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torn btwn the last 2 points for watchman


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I say 100% get your kick to 6 seconds. I've carved a really nice niche for myself as a healer killer. My focus in all WZs is to find the healer and stick with them as much as possible. Having the kick at 6 seconds, like you said in your other thread, makes it very easy to keep them from putting out much healing at all (when coupled with stasis/no-minimum-range leap). But I actually have both; I didn't put any into defensive roll/force camo for PvP. But if I had to pick one to keep, it would definitely be the kick CD reduction.
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Insight... Even when 2 points.


To be honest all this sentinel say 6s Force kick is a must. I have to say no, good sentinels should be able to manage theire interupt without the need of the extra 2s...


Just saying, I have yet to lose a battle because of a missing interupt. Should you realy need an interupt, you can always use your "Force Stassis" and in worst case "Awe".

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Should be 33/7/2

Don't spec into the following in the watchman tree;

-quick recovery

-Focused pursuit

-Force fade (it's included in another spec I like also, which I'll list after this)

Everything else in the watchman tree should be full

Combat tree

-dual wield mastery

- defensive forms

-focused leap

Focus tree

-Master focus ( reduced cd on force stasis, while the reduced cd on master strike is kind of a perk (decent ability if used correctly)).


Or everything the same as previously stated, while swapping master focus for force fade.

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Insight... Even when 2 points.


To be honest all this sentinel say 6s Force kick is a must. I have to say no, good sentinels should be able to manage theire interupt without the need of the extra 2s...


Just saying, I have yet to lose a battle because of a missing interupt. Should you realy need an interupt, you can always use your "Force Stassis" and in worst case "Awe".


Playing against competent healers, 2 seconds is HUGE. Also it reduces the cooldown on pacify which is an extremely underused ability.


Also with kick on a 6s cd and 4s lockout you can guarantee that a tracermissile spammer doesn't get a single tracer missile off while you are on them, due to GCD and Cast Time.


If you think 2 second reduction on an interrupt isn't a big deal, when our main role in pvp is to hump healers..... I think I will happily agree to disagree =]

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6 second kicks

Force Stasis

Force Leap


Healer cannot do a single thing against you. You'll make him panic and he will die in a flash.


I've found that the 0 distance leap does more help vs healers if timed right than a 2 second reduction in force kick. 12s force leap roots for 3, gives you 4 focus, closes the gap, you should use it immediately with no pause after cooldown.

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Should be 33/7/2

Don't spec into the following in the watchman tree;

-quick recovery

-Focused pursuit

-Force fade (it's included in another spec I like also, which I'll list after this)

Everything else in the watchman tree should be full

Combat tree

-dual wield mastery

- defensive forms

-focused leap

Focus tree

-Master focus ( reduced cd on force stasis, while the reduced cd on master strike is kind of a perk (decent ability if used correctly)).


Or everything the same as previously stated, while swapping master focus for force fade.


Its really personal preference. Focused Leep I don't find necessary at all, Leap, Overload Saber in mid air, land and do a Zealous Strike, never have focus issues. I actually find Force Fade very usefull with 1 point when there is heavy AOE in a cluster**** or running through fire in Hutball. Quick Recovery is also preferrable to Recompense since Riposte I personally find not worth it over Slash. I also pick up Stagger in Focus tree, really helps with Zealous Strike ability delay and getting off more Master Strikes when everything is off CD. My .02cents

Edited by KronikInsomniak
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I'd still say the Force Kick reduction is the way to go.


If you needed to turn up a couple extra points, I question Valor. You've shot your Centering build through the roof. Even with normal centering build and Defensive Forms, you'll still build at a pretty insane rate without having to dump another two points into Valor. I run without it and between doing damage and taking damage, I have very fast focus generation.

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I don't understand why so many people dislike Focused Pursuit.


It really can be a game changer in every warzone whether your on defense or offense.


I love it. 80% movement speed to your party is amazing. Makes it that much harder for you and other melee to be kited, and increases your healers ability to kite and stay alive immensely. As well as the obvious uses on huttball,void star and rotating between points on alderaan.

