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Operative/scoundrel not OP? give me a break


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Sorcerers are a walk in the park (usually, ofc there are very skilled players who beat me). I know the deal with them. get in close, leg strike, go to town, interrupt, repeat til dead.


But Operatives... like I say you get jumped, wonder what the hell is going on, get back up, get stunned all the while getting attacked with uber dps, pop resolute and notice you have virtually no HP left.


You then pop rebuke and sabre ward and start wailing away and he vanishes.....


what you are left with when he comes back is guarded by the force and a 6 second window wo just NUKE him down....


I often get them to like 20-10% because theya re so squishy once you do get to wail on them.


But that head start they get and the vanish to wait out your cds is too much to recover from for me


I facepalmed right there. You need to seriously L2P. Ops have the worst dps in the game outside of their opener.


Pop defensive CDs and win, otherwise, you are bad.

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Top damage numbers don't mean crap in warzones, especially if merely spouted out without any corroborating footage, anyone can get top damage in a warzone if they are rolling, the other team is straight up out healing them, and no one is dying, evident by low kill counts, like the sage in another thread who broke 400k damage on 17 kills, he was a worthless player on his team.



But on a final note, if you are dying to a scoundrel/operative in the duration of the initial stuns, its you, not him. But my trinket and rakata medpack were on cooldown! Well ****, certainly no other class would kill you as quick if you were on full cooldowns. :|

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Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Ah guys that was so funny. This guy is a comedian.


Ah I always knew it... even after they nerfed the class right into the ground to be easily the worst PvP class by far... people still come complaining about the 1v1 burst. Rogues always make extremely bad people parade to forums complaining because hey.... they are fairly good (in their own mind) and they can't take it they are terrible.


Actually I beat any class 1v1. I don't see how you guys think marauders beat Op's.... I fight full BM geared Marauders all the time and I absolutely wreck them.... so bad in fact they do not even fight me anymore they just stealth away and they don't come back. But marauders are 10x the class Op's are in any other comparison... and 20x times more viable than Op's if they have a guard and pocket healer.


TC... go away. Your complaining about the worst class by far in both PvP and PvE. I know if I were you I probably would quit video games completely and never come back.


Yeah noted tough-guy, I'm not here to pick a fight with anyone individual or get into pathetic exchanges of insults.


My gripe is with a class in a video-game, I will not get into an exchange of insults with actual people over it

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Ops should never lose to sent if both have all their cooldowns and use them properly, Ops can deny defensive CDs through vanish, can sap at an appropriate time (make sure there are no dots from Acid blade when you vanish) and regen, restart fight with large advantage. Without vanish the fight is pretty even but I think sent/mara has the advantage. I would say the most OP class in 1v1 is definitely shadow/sin tanks.
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Ops should never lose to sent if both have all their cooldowns and use them properly, Ops can deny defensive CDs through vanish, can sap at an appropriate time (make sure there are no dots from Acid blade when you vanish) and regen, restart fight with large advantage. Without vanish the fight is pretty even but I think sent/mara has the advantage. I would say the most OP class in 1v1 is definitely shadow/sin tanks.


Umm, hello! Imperial Agents are trained to kill Jedi! :D

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Yeah noted tough-guy, I'm not here to pick a fight with anyone individual or get into pathetic exchanges of insults.


My gripe is with a class in a video-game, I will not get into an exchange of insults with actual people over it


See your complaining about the worst class by far in TOR... both PvE and PvP. Yes it is true a Operative can destroy any class 1v1...... that is true... but this game is NOT 1v1 fights...in any premade group vs any premade group there is no such thing as a 1v1... and Operatives are TERRIBLE.


Sure Operatives can destroy scrubs (ie you) within a short amount of time.... they won't kill anyone guarded.... and they are basically useless once the aoe knockbacks/stun/cc's start aflying.

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You guys have every right not to agree. But this is my view. Spouting that I'm a crap player etc really doesn't affect me because


A... it is actually just a game I'll survive being bad at it:P


B... You really have no idea, it's just conjecture on your part.


This is a class I struggle with and I think they get too much burst damage.


I would much rather see them get better sustained dps and less burst.

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See your complaining about the worst class by far in TOR... both PvE and PvP. Yes it is true a Operative can destroy any class 1v1...... that is true... but this game is NOT 1v1 fights...in any premade group vs any premade group there is no such thing as a 1v1... and Operatives are TERRIBLE.


Sure Operatives can destroy scrubs (ie you) within a short amount of time.... they won't kill anyone guarded.... and they are basically useless once the aoe knockbacks/stun/cc's start aflying.


