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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remove The Ability to Mark Opposing Team


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You should be able to mark people on the other team in pvp, but it should also go away after that target dies. It should take some effort on the markers part to make effective use of the mark instead of marking all the healers at the beginning of the match and having them stay marked until the match is over.


That seems very fair to me as well, and I'm not a healer. Good post.

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Dear Mr. Derp.


Marks are not only intended for healers.




Anyone with a clue in PvP.


Good day.


Yeah because figuring out who is doing what on the other team and communicating that in /ops is too difficult? Communication skills ftw. Derp Derp.

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This has dummied down the game and made my job harder as a healer. More and more often healers are getting marked and it turns into a gank fest everytime i try to get involved. I know this because my own team does it.


Its bad enough we get the lowest medals awarded but now when you run into a skirmish they see you coming from a mile away, stop what they are doing turn around and all focus down the healers before they can even get involved. I like the fact i need to heal and move and avoid crap, but with a mark over our heads i can even get started before i have 4-5 people on me.


What happened to situal awareness, knowing who's who out in the field. I cant even hide behind a pillar because the dam mark over my head fills the whole screen for everyone to see. What's worse it persists through death so they dont even have to remark you, how much easier can you make it for dps!!!


people actually pay attention to markers and attack you?! holy **** what server are you on and when can I transfer there?!

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Yeah because figuring out who is doing what on the other team and communicating that in /ops is too difficult? Communication skills ftw. Derp Derp.


Communication via keyboard, while fighting, against (in many cases) premades on voice comms? versus having the ops leader mark high priority targets with a couple of clicks? I'll take the marks, thanks.

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If they have one light saber and a robe kill them. Worse comes to worse you killed a DPS sorc, no harm done.


Sometimes for giggles Ill call out "Agent Smart" is a healer even if he isn't just because he ganked me. And when I am ops leader, I mark everyone I don't like as a healer.


It's funny but if people were more attentive I bet this thread would be taken more seriously. As it is I would say at most 2 members on a team stay on the mark.

Edited by richardya
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If they have one light saber and a robe kill them. Worse comes to worse you killed a DPS sorc, no harm done.


Sometimes for giggles Ill call out "Agent Smart" is a healer even if he isn't just because he ganked me. And when I am ops leader, I mark everyone I don't like as a healer.


It's funny but if people were more attentive I bet this thread would be taken more seriously. As it is I would say at most 2 members on a team stay on the mark.


Yeah I mark all Sorcs and Mercs, even if they aren't heal spec.

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My legacy name is Healbot, so I already have a target on my head anyway. To me, the most entertaining thing about PvP healing is being a giant thorn in the side to the other team, and stealing kills away from them. Then force sprinting behind a pillar while they get mad. If they want to mark me, go ahead, but it won't do them a lot of good unless they can actually kill me....most the time they just peel off after awhile.


So if they took marks out of PvP, as a healer, I'd actually be sad. Gimme my badge of honor plz.

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Seriously, we used to use Hunters for this all the time on WoW. Of course, where the heck are your buddies that are supposed to be using Guard on you and taunting every derp DPS that tries to gank you, thereby making their focus fire into kitten slaps?


Healers should have tank escorts, it's the tag-team that works.

^ This. My pocket heals get focused: Guard (if I haven't already), Guardian Leap, AOE Taunt,....., profit. A good tank/DPS wants his healer healing, not worrying about getting focused. Just like I should find a good pocket heals to run with, a healer should find a good tank/peeler.


I can't tell you the number of times I've quickly tab/click targeted over to an uncloaking agent/shadow or force leaping marauder and taunted/force pushed, etc to get them off my heals.


In fact, I'm all for the OpFor focusing the healer because it will take 4 of them minimum to get him down if I'm on the ball. If they play smart, they'll switch to me and more often than not, my guardian leap will be up for me to bug out/kite to give the healer time to top himself off and get to healing me.


Seriously, the OpFor should CCing/locking up the healer and burning the tank down. But marking heals anyway is good business because it lets you know their positioning and who you should really be CCing.

