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Why the Darkside Vastly more powerful than The Light


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Darth Revan a Jedi Master turned to the Dark Side and became MORE POWERFUL, had he remained a Jedi he would be too weak and indeed the republic would have remained too weak too resist the madalorians or the True Sith Empire.



Was Revan a Jedi Master before he fell? I thought he was a knight during the Mandalorian wars, and that was when he left. I can't remember him ever being referred to as a Jedi Master until after he "returned to the Light."

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The best example of the Darkside being stronger can be seen in this game,


Shatela shan the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and perhaps the strongest jedi in THIS era nearly got killed by Darth Malgus in the trailer Returned. She only survived by a saber throw from her MAster and even then Darth Malgus slaughters her MAster and His own by himself



ROund two: the trailer HOPE


Darth Malgus is blown to hell from a persistant trooper, despite this he severs statela shans saber and nearly kills her. Hes then blown up again and finally defeated but survives.



Now Darth Malgus was a powerful Sithlord for sure but pales in comparison to Darth Viatate the Emperor Who crushed and absored a planet of Sithlords and achieved Immortality.



IF Darth Malgus has proven to be more powerful than the Greatets Jedi in this era, What comparion can there be when Malgus is nothing to the Most powerful SITH, the Emperor?


Thus the Darkside is STONGER.



The Darkside IS STRONGER, the only disagreements are from fan boys or players who are mad they choose a jedi.


Darth Sion was immortal he could not die in battle, the only way he was defeated was to be convinced to let go of his pain.


NO JEDI EVER had such a power.


Darth Nihiliuos DEVOURED ENTIRE frackin planets, he devoured thousands of jedi without even needing to draw his lightsaber. he was only defeated for his "connection" or love for his apprentice, in other words his last straw of humanity. He was the Dark Side made manifest.


NO JEDI EVER came close to such a power



Darth Revan a Jedi Master turned to the Dark Side and became MORE POWERFUL, had he remained a Jedi he would be too weak and indeed the republic would have remained too weak too resist the madalorians or the True Sith Empire.


Lastly look at all the fights in the movies,


Darth Maul is taken down by TWO jedis, and he kills one


Darth Sidious kills three Jedi Masters and draws with Mace although it can be argued he lost its very obvious it was a ruse to turn Anakin to the Dark Side.


Count Dooku defeats anakin and obi wan and holds his own againt yoda,

It then takes a much more experence obi wan and anakin to beat him and ONLY after anakin used his anger (darkside) to overwhelm him.


Quoting Yoda that its more seductive but equal is not accurate as he was a champion of the Light, Had he admited it was stronger Luke would probally just joined his Father and Ruled the Galaxy as Father and Son.


Jedi have temptation to go towards the Darkside because ite more powerful, Do Sith Lords have any such temptation to learn from the Light? No because they are more powerful and do not require inferior and weaker arts.



Yoda said that the path to the Darkside is quicker, not stronger. It's like you creating a character and immediately bumping him to lvl 50. A Jedi can also achieve lvl 50 but it takes them longer and because of that few Jedi survive to be that strong. And Darth Malgus trashed Shatela Shan when she was a Padawan, not as the Grand Master. Plus she also had the power to catch and hold his lightsaber barehanded for a few moments. If thats not strenght then I don't know what is.

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hehehehe... I'm sorry but the forums are funny.. :)



You have almost 50 pages of discussion whether the fictional dark side is stronger than the fictional light side... and you are alle demanding citations, facts, lore ect...





no one is right.. all is right.



Frack it.. continue if you want - Actually I don't expect for this strange and hilarious discussion to end just because of my little comment.

Edited by Stonadin
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hehehehe... I'm sorry but the forums are funny.. :)



You have almost 50 pages of discussion whether the fictional dark side is stronger than the fictional light side... and you are alle demanding citations, facts, lore ect...





no one is right.. all is right.



Frack it.. continue if you want - Actually I don't expect for this strange and hilarious discussion to end just because of my little comment.


Thats what makes something awsome, the dedication and effort people put into it.


I love lore discussion because of that very fact, its alot more significant then just going "fictionlol" :p even if it isnt real.

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Shatela shan the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and perhaps the strongest jedi in THIS era nearly got killed by Darth Malgus in the trailer Returned. She only survived by a saber throw from her MAster and even then Darth Malgus slaughters her MAster and His own by himself.


You don't know much about the canon do you? Shan was a padawan when Malgus killed her master. She'd only just become a Knight by the time of the Hope trailer. Infact, she didn't become the Grand Master until some time after the events surrounding the trailers.


