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The thought that WoW has more endgame content


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So, posting a live event that happened 5 years ago for only 1 day in 1 bar in Shattrah makes WOW's cantinas livelier than SWTORS??????????




How many times can one person be wrong in one thread?


You can still go to Stratt and hear them play, they play every 4 hours. Regardless, you still made a factually untrue statement to support an untrue argument. And I never said anything about swtors cantinas one way or the other, so stop trying to put words in other people's mouths.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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So, posting a live event that happened 5 years ago for only 1 day in 1 bar in Shattrah makes WOW's cantinas livelier than SWTORS??????????




Random inn in wetlands is more livelier than all cantinas in SWTOR together.

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One thing Bioware has done with SWTOR that WoW has none of is the story aspects of this game, they are brilliant and if anyone wants to come out with a new MMO they will definetly have to consider voice overs for all the quests.


Some of them could have been done better, there is no doubt about that but right now SWTOR has more story in in then pretty much anything else out there in the MMO genre.


Until an MMO is developed that breaks the current WoW clone and comes to the market with something new and refreshing and it is successful out of the gate, no other developer will try to break with tried and true MMO design that they KNOW will make money.


It just takes one developer to have the intestinal fortitude and financial backing to make a change in the genre and Bioware has done that with adding in great story so much so that the story is what compels you to play, not leveling, gear, ... but story.


Now if SWTOR remains a success like it seems to be now then from now on if you want to compete in the market your MMO will need voice overs...I can even see a future WoW expansion that will be fully voiced especially if next year at this time SWTOR is gaining subs.


That is how it all changes so actually Bioware has caused a small change....story.

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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How many times can one person be wrong in one thread?


You can still go to Stratt and hear them play, they play every 4 hours. Regardless, you still made a factually untrue statement to support an untrue argument. And I never said anything about swtors cantinas one way or the other, so stop trying to put words in other people's mouths.


How did i make an untrue statement?


WOW's cantinas and bars are completely dead, barren, and boring except for World's End Tavern for 5 minutes every 4 hours.




How many people hang out in shattrah now a days?


But ya, this makes WOW's cantinas/bars better. LOL.

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One thing Bioware has done with SWTOR that WoW has none of is the story aspects of this game, they are brilliant and if anyone wants to come out with a new MMO they will definetly have to consider voice overs for all the quests.


Some of them could have been done better, there is no doubt about that but right now SWTOR has more story in in then pretty much anything else out there in the MMO genre.


Until an MMO is developed that breaks the current WoW clone and comes to the market with something new and refreshing and it is successful out of the gate, no other developer will try to break with tried and true MMO design that they KNOW will make money.


It just takes one developer to have the intestinal fortitude and financial backing to make a change in the genre and Bioware has done that with adding in great story so much so that the story is what compels you to play, not leveling, gear, ... but story.


Now if SWTOR remains a success like it seems to be now then from now on if you want to compete in the market your MMO will need voice overs...I can even see a future WoW expansion that will be fully voiced especially if next year at this time SWTOR is gaining subs.


That is how it all changes so actually Bioware had caused a small change....story.


Prepare to be hit with text about people who read texts in WoW.


Personally, it was accept and go for me. The quest givers telling me to collect the heads of animals (and believe it or not some animals don't have heads it seems) wasn't really worth reading.



Questing in SWTOR is better.

Edited by Azzras
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One thing Bioware has done with SWTOR that WoW has none of is the story aspects of this game, they are brilliant and if anyone wants to come out with a new MMO they will definetly have to consider voice overs for all the quests.

I don't think voice-acting every single quest line is going to be the norm. I see maybe more key cinematic voice acted cut-scenes, but the interaction and back and forth, I predict will remain a very BioWare thing... it doesn't add anything to gameplay and is expensive to create and expand.


My opinion: there will never be another fully voiced MMO.

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How did i make an untrue statement?


WOW's cantinas and bars are completely dead, barren, and boring except for World's End Tavern for 5 minutes every 4 hours.




How many people hang out in shattrah now a days?


But ya, this makes WOW's cantinas/bars better. LOL.


This person has never played on an RP server in WoW. The inns are alive. And no, not just the infamous Moonguard Goldshire Inn.


RP server cantinas here are dead. RP is actually kinda dead, or at least my ability to enjoy others doing it being they really don't gather anywhere, can't sit and ther are no chat bubbles.

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I don't think voice-acting every single quest line is going to be the norm. I see maybe more key cinematic voice acted cut-scenes, but the interaction and back and forth, I predict will remain a very BioWare thing... it doesn't add anything to gameplay and is expensive to create and expand.


My opinion: there will never be another fully voiced MMO.



Makes me wonder if they will be doing the voice acting for the next expansion. it seems silly to stop now.. but I mean geesh. I bet it's going to take a long time before it is released. I may be jumping the gun here though. I guess Bioware will do like Rift and keep just releasing new content without really releasing a expansion. March 1st was Rifts 2nd year? or third year anniversary. If they go that route though. I won't be complaining.