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I don't understand why so many people dislike Focused Pursuit.


It really can be a game changer in every warzone whether your on defense or offense.


For me personally, I find myself popping Zen more often for the clutch heals paired with Force Fade. It really ups survivability and lets you get back in the fight after your opponents switch targets. Nothing against Focused Pursuit, just what I have experienced in playing my sentinel.

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I love it. 80% movement speed to your party is amazing. Makes it that much harder for you and other melee to be kited, and increases your healers ability to kite and stay alive immensely. As well as the obvious uses on huttball,void star and rotating between points on alderaan.


Im almost positive only you get the 80% while your team still gets 50. Plus I use zen far more often. Plus I can't tell you how many times members of my premades have said "dude your dot heals saved my arse".

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For me personally, I find myself popping Zen more often for the clutch heals paired with Force Fade. It really ups survivability and lets you get back in the fight after your opponents switch targets. Nothing against Focused Pursuit, just what I have experienced in playing my sentinel.


Try using zen and guarded by the force

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It is your pvp spec, right? If it is for pvp:


Forget about force fade and invest this point elsewhere. Force fade is an offensive tool much more than defensive. Just learn to use it right.


Watchguard >> Focused leap. It is not very often when this +1 point decides anything. 6 seconds interrupt is huge against healers and ranged attack spammers.


2 points into Close Quarters is overkill IMHO. Though it is not a mistake, use it if you want.


I dropped inflammation when I learned when and against who leg slash shall be used. Again, using inflammation is not a mistake, it is a question of style and skill.


2 points to Focus Persuit is a must IMHO. It give a very strong tactical advantage if used right both to you and your team. Spec it for 2 weeks, then drop it, and believe me you will go back to it.


Main advice: experiment and respect often before you will find it the way most suited for your style. Respec cost is 0 after a week, and cheap 3-4 times after that.

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Im almost positive only you get the 80% while your team still gets 50. Plus I use zen far more often. Plus I can't tell you how many times members of my premades have said "dude your dot heals saved my arse".


Your correct the extra speed does indeed only count for yourself.


It's still a very powerful tool.


As to whether or not I pop Zen more it depends. If I'm in the middle of a fight I (usually) pop Zen however if the fight ends and I have my 30 centering it depends on what's going on.


Also some times when we get a bomb on a door and I know it's about to go off I'll save my centering and then pop the speed boost as the bomb goes off, speed through and start capping the bridge. If someone tosses me the ball and I have centering up you can bet I use that speed boost (assuming my team can peel off my attackers).


In Civil War you can pop it to quickly get to another turret, heck you can really mess with the opposing side by getting to their turret first and keeping them off of it for a few moments (or even better take it from them).


I'm not saying it's a required talent I'm just saying don't dismiss it out of hand it can be a game changer.

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Try using zen and guarded by the force


I do quite often. A great tactic as Watchman is to pop Zen, apply dots, Force Fade away and let your character heal up while the enemy re-targets a different player. Has prolonged my battlefield life expectancy a bunch of times when defending.

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Im almost positive only you get the 80% while your team still gets 50. Plus I use zen far more often. Plus I can't tell you how many times members of my premades have said "dude your dot heals saved my arse".


And I'm about 99% sure that the 80% movement speed applies to the entire party, despite how the talent reads.


Go ahead and test it.


Zen has it's uses, but I urge you to reconsider trans. I find that most sentinels only use it for moving from point a to point b. The 10% defense is nothing to scoff at, and the increased movement speed for your healers will make them amazing at kiting if they know what they are doing.


I can't count how many times my healers have told me "awesome trans, saved me"


And saving my healers is pretty important to me.

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The 80% speed is for your entire party..... 100% sure, been using it in huttball to get our shadow to the ball faster so he can hit his speed when mine drops (which is when he gets to the ball).


If you play in a group, 80% speed is awesome. You're not hitting it all the time, just when your healer needs it or you want to move faster.