I'm very much set in the WoW ways yet. I used to love standing outside Ogrimmar and IF dueling nights away.


To me 1 vs 1 is a fun part of the game but it's not so much funs when there are classes who will, with every CD ready absolutely destroy you

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You guys have every right not to agree. But this is my view. Spouting that I'm a crap player etc really doesn't affect me because


A... it is actually just a game I'll survive being bad at it:P


B... You really have no idea, it's just conjecture on your part.


This is a class I struggle with and I think they get too much burst damage.


I would much rather see them get better sustained dps and less burst.


Your not supposed to beat every class 1v1.


And let me tell you Sentinel/Marauders are 10x more viable in a premade match where you have healers and tanks to guard than operatives.... so much so that you will never ever see a DD Operative remotely near the top of any ranking when ranked WZ's come out.


Marauders are 10x more viable than Operatives in a BM premade team. Shadows do EVERYTHING Operatives do and so much more they are lightyears ahead of Op's in a BM premade team. Even Rage Jug's are much much better to take than a Op in a BM premade team.


Congratz your complaining about the worst DD by far in TOR.

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Yeah, I play a sentinel and a scoundrel, and I agree with the rest of the posters in this thread, an equally played/geared sentinel should win every time provided he has his trinket up.



Not to mention, I can pull nearly as much burst on my sentinel as I can on my scoundrel, and my sustained damage is far better.

Edited by Aidank
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SERIOUSLY, he even admitted it himself that it was quite absurd that he could knock me down, stun me and by the time I can throw ONE attack back at him I'm down to maybe 30% hp, sometimes less....


If he used something he called pre-probing which apparently was a long CD I was lucky to be at 10% before I could start hitting back....


NO CLASS should be able to do that much damage before you can retaliate.


The fact that he can, after his initial carnage, once you DO start to fight back RE-STEALTH is seriously messed up.


3 awesome things that prove you are bad here in your first post.


1: If you are equally geared you should have around 16k hps...and to drop you under 5k hps for 30% in 1 gcd is literally impossible. Even if you are so bad (and you clearly are) to let him stun you a 2nd time and you are too bad to trinket out of it, he still wouldn't be able to get you under 5k hps in 2 more gcds (equal gear)


2: No possible way he's getting you under 10% before you can 'fight back'...even if you are handicapped and a 1 button smasher.


3: Dotting an op up so he can't restealth so he can 'wait you out'......seriously l2p


4: He's using trinkets and stuff to kill you, it is obvious you are not ...of course he's gonna pwn you.


5: Defensive CDs...use em


No wonder why everyones laughing at you so hard...especially as you claim you are 'good'.....thats awesome!! Seriously L2P.

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I haven't actually complained about their overall dps. I have complained about their burst dps which I consider to be too high if they have all their cds ready.


I won't change that point of view no matter what.


Well if you want the burst nerfed.... give Op's a Force Leap, a Healing Debuff, and great sustained damage because there is already absolutely no reason to play one as it is if you could take your exact same gear/skill and play any other class.

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3 awesome things that prove you are bad here in your first post.


1: If you are equally geared you should have around 16k hps...and to drop you under 5k hps for 30% in 1 gcd is literally impossible. Even if you are so bad (and you clearly are) to let him stun you a 2nd time and you are too bad to trinket out of it, he still wouldn't be able to get you under 5k hps in 2 more gcds (equal gear)


2: No possible way he's getting you under 10% before you can 'fight back'...even if you are handicapped and a 1 button smasher.


3: Dotting an op up so he can't restealth so he can 'wait you out'......seriously l2p


4: He's using trinkets and stuff to kill you, it is obvious you are not ...of course he's gonna pwn you.


5: Defensive CDs...use em


No wonder why everyones laughing at you so hard...especially as you claim you are 'good'.....thats awesome!! Seriously L2P.


yes yes L2P OMGZ!!!!


but seriously. I'll fraps it next time. I am dead serious.


He used something called "pre-probing" (his wordsI don't know) and that was literally all of my 15.5k HP in 4 seconds.


Hand on the bible, cross my damn heart, hope to die.

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Well if you want the burst nerfed.... give Op's a Force Leap, a Healing Debuff, and great sustained damage because there is already absolutely no reason to play one as it is if you could take your exact same gear/skill and play any other class.


I actually think they should get more sustained dps instead of that ridiculous burst they can put out. It may be for a short period of time but it's insane.

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I actually think they should get more sustained dps instead of that ridiculous burst they can put out. It may be for a short period of time but it's insane.