You invalidated your entire argument in the first few lines.

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You don't know much about the canon do you? Shan was a padawan when Malgus killed her master. She'd only just become a Knight by the time of the Hope trailer. Infact, she didn't become the Grand Master until some time after the events surrounding the trailers.


You invalidated your entire argument in the first few lines.


Hehe, don't bother arguing with that guy. He's not a very good debater. ;)

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Actually this is where i disagree with you. Though i do agree that the dark side in general is more powerful, it is not without it's faults. The dark side uses passion which is one of it's greatest strengths imo. Sith draw thier power from all the strong emotions. But unfortunatly this also includes aggressive emotions such as anger and hate. Though the occasional burst of anger is ok. I think sith are going to have a hard time ruling the galaxy if all they do is rage and stabbing each other in the back.


Imo Jedi AND sith both can learn from each other, Jedi to use passion, and Sith to not use too much of it lol


I agree mostly with this. Both sides have advantages and disadvantages. The dark side imo is like too much of a good thing, and the power eventually fades. The light side, doesn't show as much power, but endures much longer. I don't think one is stronger than the other, but I like the dark side more, because of the passion.

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Not going to read all the posts here, so I'll just say this with the knowledge that someone else has already said it and I'm just reiterating:


The Dark Side is NOT stronger. It's faster and easier and SEEMS more powerful because it's actively manipulated instead of using the natural flow of it as the Light Side does. There are some Light Side practitioners who are just as, if not more powerful. Nomi Sunrider for example. Normally, it would take several Jedi working together to sever someone's connection to the Force. She did it on no notice and by herself. Tell ME that isn't powerful. Even the most powerful Sith Lords haven't been able to do such a thing. In the Sith Inquisitor story arc, one Sith Lord tries, and fails miserably to sever my connection. What a dingleberry, right?


Anyhow, that's my argument. Have fun, and fly safe. o7

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The lore will say they are equal. The stories will generally have the Dark side being stronger.


Why? Story telling reasons. If the heroes overpower the evil, then, hey, not very heroic is it? And even a fair contest is typically less interesting than one where the evil is stronger. So evil gets to outnumber or be more powerful than good, but then either its nature causes it to implode or else there's the ***** in the armor, the small thermal exhaust port in the doomsday weapon.


And, in the sequel, the enemy will be even stronger than the previous ancient doom. And the hero will also be more powerful, to fight this new evil. And eventually, it just becomes a parody of itself, with lots of silliness, like people flip flopping back and forth between the dark and light side, sucking the life out of entire planets, and so on.

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I think people keep getting on about Luke getting his arse whopped by the Emperor in this thread and I would like to put my 2 cents in.


Lets remember that Luke's goal was to turn his father back from the Dark side.


The Emperor's goal was to have Luke kill his father and take his place. The Emperor said that he had forseen Luke's ability to destroy them but Vader wanted to turn him into an ally.


When the Emperor was frying Luke it was only because Luke threw away his lightsaber and refused to kill his father. This set in motion Luke accomplishing his goal with a leap of faith in the force (which is what the light side is about). If it was a straight-up fight against the Emperor who knows ... only GL but that's not how he wrote it.


As far as which side is stronger I would have to say neither and it is all about balance. One side goes up one side goes down same as good vs. evil and so on for eternity. For ever and ever.... just like this thread.

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Not going to read all the posts here, so I'll just say this with the knowledge that someone else has already said it and I'm just reiterating:


The Dark Side is NOT stronger. It's faster and easier and SEEMS more powerful because it's actively manipulated instead of using the natural flow of it as the Light Side does. There are some Light Side practitioners who are just as, if not more powerful. Nomi Sunrider for example. Normally, it would take several Jedi working together to sever someone's connection to the Force. She did it on no notice and by herself. Tell ME that isn't powerful. Even the most powerful Sith Lords haven't been able to do such a thing. In the Sith Inquisitor story arc, one Sith Lord tries, and fails miserably to sever my connection. What a dingleberry, right?


Anyhow, that's my argument. Have fun, and fly safe. o7


Except Lucas said the Dark side is stronger. There is no argument.

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He said, from ANAKIN'S perspective, the Dark Side was stronger. From YODA'S perspective, he said (through Yoda himself) that the Dark Side was NOT stronger.


Since he has gone on to state that "bringing balance to the Force" means ERADICATING the Dark Side, it's pretty obvious that Word of God says Dark Side = Weak.

