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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove The Ability to Mark Opposing Team


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Only thing i like about a healer being marked, is the fact that

you can see the mark from a mile away.


When I am ops leader and they ask me to mark the healer i always do it.

But in the back of my mind I am also thinking:


"How hard is it to remember a name and know wich enemy players are healing..."

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I love this, I have some small healing abilities as pyrotech/mercenary, and I can see i am confused with main healer and hunted when I heal myself or help main healer. Good oportunity to kite some reps away from objective and set them into fire :)
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It's likely someone on your team marked you, because you can't see the other team's marks.


I like the mentality of pre-maders. "Pugs should get more organized and then they'd be able to beat us"


*Pugs get organized, by marking... the only fesible way of being organized with no VOIP*


"Marking is an un-fair advantage, it's way too easy for pugs to get organized"




Pretty much sums it up. I'm just frustrated that more warzone leaders aren't marking healers.

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everyone against this is not a healer, the fact the healer takes more skill, more awareness and more patiance than any other char in swtor regardless of what healer it is seems to be lost here and the marking just simplifies an already retardedly easy job of dps players who in reality need to be forced to the same problems healers have.


That said i dont want marking changed.

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everyone against this is not a healer, the fact the healer takes more skill, more awareness and more patiance than any other char in swtor regardless of what healer it is seems to be lost here and the marking just simplifies an already retardedly easy job of dps players who in reality need to be forced to the same problems healers have.


That said i dont want marking changed.


Oh Jesus Christ, get over yourself. Healing in NO way takes more skill.


Try playing a deception Sin at 50 and surviving more than a minute or so outside of stealth. In fact, try killing a healer with a deception Sin.


Healers have one of the easiest jobs in the game. You play whack-a-mole with Ops frames and run away/ heal yourself if someone attacks you. Yeah you get focused sometimes. Guess what. So does every other player in this game. Healers are the only players who for some reason think they're never supposed to die.

Edited by Mannic
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everyone against this is not a healer, the fact the healer takes more skill, more awareness and more patiance than any other char in swtor regardless of what healer it is seems to be lost here and the marking just simplifies an already retardedly easy job of dps players who in reality need to be forced to the same problems healers have.


That said i dont want marking changed.


As noted a few pages back, my main is a healer. I like having the ability to mark people.


Your statement is thus incorrect, and the bit about healing being harder than other play styles is nonsense and always has been nonsense. You and I play an archetype that is in high demand, it is not in high demand because it is hard it is in high demand because people don't like to play it.


The only thing making healing hard in SWTOR is crappy UI.



Guess what. So does every other player in this game. Healers are the only players who for some reason think they're never supposed to die.

This isn't true either, you're just dealing with angry board warriors.

Edited by SWImara
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Even without the mark, the unstated rule or stated rule of PvP, (kill the healer first) it goes for Pve as well its a simple rule and a rule that healers of had to deal with for some time.


Just like a boss fight in PvE, interrupt the heals, just like PvP kill the healer.


Not saying we single out healers, I just like to not have to kill another guy 10 times over while you sit there all smug and heal with your bubble.


Plus healers are easy to pick out even without the mark, sure you might save yourself what 1 -2 seconds without a mark but we will find you.

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The problem isn't being marked as a high priority target, the problem is your team isn't marking you as a high priority target for gaurding/taunts and defence.


If 2+ enemies focus on you as a healer, that is a good thing because it means they are not focussing down your squishy DPS'ers. You should be guarded at all times and you should have a tank assigned to you, and preferably a DPS too.


Make them work their hides off to get you. If you get focussed all the time and your team doesn't wise up and protect you, that is their loss because you won't be able to heal them.


I regularly PvP with a tank called Kiel and a pure DPS'er called Ethardarl, and they are very good at watching my back. As a 3 strong heal, tank,dps team we're deadly to contend with and any enemies who make a rush at me know they have massive dps and gaurds/taunts to get past if they want me dead.

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Marking targets is the only way for pugs to counter voice comms used by premades. Its easy to type "kill gun" when in combat than to type XXXXX is a healer, everyone target XXXXX.


Get better, or better yet understand that jsut being a healer does nto give you free reign to heal unmolested.


"Get Better" love guys like you who post comments like. Not asking to heal unmolested, im asking dps to be smarter and try to figure who's healing in the game instead of someone putting a dummy marker on their head.


