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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Battlemaster achievement no longer worth anythihng


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Personally, all I'm seeing here is a lot of energetic BM's.


Oh, you meant battlemasters, sorry.


Anyway. Battlemaster wasn't a measure of much except "I spent a lot of time PvPing" at best. More often, it was "I spent a lot of time on the winning zerg on Ilum" or worse "I spent a lot of time trading kills on Ilum".


You spent the time, you got the gear, Bioware's actually doing something towards fixing PvP with 1.1.5. Deal with it.

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Having just got to Battlemaster last night i kind of see where the QQ comes from as it is a mindless grind... However now the grind is going so if anything if you feel betrayed, at least it makes the 70+ valor grind better for everyone too?


Also i hope that this is Bioware getting everyone a shot at earning battlemaster gear pre 1.2 and rated WZs, wouldnt want people using a gear crutch to get high ratings? Hopefully this is the start of skill based PvP achievements.

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LoL, and you think it was worth anything before? Especially with the joke that is Ilum? Battlemaster is nothing but a grind. The fact that I happen to be a sage and can get more medals than my healer friend or dps friend, and less than my tank friend consistently, even though I have played with them for YEARS and done very well in the games we've played together, doesn't magically mean they are more or less, scrutinized by this awful medal system.
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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.


you mean easy like playing against level 10s while wearing full champion gear before they separated 50s?


or easy like camping people on the respawner in Ilum before they fixed the turrets.


or easy like setting up trades with the opposition and not having anyone disrupt you?


Nah, I never had it that easy.


For me it's more like going to a warzone and finding the same people that exploited their way to valor 70+ destroying everyone else. Seeing the same teams in full BM gear win match after match no matter what you do. Or camping Armaments with 15 other people.


For me PvP sucks because all it has become is a slow grind against people I know I don't stand a chance against until I upgrade all my champion to battlemaster.

Edited by illgot
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Battlemaster has not been worth anything since the imp ilum farm fest and kill trading. Get over it.


This is coming from a battlemaster republic sage seer.


this x10000


since the illum farm and zerging mixed with the first days of exploiting BM means nothing, BM meant something prior to that.


Agian in 1.2 bm, champ whatever is nothing anyone will talk about, its ALL about your rating then and you will have tons more cred as a high rated valor rank 2 char than a low rated valor 68 char, no one cares you got tons of time to grind with only how good your team is.

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Nerd News Alert: Battlemaster never meant anything! It is only correlated with time spent playing. In no way does battlemaster even imply a K: D ratio greater than 1. It's directly proportional to time. That's it.


Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

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Took me four years to get rank 15 with my champion in lotro, and it really meant something for me. Now ... in swtor, you can forget these things, like pvp rank. It means nothing and will be worse after patch. Can't figure out what bw is doing with pvp, or what they want actually... Edited by Skeld
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I am republic BM, and I got it without any form of grind and cheating, just by doing dailies and playing WZs for fun.


And I have no problem with people going to BM faster. Only problem is I see here is that after getting to BM faster and getting BM gear fast people will leave SWTOR earlier, because it is hardly anything to aim for after you do.


Also, it is so many imp BMs who got their BM by abusing Illum and farming valor there, that BM it already does not mean much.

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Boo hoo. "I have something and I don't want others to get it too!"


Cry more.


We have a few rank 70+ valor players in Ilum that do nothing but break up trades.


Funny things is they got most of their rank from trades early on. I should know, I was in that crowd until I rerolled. Since they got their full BM gear they now see breaking up trades and yelling at people to "earn" their gear as the just thing to do.


I always laugh when I see these same people that used to kill trade and loved destroying lowbies in warzones while in full champion gear (earlier on) being such hypocrites.

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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.



I am a BM I have never traded a kill and I didn't take part in the zerg. I like these changes.

Edited by Srqt
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If this were a game like Anarchy Online where you only gained titles by killing other titled players in combat (or losing your title getting worked by a no-name) then I could agree with your assertion that it would be wrong for the Dev's to make it easier. As it stands, titles in this game have always been worthless due to the system Bioware created to award them.


Maybe Bioware will put some teeth behind the pvp titles by making a set you can only get through actual skill rather than from how flat your *** is from sitting in your chair for days on end.

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I am battlemaster and it means nothing. It never meant anything. Even if you discount the ilum kill trading and the free battlemaster imps got from the first patch change to ilum the medal disparity between tank DPS, pure DPS and healers meant battlemaster means nothing.


Okay ppl seem to be mixing two things here, heres what bm rank gives:


A title <-- which yes means nothing in terms of skill


Battlemaster bags and gear <-- which means alot and ppl now easier will get, hence the piss on the current bm's who achieved this the old way.

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Battlemaster bags and gear <-- which means alot and ppl now easier will get, hence the piss on the current bm's who achieved this the old way.


Speaking as someone who got BM before ilum, these changes are a good thing. Anything to reduce the gear disparity is good and I welcome the changes.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Assuming that is the only valour or commendations you can earn per match after the patch you do realise it's only 1600 valour vs the current 1500? Big change :rolleyes: Even if it's slightly more it's hardly the end of the world, i was BM within the first few weeks of the game and it took hardly any work, heck 59-60 was in one day.


*scratches head*.


500 x4 = 1600 ? :t_eek:

and ...1500 today?



errr Someone must have been playing a Tank and some math typo. No the change is HUGE & good, because you still can get Medals for deeds, however healers and pure DPS will not get crippled in terms of valor for only getting ~5-8 Medals a match.


That's between 750 - 1300 Valor a match, average a bit above 1000.

Go figure what two months of Medal imbalance did. ;)


I'm a full healer and rank 61 (barely illum) but 4+ hours WZ almost daily, my Vanguard teammate is Rank 69.

Edited by -sasori
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Taking it none of you are BM's. And are loving the fact that they are making it sooooo muich easier for you too accomplish it.


Accomplishment implies skill.


Since BM is purely a time investment, it cannot ever represent skill. You can lose every game and get BM.

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Battlemaster has not been worth anything since the imp ilum farm fest and kill trading. Get over it.


This is coming from a battlemaster republic sage seer.





"Time played" "achievements" were never worth a lot - if anything at all.


Let's wait for whatever ranked warzones have in store for us.

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