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Insane Grind And the Game is Brand New


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"For BM gear it is 1000/1000 wz/merc per BM Commendation not piece of gear" < This is what I saw written about the coming change to get Battlemaster pieces.


That means for my BM lightsaber, which costs 3 BM comms, I'm looking at 3000 wz/merc comms. That equals 12,000 wz comms just for the the lightsaber.


If the above is true this must be protested. Otherwise I have to seriously think about leaving this game. Previous MMOs evolved to have excessive grinds after a couple/few years running. This one has an excessive grind and the game just came out! It's a very bad sign of things to come. All these games ramp up the grind over time with higher levels and tiers, and eventually people reach their limit and say they've had enough.


Many of the people coming to play SWTOR are coming from other games which they quit for exactly this reason... but those games got to that point after years! This game is brand new. It's really bad.


I hope Bioware looks long and hard at this, because gamers don't just quit a game, they lose confidence in a company, and are vocal about it, not trusting other games made by the company afterwards.

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What are you talking about ? From valor rank 0 to valor rank 60 took me 4 days of doing ilum. Getting 3 pieces of BM gear for 600 WZ tokens + 600 Merc tokens while I did ilum. a week to get my BM light saber and 3 other pieces of BM gear. How much more easy do you want it to be ?




So its been about 10 days since I got to 50 and I am 3 pieces off full Battle Master. Easiest pvp grind EVER!!

Edited by ChokeForce
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what are you talking about ? From valor rank 0 to valor rank 60 took me 4 days of doing ilum. Getting 3 pieces of bm gear for 600 wz tokens + 600 merc tokens while i did ilum. A week to get my bm light saber and 3 other pieces of bm gear. How much more easy do you want it to be ?




lol ...

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What are you talking about ? From valor rank 0 to valor rank 60 took me 4 days of doing ilum. Getting 3 pieces of BM gear for 600 WZ tokens + 600 Merc tokens while I did ilum. a week to get my BM light saber and 3 other pieces of BM gear. How much more easy do you want it to be ?




So its been about 10 days since I got to 50 and I am 3 pieces off full Battle Master. Easiest pvp grind EVER!!



Kill trader...... exploiting while others grind their souls away

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What are you talking about ? From valor rank 0 to valor rank 60 took me 4 days of doing ilum. Getting 3 pieces of BM gear for 600 WZ tokens + 600 Merc tokens while I did ilum. a week to get my BM light saber and 3 other pieces of BM gear. How much more easy do you want it to be ?




So its been about 10 days since I got to 50 and I am 3 pieces off full Battle Master. Easiest pvp grind EVER!!


I call BS.

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It seems you missed something - a shame if you derail this thread right away.


The system on the test server for getting Battlemaster gear is changed form what it is on live.


It's 1000 Warzone Comms plus 1000 Mercenary Comms to exchange for 1 BM Commendation.


Since the BM lightsaber takes 3 BM comms, with the new system we are looking at 3000 wz / 3000 merc just for the saber.


The exchange rate between wz comms and merc comms is 3:1. So 3000 merc comms = 9000 wz comms, plus the 3000 wz comms, that equals 12,000 wz comms just for the lightsaber.

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Worst part of their grind is that its just a means to an end, there's NOTHING to do with the gear once you get it. No achievements, no ladder system, nothing to boast about except the amount of time you wasted... kind of similar to Warhammer Onlines Renown Rank system... "Yay i got it... now what?" :/ Edited by RedMix
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What are you talking about ? From valor rank 0 to valor rank 60 took me 4 days of doing ilum. Getting 3 pieces of BM gear for 600 WZ tokens + 600 Merc tokens while I did ilum. a week to get my BM light saber and 3 other pieces of BM gear. How much more easy do you want it to be ?




So its been about 10 days since I got to 50 and I am 3 pieces off full Battle Master. Easiest pvp grind EVER!!


a good dev would bann you for exploiting, but this is swtor they don't care.

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Worst part of their grind is that its just a means to an end, there's NOTHING to do with the gear once you get it. No achievements, no ladder system, nothing to boast about except the amount of time you wasted... kind of similar to Warhammer Onlines Renown Rank system... "Yay i got it... now what?" :/



This game was made by the Warhammer developers. Basically this is Warhammer 2 with lightsabers.

