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My 7 year old asked....


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I fully intend to let my twin boys play SWTOR at age 7 and have their own computers by age 12 so they can play with mommy and daddy.


Furthermore, I started playing MMORPG's when I was 12. I learned teamwork, social skills that I didnt learn on the school yard, as well as a lot of math. I was adding/ multiplying and deviding huge numbers back then without a calculator because in Ultima Online, I ran multiple businesses.


MORPG's do nothing but teach, it all relys heavily on the parents to what the MMORPG teaches their children.


My parents did not play however, my dad was very interested in what my businesses were and helped them grow until I was known throughout the whole server.


Every MMO i've played has taught me alot, youre right, my catalouge of curse words grew 10 fold, i know the name of every depraved sexual postion on earth, i know how to say full words with abbreviations, i know that being cool on the internet > being cool in real life, i know that when i get killed in pvp it's ok to tell the killer that youre going to track thier IP, travel to thier house and anal **** thier kids with a knife. I also know that being a cyber bully is cool and that being an e-thug is the way to go because online i can talk about anyone and they cant touch me...i bet that'll carry over well into real life.


Man, now that i think of it.....


No MMO's arent for kids and the ones for kids are full of pedos posing as children.

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Every MMO i've played has taught me alot, youre right, my catalouge of curse words grew 10 fold, i know the name of every depraved sexual postion on earth, i know how to say full words with abbreviations, i know that being cool on the internet > being cool in real life, i know that when i get killed in pvp it's ok to tell the killer that youre going to track thier IP, travel to thier house and anal **** thier kids with a knife. I also know that being a cyber bully is cool and that being an e-thug is the way to go because online i can talk about anyone and they cant touch me...i bet that'll carry over well into real life.


Man, now that i think of it.....


No MMO's arent for kids and the ones for kids are full of pedos posing as children.


....Wow. I have no idea who you've been playing MMOs with, but I don't think I've EVER seen anything that bad in an MMO.

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Having your 7 year old son playing MMO/SWTOR is just wrong. Im a parent myself, and shocked. :eek:


Funny though like someone pointed out. That it took a number of posts before someone even commented on the age.


Nothing suprises me anymore...

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I dunno OP. Little kids make good points sometimes. I mean it's like when I was passing through Walmart and overheard a little girl ask her parent: "But Mommie! If Barbie is so popular then why do we have to buy her friends!?"


It is what it is.

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balance, that's why




Aye, it still feels a bit "meh" though.


Playing a Jedi in any other game makes you feel like one, in SWTOR you have moments, but often you just feel very average (compared to other classes).... which is fair enough for balance reasons..... but still it's not likely to convince a 7 year old that just wants to be a cool Jedi.



Probably a no win situation.

Edited by Goretzu
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Yes, they NEED to make ceilings twice as high because we can force jump.....


If they had started with the intentions of "People could have force jump" then they could of designed the maps from there. When you're indoors, it doesn't matter if you jump and hit the roof. Most of the ceilings are high enough to accommodate it, and those that aren't, oh well, you hit the roof and come back down. COH was designed with flying/jumping in mind, and so that's how they designed the maps. BW could of done the same from day 1. To say "it isn't in the game because they would need to redesign the maps" is a fallacy that could of been avoided. And even then, guess what, Blizz redid all their maps to accommodate flying mounts, so it is possible.


Actually, it might, because suddenly certain tactical options would be restricted in indoor environments. You can bet you'll see people complain about it, even if it's realistic and to be expected.

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This is the answer you should give your "7 year old" ..



It would throw the balance way off if they gave Sith and Jedi this ...


And this, ultimately, is why Star Wars can never work as an MMO. Or at least as a class-based MMO where Jedi and Sith are classes. Sorry.


By their very nature, Jedi and Sith are overpowered. They are the alpha-beings of the Star Wars universe. That is what people are wanting to play... what they've seen in the movies or other games, like the OP's son with the double jump.


But that doesn't work if they are labeled as "classes" in line with other "classes" in a game.


Star Wars Galaxies had it right when it launched... you couldn't be a Jedi. You had to unlock it through an unknown series of progression, and that added even more mystery to it... and reward, once it happened. But then, most players are pissed off because they want to play a Jedi - that's why they were playing a Star Wars game in the first place!


So as you can see, it's a loose-loose. Due to the overpowered nature of Jedi and Sith, they just don't work as classes because you can't truly give them all the powers they have without making other classes look ridiculous.


What if Lord of the Rings Online made "Wizard" a class? Yes, it may have been a more popular game! But they didn't, and for very good reason.

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My 7 year old is face rolling his way through the Sith starting area at the moment and he asked me a good question. He says, "Daddy, why don't the Sith and Jedi have a double jump or super jump in this game?" I told him, "Well buddy, it's an MMO and they don't usualy build in stuff like that." His response was, "But it's Star Wars!!! ALL Jedi and Sith can force jump super high." I could not rebuttle that one...

So, Why don't Jedi and Sith get a force jump?

Do Bounty Hunters get rocket packs?


Well... if you force charge someone in a higher plane, you are sort of jumping high. :D

Edited by Nemmar
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7 year olds don't yet have the cognitive ability to understand and appreciate MMO balance.


Nor does most of the posters on these forums, but nobody is stopping them right?


to be honest, having worked with kids for 15+ years, i dont see a problem with a 7 year old playing this game, as long as they are individually mature enough to understand what theyre doing.

And id like to add that the kids parents should be around when playing so the kid can ask questions if need be.

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Ur not allowed to hold an account under the age of 13 btw, he cannot legaly accept the tos so you'll probably have your account locked or any related to your account.


Just so u know the ToS also state you as the parent or guardian cannot accept or open an account for anyone under the age of 13.

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I fully intend to let my twin boys play SWTOR at age 7 and have their own computers by age 12 so they can play with mommy and daddy.


Furthermore, I started playing MMORPG's when I was 12. I learned teamwork, social skills that I didnt learn on the school yard, as well as a lot of math. I was adding/ multiplying and deviding huge numbers back then without a calculator because in Ultima Online, I ran multiple businesses.


MORPG's do nothing but teach, it all relys heavily on the parents to what the MMORPG teaches their children.


My parents did not play however, my dad was very interested in what my businesses were and helped them grow until I was known throughout the whole server.


Does it not stand 16 year old age restriction on the game ? At least it does on in my country.

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ROFLOL. TFU2 has more gore than this game ever will. You let your 12 year old cut heads off but not this? Strange.


He played the first one, not the second. And apart from this it isn't about the gore, it's about the other people playing the game not adhering to any teen rating at all.

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It's the parent's right to decide if his child can or can't play MMOs, NOT yours.


Children are not the property of the parent.


It's a childs right to be protected until he is capable of taking responsibility for himself. The state sets laws to do this.

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I fully intend to let my twin boys play SWTOR at age 7 and have their own computers by age 12 so they can play with mommy and daddy.


It would be lovely to see kids as Jawas... who would insult a jawa? xD they would have a nice MMO gaming experience xD.

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It's the parent's right to decide if his child can or can't play MMOs, NOT yours.


A parent can also allow his 7 year old child smoke and drink beer. It still doesnt make it right. MMO's have also very high addictiveness.

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