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Actually supply and demand is contrary to what youre saying. The more popular the game is, the longer it should stay at full price. That is why every game in the world drops its price as it gets older, and less popular. That is economics.


Your statement has been disproven multiple times already. Point of fact, Amazon disproves it with nearly every major launch. 4th of July sales, President's Day sales, (Insert holiday here) sales, hell Black Friday...the single biggest retail day of the year...all disprove it as well.


For that matter, you should probably educate yourself on what exactly Amazon's Gold Box sale is, before you try to lecture people. You'll look much less ignorant.

Edited by Jxspyder
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Okay, let me get this straight Mr. Economics... My product is selling really well for $50.00, so, I decide to put it on sale for $40.00? How does that make any sense at all? Why would I sell something for less than what people are willing to pay?


Um... sales are usually associated with clearing stock, trying to move items that aren't selling at regular prices.


Have you ever worked retail? any job?


Sales are not associated with clearing stock all the time. You have no clue what you are talking about. Sales are an incentive to get people INTO a store to buy that item and other things in addition to that. It's no different for Amazon. Stop filling the forums with silly lies.

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Are there people who honestly don't get the idea of a loss leader?


A lot of companies do this: Mark down a popular item in order to get people to shop with you, in the hopes that they'll also buy other items. Every major retailer does this, and does it regularly.


Anyone who takes this as a sign that TOR is in trouble just doesn't have a clue how retail marketing works.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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Absolutely. I got my husband's touch on sale.


Not only that, but the guy posts "have you ever seen an Apple product on sale" as if they haven't had some products that absolutely tanked.


Someone needs a firmer grip on reality. Yes, Apple products go on sale frequently at verious retailers, and no, they're not all goldmines. Some of them flop.


Claiming otherwise just shows someone's got no clue at all what he's babbling about.

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Not only that, but the guy posts "have you ever seen an Apple product on sale" as if they haven't had some products that absolutely tanked.


Someone needs a firmer grip on reality. Yes, Apple products go on sale frequently at verious retailers, and no, they're not all goldmines. Some of them flop.


Claiming otherwise just shows someone's got no clue at all what he's babbling about.

Actually you have no idea what you are talking about. The profit margin on the apple products is huge compare to other products by other companies.

So when their products goes on sale they still make lots of money.


Claiming otherwise just shows you got no clue at all what you're babbling about.

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Actually you have no idea what you are talking about. The profit margin on the apple products is huge compare to other products by other companies.

So when their products goes on sale they still make lots of money.


Claiming otherwise just shows you got no clue at all what you're babbling about.


I'm really surprised that people spend so much on sub-par equipment...

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Actually you have no idea what you are talking about. The profit margin on the apple products is huge compare to other products by other companies.

So when their products goes on sale they still make lots of money.


Claiming otherwise just shows you got no clue at all what you're babbling about.


I don't think that was the point we was trying to get across. It was more to point out that the person he quoted was wrong in saying that an apple product never goes on sale.

Edited by LordRichardEW
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Actually you have no idea what you are talking about. The profit margin on the apple products is huge compare to other products by other companies.

So when their products goes on sale they still make lots of money.


Claiming otherwise just shows you got no clue at all what you're babbling about.


Actually, to turn a phrase, apparently you're the one with no idea what you're talking about. You just made a tacit claim that Apple has never had a bad product that flopped when it came to sales. This is utterly untrue, even though they do indeed have solid profit margins with most of their recent product.


Perhaps next time be in less of a hurry to rush to the defense of a product.

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I work in sales. When a company reduces an item it can mean more then a few different things.


one they have a ton of them in stock and want to move them cause they are not selling.


two vender funded cost of reduction. IE the seller gets to recoup the lost money of each unit sold. And again usually do to lack of sales. IE BlackberryPlaybooks, and HP touchpads LOL


Now this is software, there is no real markup on the product. There is no gross margin on software, well maybe a buck or 2.



I personally think they just over est. the demand for the product and orderd a crap load of the units and need to unload to make room for more product

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But but, the game is in great health and all, 2 mill subs and raising amirite?


Inb4 the fanboys dismissing it as a non event.


Doesn't take a fanboy to actually do some research: (scroll down and read the actual prices)


Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Another who sadly doesn't understand the concept of "24 hour gold box sale."


Honestly I'm with you, I'm an idiot (not joking). I'm new to computer games outside of WoW and WAR and I wish I knew these type of sales happened. I'll be checking more often, is this akin to .. what's it called ... steam sales?

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