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Please don't derail this topic. I really want to like this game. I don't want to see it fail right out of the gate. But if this change goes from test to live as it is, and costs 12,000 wz comms for the lightsaber, plus 8000 for gloves, 8000 helm, 8000 boots, 8000 chest, and 8000 pants, and another 4000 for each of the other pieces: belt, wrists, etc...


Can you not see why this is excessive, especially for a brand new game - one which will of course step up the grind with subsequent gear sets. It makes me wish I never wasted my money to start with.

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Worst part of their grind is that its just a means to an end, there's NOTHING to do with the gear once you get it. No achievements, no ladder system, nothing to boast about except the amount of time you wasted... kind of similar to Warhammer Onlines Renown Rank system... "Yay i got it... now what?" :/


Ladder is coming.


It'd be cool to get some PvP abilities with valour rank... in fact, I'm pretty sure Warhammer Online had at least one ability you could get with renown?

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What are you talking about ? From valor rank 0 to valor rank 60 took me 4 days of doing ilum. Getting 3 pieces of BM gear for 600 WZ tokens + 600 Merc tokens while I did ilum. a week to get my BM light saber and 3 other pieces of BM gear. How much more easy do you want it to be ?




So its been about 10 days since I got to 50 and I am 3 pieces off full Battle Master. Easiest pvp grind EVER!!


Teach me how to farm commendations on Ilum. I'm serious.

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"For BM gear it is 1000/1000 wz/merc per BM Commendation not piece of gear" < This is what I saw written about the coming change to get Battlemaster pieces.


That means for my BM lightsaber, which costs 3 BM comms, I'm looking at 3000 wz/merc comms. That equals 12,000 wz comms just for the the lightsaber.


If the above is true this must be protested. Otherwise I have to seriously think about leaving this game. Previous MMOs evolved to have excessive grinds after a couple/few years running. This one has an excessive grind and the game just came out! It's a very bad sign of things to come. All these games ramp up the grind over time with higher levels and tiers, and eventually people reach their limit and say they've had enough.



What you missed to notice is that the daily quests are still there...


So the 1000/1000 to 1 BMComm trade is just additional.


This system is for the ppl that complain they opened 3billion bags and got no commendations.


You still have the CHANCE to get 2 comm a day through the dailies.

These will get deleted with the arrival of 1.2.

But then again, the wz-comm-system will change, too.


What are you complainig about exactly?

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I like the fact you have to work for stuff etc.,

Reminds me of playing WoW back when it was good rather than the lazy borefest it is today.

If you get good stuff in this game, more like fantasy world than game :) then you earned it and thats the way it should be.

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"For BM gear it is 1000/1000 wz/merc per BM Commendation not piece of gear" < This is what I saw written about the coming change to get Battlemaster pieces.


That means for my BM lightsaber, which costs 3 BM comms, I'm looking at 3000 wz/merc comms. That equals 12,000 wz comms just for the the lightsaber.


If the above is true this must be protested. Otherwise I have to seriously think about leaving this game. Previous MMOs evolved to have excessive grinds after a couple/few years running. This one has an excessive grind and the game just came out! It's a very bad sign of things to come. All these games ramp up the grind over time with higher levels and tiers, and eventually people reach their limit and say they've had enough.


Many of the people coming to play SWTOR are coming from other games which they quit for exactly this reason... but those games got to that point after years! This game is brand new. It's really bad.


I hope Bioware looks long and hard at this, because gamers don't just quit a game, they lose confidence in a company, and are vocal about it, not trusting other games made by the company afterwards.


So in other words the Battlemaster should be cheaper than the champion which cost 123champion commendations? Thats 17bags champion bags being 200merc and 200warzone commendations, effectively making it 17 x (200/200) =3400/3400, now personally i think your getting a sweet deal, at least you'll be in good gear while aquiring Battlemaster, oppossed to being the ones farmed, on their way to champion.

Edited by Barzarel
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It seems you missed something - a shame if you derail this thread right away.