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I don't think voice-acting every single quest line is going to be the norm. I see maybe more key cinematic voice acted cut-scenes, but the interaction and back and forth, I predict will remain a very BioWare thing... it doesn't add anything to gameplay and is expensive to create and expand.


My opinion: there will never be another fully voiced MMO.


I think the opposite. I think TOR crossed a line and more AAA MMOs from now one will publish far more VO quests - especially the quests that drive the story.

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Makes me wonder if they will be doing the voice acting for the next expansion. it seems silly to stop now.. but I mean geesh. I bet it's going to take a long time before it is released. I may be jumping the gun here though. I guess Bioware will do like Rift and keep just releasing new content without really releasing a expansion. March 1st was Rifts 2nd year? or third year anniversary. If they go that route though. I won't be complaining.


I think BW and this game would be best served by continuing VO for class and story quests, but just have text (like a mission terminal) for everything else. Too much of a good thing and it just cheapens all of the VO, when it doesn't have to. Make the class/story quests that much more special.


just my opinion...

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Prepare to be hit with text about people who read texts in WoW.


Personally, it was accept and go for me. The quest givers telling me to collect the heads of animals (and believe it or not some animals don't have heads it seems) wasn't really worth reading.



Questing in SWTOR is better.


You like story so much, why didn't you read the quests?


There was story there.


The blame is on you.

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This person has never played on an RP server in WoW. The inns are alive. And no, not just the infamous Moonguard Goldshire Inn.


RP server cantinas here are dead. RP is actually kinda dead, or at least my ability to enjoy others doing it being they really don't gather anywhere, can't sit and ther are no chat bubbles.

Actually, my original toons were Alliance on Lightning Hoof, an RP-PVP server. Nope, pretty much everything was dead minus that whole front area of SW where the bank-AH is. I never saw any RP either. How do you RP music ?


Like I said, the cantinas have far more ambiance and "immersion" than WOW's. using a band that performs every 4 hours in an obscure bar that no one goes to ever does not make WOW have "immersion".

Edited by RycheMykola
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I think the opposite. I think TOR crossed a line and more AAA MMOs from now one will publish far more VO quests - especially the quests that drive the story.


They got the engine at a deal, got to make the game faster than a normal triple A title, and spent more money than any game ever made.


Why would any investors invest that much money into an idea (full VO dialog) when it is cheaper to make one without it for the same return investment?


Now, if SWTOR kinda exploded on the mmo market then I might be more inclined to think they would try to find a way, but as it's going right now there is no way in hades anyone is going to sink that much money into a game for full VO ever again.


My prediction, SWTOR will influence future mmo's to the point where they try to find new and creative ways to deliver the story, but they won't go into full VO for every quest and every NPC like SWTOR did.

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How the story is told is just as important as the story itself.


Eh, opinion. I personally like wow stories better because they tied the lore together. Questing in zones matched the dungeons in those zones and stories continued in the world through several zones and levels.


SWTOR stories are all personal stories that have nothing to do with the lore of the game around you. I spent hours looking up lore facts on WoW online. History of the Night Elves, Thralls rise to power, Alterac History. WoW lore was fantastic and epic.


WoW story > SWTOR story


SWTOR delivery of story > WoW delivery of story (except flashpoints, the stories there are so isolated and singular they are not worthy of the rest of the game, couldn't they tie into the quests we did on planets alittle???)

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They got the engine at a deal, got to make the game faster than a normal triple A title, and spent more money than any game ever made.




You keep saying this is the most expensive game ever made.


This site says around $80 mil was spent.


Please cite your reference.

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How the story is told is just as important as the story itself.


Yes it is.


Some players prefer to have the story demonstrated to them through action. Not everyone wants to sit back and watch digital actors read it to them.


Blizzard is in category A. If you played through Lich King or Cataclysm, they were telling incredible stories while you were participating in the action... the Lich King chasing you down, trying to escape with Jania proud cure in Icecrown 5 man? The Thrall quest line in Cata? Totally epic storytelling (with voiceover) but WHILE the action is occurring. And then there are sparse epic cut scenes, ilke the fight between Alexstraza and Deathwing... amazing.


BioWare is in category B. The action pauses while actors stop and read you a script. You then make a choice, and move on your way. There's really noting exciting about it at all, you don't feel like you're in an action sequence... it feels like you're watching a soap opera quite frankly.


Make no mistake, both games have story, but the presentation is everything as you say. I understand that some people prefer digital actors. But not everyone.

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Thought #5; Who cares.


If you like SW:ToR, then play it. If you like WoW better, then play it.


This is like trying to argue that Fruity Pebbles are better than Lucky Charms. It doesn't matter. Shutup and play the game you like.



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You keep saying this is the most expensive game ever made.


This site says around $80 mil was spent.


Please cite your reference.

That site says they think it will cost 80 million to develop the game. So it was just a random guess.

They even guessed wrong in number of developers by half.

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