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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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This game went from easy to being able to accidentally stumble upon a full set of Champion and/or BM gear. Pathetic.


This. Totally pathetic.


To everyone cheering on this change, you should really think about it.


Would you like to put in hard work and get a reward most people dont have, or would you like everyone on the server to have the same "elite" gear with little to no work?


When you finally get your bm gear with these new changes, there will be zero sense of accomplishment or pride in it, because literally everyone is going to have that gear.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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I'd say over 75% of the Battlemasters around these days are only BM because of Ilum farming. You're not a special snowflake...and you CERTAINLY didn't "earn it" the hard way.


I'd say maybe 25% of the BMs around these days are from that.


Most of them already quit.


A lot of people (like myself) did it the legit way, w/out kill trading, etc. It's not hard if you pvp from 10-49 and start lv50 as rank 50 valor.

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And so it begins, as BW implements changes to the PvP system to make it more competitive and focused on objectives, the fairweather PvP players are going to start to whine. The ranking system is going to send people over the edge as they're forced to play people at their gear level.


"Why would I farm medals if you cutoff the number that awards valor?"


You don't. You aren't supposed to farm medals. You're supposed to play the objective. And before you say "I don't care about the objective", ask yourself what you're doing in a warzone. It's instanced, team-based pvp with a specific rule set and a clearly defined winner/loser. If you want deathmatch go play another game. PvP to win, and you'll see the rewards.


like i said in a previous post. I already win. pretty much all the time, because thats what good players do, now without medals to farm for reward i have no reason to play or nothing to keep my interest after the first 2 minutes of a game (which is all it usually takes to mop up the other team and have them all leave). This will chase all the good pvpers away. Player Vs. Player, for me that means playing so you can beat down other REAL people and thus become stronger then them and set yourself apart. Equal reward for poor performance? I guess teachers and professors should give A's to the retarded kids just for showing up to the tests now too? That's what this is like, Welfare *********** pvp system

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A lot of people (like myself) did it the legit way, w/out kill trading, etc. It's not hard if you pvp from 10-49 and start lv50 as rank 50 valor.


Exactly. It wasn't even that hard before, and now its a cakewalk.


I guess teachers and professors should give A's to the retarded kids just for showing up to the tests now too? That's what this is like, Welfare *********** pvp system


Lol yep. A's for everyone, even if you don't study.


Show up, get an A.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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This. Totally pathetic.


To everyone cheering on this change, you should really think about it.


Would you like to put in hard work and get a reward most people dont have, or would you like everyone on the server to have the same "elite" gear with little to no work?


When you finally get your bm gear with these new changes, there will be zero sense of accomplishment or pride in it, because literally everyone is going to have that gear.


I agree. I posted on my guild forums that easy mode was being engaged, and I was glad I never PvP'd while I leveled. although at the time, it was more because pvp was a broken mess and I enjoyed the story content.

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yeah that baby is you. You enjoy being spoon fed gear and rewards like a baby.


I don't really get it.


More people w/ comparable gear means better fights in PvP for everyone.


Why are you guys even complaining? The whole point of pvp gear is to have equal footing for everyone, not to outgear your opponent.


This is a good change for BMs who actually enjoy pvp.

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I don't really get it.


More people w/ comparable gear means better fights in PvP for everyone.


Why are you guys even complaining? The whole point of pvp gear is to have equal footing for everyone, not to outgear your opponent.


This is a good change for BMs who actually enjoy pvp.


That really isn't the point of pvp gear.


The point of pvp gear is the exact same as the point of pve gear. Semi-exclusive rewards for people who are excellent at a particular aspect of the game/have put more time into it. People do endgame pve raiding so they can have really good, cool looking gear that sets them apart somewhat.


PVP is the exact same thing.


Thankfully they've yet to grant raid rewards to people for completing normal mode flashpoints, (1.1.6 maybe?), and I'm in a good raiding guild so I can still get semi unusual gear.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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Would you like to put in hard work and get a reward most people dont have, or would you like everyone on the server to have the same "elite" gear with little to no work?



I dont' like stomping undergeared noobs and I don't like being stomped by overgeared tools. So I'd rather they made it as easy as possible for everyone to be on even footing. Pvp needs a different carrot...Player vs Gear is not my idea of pvp.

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I dont' like stomping undergeared noobs and I don't like being stomped by overgeared tools. So I'd rather they made it as easy as possible for everyone to be on even footing. Pvp needs a different carrot...Player vs Gear is not my idea of pvp.


It's really not that hard to overcome a gear advantage if you're playing your class right. I could regularly take out BM sorcs when I was all champ/centurion gear.


If you're trying to 1v1 a BM darkness sin or something, you're probably doing it wrong.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.


This is one thing I will not like. Anyone marked with a DOT will take damage. Not sure why taking damage when capturing a turret will not agro them...

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Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.


This is one thing I will not like. Anyone marked with a DOT will take damage. Not sure why taking damage when capturing a turret will not agro them...


To interrupt someone capturing, you have to hit them with something. Having hit them with something 8 seconds ago isn't hitting them with something now. Seems reasonable to me.

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To interrupt someone capturing, you have to hit them with something. Having hit them with something 8 seconds ago isn't hitting them with something now. Seems reasonable to me.


