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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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That's mechanically incorrect. If having no (or very few) Sith brings the force in balance with the many jedi, then that technically would mean that the dark side would HAVE to be more powerful.


I posted my views earlier in this thread and don't support either side, but the argument presented in this particular post is not entirely logical.


Balance in the Force does not equal balance in number of Force users, that is a logical fallacy.


The Force is far greater than those who wield it.


And in any event, in Lucas' vision, balancing the Force means destroying the Dark Side. That's not what I say, that's what he says. Ergo, the Dark cannot be more powerful, since it is essentially outweighed by the whole of the Force itself.


Never once in the Star Wars movies is there a mention of a "Light side." The closest is when Luke asks Yoda "How am I to know the good side from the bad?" The whole point of Star Wars, in Lucas' vision was to destroy not just the Sith, but the corruption of the Dark Side itself. And by the end of the movies, the Dark Side is obliterated.

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You have been deceived, as our powers over the Dark Side have blinded you....






So far I have seen the fail argument that Shan was an apprentice when she first fought Darth Malgus thus getting her butt handed to her and nearly slaughtered right then and there were it not for a timely save from her master saber throw justifies her weakness.


Heres the deal,


Malgus was an appretice when he fought shan as well as evident when he kills his Master, thats right he killed his master so he was apprentice too, also he killed shans master like a dog.




Round two, he dominates the fight with her, he cuts her saber in half and has her on her knees stuggling for her life, this is after getting blown up ONCE by a tropper, then shan is SAVED yet again, luckily by the tropper who blows up Malgus AGAIN, and ONLY THEN is she capable of defeating him although not killing him.



So yes Darth Malgus is more powerful than shan, he destroyed the whole dam jedi temple and slaughter countless jedi.




Apparently, you didn't see my first post in this thread. So I'll show it again.


Looking through this thread, it seems LordOfMassacre had quite a habit of bringing up the trailers. So let's have a look:


Return: A Sith Master and apprentice fighting a Jadi Padawan and a Jedi Master. Padawan eventually leaves. Jedi Master takes on Sith Master and Apprentice at the same time, and beats the Master. The Apprentice eventually beats the Jedi. Meh, could go either way, but since the Jedi was worn down from fighting two Sith at once, I dunno if Malgus won because he was more powerful.


Hope: On one side we have an army of Sith Lords, one Darth, and a bunch of soldiers and droids. On the other, a bunch of Republic soldiers. Sounds VERY one-sided, but while the sith have the advantage, the soldiers still are a bit of trouble, and these aren't even jedi, they're common soldiers. But once the Sith start pounding down, a single Jedi joins the fight (one thing people often forget is that Satele was not Grand Master at the time of this trailer, she was a Knight) and she proceeds to take down almost all of the Sith, and then engages the Darth and holds her own. The Darth destroys her lightsaber but she still shows competence by blocking the Darth's saber with a energy-absorbing technique. One soldier then pushes the Sith away. The Jedi then stands up, and pushes the Sith into a wall, then unleashes a blast of force energy that nearly kills the Darth. The Sith just fail here, completely. They have some difficulty with common soldiers, and a single Jedi turns the fight around and takes down almost all the Sith on her own (thus proving that Jedi CAN take down several Sith just as Sith can take down several Jedi). And during the Satele vs Malgus fight, I think that it is possible that if Jace hadn't helped, Satele may still have broken Malgus's lightaber blade and turned the fight around. And after Jace's grenade, if the Sith are SO powerful, then Malgus should of shrugged off the explosion and kept fighting, but instead he is completely defeated by Satele. Ultimately, one Darth, a bunch of sith, several troopers, and a few droids lost to a bunch of soldiers and a single Jedi. (Another thing you don't seem to notice: Satele was the ONLY Jedi in that fight. And don't give any "She's Grand Master" junk. As I stated earlier, she wasn't Grand Master yet, she was only a knight.)


Deceived: Easiest analysis ever. It took the entire might of the Sith to take down a very small fraction of the Jedi. (Almost all the Jedi were at the peace negotiations on Alderaan. Only a token force was at the temple.) I'm not impressed.


LordOfMassacre, you are nothing more than a rabid fanboy. And so are most dark side fanboys. You bring up ONE instance where Lucas says the darkside is stronger (and do NO analysis) and believe it fully proves it. When in fact he has stated NUMEROUS times that the light is stronger.


