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WOW really made me appreciate SWTOR


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The problem is, this stance never has and never will make sense.


SWTOR isn't competing with 2005 WoW, it's competing with 2011/2012 WoW.


And that means that a young child is supposed to be your current equivalent because that child is competing in your world.


Just remember that that child has a chance to grow up, and maybe out class you.


I was there during the crashes, down time and the "free" time given in reparation of the "old dog" that was once a challenge, but is now only /faceroll.

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I was there during the crashes, down time and the "free" time given in reparation of the "old dog" that was once a challenge, but is now only /faceroll.


It's funny because it actually used to be a faceroll and now became challenging. The old challenge was finding 40 players, skill was entirely optional for the vast majority of those 40.

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It's funny because it actually used to be a faceroll and now became challenging. The old challenge was finding 40 players, skill was entirely optional for the vast majority of those 40.




You have no clue, but thanks for the laugh.


Before I left I would end up sitting on my mount just looking around having done all the dailies and just bored out of my skull.


If it were any more /faceroll I could lay my head on my keyboard and sleep through it. Oh, I have. I used 2-3 hours of a 5 day trial before SWTOR Pre-Launch, it is pathetic now, period. Full of easier than ever leveling, Non Aggroing mobs until you are flown to Kharanos, and worse. I hadn't leveled a toon in so long that I didn't realize just how /faceroll it had become.

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You have no clue, but thanks for the laugh.


Before I left I would end up sitting on my mount just looking around having done all the dailies and just bored out of my skull.


If it were any more /faceroll I could lay my head on my keyboard and sleep through it. Oh, I have. I used 2-3 hours of a 5 day trial before SWTOR Pre-Launch, it is pathetic now, period. Full of easier than ever leveling, Non Aggroing mobs until you are flown to Kharanos, and worse. I hadn't leveled a toon in so long that I didn't realize just how /faceroll it had become.


Did you clear the heroic content?


Easymode LFR and normal modes were a joke. Heroic content in that game continues to be some of the most challenging content ever released.

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Did you clear the heroic content?


Easymode LFR and normal modes were a joke. Heroic content in that game continues to be some of the most challenging content ever released.


Most people who complain about WoW being too easy have never attempted any of the Heroic modes of any tier.


Hell, Blizzard releases data all the time about the percentage of players that actually down Heroic bosses. It's usually quite small (under 10%).

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Also, can you please list all the end game stuff World of Warcraft currently has?


I classify "end game" as things you cannot do while leveling and that's also classified as "current" content - so normal battlegrounds, prior level 85 raids and daily quests don't count IMO


So you have:


rated battlegrounds


1 raid with 8 bosses and 3 distinct difficulty levels (less than 2% of the WoW population has fully cleared on hardmode)

3 or so new heroic 5 man dungeons


So you still have a huge portion of the population not "finished" with WoW end game for this expansion - that's a great thing for a raid that's a few months old.

Edited by oursacrifice
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The thing is, what will keep gamers from cancelling their subscription is how good the endgame is. And while SWToR's 1-50 gameplay me be better than WoW's, once you hit 50 you are pretty much done. Raids are easy, getting full battlemaster is easy, and there is no competitivity at all since we don't have tools to measure our own performance, let alone others. On the other hand you have WoW, which lacks something completely unnecessary for an MMO(Voice Acting), and instead put more effort in balancing the time you take to complete the endgame.


Lol, WoW endgame and SWTOR endgame are almost identical. Aside from arenas and damage meters they're virtually the same, one big gear grind. If you think Cataclysm's end game content was more difficult than SWTOR's you're crazy. At least BW has the excuse that they haven't got 10+ years of experience designing MMO endgame content, what is Blizzard's excuse?

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The thing is, what will keep gamers from cancelling their subscription is how good the endgame is. And while SWToR's 1-50 gameplay me be better than WoW's, once you hit 50 you are pretty much done. Raids are easy, getting full battlemaster is easy, and there is no competitivity at all since we don't have tools to measure our own performance, let alone others. On the other hand you have WoW, which lacks something completely unnecessary for an MMO(Voice Acting), and instead put more effort in balancing the time you take to complete the endgame.


Wow did not even have endgame at release!


Also if you think getting full Battlemaster and Rakata is easy then i crown you the king of basement dwellers. May the virginity be with you.

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Most people who complain about WoW being too easy have never attempted any of the Heroic modes of any tier.


Hell, Blizzard releases data all the time about the percentage of players that actually down Heroic bosses. It's usually quite small (under 10%).


Was closer to 1% for most of WoW's life and only reached those numbers when Wotlk came to a close, ICC was made mosty faceroll and yet and still only 10% of people completed it.

