum, but if going AFK allows the other team to win in half the time it normally would take, the AFKer could join a new Warzone and gain yet another 2k Valor. If the Valor Winning Rewards is less than 30-50% more then losing, the AFKer would gain more Valor from those 2 lost rounds than those wining 1.


There should be a much greater difference between winning and losing a Warzone - stop rewarding losers (yes, if you have lost a warzone you are the current loser as am I) with epic amounts of Valor / Credits / Commendations / EXP.


Make winning the purpose.


And isn't the medal/objective-thing also changing? Something about a lot of new objective based medals to be introduced soon?


I see your perspective. I don't deny your scenario gives a more efficient way to grind valor. I like PvP'ing for fun moreso than the medals/valor so I wouldn't give up regardless. I'm probably the guy you hate in warzones because I'm not letting them win to just "go ahead and get it over with."


I can't fathom what it is like to pay 15$ a month for a game to prioritize efficient valor gain over persistence in winning and trying to overcome bad odds - but I totally respect what value others get out of the game. "Fun" is a subjective word so if that is how you enjoy the game, then whatever floats your boat is fine with me.


We can just agree to disagree - I'm ok with that :)

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So what am I supposed to do AFTER 0-4, or 200-450?


Medals are the only incentive to play hard, after the fate of the game is sealed.


This change is a pathetic bandaid. Not the right fix.


Well, the winning side won't have a reason to delay victory since farming doesn't give extra rewards. In Alderaan the game can change at any point even when facing premade with a PUG.


To the soon-to-be afk'ers: What do you gain fro afk'ing? Gear that is meant for pvp that won't happen/is lame because of ppl like you? Where's the logic in that?

Edited by Krystaf
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And why should DPS classes have to work harder than everyone else to get the same reward?


I'm not saying I agree with this perspective necessarily, but I believe Bioware did this to provide incentive to people to play tanks/healers. It's fairly common for MMO's to have a lack of healers (and tanks) compared to DPS. Perhaps they were trying to provide more incentive to play a more rare role? (Just a guess, I'm really not sure)

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As a tank I'm getting 3-4 medals almost for free, and if my team is not completely outgunned, I'm almost always in the range of >= 8 medals. But for the healers this patch will definitely be a win (as it should be).


Disclaimer: Was meant as a reply to one post which i forgot to quote, and can not find again, because this thread is moving to fast.

Edited by BoMbY
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I've lost count at the number Civil Wars I've lost due to some scrub leaving West/East to chase his dumb 'solo kill' medal.


Now you actually benefit from WINNING THE ACTUAL MATCH. If someone just afks after 4 medals then he's obviously dumb because he'll be getting more valor by trying win. And if he's actually AFKing every warzone after 4 medal there is a good chance he'll be booted once every so often, resulting in nothing, along with everyone on the server hating his guts. Sounds like a great idea!

Edited by TheLakers
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Seems to me the valor farmers, exploiters, and just out general bad players who have BM gear are worried their horrible play will be exposed once the playing field is level. I'm full BM and I say bring it on and let the good players be known for all to see. What are you afraid of? Not like valor pre 1.1.5 matters anyhow.
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