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WOW really made me appreciate SWTOR


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WOW gives the illusion of lots of end game, when really there's one raid (every now and then there's a one boss secondary raid) that gets beat in a few weeks then its nothing but grinding out gear. Bioware is working on fixing bugs, getting out new content like UI customisation and a better lfg, and getting out more end game raids and flashpoints. Give them a few major patches before condemning them
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Kind of hard to assume that there is balance in PvE when there are no damage counters/recount in the game.


At least there is so much balance that the tank will die if there's no heal coming in. This is already a whole lot more than in WoW where one can solo everything, with the right specc.


Concerning dmg meters, I wouldn't have a problem, as long as they'd come on a voluntary basis: meters on and you send+receive data, meters off and you don't. So that nobody is obliged to let others scrutinize what he's doing - but he will only see what the others are doing if he let's them see his own data.

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This is already a whole lot more than in WoW where one can solo everything, with the right specc.


Yes, some specific classes in specific specs using very specific strategies can solo some raid bosses from older expansions. Unfortunately, I can't think of a current boss any tank would be able to tank for its entirety with no heals coming in.

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Yes, some specific classes in specific specs using very specific strategies can solo some raid bosses from older expansions. Unfortunately, I can't think of a current boss any tank would be able to tank for its entirety with no heals coming in.


I was talking about leveling in SWTOR compared to leveling in WoW, not about current raid bosses, or raid bosses at all.

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I played wow for 3 months way back, in the day, to me worst mmo ever, for me, lots of people like it and good for them, it bored me to tears to easy and bubble gum content for 10 year olds, and was just fugly, I am glad I had other choices in games, not all games are for everyone and wow was not for me.
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So...you were comparing leveling while taking things like dmg meters into account? Sorry, but they're completely unrelated. Damage meters matter for endgame. It's cool and all if 'we are having fun and things are going down', but if there is a weak link in my group I want to know who it is so we can either improve or replace the player.
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Cut my teeth on EQ1 back in the late 90's. Been raiding ever since. I've seen games along the way that didn't have very complicated raids when released. I think people expect a bit much from ToR on the front end for end game content.


I don't disagree with them releasing the game with limited endgame, as long as they roll out their first expansion with a good deal of endgame content in the first 6 months following release.


It gives them time to look at what the classes offer, and why there might be a lot of people picking one class or staying away from another. You just can't iron this stuff out in Beta. The general public tests things in different ways and with different expectations than Beta testers.


In the near future though, they do need to:


1) Have dual spec (already in the pipe, confirmed)

2) Much expanded endgame

3) Instance Finder, cross-server

4) Performance meters


I would not have released the game without items 1, 3, and 4. If there is fault to be found, its there.

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I dont agree with cross-server LFG, not after what happened in WoW. I used to know the people in my server, knew who was that good healer or tank, the guy with the awesome dps or that other dude who was in the best guild but sucked bad. Now I just know the people I raid with, and the eventual guy who provides the gem cuts I need. LFG limited to the server is fine by me though...


Also, the problem here is not only the amount of endgame itself, but how long it lasts. Think of Naxx back when it was released, and how you needed resist gear for Sapph, or 8 tanks for T4H. It took time and effort to get things done and when you did, you got that feeling of accomplishment like you could take anything else they threw at you. This is why many gamers look back to EQ and original WoW and think 'wow, the game was utter crap but I had the time of my life'.

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So SWTOR brought me to mmo's it was my first. After a month and a half I had two level 50's and was stumped with what to do next. I was frustrated at lack of content at the end of the game and lack of pvp at times. So I decided to try World of Warcraft as everyone bangs on about how good it is or was or whatever. I logged on for the first time and made a hunter warewolf and began my questing, and could not believe how dull it was up to level 10. There's no voice overs and its an absolute guess where to go for questing. I'm not ************ at it because it is a 7 year old game but the fact that people are comparing these two games is really surprising me, if people just overlook there addiction they had to the game and actually compared the two, SWTOR wins hands down. So Bioware you will be seeing a lot more of me on your game :cool:


Are you sure you leveled two toons already? Because on my second run through TOR I was already spacebar'ing through everything. Hell even my first time around I was like "/sigh ... I dont care! *spacebar* *spacebar* *spacebar*" a lot of the time.


Once TOR stabilizes, removes all or their *facepalm* bugs, and catches up on features ... itll be a great competitor. Story and VO is great and its definitely winning on its presentation because of it but for the most part, TOR's success is riding on the IP.


P.S There is a quest log in WoW, dont know why you had to 'guess' anything.

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I've been bored of WoW for years, but to say SWToR is a better game is like saying Twilight is a better written, more sopisticated series of books than LOTR....


That metaphore can be applied to their prospective demographs too...



Not that I expect most of the people around here to agree with me...

But I simply just couldn't live with myself if I didn't stick up and say how laughably wrong this ********** is. Even Bioware Devs know this.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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You obviously haven't played the quests in both games. I'm not saying either are much fun, but if you deny that WoW quests are more varied than you're a blind biodrone.