It's 2 abilities buddy. This is how my fight goes against any other BM in full BM gear. 4k crit, 4k crit, then I'm spent (they probably have 8kish hp left plus rakata medpak and defensive cooldowns). I mean yes I will win 10 seconds later but it will use all my energy and I will be sitting at near 0 energy. If I don't crit both times.... whew I'm in trouble.


Not only do Operatives have absolutely no utility and get absolutely wrecked by any stray AoE knockbacks/stuns/CC's.... you are almost guaranteed to be out of energy within 10-15 seconds of your opener.


Yes.... Op's are so good.

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yes yes L2P OMGZ!!!!


but seriously. I'll fraps it next time. I am dead serious.


He used something called "pre-probing" (his wordsI don't know) and that was literally all of my 15.5k HP in 4 seconds.


Hand on the bible, cross my damn heart, hope to die.


I can tell you right now (because I have better gear than your friend and I have all the stims+adrenals).....that I still haven't got the 5k medal in a BG...and so your friend is hitting you for maybe 4k-ish on his opener and his backstab IF they both crit...and then it's a string of 2ks most likely.


Op healers>>>>>>>>>concealment right now it's not even close.


Worst sustained damage in the game currently and you are getting roflstomped by it.....I mean really....really.

Edited by _Morholt_
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I actually think they should get more sustained dps instead of that ridiculous burst they can put out.


Dear XxPeterX, this is coming from a lvl 70 in full BM gear. I hope you take notes and maybe, just maybe drop your silly nerf rant. Maybe you need to learn what everyone else knows.


It may be for a short period of time but it's insane.


Of course it's insane, it has to be. An op is only effective on the first rotation. Break that and you have a very good chance of winning. Never pop your cc breaker on the knock down. Pop it immediately after the first stun. That's the stun that decides if you die or not. You immediately stun the operative. Now the outcome of the fight is how well you use your skill set and how you match up in gear. Putting an operative on the defensive always gives the advantage to the attacker. Always.


Nerfing my class is not the answer. Knowing how to counter my opening is. I end up doing quite a few 1 on 1s in huttball, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I am the least desired class in alderaan and voidstar. Now why do I need to be nerfed again?


Please don't tell me cause YOU can't beat me. Obviously you are in a league by yourself if that is the case.

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Leveling my mara I laugh at the state ops/scoundrels are in. I can dominate on my op still, but that's just due to a knowledge/skill advantage on the majority; mara is ridiculously more powerful.


Bugger off. You were one of manyQQ'ers who had them nerfed right into the ground. Great job bro. I mean who would have thought it.... a class that does absolutely nothing but a little burst damage... gets the burst taken away... now its the worst class by far.... like.... who wouldn't have figured that one out.

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Dear XxPeterX, this is coming from a lvl 70 in full BM gear. I hope you take notes and maybe, just maybe drop your silly nerf rant. Maybe you need to learn what everyone else knows.




Of course it's insane, it has to be. An op is only effective on the first rotation. Break that and you have a very good chance of winning. Never pop your cc breaker on the knock down. Pop it immediately after the first stun. That's the stun that decides if you die or not. You immediately stun the operative. Now the outcome of the fight is how well you use your skill set and how you match up in gear. Putting an operative on the defensive always gives the advantage to the attacker. Always.


Nerfing my class is not the answer. Knowing how to counter my opening is. I end up doing quite a few 1 on 1s in huttball, sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I am the least desired class in alderaan and voidstar. Now why do I need to be nerfed again?


Please don't tell me cause YOU can't beat me. Obviously you are in a league by yourself if that is the case.


the least desired class in huttball certainly, but ops are one of the most important classes in void and ald as their ability to ninja cap is second to none, and it is the stealthers that determine wins in those games.


they are the best class at killing a solo defender and capping a node before the team has a chance to even respond.

Edited by Ryotknife
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Bugger off. You were one of manyQQ'ers who had them nerfed right into the ground. Great job bro. I mean who would have thought it.... a class that does absolutely nothing but a little burst damage... gets the burst taken away... now its the worst class by far.... like.... who wouldn't have figured that one out.


ops are no where even in the remote vicinity of the worst class in the game.


not even remotely close.


not unless "the game" = huttball exclusively, even then ops can burst down a high priority target like a healer, tank who is guarding the ballcarrier, or even the ballcarrier himself.


granted i would still prefer a sniper over an op in regard to that role, but at least your class in infinitely more useful than mine in ald and void. and hell, if we only take the most optimal classes for huttball, then those games would be full of mostly assassins and sorcs with the occassional jugg or sniper.

Edited by Ryotknife
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