Edited by BlackZoback
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The thing is, what will keep gamers from cancelling their subscription is how good the endgame is. And while SWToR's 1-50 gameplay me be better than WoW's, once you hit 50 you are pretty much done. Raids are easy, getting full battlemaster is easy, and there is no competitivity at all since we don't have tools to measure our own performance, let alone others. On the other hand you have WoW, which lacks something completely unnecessary for an MMO(Voice Acting), and instead put more effort in balancing the time you take to complete the endgame.


They also lack a story that pulls you in and makes you feel like an integral part of that universe. The wow lore is so convoluted and confusing I don't know what the F is going on. I'd take SWTOR any day over that mess.

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Was closer to 1% for most of WoW's life and only reached those numbers when Wotlk came to a close, ICC was made mosty faceroll and yet and still only 10% of people completed it.


Most of the people playing this game(or any mmo) will never and can never complete the end game, it's bad business sense to cater to that tiny portion of your gaming community.



...that is why there are 3 different tiers of difficulty?

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WoW released with Onyxia and Molten Core as raid zones. These zones were finished, and not buggy.


HAHAHAHAHAHA...GUFFAW...ROFL...CHUCKLE...wait, were you serious? Someone doesnt remember rag 1.0. Or ony fearing through the world...or any other number of MC/Ony bugs.

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Wow did not even have endgame at release!


Also if you think getting full Battlemaster and Rakata is easy then i crown you the king of basement dwellers. May the virginity be with you.


Made me laugh. Grinding out all the gear takes a lot of time that most sunlight dwellers simply don't have.

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WoW released with Onyxia and Molten Core as raid zones. These zones were finished, and not buggy.

HAHAHAHAHAHA...GUFFAW...ROFL...CHUCKLE...wait, were you serious? Someone doesnt remember rag 1.0. Or ony fearing through the world...or any other number of MC/Ony bugs.


Did that guy really say that? MC wasn't in at launch, it was patched in at 1.1, and Ony was so bugged no one in the world could kill her for months after launch and even then she was downed using an exploit if I remember correctly because she was still so bugged. So many people really have selective memory when it comes to WoW and rose colored goggles.

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Wow did not even have endgame at release!


Also if you think getting full Battlemaster and Rakata is easy then i crown you the king of basement dwellers. May the virginity be with you.


Battlemaster gear = RNG.


Getting to 60 Valor is easy.


The raids are easy, getting full Rakata is a time investment, not a skill investment.


So yes, it's easy.


I'm not a virgin, I'm not a basement dweller, I also have a full time job. So yeah, your cliches of people that accomplish more than you can stop now. Perhaps you can accept the game that some people are better at games/activities than you might be.

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So SWTOR brought me to mmo's it was my first. After a month and a half I had two level 50's and was stumped with what to do next. I was frustrated at lack of content at the end of the game and lack of pvp at times. So I decided to try World of Warcraft as everyone bangs on about how good it is or was or whatever. I logged on for the first time and made a hunter warewolf and began my questing, and could not believe how dull it was up to level 10. There's no voice overs and its an absolute guess where to go for questing. I'm not ************ at it because it is a 7 year old game but the fact that people are comparing these two games is really surprising me, if people just overlook there addiction they had to the game and actually compared the two, SWTOR wins hands down. So Bioware you will be seeing a lot more of me on your game :cool:


More power too you ellrochell, and I 100% agree with you.


I played wow for over 4 years, I quit to play this and will never ever go back.

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Battlemaster gear = RNG.


Getting to 60 Valor is easy.


The raids are easy, getting full Rakata is a time investment, not a skill investment.


So yes, it's easy.


I'm not a virgin, I'm not a basement dweller, I also have a full time job. So yeah, your cliches of people that accomplish more than you can stop now. Perhaps you can accept the game that some people are better at games/activities than you might be.


Getting full tier gear in WoW was no different, simply a time investment and the ability to download DBM. No one said you were a virgin...it was just strongly implied. I apologize for any basement dweller reference as its clear you're more the kind of guy to live above your parent's garage.

Edited by NDiggy
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The thing is, what will keep gamers from cancelling their subscription is how good the endgame is. And while SWToR's 1-50 gameplay me be better than WoW's, once you hit 50 you are pretty much done. Raids are easy, getting full battlemaster is easy, and there is no competitivity at all since we don't have tools to measure our own performance, let alone others. On the other hand you have WoW, which lacks something completely unnecessary for an MMO(Voice Acting), and instead put more effort in balancing the time you take to complete the endgame.


I'm sorry but the voice acting is a very welcome change, I went and played a few of my past MMOS on a whim...........and without it they are utterly boring now.


So saying it is unnecessary is a personal opinion.

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I'm sorry but the voice acting is a very welcome change, I went and played a few of my past MMOS on a whim...........and without it they are utterly boring now.


So saying it is unnecessary is a personal opinion.


