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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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These changes are insanely stupid.


They've completely removed skill from being a factor in valor gain.


Now basically everyone who shows up and can stumble their way on to four medals gets the same reward as the person who totally dominates the game and swings it for their team? I cannot believe they would do sometime so dumb.


I'm absolutely shocked at the moment.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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These changes are insanely stupid.


They've completely removed skill from being a factor in valor gain.


Now basically everyone who shows up and can stumble their way on to four medals gets the same reward as the person who totally dominates the game and swings it for their team? I cannot believe they would do sometime so dumb.


I'm absolutely shocked at the moment.


....what "skill" was involved in getting medals, again?


That's right, none at all.

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Only earning valor for first 4 medals? That seems kind of lame, doesn't it? What's the point of even attempting to get more medals, then?


I think that is the point. Stop worrying about medals and do the objectives. Some of my best games (and where I actually get most MVP votes) are the ones where my numbers may be low, but I performed great for the objectives.


Plus, if you are the person defending left or right in Civil war or the off door in Voidstar you had very little chance of getting a good medal count. You were helping the team to win. And with the dot change, you will have to have someone guarding the off door in Voidstar.

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*EDIT* Link added for convenience





Players can now build credit towards the Battle for Ilum daily and weekly missions by playing Warzones.





Healers in Warzones now receive kill credit when a healed player kills an enemy.

Players affected by a Damage Over Time ability are no longer interrupted when interacting with objectives.

Battlemaster and Champion Commendations are now available on the PvP Vendor for

Warzone and Mercenary Commendations. Champion Gear Bags are still available.

Valor gained from Warzones has been increased.

Medals are now worth 500 Valor and 10 Commendations. Players only earn Valor and Commendations for the first 4 medals earned each match.

Increased the Warzone AFK timeout from 60 seconds to 90 seconds.


Alderaan Civil War

The speeder bikes that transport players back to the battle now have a three-second activation time to increase the likelihood that an organized attacking team can successfully take the side turrets.





Love the changes. Now if the DoT thing would work for when you heal yourself that would be amazing! I hate have to hit heal every 2 seconds after I kill the person that put the DoT on me.

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They should have just removed the speeders from the right/left turret.


In fact for the first few weeks I didn't even know they existed, which made for much better games.




Or...if not remove them...they could atleast adjust it so they dont land almost right on top of the turret.

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It's nice getting more valor and all but kinda disappointing that there's no real reason to go for medals now. Added a neat "side game" to pvp that gave it a little extra depth.


the medal system sucks for classes that have an inherent disadvantage to getting medals. A marauder/sent could play their asses off and get like 4 medals compared to a faceroller getting 8+ simply for showing up

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They've completely removed skill from being a factor in valor gain..


Excuse me?


My Sorc just hit 50, like two weeks ago, and before that.. you did the valor grind through warzones, but once you hit 50, you head to ilum and make up to 200valor a kill, and the kills are easy as pie, you end up going up a valor level in no time because the valor is so huge. There is no skill in valor farming as we know it on illum, just who has the numbers, and who gets grappled into the hungry pack. Some skill for you.


Lets not forget, that there are huge population differences between the factions on servers, so one side would own illum, and be getting 200valor, the other would be getting 70, you probably don't know this, because you likely come from one of those lame servers who trade skills on illum.

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Excuse me?


My Sorc just hit 50, like two weeks ago, and before that.. you did the valor grind through warzones, but once you hit 50, you head to ilum and make up to 200valor a kill, and the kills are easy as pie, you end up going up a valor level in no time because the valor is so huge. There is no skill in valor farming as we know it on illum, just who has the numbers, and who gets grappled into the hungry pack. Some skill for you.


Lets not forget, that there are huge population differences between the factions on servers, so one side would own illum, and be getting 200valor, the other would be getting 70, you probably don't know this, because you likely come from one of those lame servers who trade skills on illum.


Whoever your opponents are on your server who let you kill them while owning all five objectives are amazingly stupid.


On my server you're lucky to get the pubs to engage if you hold three points, much less five.


I've never traded kills, I never will, and Ilum is dead 90% of the time on my server, Lord Adraas.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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I'm pretty sure it's supposed to encourage you to actually play the game now.


Umm i used to play the game, win the game, AND get 8-10 medals a game. but i guess now everyone gets what i get even though im 1000000% better then them. Nothing like getting no reward for individual performance. This patch was designed for all the ******* that i've been carrying for the past 3 months. Not only do i now have to carry them to a win but they also get rewarded the same as me. There sure as hell better be some EXCLUSIVE stuff from rated Warzones. I'm talking stuff you can't get just by grinding but actually have to be good to get. like win % or rating system that is only obtainable by being good.

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Whoever your opponents are on your server who let you kill them while owning all five objectives are amazingly stupid.


On my server you're lucky to get the pubs to engage if you hold three points, much less five.


The pubs need to get their daily/weekly done, just like the imps do, they will camp in their base while we own it all, and get kills as they grapple imps in, or lure them close enough to turrets, and of course, they get let out to make it look like they have a chance. Anyway, it's not just about valor, if it was.. i'd never go there.


I'm on swiftshaw, possibly the highest pop pvp server, but there are still much more imps, but saying that.. republic do own illum at some times of the day, and they do have their victories from time to time.

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You can't think of it just as 4 for 2000.. you have to think of it as 15minutes for 2000, or however long the wz is going to take, because rest assured, you can already make much more than that with illum.


I mean they're significantly lowering the grind by basically doubling what you get, but then it doesn't punish you much for losing. 4 medals = pft, 5 minutes of gameplay.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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Umm i used to play the game, win the game, AND get 8-10 medals a game. but i guess now everyone gets what i get even though im 1000000% better then them. Nothing like getting no reward for individual performance. This patch was designed for all the ******* that i've been carrying for the past 3 months. Not only do i now have to carry them to a win but they also get rewarded the same as me. There sure as hell better be some EXCLUSIVE stuff from rated Warzones. I'm talking stuff you can't get just by grinding but actually have to be good to get. like win % or rating system that is only obtainable by being good.




And whats more, they actually get MORE than what we got. In my BEST GAMES where I somehow pulled off 10 medals, 300k plus damage as a coneal op I would hit 1500, 1600 valor tops.


Now its 2k minimum for every chowderhead who bothers to show up. These changes are a slap in the face to every person who legitimately hit battlemaster, which I finally did like five damn days ago.


Biowares just stolen hours of my life.

Edited by CanisAquilus
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Excellent set of changes.


Republic doesn't get screwed for both daily/weekly bags and valor anymore for refusing to participate in kill trading. (Raising valor doing WZ's only with no Ilum is insanely slow.)


This setup should let them focus on increasing PvP content through warzones instead of doing triage on Ilum. Focusing on the strengths and fun parts is a better use of resources.

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