My DOT sets a player on fire. Could you really cap a point when you're on fire? :D


I kid...

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To interrupt someone capturing, you have to hit them with something. Having hit them with something 8 seconds ago isn't hitting them with something now. Seems reasonable to me.


I understand that. But a DOT does cause the person to take damage. Damage breaks the timer when they are going for the objective. Why doesn't it stop it? It does damage. Why not make the DOT not do any damage?

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That really isn't the point of pvp gear.


The point of pvp gear is the exact same as the point of pve gear. Semi-exclusive rewards for people who are excellent at a particular aspect of the game. People do endgame pve raiding so they can have really good, cool looking gear that sets them apart somewhat.


Actually, you're wrong. The point of PVE gear (and PVP gear) is to equip your TEAM better so your TEAM can win more often. A team is only as bad as their weakest links, and despite the epeen-swinging elitists on here claiming they've been winning warzones single handedly for years, the facts are that most of the other 7 people in the warzone also contribute. There will always be freeloaders who do nothing, but those who do contribute in champ gear, will contribute more in BM gear.


Just like with a raid (and I'm used to having to equip 50+ people), distributing the gear is FAR more effective than having a couple of exclusively geared supermen.

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To interrupt someone capturing, you have to hit them with something. Having hit them with something 8 seconds ago isn't hitting them with something now. Seems reasonable to me.


I kind of see what you are getting at. I play a Scoundrel. I have I think one DOT. It is not an AOE DOT, but it is a DOT none the less. If someone is capping a door in Voidstar and I hit them with the DOT. They take damage, why wouldn't it stop them from capturing it? It makes them take damage, damage negates the countdown.

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I imagine this will stop a lot of the crying on the forums. Every one of these changes seems like they are really listening to the players.


No more medal farming.

Valor up quicker in WZs.

No more Ilum box hunting.

No more instant Alderaan side speeders.

More medals for healers (kill credit).

No more DoTs interrupting caps.


Bioware is listening, gentlemen.

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Lol. Ilum is now completely dead. Seriously, they just removed Ilum. Crazy.


People were just trading on my server anyway, which essentially amounts to exploiting.


Hopefully they'll rework it to something similar to Wintergrasp. 2 sides, every so often, duking it out, only one winner.

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Making DoTs not interrupt will just make Voidstar and Alderaan even more zerg.


I imagine this will stop a lot of the crying on the forums. Every one of these changes seems like they are really listening to the players.


No more medal farming.

Valor up quicker in WZs.

No more Ilum box hunting.

No more instant Alderaan side speeders.

More medals for healers (kill credit).

No more DoTs interrupting caps.


Bioware is listening, gentlemen.


Well, now people might as well just get 4 medals and stop fighting if they want. They'll get a ton of medals easily. It's not hard to get 4 medals. No extra rewards if someone plays awesome and pulls out 12-13 medals.


Ilum will be vacant, instead of it being reworked.


DoTs not interrupting caps takes part of the tactics out of Voidstar and Alderaan.

Edited by savionen
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I don't really get it.


More people w/ comparable gear means better fights in PvP for everyone.


Why are you guys even complaining? The whole point of pvp gear is to have equal footing for everyone, not to outgear your opponent.


This is a good change for BMs who actually enjoy pvp.


Depends what your idea of a good PVP fight is. I had one of the most fun PVP fights ever the other day in Ilum, i ALMOST won a 1v2 against a sniper and a marauder, i dropped the Sniper while knocking / CC'ing the marauder and had like 20% left on the marauder before i couldn't hold up anymore. I def had better gear and they def werent all that good at pvp but it was still a GREAT fight. It didnt matter that i was SO much stronger then either one of them alone would be, me being better geared simply made them have to work together. Though they had **** gear or whatever i would bet 100 bucks they both had fun at that moment. Just because im stronger then other players doesnt mean everyone has to be given what i worked for to make pvp "fair" as everyone seems to think neccesary.


I also like when there are game changing players, whether it be me or someone else. When you see an opposing name you know is better geared then you it feels like a challenge. Like Achilles in Troy. He gets to be a ****** and all his people get to feel ****** by immortalizing him or trying to be him. PvP needs heroes, just like real war. Heroes are made by giving advantages to players who earn them.

Edited by Manski
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More people care about Ilum then they realize. I'm in a guild that's PvP centric and has 20-35 people online a night. Most people look FORWARD to fighting large scale fights on Ilum. They just are hard to come by, Repubs stick to warzones mostly.


Repub does war zones cause many get bored with defending the base on Illum when facing 3x or more imps.


Personally I look for PVP everywhere I go and could care little about these changes.


Illum will still be the place to go for the quest area and for resource nodes and loot chests.

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Sorry to interrupt all the crying and yelling but, was this patch released today or... :>?


There was no patch today. Only maintenance.




They couldnt find a way to balance factions. So they remove all incentives to do Ilum and force everyone in the balanced warzones. This also setups crossrealm warzones, since no one on low pop servers will miss Ilum.

They couldnt find a way to make medals objective based. So they basically remove them.


Kinda sad that they went the ez-mode way out. But an improvement to the current situation.

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