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Asia Pacific Server Names and Launch Timing


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I wouldn't be surprised if they put old characters on a server and left these for the new starts

It certainly would have been a valid option, but if they were going to do that, the messaging should have gone out sometime before the servers go live. Since it hasn't, we can now safely assume that the transfers will be to any of the new Oceanic servers (the starting three and any that they add).


The uproar if they did try something like what you're suggesting would be impressive, though.

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It's late night for them and the CM's here unlike in that "iother" game only seem to work normal business hours. So i'd be amazed to have gotten any further info from them after SRT's last post.


its currently roughly 4 hours to 10:01pm edst? and 1am in US? so they're going to be asleep and it all kicks in automatically, while they snore away dreaming of money marching out of our pockets into they banks vault? :) surely not... i would love to know if THAT was true...

seriously though, 5am seems pretty far out of normal business hours, and anyway, this is a special occasion... i consider this to potentially be the pinacle of my mmo experiences... an Oz server for the best mmo to date, how can anyone sleep at a time like this! :D

Edited by Rikkor
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its currently roughly 4 hours to 10:01pm edst? and 1am in US? so they're going to be asleep and it all kicks in automatically, while they snore away dreaming of money marching out of our pockets into they banks vault? :) surely not... i would love to know if THAT was true...

seriously though, 5am seems pretty far out of normal business hours, and anyway, this is a special occasion... i consider this to potentially be the pinacle of my mmo experiences... an Oz server for the best mmo to date, how can anyone sleep at a time like this! :D


CM's are different to the live services team - aka the people actually doing the work vs the mouthpiece :)


edit to add: and i suspect there's a communications "policy" that says you can't officially communicate without going through the CM team on things like this.

Edited by obek_kwae
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its currently roughly 4 hours to 10:01pm edst? and 1am in US? so they're going to be asleep and it all kicks in automatically, while they snore away dreaming of money marching out of our pockets into they banks vault? :) surely not... i would love to know if THAT was true...

seriously though, 5am seems pretty far out of normal business hours, and anyway, this is a special occasion... i consider this to potentially be the pinacle of my mmo experiences... an Oz server for the best mmo to date, how can anyone sleep at a time like this! :D


I suspect they have staff at the server host to bring them online.


All I want to know is where in Aus the servers are, if it's Perth I'll beg off. I'm ok with Syd or Bris but Melb...well its only 100ms different to the states, going by Melb hosted FPS servers.


I'm hoping it's not a $A14.99 charge because that is actually $US16.19 at current exchange rates.


Further, Why does the Digital Deluxe copy from Origin for AUS cost more than the US copy. Particularly as it seems to contravene Section 16 Article 4 of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement. AUSTrade advised it is investigating.

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I suspect they have staff at the server host to bring them online.


All I want to know is where in Aus the servers are, if it's Perth I'll beg off. I'm ok with Syd or Bris but Melb...well its only 100ms different to the states, going by Melb hosted FPS servers.


I'm hoping it's not a $A14.99 charge because that is actually $US16.19 at current exchange rates.


Further, Why does the Digital Deluxe copy from Origin for AUS cost more than the US copy. Particularly as it seems to contravene Section 16 Article 4 of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement. AUSTrade advised it is investigating.


Don't get your hopes up, EA is one of the worst offenders when it comes to "regional" pricing. Before they stopped putting new content on Steam I was disgusted. US "version" $49USD, AU "version" $89USD... no that's not a typo, Steam charges in USD only... so...


There are other publishers who do the same, but honestly, don't expect anything to happen to them.


The FTA is there to benefit big companies, not the people of either nation.

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I hope people don't overreact when they see a long queue, and then Bioware opens like 10 more servers. In the first week there are gonna be a lot of curious americans/europeans who will create characters there.


I definitely won't budge from Dalborra regardless of the queue length.

Edited by aivedoir
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I hope people don't overreact when they see a long queue, and then Bioware opens like 10 more servers. In the first week there are also gonna be a lot of curious americans/europeans who will create characters there.


I definitely won't budge from Dalborra regardless of the queue length.



I would rather have a que then a dead realm, any day of the week. :)

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All I want to know is where in Aus the servers are, if it's Perth I'll beg off. I'm ok with Syd or Bris but Melb...well its only 100ms different to the states, going by Melb hosted FPS servers.


I'm hoping it's not a $A14.99 charge because that is actually $US16.19 at current exchange rates.


Further, Why does the Digital Deluxe copy from Origin for AUS cost more than the US copy. Particularly as it seems to contravene Section 16 Article 4 of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement. AUSTrade advised it is investigating.

Stephen Reid stated in a recent interview that the location will be Sydney or Melbourne. Putting them in Perth would be a little silly.


The subscription fee remains the same as it is now ($US14.99 for a single month); the subscription prices remain in US dollars.


The inflated Australian pricing is pretty much par for the course. Article 16.4 seems to be more about ensuring non-discriminatory supply, rather than guaranteeing equivalent pricing (but I'm not a lawyer). The box price is what Australian brick and mortar retailers will charge, and the digital price matches that.

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I suspect they have staff at the server host to bring them online.


All I want to know is where in Aus the servers are, if it's Perth I'll beg off. I'm ok with Syd or Bris but Melb...well its only 100ms different to the states, going by Melb hosted FPS servers.


I'm hoping it's not a $A14.99 charge because that is actually $US16.19 at current exchange rates.


Further, Why does the Digital Deluxe copy from Origin for AUS cost more than the US copy. Particularly as it seems to contravene Section 16 Article 4 of the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement. AUSTrade advised it is investigating.


I wouldn't be surprised if the servers are located in Melbourne, since that's where the Warhammer Online servers were.

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I hope people don't overreact when they see a long queue, and then Bioware opens like 10 more servers. In the first week there are gonna be a lot of curious americans/europeans who will create characters there.


I definitely won't budge from Dalborra regardless of the queue length.


Consider your hopes shattered, there's already another thread with people complaining about a lack of servers and they haven't even been opened yet.

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Pumped as hell for the Oceanic servers!!


<Order of Traya> is recruiting for PvE endgame on the new Oceanic server Master Dar'Nala. Australian guild with experienced Melbourne based leadership team. Pst for more info.


Colour me interested, of course you'd have to be on a PvE server to get me, since that is of course a PvP server that you've selected.

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