Not gonna lie, I wasn't big on them putting voice acting in the game, but they won me over. It really makes a big difference, even on daily quests I pick up everyday and quests I've done on alts before. Funny how in WoW I had no clue what was going on, never read a quest text, just powered on through to find X amount of mobs to kill. In SWTOR the quests are the same types of quests, but it doesn't feel like it and I actually know the story line of every planet I went to. I really think people underestimate the impact of having a solid story and voice acting.

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Ao as you stated World of Warcraft has

rated battlegrounds


1 raid with 8 bosses and 3 distinct difficulty levels

3 or so new heroic 5 man dungeons

and Star Wars: The Old Republic has

Two raids with 10 total bosses,

Some hardmode flashpoints,

I would like to point out that the 2 raids has 2 difficulty levels since you mentioned the difficulty level for WoW, 16 Hardmode Flashpoints.


As it stands I don't see much difference with the amount of content for end game.

How much people actually took part in it has no baring on the amount of content available.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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First, I'm happy for you, glad you are staying and enjoying the game. I'm staying because I'm still enjoying it as well, at least for the time being.


I 'loved' this part, just because it made me feel 'really' old. :) You go back to like DAoC, and you had quests, though generally not a lot. Seemed like there were maybe 3-4 'quests' you could do each level and 'maybe' they gave you half a level, then you had to go out and find a 'grind spot' to move on. There were no '!' over people's heads, you just had to click on people.


Go back to EQ, and there were 'barely' any things to do that you could even call quests, at least that was my memory of it. I 'think' there were some rudimentary guides to help you find those gems. Crafting wasn't terribly rewarding (though by the time we got to DAoC, crafting started to get pretty fun and rewarding).


Sorry, just a little nostalgia for me. Hearing that it's hard to find quests and wonder where to go next, even through all the years of revamping, not even going back to November of 2004, just made me feel old. :)


I thought the same thing when I read the OP's post. I'm also glad to see a new player joining the mmo ranks, but in my opinion the whole genre has become way too simplified. I prefer the old way of earning what you got without it being spoon fed to you. It took me 7 months to get to level 50 in DAoC (playing at least 6 hours a day/7 days a week for 98% of that time), a process that helped me master my class and group tactics. And with the way DAoC was/is structured, a whole new game opens up for you once you can focus strictly on the realm vs realm play.


Now, though, there's really no need to group with anyone if you don't want to, and you can reach the max level within weeks if you play a lot. So, you lose the whole social aspect of what made older mmo's great and you get to the endgame much sooner with only repetitive quests left to do. That might be a blast for some, but I believe a majority of mmo vets from the "golden days" are flat out bored with how dumbed down today's mmo's have become. We're like teenagers who saw a beautiful car we wanted, but to get it we had to get a tedious job, work long hours, save every nickel, and were finally able to buy it. We got in it, smelled the new leather, reved up the engine and smoked the tires as we headed off down the road with no idea what lay ahead, but the potential for lots of adventure. The new games just hand you the car keys, a limitless gas card, but leave you sitting in your new car inside a showroom with no exit.


There's obviously a market for games that are extremely casual friendly. They just don't have much lasting appeal for players who prefer a challenge. Will SWTOR develop into a more challenging experience? It may, but I doubt it, and that's ok. I'm just passing through while looking for my next hot rod. :)

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I played WoW for 3 or so years i'm not really sure, and yes it has alot of endgame, at first glance, you get an update every 3-6 months, in those updates is usually 1 raid, 1 or 2 dungeons and the rest is un-necessary crap you don't really care about, and after a couple weeks all the new stuff is quite a massive grind, there's not much diversity,


Atleast BioWare is actually trying to improve the game, giving us unique options that set us apart from the others and are working there little butts off to give us content as fast as possible, its only been a couple months and we are already getting a 2nd major update, Last major WoW update was a couple weeks before SW:TOR came out and they have no plans to make any more content til the next expansion which is atleast 6-12 months away



I've said this before, say it again...in revenue, WoW makes the equivalent of a blockbuster movie every month. Where does that money go? Straight into the pockets of the corporate heads. With that kind of cash, they should be rolling out content nonstop. Instead, they're pillaging their playerbase and laughing all the way to the bank.



I've tried WoW on two separate occasions. Just could NOT get into that game. I felt dumber for playing it to be honest.

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The thing is, what will keep gamers from cancelling their subscription is how good the endgame is. And while SWToR's 1-50 gameplay me be better than WoW's, once you hit 50 you are pretty much done. Raids are easy, getting full battlemaster is easy, and there is no competitivity at all since we don't have tools to measure our own performance, let alone others. On the other hand you have WoW, which lacks something completely unnecessary for an MMO(Voice Acting), and instead put more effort in balancing the time you take to complete the endgame.


I find this overimportance on judging the performance of others to be....disturbing. While endgame is an important part of the entire MMO experience, it is not the only part, despite what you might believe.


Believe it or not, not everyone plays a game for the same reason you do.

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