Edited by OdamanPrime
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And I'm about 99% sure that the 80% movement speed applies to the entire party, despite how the talent reads.


Go ahead and test it.


Zen has it's uses, but I urge you to reconsider trans. I find that most sentinels only use it for moving from point a to point b. The 10% defense is nothing to scoff at, and the increased movement speed for your healers will make them amazing at kiting if they know what they are doing.


I can't count how many times my healers have told me "awesome trans, saved me"


And saving my healers is pretty important to me.


Read the tooltip since your spec gives it 80% it should appear that way, and tbh it wouldn't be the first time this class had issues with tooltips. Mara's dot applied mor damage than cauterize on the tooltips was a funny one that they did catch for a while. Was just wondering what everyone's opinion of "inspiration was" personally I will probably use it like bloodlust since +15% damage and healing is sick.

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I don't understand why so many people skip recompense. Having rebuke up as often as possible is a priority when playing a sentinel.


Riposte doesn't suffer from GCD, can't be dodged or missed. Its focus cost is minimal for me as once I've gone through my dot/merc slash rotation I can basically choose from riposte if its up or slash as a focus dump. Totally worth the 6-9 second reduction on rebuke I get per fight as I am also specced in jedi crusader.


Riposte procs so often and its so easy to throw into the rotation I don't see why its not commonly used.

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Quick Recovery is invaluable. Cyclone slash @ 1 focus = 4 Centering per focus burn off. Rest of the talent is just gravy.


Recompense is only valuable if you've got some buffed defenses, at 5% it's probably going to be no more than 6 or 12 seconds off rebuke, and there's a fair shot that you were going to be out of combat for those 6/12 anyways.


Focused Pursuit DOES apply to the entire party. It's poorly worded, but it is group-wide 80%. As such, it's amazing in all 3 warzones.


Inflammation is overkill because of leg slash, move those points elsewhere.


Force Fade is an amazing talent for both PvP and PvE. It turns it into Guarded By the Force without the health cost but removes you from the fight for 4 seconds. If you've got a healer, 4s is a massive boost. If you don't, it's time where you can get some dot crit heals in and be doing damage while being immune to whatever's on you.


Watchguard... I'd never intentionally PvP without it.


End result for a pure PvP build:




Learn it, live it, love it. :cool:

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Quick Recovery is invaluable. Cyclone slash @ 1 focus = 4 Centering per focus burn off. Rest of the talent is just gravy.


Recompense is only valuable if you've got some buffed defenses, at 5% it's probably going to be no more than 6 or 12 seconds off rebuke, and there's a fair shot that you were going to be out of combat for those 6/12 anyways.


Focused Pursuit DOES apply to the entire party. It's poorly worded, but it is group-wide 80%. As such, it's amazing in all 3 warzones.


Inflammation is overkill because of leg slash, move those points elsewhere.


Force Fade is an amazing talent for both PvP and PvE. It turns it into Guarded By the Force without the health cost but removes you from the fight for 4 seconds. If you've got a healer, 4s is a massive boost. If you don't, it's time where you can get some dot crit heals in and be doing damage while being immune to whatever's on you.


Watchguard... I'd never intentionally PvP without it.


End result for a pure PvP build:




Learn it, live it, love it. :cool:


There is also a fair shot you'll be out of combat to use the the focus burn off generated by cyclone slash. As I mentioned in my post riposte is best when in fast paced wz. If I'm standing around out of combat of course its of no use...same goes for every other skill.


burning off focus doesn't seem worth giving up getting your 20% damage reduction earlier and if you are in a big fight, against multiple opponents, popping saber ward and using riposte when it pops I guarantee the time reduction will be greater than 6-12 seconds.


Even sentinel pvp guide stickied in this forum talks about how invaluable rebuke is. Keeping it up as often as possible is key to surviving long enough to do damage in wz.


What do you mean by the rest of the talent is just gravy? Are you referring to the CD reduction of force sweep? Because as a watchman spec that is a situation skill at best that is more suited to focus sentinels.

Edited by Superpescado
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