Healers know when they've been marked, just by the fact when we rez everyone on the map everyone stops what they are doing and chases your *** down. And for people saying healers are over powered because they can out heal 4-5 dps on them are full of it. Healers cant out heal 4-5 people on them unless they are absolutley crap.

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everyone against this is not a healer, the fact the healer takes more skill, more awareness and more patiance than any other char in swtor regardless of what healer it is seems to be lost here and the marking just simplifies an already retardedly easy job of dps players who in reality need to be forced to the same problems healers have.


That said i dont want marking changed.


Yeah hitting 2 buttons takes a lot of skill. Sometimes you have to hit a defensive cooldown gasp!

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The problem isn't being marked as a high priority target, the problem is your team isn't marking you as a high priority target for gaurding/taunts and defence.


If 2+ enemies focus on you as a healer, that is a good thing because it means they are not focussing down your squishy DPS'ers. You should be guarded at all times and you should have a tank assigned to you, and preferably a DPS too.


Make them work their hides off to get you. If you get focussed all the time and your team doesn't wise up and protect you, that is their loss because you won't be able to heal them.


I regularly PvP with a tank called Kiel and a pure DPS'er called Ethardarl, and they are very good at watching my back. As a 3 strong heal, tank,dps team we're deadly to contend with and any enemies who make a rush at me know they have massive dps and gaurds/taunts to get past if they want me dead.


This is 100% correct. The objective is to beat the other team and no matter how good the DPS is if there are no healers on your team you will very likely lose. I am a 100% healer and I know I am marked out there and I accept it. The day they start ignoring me is the day I need to hang it up.


I PvP with my co-guildleader who runs a 26/2/13 build for PvP. If he guards me there is no stopping us in a Voidstar or any other match for that matter even with me being a squishy Sorc with terrible FPS. The other teams have often made the mistake of not marking me and the pic I linked is evidence of that.


Jeyenah Healer/Soarra Guarding



My team also marks me and makes me a priority watching my back and making sure I am not getting ganked from behind. Removing marking is simply the cry of a healer that is upset over dying too much. Such is the way of the healer, roll DPS if it bothers you that much.



Ctrl Alt Elite

Corellian Run

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...but Sorcs/Sages aren't OP, amirite?


Just because I'm smart enough to kite people while they're dumb enough to be kited doesn't make me "op", when two people who coordinate can also kill me before I get a chance to do ANYTHING at all. :/

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Just because I'm smart enough to kite people while they're dumb enough to be kited doesn't make me "op", when two people who coordinate can also kill me before I get a chance to do ANYTHING at all. :/

^ this


Good players don't have a problem with downing healers. It's the 80% of PvP DPS that doesn't want to:




actually think about their own CC rotations (i.e. - how you shut down a healer)

come up with a solution to not be kited (save leap for after knockback/sprint/stun?!? omg)

coordinate with teammates


Try doing something more then spamming your max dps rotation on anything red, see what happens?

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This has dummied down the game and made my job harder as a healer. More and more often healers are getting marked and it turns into a gank fest everytime i try to get involved. I know this because my own team does it.


Its bad enough we get the lowest medals awarded but now when you run into a skirmish they see you coming from a mile away, stop what they are doing turn around and all focus down the healers before they can even get involved. I like the fact i need to heal and move and avoid crap, but with a mark over our heads i can even get started before i have 4-5 people on me.


What happened to situal awareness, knowing who's who out in the field. I cant even hide behind a pillar because the dam mark over my head fills the whole screen for everyone to see. What's worse it persists through death so they dont even have to remark you, how much easier can you make it for dps!!!


You can't be serious, mate. Guess what the hardest part of being a healer in PvP is? I'll give you a clue: it's not healing. That's right. It's staying alive long enough to heal your mates. And, guess what's more? It's hard. Especially when you're marked. To be fair, though, your mates should have guard on you and leap to your defense as soon as you're focused. That is, if you want to be successful. Keep at it, mate. Soon enough you'll be surviving like a pro and won't need to make silly posts like this one.

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You are thinking of it in the wrong way. If everyone is coming after you, then they are not going for their objectives. Yes healers are prime targets, but if they over commit to you then they arent helping themselves at all.


That's actually a favorite tactic of mine. At an appropriate time, I'll DOT several opponents or just DFA and attract their attention. Most of the time, this results in immediate attention from several opponents and I can draw attention away from my teammates for a bit. Add a well-timed jet boost to clear another opponent or two from a walk, and we score.

Edited by Bamajawn
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