But why am I arguing? You're not going to believe me, you're going to continue saying how oh so great you are and how the dark side is oh so powerful. You'll continuously be disillusioned until the day you die.


I actually pity you.

Edited by rashencyberspeed
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Though I play Empire, the LS imo is stronger.

The reason is simple, the darkside can not maintain itself and falls every single time. True power is seen in stability an containment.


Add to that: negative emotions usually feed one's powers, also in the SW universe. That being said; jedi don't need negative emotions to match the darkside, wich potentially makes them superior to the sith.

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You have been deceived, as our powers over the Dark Side have blinded you....






So far I have seen the fail argument that Shan was an apprentice when she first fought Darth Malgus thus getting her butt handed to her and nearly slaughtered right then and there were it not for a timely save from her master saber throw justifies her weakness.


Heres the deal,


Malgus was an appretice when he fought shan as well as evident when he kills his Master, thats right he killed his master so he was apprentice too, also he killed shans master like a dog.




Round two, he dominates the fight with her, he cuts her saber in half and has her on her knees stuggling for her life, this is after getting blown up ONCE by a tropper, then shan is SAVED yet again, luckily by the tropper who blows up Malgus AGAIN, and ONLY THEN is she capable of defeating him although not killing him.



So yes Darth Malgus is more powerful than shan, he destroyed the whole dam jedi temple and slaughter countless jedi.







It also seems the fan boys like to bring up that the Light prevails in the end so that somehow justifies its weakness????



Um, its a cycle. Jedi and Sith take over again and again and this makes story telling possible, that does not signify power.



The unnatural powers of the Sith Lords to devour planets, achive immortality ( yes real immortality not just be some dam ghost), slaughter numerous Jedis and corrupt and seduce the Jedi is proof of "Power"



Using GL for statements is flawed because he does in fact say the Dark Side is STRONGER,


Yes he really does.



No you dont need to interprete it or twist it to something else, he says the Dark Side is Stronger.







Sidious beat your precious Yoda, he casted him down and laughed.


Darth Vader saved your precious Luke, yes luke would have died if a Sith Lord didnt save him, he could not beat the emperor, he was on the ground crying like a baby like most jedi do


Count Dooko beat TWO jedi alone and dueled Yoda and held his ground. He fled but guess what he just fought THREE jedi, one Master Yoda none the less and survived untouched.


Luke used anger (darkside) to beat Vader

Anakin used anger (darkside) to beat dooku





Most importantly, the jedi are easily corrupted , seduced by the Power of the Dark Side. This is always the case. Lots of them.


How many fiercesome Sith Lords go towards the Light for Power? just as many? half as many? one? two?



Two: Revan and Vader both to be redeamed not for power because the Light isnt stronger.








The Dark Side is stronger only because it abuses the power to wield the Force. Jedi, on the other hand, don't backstab and endlessly lie because (in essense of virtue) they are far better than Sith and those that support them. As for you comment about Darth Vader ssaving Luke...that was a Light Side thing for him to do...SO it wasn't Darth Vader the Sith LLord who saved Luke, it was Anakin Skywalker the Jedi Knight.

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Lucas isnt wrong. You can disagree all you want and talk it over in your own fanon universe along with your buddies. Arguing with the creator of his universe and star wars? rofl. ;)


I actually disagree with the whole "dark side is stronger" line but I have to say...


After 4-6, Georgie boy has done more harm to the universe than good, and the EU writers have done the opposite.


Just because he's the creator that does not make him a reliable source, when he's retconned and changed his mind on so many things.


So end point: I do think arguing with the creator of the universe and Star Wars is a good thing, because if left alone he clearly intends to break it all.


As for the above poster, I believe that the difference between wielding the dark and light side is that when a force user uses the dark side he uses strong emotions to channel a lot of force more quickly, which actually physically harms the caster.


This is also hinted at in the EU, where overcommitting to light side use (essentially opening the floodgates) causes your cells to heat up and boil, basically darksiders seem more powerful because they get more power per time unit, sacrificing control and safety for raw destructive might.


Not any more "powerful" really, they just pick up a bigger rock and smashes you with it, even though doing so tears their muscles.

Might born from hate or desperation.

Edited by Morticoccus
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A lot of EU authors have actually done a lot more to frell up Star Wars than Lucas could ever do.