The system on the test server for getting Battlemaster gear is changed form what it is on live.


It's 1000 Warzone Comms plus 1000 Mercenary Comms to exchange for 1 BM Commendation.


Since the BM lightsaber takes 3 BM comms, with the new system we are looking at 3000 wz / 3000 merc just for the saber.


The exchange rate between wz comms and merc comms is 3:1. So 3000 merc comms = 9000 wz comms, plus the 3000 wz comms, that equals 12,000 wz comms just for the lightsaber.


It actually isn't changed, merely an addition to the current system.


And... who cares?


Just get champion gear in two weeks or less and move on. the 2% stat increase to BM is... not worth throwing a fit over.

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Common ppl! Getting 1000 MC 1000 WZ isn't that hard. You can do it in couple of days of intense WZ playing, so I don't know what're the complaints about?

Geting PvP gear in this game is even to easy.

Took me 2 weeks to get full champion and if I'll get one piece of BM in a week it's fine for me.

Work for your equipment, it's far more satisfying

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Common ppl! Getting 1000 MC 1000 WZ isn't that hard. You can do it in couple of days of intense WZ playing, so I don't know what're the complaints about?

Geting PvP gear in this game is even to easy.

Took me 2 weeks to get full champion and if I'll get one piece of BM in a week it's fine for me.

Work for your equipment, it's far more satisfying


I pretty regularly get 1000/1000 at least once a week, just from doing enough games to get my WZ daily done. It isnt hard.

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Please don't derail this topic. I really want to like this game. I don't want to see it fail right out of the gate. But if this change goes from test to live as it is, and costs 12,000 wz comms for the lightsaber, plus 8000 for gloves, 8000 helm, 8000 boots, 8000 chest, and 8000 pants, and another 4000 for each of the other pieces: belt, wrists, etc...


Can you not see why this is excessive, especially for a brand new game - one which will of course step up the grind with subsequent gear sets. It makes me wish I never wasted my money to start with.


The reason people are giving you crap is because you're trying to pretend like BM gear is the only gear there is.




when in reality it is:


you have to farm a ton of coms for this almost useless gear that isnt always even an upgrade!


I'd be a lot more upset about the fact that BM gear is such a tiny, useless sidegrade from the stupidly easy to acquire champion gear were i you.

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My server is one of the only servers that has not kill traded. But thanks for being ignorant.


My server is The Swiftsure.


Gratz youre on the most populated pvp server. Illum is nearly dead on over half the servers, im a high pop server and illum is usually 40 imps vs 5 pubs hiding in their base. There are no constant wars there for most of the playerbase, and when a war does break out it isnt enjoyable to see people chain disconnecting and fps dropping to a slideshow. Most people want to pvp, sitting in a zerg spamming aoes and class buffs is not that great of pvp, even if there were constant wars in illum i dont feel skilled standing in the back playing wack-a-mole spamming heals into red bars for a few hours without any chance of ever being touched by an enemy. I assure you, roll a toon on another server and you will be collecting boxes for over an hour everyday. If what you said is really true do you feel that is balanced for 90% of the playerbase to spam q WZs for weeks on end to get rank while you did it in a few days?


Be glad you picked a good server to farm that crappy planet on, most of us were not that lucky.

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What is this I don't even?


Bags and Dailies will NOT be removed. Being able to buy commendations is in ADDITION to the daily quest bags.


Also, BM gear is a very minor upgrade to champ so it isn't that big of a deal anyway. It's more of a prestige stuff, and prestige should take some time to get.

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What you missed to notice is that the daily quests are still there...


So the 1000/1000 to 1 BMComm trade is just additional.


This system is for the ppl that complain they opened 3billion bags and got no commendations.


You still have the CHANCE to get 2 comm a day through the dailies.

These will get deleted with the arrival of 1.2.

But then again, the wz-comm-system will change, too.


What are you complainig about exactly?


^ This I dont see why people are so quick to jump to conclusions and complain.

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Only problem I see is que times keep getting longer which makes comms harer to get. Also *** are they still having us convert wz comms to merc comms. Why not just take the 1000 cap off wz comms and say BM comm is 12000 wz comms.
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