Also, why would you compare a newly launched MMO compared to an MMO launch seven years ago? You compare current competition to current competition, everything else is irrelevant. This game is on a rapid decline because it's a WoW clone that does a piss poor job of copying.


The only reason why SWTOR was developed is due to WoW and the other plethora of MMOs trying to steal the slice of the WoW pie. Blizzard recognized a fairly vacant market with a lot of potential and capitalized on it.


This 100%, well said. For me iit was the opposite, SWTOR made me enjoy WoW even more. I had quit WoW and went back to it because of this game and even got the annual pass, which says a lot imo. And the sad thing is, I was dearly looking for a game to kill WoW for me personally, and a poorly copied SWTOR just isn't it :( I do sometimes have fun with this game though on those days when WoW gets "bleh" for me.


As for the OP, you're going to judge a whole game based on the first 10 levels of your "warewolf" (worgen?) hunter? Just an FYI, your big map in the game will tell you where to go to complete quests. If voice overs keep you playing an MMO, well, I have nothing to say really.

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Every class can solo things while leveling? Point being?


Point being that some people see leveling as a main part of a game and would like to enjoy it and also to see some sort of effort by the devs to balance this part of the game too. These people should rather not play WoW, but SWTOR.

Other people believe that leveling is something tedious that has to be done as fast as possible in order to reach max level. These people are not bothered whether the game is balanced outside max level and do not even see a point in balancing anything other than max level. These people should be happy with the situation in WoW.

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These people are not bothered whether the game is balanced outside max level and do not even see a point in balancing anything other than max level. These people should be happy with the situation in WoW.


Yes, I'm happy that devs in WoW worry more about endgame balancing instead of leveling balance. That's exactly what 'leveling' means! When all classes reach the same/similar point and can perform their job in an equal fashion. Also, it sounds pretty dumb to me to focus on the content you do while leveling. Say you play this game for 5 years, how long do you think you'll have spent leveling your characters, and how much doing endgame content? In 5 years, which one will matter the most?

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WoW and SWTOR cannot even be compared at this point regarding quality, SWTOR wins the comparison hands down, much better game overall and i enjoy playing it.


What's even better is the fact the SWTOR is a young game with ton of potential for future updates, content, fixes etc. so it can and will only get better.

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WoW and SWTOR cannot even be compared at this point regarding quality, SWTOR wins the comparison hands down, much better game overall and i enjoy playing it.


What's even better is the fact the SWTOR is a young game with ton of potential for future updates, content, fixes etc. so it can and will only get better.


I agree with you.. but that is just our opinions. This shows wow and swtor are in fact different games and one is not the clone of the other.

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What's even better is the fact the SWTOR is a young game with ton of potential for future updates, content, fixes etc. so it can and will only get better.


That if the gaming market wasn't as unforgiving as it is. You dont get second chances that often, and the way I see it SWTOR wasted their first already.

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You obviously haven't played the quests in both games. I'm not saying either are much fun, but if you deny that WoW quests are more varied than you're a blind biodrone.


Also, why would you compare a newly launched MMO compared to an MMO launch seven years ago? You compare current competition to current competition, everything else is irrelevant. This game is on a rapid decline because it's a WoW clone that does a piss poor job of copying.


The only reason why SWTOR was developed is due to WoW and the other plethora of MMOs trying to steal the slice of the WoW pie. Blizzard recognized a fairly vacant market with a lot of potential and capitalized on it.


Exactly true.

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I dont agree with cross-server LFG, not after what happened in WoW. I used to know the people in my server, knew who was that good healer or tank, the guy with the awesome dps or that other dude who was in the best guild but sucked bad. Now I just know the people I raid with, and the eventual guy who provides the gem cuts I need. LFG limited to the server is fine by me though...


Also, the problem here is not only the amount of endgame itself, but how long it lasts. Think of Naxx back when it was released, and how you needed resist gear for Sapph, or 8 tanks for T4H. It took time and effort to get things done and when you did, you got that feeling of accomplishment like you could take anything else they threw at you. This is why many gamers look back to EQ and original WoW and think 'wow, the game was utter crap but I had the time of my life'.


I don't know what "happened in WoW", and not to be rude but I'm sick to death of hearing about WoW. WoW had amazingly bad graphics, and I didn't last a month. I went back to EQ1 for a good long while. I know that cross server LFG works wonderfully well in Rift and has only improved my gameplay experience there.

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So SWTOR brought me to mmo's it was my first. After a month and a half I had two level 50's and was stumped with what to do next. I was frustrated at lack of content at the end of the game and lack of pvp at times. So I decided to try World of Warcraft as everyone bangs on about how good it is or was or whatever. I logged on for the first time and made a hunter warewolf and began my questing, and could not believe how dull it was up to level 10. There's no voice overs and its an absolute guess where to go for questing. I'm not ************ at it because it is a 7 year old game but the fact that people are comparing these two games is really surprising me, if people just overlook there addiction they had to the game and actually compared the two, SWTOR wins hands down. So Bioware you will be seeing a lot more of me on your game :cool:


Lol...noob made a hunter..

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