Many of them took Vader's line that "the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force" a little too literally, and had the solution to every problem being Luke pulling some incredible new Force power out of his posterior to obliterate whatever increasingly-ludicrious plot device had been though up to top the LAST author's ludicrous plot device. Which lead to insanity such as planet-eating Force Storms, aliens from alternate universes, neglectful progenitors who built the Corellian system, and Flow Walking.


After the horror that is pretty much any EU not written by Tim Zhan, Kathy Tyers, and Michael Stackpole (thoughts on the NJO are mixed, I personally love it, but there are those who loathe it, and I get why), Lucas' 'meddling' is actually a breath of fresh air.

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Well said. If the Dark Side would stop Stabbing each other in the back, they would take over the galaxy in no time at all.


However saying that the light side always wins is going a little bit into naivity in my opinion.

You win some you lose some, the light side does not always win.


Overall the dark side is the more powerful


In-fighting is not so much a choice for Sith as it is a condition of existence. Darth Bob is a terrifying, all-powerful Sith, except his equals and friendly rivals, Darths Jim, Larry, Kevin, etc. The dark side is characterized by a dog eat dog mentality that is derived from the anger, hatred, fear, and power-lust practitioners succumb to.


What you wrote makes about as much sense as saying "If dogs would stop growing so much hair, they would be cool in the summertime."

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Here is my simple answer to all the posts here: Yes the dark side is more powerful than the light side, but it doesn't mean that whoever goes to the dark side is more powerful. Everything depends on the strength of the user.


Example: People who lift heavy weights are strong. They are not strong because of the weights they lift, but because they practice, gain strength, and know how to do it correctly.;)

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Ok, for the last time: BOTH sides are equal. Yes, the Dark Side SEEMS more powerful, but it tears up the user because the user is basically grabbing the Force in a stranglehold, and the Force is fighting back against being abused. Dark Side Corruption happens because the Force energy is being manipulated in an unnatural way. There is no true Dark Side or Light Side of the Force. It's JUST The Force. How it's handled is considered "Dark" or "Light".


Light Side: Basically "going with the flow" of the Force. Using it is more zen than anything else. Nothing much else to say about that. Obi-Wan was prepared to die. Yoda was prepared to die. They knew that there is no death. There is only the Force.


Dark Side: Wrenches the Force however the user wants it. Causing the scarring, pale skin, bad complexion, red eyes, etc. That's the Force saying "Man, I don't like this ****!"


Truely strong Dark Side practitioners can mask the corruption effects, and the INSANELY strong can actually use it to prolong their lives. The price? It ends up draining them even more. I believe the Force takes on a life of its own and makes the Dark Side practitioner pay dearly for abusing it.

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Except that they aren't even really equal. Even if you don't buy into the "Dark Side Cancer" theory (which, personally, while I find it interesting, I think it's far more interesting to keep the Dark Side around), the Dark Side by its very nature is a corruption of everything the Force stands for. The Force is an energy field created by all living things, life creates it, makes it grow. The Dark Side is nothing but a perversion of that energy, and it corrupts and taints that which it does not destroy outright. It is an affront to the very fundamental life processes which create the Force in the first place.


In short, the Dark Side is simply an ugly, twisted blister on the face of the Force.

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You have been deceived, as our powers over the Dark Side have blinded you....






So far I have seen the fail argument that Shan was an apprentice when she first fought Darth Malgus thus getting her butt handed to her and nearly slaughtered right then and there were it not for a timely save from her master saber throw justifies her weakness.

Heres the deal,


Malgus was an appretice when he fought shan as well as evident when he kills his Master, thats right he killed his master so he was apprentice too, also he killed shans master like a dog.




Round two, he dominates the fight with her, he cuts her saber in half and has her on her knees stuggling for her life, this is after getting blown up ONCE by a tropper, then shan is SAVED yet again, luckily by the tropper who blows up Malgus AGAIN, and ONLY THEN is she capable of defeating him although not killing him.



So yes Darth Malgus is more powerful than shan, he destroyed the whole dam jedi temple and slaughter countless jedi.







It also seems the fan boys like to bring up that the Light prevails in the end so that somehow justifies its weakness????



Um, its a cycle. Jedi and Sith take over again and again and this makes story telling possible, that does not signify power.



The unnatural powers of the Sith Lords to devour planets, achive immortality ( yes real immortality not just be some dam ghost), slaughter numerous Jedis and corrupt and seduce the Jedi is proof of "Power"



Using GL for statements is flawed because he does in fact say the Dark Side is STRONGER,


Yes he really does.



