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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.5 Just got Updated.


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LOL, exactly this. I mean, I'm okay with it, it works for both sides.


I don't like the Ilum credit either. They are basically giving people zero reason to have large scale battles now, which sucks because I'm pretty tired of the three (err I mean one - huttball) warzones and the last thing I feel like doing is more undynamic battles in them.

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Only earning valor for first 4 medals? That seems kind of lame, doesn't it? What's the point of even attempting to get more medals, then?


Kids these days and the bare minimum...


"Yeah. You know what, yeah, I do. I do want to express myself, okay. And I don't need 37 pieces of flair to do it."

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Only earning valor for first 4 medals? That seems kind of lame, doesn't it? What's the point of even attempting to get more medals, then?


I agree. I'm not in support of straight up medal farming at the expense of objectives, but I did like trying to get as many as I could while still playing the map as I was supposed to.


Would have been neat if the first 4 counted as they said, then any additional ones had a drastically reduced bonus (but still a little something).


Even if it was just 10-20 valor and 1 commendation or something.

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They listen to the players obviously. The game is what we make of it, for better or worse.

Kudos to them.


They listened to the players in SWG also. That destroyed the game.


It'll do the same here, eventually.



The best thing they could do is actually survey people IN GAME, insetad of on forums. For the life of me, I have no idea why they don't do those pop-up surveys while you play - like they did in beta.


If they really wanted authentic player information, they could get it this way, instead of listening to the 5% forum population.

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Lol. Ilum is now completely dead. Seriously, they just removed Ilum. Crazy.


This. I love all the other changes but honestly, they just threw in the towel on Ilum and no one cares? I mean I guess that's a statement as to how **** it was... but I was really hoping they would come up with some bright idea in 1.2 that might fix the broken zone and make it worth while.


Oh well. The other changes are good at least.

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Only earning valor for first 4 medals? That seems kind of lame, doesn't it? What's the point of even attempting to get more medals, then?


I think that is kind of the intention. The point should be to play the game to win, not to farm medals. I think you'll see more of a focus on actually winning now instead of just medal farming.


Another benefactor of this are full pug groups going against premades. The incentive will be to win as quickly as possible now rather than "farm medals" and hold at a fifth cap for example.

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i just grinded two characters to BM on average of 1200 valor per win lol. 2000 valor just from medals is crazy! my sorcerer will be BM in no time lol


EDIT: also when is 1.1.5 going live? i dont keep up with patches at all :o

Edited by ExpectWar
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This. I love all the other changes but honestly, they just threw in the towel on Ilum and no one cares? I mean I guess that's a statement as to how **** it was... but I was really hoping they would come up with some bright idea in 1.2 that might fix the broken zone and make it worth while.


Oh well. The other changes are good at least.


Looks like they are tagging the "low hanging fruit" easy to fix stuff first, which is sensible. I imagine Ilum will continue to suck until at least 1.2, but the WZ's are fun enough.

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They listened to the players in SWG also. That destroyed the game.


It'll do the same here, eventually.



The best thing they could do is actually survey people IN GAME, insetad of on forums. For the life of me, I have no idea why they don't do those pop-up surveys while you play - like they did in beta.


If they really wanted authentic player information, they could get it this way, instead of listening to the 5% forum population.


That would be a good idea, the surveys.


BW is just making small changes in line with the playerbase though. SWG changed total game mechanics based on the whims of players who wanted to be "LEWK SKAIWALKER"

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This. I love all the other changes but honestly, they just threw in the towel on Ilum and no one cares? I mean I guess that's a statement as to how **** it was... but I was really hoping they would come up with some bright idea in 1.2 that might fix the broken zone and make it worth while.


Oh well. The other changes are good at least.


More people care about Ilum then they realize. I'm in a guild that's PvP centric and has 20-35 people online a night. Most people look FORWARD to fighting large scale fights on Ilum. They just are hard to come by, Repubs stick to warzones mostly.

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I don't think we are seeing the full picture. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that these changes are coming in gradually. Who knows what Ilum will eventually look like.


Remember guys and gals, Ilum was never implemented properly on release. They have bandaged it all they can and they recognize I am sure from all the negative feedback that it is a terrible PvP zone.


So let them have time to fix it and enjoy the WZ cred goodness.


Honestly, Ilum had become base camping and armament gathering. Nonsence.

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Read the bolded section. 40 WZ coms per match now... that is all.


edit: I do love everything else though. 2k valor per match will be really really nice.


40 Bonus coms per match. You still want to win to maximize your comms. With this it looks liek a winning match will liekly be aroudn 100 coms and a losing match will be around 80. win and you get 4k valor, lose and you get 2k + losing bonus. All in all you still get rewarded fro winning but its less painful to lose.

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Realized though I'll miss collecting medals for a reward, it'll probably speed up our huttball games now.


If you're on the bad side of a 0-5 game in huttball, the enemy team will probably just go ahead and get the 6th point for the win instead of collecting medals for the next 5+ minutes.

You won't be missing out on anything either since you'll probably have gotten your 4 medals by then.

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As expected. Pushing all PvP toward WZs. Pretty much ditching all incentive to do OPvP altogether. Personally, I'm disappointed. If we were getting another 3 WZs with 1.2, I wouldn't mind so much. But we are only getting one. Huttball and Voidstar are so played out for me it's not even funny. I just can't stand them anymore. So not too thrilled.


I know Ilum is garbage, but at least there are a variety of different fights there and some unpredictability, 30v30, 4v6, 1v1s. Oh well...will just have to vote with my wallet when the time comes if I don't enjoy it.

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Since u can only get 40 Warzone COmmendations a match now and roughly 2 matches an hour. That means 80 wz commendations in a full hour of play. 80wz = about 26merc merc......Do people realise that this change is just going to take them longer to get gear. Kindof funny ppl acting excited not realizing its gonna make it longer. 1k merk and 1k warzone for 1 bm token 25 matches just to get 1k warzone commendations and your not even close then.
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Read the bolded section. 40 WZ coms per match now... that is all.


edit: I do love everything else though. 2k valor per match will be really really nice.


only for bonus comms from medals. It used to be 5 per so you needed 8 medals to get 40 bonus. Everyone will still get extra comms based on the time spent in wz and whether you win or not.

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RIP Ilum... Que WZ please. Good thing is they are focusing everyone back into warzones. But a DOT does not affect you from interacting with and objective??? It's going to be interesting to see how that works out. Really like the 4 medals = 2000 valor. :) Healers are also going to jump to the top of the kill list. Not DPS wise but if they aoe heal they get credit for teamates kill...
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The best thing they could do is actually survey people IN GAME, insetad of on forums. For the life of me, I have no idea why they don't do those pop-up surveys while you play - like they did in beta.


If they really wanted authentic player information, they could get it this way, instead of listening to the 5% forum population.


I've been saying this for a while as well. Bring back the Beta surveys, only make them optionally accessible from the help menus.


Before or after a major update, make them pop for everyone on logoff, something like that.


Surveying the population that way is a much better metric than what you read on forums.

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