Edited by The_FeniX
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Just as an FYI - There is a social item that can also place a mark over you. It's temporary, and it looks like a half circle top and a triangle pointing down.


You can click this off.





Marking is a necessary nuisance. I just hate that only the leader can mark, since half the time they don't. I always notice the opposing healers, since they're mirroring what I'm doing. I want to put giant symbols on their faces!

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^ This. My pocket heals get focused: Guard (if I haven't already), Guardian Leap, AOE Taunt,....., profit. A good tank/DPS wants his healer healing, not worrying about getting focused. Just like I should find a good pocket heals to run with, a healer should find a good tank/peeler.


I can't tell you the number of times I've quickly tab/click targeted over to an uncloaking agent/shadow or force leaping marauder and taunted/force pushed, etc to get them off my heals.


In fact, I'm all for the OpFor focusing the healer because it will take 4 of them minimum to get him down if I'm on the ball. If they play smart, they'll switch to me and more often than not, my guardian leap will be up for me to bug out/kite to give the healer time to top himself off and get to healing me.


Seriously, the OpFor should CCing/locking up the healer and burning the tank down. But marking heals anyway is good business because it lets you know their positioning and who you should really be CCing.


^ this is a dangerous guardian... I know... I playone on TV.

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Aww, poor healers. Bioware made you so strong you can only be killed by 2-3 people focus-firing you, and now you don't want to be focus-fired either! God forbid you have a well-geared tank guarding you-- you're practically immortal. But yeah, it's not fair that virtually every DPS on the opposing team has to FF you to kill you if you're guarded.


Healers, especially sorcs and sages, are ridiculous in this game and that's WHY you get focus fired. You shouldn't be complaining about anything.

Edited by Mannic
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This has dummied down the game and made my job harder as a healer. More and more often healers are getting marked and it turns into a gank fest everytime i try to get involved. I know this because my own team does it.


Its bad enough we get the lowest medals awarded but now when you run into a skirmish they see you coming from a mile away, stop what they are doing turn around and all focus down the healers before they can even get involved. I like the fact i need to heal and move and avoid crap, but with a mark over our heads i can even get started before i have 4-5 people on me.


What happened to situal awareness, knowing who's who out in the field. I cant even hide behind a pillar because the dam mark over my head fills the whole screen for everyone to see. What's worse it persists through death so they dont even have to remark you, how much easier can you make it for dps!!!


It is annoying yes. However.. perhaps if you get marked and know it, you could try and lure those hunting you away from objectives for the short time you have left to live. I will try and do that the next time i feel i am getting focused on. Could be productive IF the rest of my team actually try and make use of the time they get with less enemies. Although i probaly end up chainstunned and killed off in a sec or two. Or three, if i have a bubble up.

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It is annoying yes. However.. perhaps if you get marked and know it, you could try and lure those hunting you away from objectives for the short time you have left to live. I will try and do that the next time i feel i am getting focused on. Could be productive IF the rest of my team actually try and make use of the time they get with less enemies. Although i probaly end up chainstunned and killed off in a sec or two. Or three, if i have a bubble up.


I've done that.


O look four people chasing me around the underground pillar in alderaan while my team caps all 3 turrets.


Gotta love that speed buff.

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Heck, I mean if you are Imperial faction player why not just ask the Republic faction to mark the annoying Imperial players for you in Ilum Battles. That is some use for the opposing faction too I think! Edited by Ewgal
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This has dummied down the game and made my job harder as a healer. More and more often healers are getting marked and it turns into a gank fest everytime i try to get involved.


It's bad enough that it takes 3+ people to focus you down because your class is so overpowered...now you want to remove the ability to mark you?




Don't play a healer if you don't want to be targeted.

Edited by TheronFett
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Dear Mr. Derp.


Marks are not only intended for healers.




Anyone with a clue in PvP.


Good day.


What are they intended for? EZ mode seeing someone? Might as well make a big neon sign above all players saying "HERE I AM". Of course we're talking something other than the nameplate.

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