No you dont need to interprete it or twist it to something else, he says the Dark Side is Stronger.







Sidious beat your precious Yoda, he casted him down and laughed.


Darth Vader saved your precious Luke, yes luke would have died if a Sith Lord didnt save him, he could not beat the emperor, he was on the ground crying like a baby like most jedi do


Count Dooko beat TWO jedi alone and dueled Yoda and held his ground. He fled but guess what he just fought THREE jedi, one Master Yoda none the less and survived untouched.


Luke used anger (darkside) to beat Vader

Anakin used anger (darkside) to beat dooku





Most importantly, the jedi are easily corrupted , seduced by the Power of the Dark Side. This is always the case. Lots of them.


How many fiercesome Sith Lords go towards the Light for Power? just as many? half as many? one? two?



Two: Revan and Vader both to be redeamed not for power because the Light isnt stronger.


Okay, i'm going to have to destroy your argument completely here, LordofMassacre, because your entire argument is based on fanboyism and bias on your own behalf.


Here's the REAL deal - next time I suggest you learn more about the lore before you actually try to start an argument with an avid Star Wars fan of both the EU and movies:


The DECEIVED Novel; which depicts Darth Malgus's eventual Sacking of Coruscant which is directed by Darth Angral. Malgus, unlike you claimed blindly, DID NOT SINGLEHANDEDLY DESTROY THE JEDI TEMPLE AND DOZENS OF JEDI BY HIMSELF. His strike team was co-led by him and his arch-rival, Darth Adraas, by orders of Darth Angral. All the more experienced Jedi Masters and Knights were not at the Temple during the time, they were off on duty or, like Satele, were taking part in the treaty negotiation with Darth Baras.


Only a HANDFUL of experienced Jedi were kept at the Jedi Temple to guard it; the vast majority were inexperienced/lacked the adequate combat experience to battle a fully fledged strike-force. Malgus and Adraas's strike force consisted of a dozen Sith Warriors and Imperial Troopers - the Jedi defending the Temple had no chance because the majority of them were, quite literally, Padawans and Knights - the only combat-capable Jedi who could face Malgus during that duel in singles combat was Jedi Master Ven Zallow (who he DOES face).


So no, your claim that Malgus was so exaggeratedly powerful is, to the whole iteration of DECEIVED, null and moot.


Now, as for your claim that Malgus handled Satele Shan with relative ease - I beg to differ. Once more I suggest you read the lore again. In both scenarios, Malgus was older than her and with much more combat experience. In the "RETURN" Trailer, Satele Shan is only a Padawan and she held her own valuable well for sometime against a Sith who was nearing the peak of Lordship.


Malgus DID NOT destroy Satele's master with ease. Satele's master, as a matter of fact, was exhausted having battled a SITH LORD and an APPRENTICE on his own; going as far as to defeat Darth Vindican (Malgus's master of the time) with a fatal stab to the gut. Malgus only won because he called upon his rage to defeat an already exhausted Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach. That's not really power, lmao.


In the "HOPE" trailer, Satele Shan was only just a Jedi Knight. She was still younger, and less experienced, than Malgus - who was now a full-fledged Darth. Want me to quote an exact extract of what happened when she arrived to battle the near-victorious Sith Forces?


During the Battle of Alderaan, Shan demonstrated significant bravery and boldness over the course of the skirmish, leaping directly into combat despite being at a numerical disadvantage. Her initiative enabled her to take out multiple Sith combatants before challenging Darth Malgus himself, further displaying her courage in her willingness to duel a Sith Lord.


That said, she turned the tide of the battle single-handedly. Dark Side more powerful? I beg to differ. That's not something Malgus has ever done, not in the DECEIVED Novel, or in the game. He's not capable of it.


Satele Shan is now a fully prepared, well honed and experienced Grandmaster now. I have no doubt if she and Malgus were to do battle again, Malgus would lose quickly. Because at this point in the storyline, i'll quote Satele Shan,


"I just crippled three Imperial Dreadnaughts, I don't wish to destroy you.."~ Satele Shan


Dreadnaughts are the BIGGEST WARSHIPS the Empire has to muster. They're the most powerful ships their fleets have to offer and the fact Satele Shan did away with them in such a short span of time should be informing you of something ;) She's much more powerful than Malgus in the current SWTOR setting.


Now, onto your argument that only the Dark Side can achieve immortality or consume worlds etcetera;-


Are you aware of why Sith generally consume worlds (when they have)? It's to bolster their own hunger, power, or to heal their ailing physical form (Darth Sidious par the EU). Do Jedi need that? No, not really.. they never have and never will. Sith whine and cry when they die and refuse to merge with the force - because, if you ever read ANY SW Novels or iterations, they're AFRAID of losing their power. Yes - they're cowards, the bluntest way of putting it.


The Sith Emperor, Darth Vitiate, did not achieve true immortality. Immortality entails that you cannot be killed. The Emperor can be killed which is what the SPOILER!! Jedi Knight storyline reveals. He has only achieved the sub-par immortal state of agelessness via a ritual. Afaik, having read the REVAN Novel, the Emperor was afraid of Revan because he was capable of KILLING HIM. The Emperor only won his duel against Revan because Scourge betrayed him and Meetra, stabbing Meetra (the Jedi Exile) in the back - killing her - enabling Vitiate to utilize Lightning on Revan until he lost consciousness.


Now, onto your argument that Luke could not defeat Darth Sidious - You're wrong. So terribly, terribly presumptious and wrong.


Luke refused to fight because it's NOT THE JEDI WAY. He tossed away his Lightsaber to show the significance of the trait of a Jedi and to appeal to his defeated father. Sidious of course didn't like that, but ultimately it was his own undoing and he ended up being tossed by the generator shaft not by Darth Vader but by ANAKIN SKYWALKER, A JEDI KNIGHT.


In the Dark Empire iteration, which is of the EU, Luke defeats Darth Sidious in singles combat. He achieves what Yoda didn't and outright.. how do I put it? OWNS SIDIOUS. Leia recounts that they were moving so fast that she couldn't even see a blur - only a few short specks.. but she could sense that the Light Side was winning over the Dark. Luke severed Sidious's hand and that concluded the duel - the Light side was more powerful.


And NOW! Onto Count Dooku - Dooku had mastered the Lightsaber form of Makashi to its highest degree and knew several other forms indepth to account for Makashi's few shortcomings. Obi-wan was a practitioner of Soresu - a form which is considered vulnerable to the style of Makashi which utilized precision and elegant; perfect for prying open Soresu's defensive. Anakin was just a Padawan, but here... i'll tell you THIS From the EP2 Novel;-


Dooku was shocked and amazed at Anakins skill when he fought him. He was almost overwhelmed by the inexperienced Padawan that Dooku actually was starting to WORRY. He was just a Padawan! And Obi-wan was just a Knight.


Where did Dooku learn to master Makashi and 99% of all his abilities? OH yeah, the Jedi Order. Why did he win? Because he had 10x more experience and training than both Anakin and Obi-wan combined at that time. Dooku fled from Yoda because he knew he had NO CHANCE. This much is stated in the Attack of the Clones novel. He knew if he tried to continue to fight Yoda he would be defeated, captured, or killed.


So, there you have it. I suggest you don't be a fanboy next time and try to actually use productive, accurate arguments to counter those who do have. All i've seen from you is blind fanboyism and selective bias.


You've horribly misunderstood the quote where Lucas said the "Dark Side is more powerful". What he meant was is that it's ONLY more powerful in the aspect that it's easier to use and faster - but at what price? It inevitably backfires, it cannot sustain itself and it cannot win because it's self-destructive by its very NATURE. Lucas also said that the natural state of the Force is the LIGHT SIDE, henceforth "The Force". The Dark Side is an abomination of the Force that isn't meant to be there, but it is because blind individuals think it gives them ultimate power.


Dark Siders cannot achieve true immortality - which is where they can keep their individual will from merging with the force, WHILE STILL being merged with the force. This is something only light siders can achieve; confirmed by the novels and the saga itself. The Force in Star Wars is infinite, thus a Light Sider who has regained his individuality on merging with the Force is 1000x more powerful than any Sith has ever been.


"If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." ~Ben Kenobi


If you were right that the Dark Side was 100% more powerful than the Light, I wouldn't have needed to correct your horrid, so terribly inaccurate claims. I'm an avid supporter of Canon lore.. so pretty much, you should learn from this. Case closed.

Edited by Oonkeh_
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Bad just bad.



Excuse after excuse for Jedi weakness and Sith Superiority.



Plain and simple.





I'm sorry just because the good guys come back in the end and win by some crazy stroke of luck DOES NOT show power. Not at all. If anything its story telling, could there be a plot if the galaxy was in darkness forever? Also keep in mind the Sith ALWAYS come back and destroy your pitiful republic and slaughter you Jedi Order



You give excused on all counts for Sith Lords dominating jedi in 1 vs 1, heck even 1 vs 4 in the case of Sidious and Mace with His Jedi master friends, or Darth Maul against Obi wan and Jin or Dooke vs anakin AND obi wan AND yoda.




The whole Jedi dont need to achive immortality bs...



They Cant, pure and simply.


The Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities, some considered UNNATURAL.



The Jedi can become a force ghost and endure, big deal. Their dead. Sith Lords can do that too as in the case of Marka Ragnos or Exar Kun.


Can the Jedi achive immortality like Sidious? Viate? Sion?


No they cant they die and accept their fate because they are afraid of true individuality, of power and of themselves.


Anakin was the most powerful Jedi, the chose one. Why did he choose the Dark Side? because ITS STRONGER, it has far more abilities AND GL says so himself.



Even looking at the classes in this game is funny, the jedi consulars throwing their rocks..


The FACT is that Sith can do that AND use Lightning and far more other powerful Dark Side arts.



Imagine if Yoda turned to the Dark Side he would destroy Palpatine with ease, this is what dooku himself says, he remains on the Light and is thrown down by Darth Sidious and laughed at.


The Dark Side enchances your power, it unbinds you and allows you to reach unimaginable potential.



Btw the Emperor was not killed by your Jedi Knight, that was merely his voice, The Wrath accomplishes the same feat, not a big deal dude.

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I'll go ahead and skip spoiler tags





The wrath does not defeat the voice. Baras was not the voice, he was a fake.


And I'm not sure you understand the voice. When the Jedi Knight killed the Voice the Emperor' was hurt badly. Very badly. He had to leave the known galaxy and go to a secret location. It says it in a mail letter you recieve several moments after becoming a DC member.

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I'll go ahead and skip spoiler tags





The wrath does not defeat the voice. Baras was not the voice, he was a fake.


And I'm not sure you understand the voice. When the Jedi Knight killed the Voice the Emperor' was hurt badly. Very badly. He had to leave the known galaxy and go to a secret location. It says it in a mail letter you recieve several moments after becoming a DC member.


To be fair the Wrath defeats the voice while being possessed by the "POWERFUL" entity Sel-Makor...Same thing really

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*golf clap* Well said, my friend, well said. An excellent post of really informed insight. I salute and applaud you, sir.


Yet more misinformed ignorance.


At this point, I encourage everyone to add LordOfMassacre and the other two die-hard Dark Side fanboys to their ignore lists. They clearly have no interest in actual intellectual discourse. Defeat them by refusing to fight.

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At this point, I encourage everyone to add LordOfMassacre and the other two die-hard Dark Side fanboys to their ignore lists. They clearly have no interest in actual intellectual discourse. Defeat them by refusing to fight.


Hehe, I agree with you! But I just wanna destroy his argument one more time!


Anyways, I'm gonna go ahead and use your own "logic" against you, LordOfMassacre. Time and time again you bring up the trailers and claim that the Dark side is more powerful because Malgus was more powerful than Satele.


So, allow me to offer a counterpoint, so to speak, using your own logic. I'm gonna go ahead and use the fight between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan in Episode III to make my point. Remember how Vader was totally destroyed by Obi-Wan? Do you remember that? I should certainly hope so. Now, by your logic, the Light side has to be more powerful.


By your own logic, I have just proved that the Light side is more powerful than the Dark side!




I'll patiently await your response.

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Hehe, I agree with you! But I just wanna destroy his argument one more time!


Anyways, I'm gonna go ahead and use your own "logic" against you, LordOfMassacre. Time and time again you bring up the trailers and claim that the Dark side is more powerful because Malgus was more powerful than Satele.


So, allow me to offer a counterpoint, so to speak, using your own logic. I'm gonna go ahead and use the fight between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan in Episode III to make my point. Remember how Vader was totally destroyed by Obi-Wan? Do you remember that? I should certainly hope so. Now, by your logic, the Light side has to be more powerful.


By your own logic, I have just proved that the Light side is more powerful than the Dark side!




I'll patiently await your response.


And in the battle between Sith Lords, whoever wins, the Dark is more powerful than the Dark! And whoever faces Kyle Katarn is dead meat, no matter what side of the Force he uses. The Force makes Kyle Katarn his sammiches, and it better do a good job!

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So, allow me to offer a counterpoint, so to speak, using your own logic. I'm gonna go ahead and use the fight between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan in Episode III to make my point. Remember how Vader was totally destroyed by Obi-Wan? Do you remember that? I should certainly hope so. Now, by your logic, the Light side has to be more powerful.


By your own logic, I have just proved that the Light side is more powerful than the Dark side!




I'll patiently await your response.


It was stated anakin only lost because he was emotional during the fight...while Obi-wan wasnt. While Anakin was more powerful and had better lightsaber skills

Edited by Girdeux
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The Sith Order and the Jedi Order are the two most powerful representations of the sides of the force's users, Sidious is the most powerful Sith of all time, Luke Skywalker is the most powerful Jedi of all time, the peaks of each other's orders, Grand Master Luke would laugh at Darth Sidious as Sidious attempted any form of combat with him, as Luke merely stands there hands behind his back, smirking, motionless, whilst Sidious is unable to move at all, just like Luke did to Caedus, he would do to Sidious.


GM Luke is 200% of RotJ Sidious, Palpatine reborn is about, and I am being generous here, 130% of his previous self.


As for the statement that only the Dark Side can achieve immortality, you could not be more wrong, the Dark Side has never granted true immortality.


Essence Transfer is not immortality, it can be either resisted (Dynasty of Evil) or simply stopped (Dark Empire).


Darth Nihilus didn't get his power from the Dark Side, it was the hunger from his wound in the force that gave him his power, which would have eaten he himself anyway soon enough.


Lord Vitiate isn't immortal, he gained the ability to not die of old age, and he possibly gained the ability of Essence Transfer, so what? he wasn't actually immortal.


If you call the existence of Darth Sion immortality or power, you clearly understood nothing of what he represented, and all it took was him losing faith for a second to die, great immortality there, truly omnipotent.


The Jedi on the other hand, did gain immortality, Becoming one with the force.


It is impossible for a Dark Side user to attain true immortality, because they can never let go of their power, they can never accept death, the Force can never be dominated or controlled, it is a path that only leads to self-destruction, the Jedi and light Side force users attempt to become part of the force, become an extension of it's will, they let the force guide and flow through them, instead of control it, this allows them to become one with the force, and return from the netherworld of the force as Force Ghosts, forever.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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It was stated anakin only lost because he was emotional during the fight...while Obi-wan wasnt. While Anakin was more powerful and had better lightsaber skills


Anakin had raw skill with the blade, but Obi-Wan had years of experience, and was a master battlefield tactician. He wasn't nearly as skilled with a lightsaber as Anakin, but he used ANY advantage to win. Grievous, for example. Obi-Wan hated blasters, but still used one to take Grievous down.


And you've basically defeated your own purpose here. You keep saying that the Dark Side is more powerful... yet the Dark Side DRAWS ON STRONG EMOTIONS. Anakin's strong emotions didn't work too well there, did they?


Stretching over to a different BioWare game for a moment. Patriarch in ME 2.... When you meet him, he's telling the people in the lounge that "Kill his family. Then he comes at you mad, and stupid." Get the point? Evil is dumb. Hatred is dumb.

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To put this as simply as possible....



The creator of star wars and everything you are talking about is George Lucas. George Lucas says that the dark side is not more powerful. So guess what? It's not more powerful. Creator of the universe beats guy from the internet.



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It was stated anakin only lost because he was emotional during the fight...while Obi-wan wasnt. While Anakin was more powerful and had better lightsaber skills


Using the logic of the Dark Side, being emotional makes you more powerful.


Using the logic of the Jedi, compartmentlizing your emotions so they don't hamper your performance makes you more powerful.


By that logic, Anakin, by drawing on all his hate, anger, and rage, was at his peak of power when fighting Obi-Wan. And Obi-Wan, by keeping his emotions in check and not letting them color his decision-making, was at the peak of his power.


And Obi-Wan wiped the floor with Anakin.


Thus, by the very logic of what makes the Dark Side its most powerful, and what makes the Light its most powerful, Light bent Dark over and made it its *****.

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