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Also, your incredibly wrong with your whole "Malgus is better than all jedi + Emperor is stronger than all sith so noone can kill emperor" THE FOLLOWING IS A MASSIVE SPOILER DONT CLICK IF YOU DONT WANNA SEE IT


The jedi knight kills the emperor in the act 3 questline. Surely this disproves your point -_-


Was gonna post the same thing but saw your spoiler.

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From a few pages back, someone else quoted it:


That was yodas own opinion, obviously he isnt going to tell Luke the dark side is more powerfu or he would have fallen to itl. Im going to be reposting this every time people bring up Yodas quote from now on:


Lucas: "The key part of this scene ultimately is Anakin saying "I'm not going to let this happen again." We're cementing his determination to become the most powerful Jedi. The only way you can really do that is to go to the Dark Side because the Dark Side is more powerful. If you want the ultimate power you really have to go to the stronger side which is the Dark Side."


There is absolutely no debate.


That's pretty clearly Lucas talking about Anakin's state of mind and decision making process, NOT an objective Word of God from the author to the audience.

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Shatela shan the Grand Master of the Jedi Order and perhaps the strongest jedi in THIS era nearly got killed by Darth Malgus in the trailer Returned. She only survived by a saber throw from her MAster and even then Darth Malgus slaughters her MAster and His own by himself


First off, she was told to run (she was a padawan at the time). Secondly, that master had to fight two Sith Lords at once and held his own EXTREMELY well.



ROund two: the trailer HOPE


Darth Malgus is blown to hell from a persistant trooper, despite this he severs statela shans saber and nearly kills her. Hes then blown up again and finally defeated but survives.


No, he tries to stab her, she blocks him, and them she blows him into a giant stone face. His survival, if anything, is only a testament to the medial technique of the doctors there.


IF Darth Malgus has proven to be more powerful than the Greatets Jedi in this era, What comparion can there be when Malgus is nothing to the Most powerful SITH, the Emperor?


She was a padawan at the time, so this is not an accurate statement.


Darth Sion was immortal he could not die in battle, the only way he was defeated was to be convinced to let go of his pain.


And then he lost. Ta da.


NO JEDI EVER had such a power.


According to the Jedi belief system, they gain immortality in death.


Darth Nihiliuos DEVOURED ENTIRE frackin planets, he devoured thousands of jedi without even needing to draw his lightsaber. he was only defeated for his "connection" or love for his apprentice, in other words his last straw of humanity. He was the Dark Side made manifest.


And then he got his *** kicked in what felt like a particularly anti-climactic battle.


NO JEDI EVER came close to such a power


What? The power of the light side comes from drawing in the power around them. So basically they do THAT, except without breaking anything.


Darth Revan a Jedi Master turned to the Dark Side and became MORE POWERFUL, had he remained a Jedi he would be too weak and indeed the republic would have remained too weak too resist the madalorians or the True Sith Empire.


And then he was beaten by Bastilla. THEN he goes back to the light side and stops Malak, a Sith Lord.


Lastly look at all the fights in the movies,


Darth Maul is taken down by TWO jedis, and he kills one


To be fair, Darth Maul had a whole life of martial training BEFORE he became a Sith.


Darth Sidious kills three Jedi Masters and draws with Mace although it can be argued he lost its very obvious it was a ruse to turn Anakin to the Dark Side.


I'm not gonna lie, Kit Fisto and other guy went out like *****es. But he and Mace weren't at a draw. Mace would've killed him without the interference of Anakin.


Count Dooku defeats anakin and obi wan and holds his own againt yoda


Actually no, he runs away from yoda.


Quoting Yoda that its more seductive but equal is not accurate.


I agree, that is inaccurate. He never said that.


Jedi have temptation to go towards the Darkside because ite more powerful, Do Sith Lords have any such temptation to learn from the Light? No because they are more powerful and do not require inferior and weaker arts.


No, they have temptation because when you have supreme power, it's pretty easy to just lop someone's head off with your super cool lightsaber.


First of all, destroying is easy. Anyone can do it; I could punch through my monitor RIGHT NOW and it'd be destroyed. FIXING it is what would be difficult. Am I smarter for breaking a monitor or am I smarter for fixing it?


Secondly, almost EVERY point you argued was either incorrect, or just plain biased. How about when Obi-Wan beat Anakin? How about Luke beating Vader and Sidious? Or when Jaina beat Jacen? Bastilla beating Revan? I could go on and on, and you know why? The lightside always wins in the end.

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with the basic kind of lore that i know, the only reason the sith beats the jedi is by pre-thought out trickery and from pure raw overpowering.

the dark side feeds off emotion and is a rawer power.

the light side of the force is a reformed "processed" form of the force, perfectly controlled and measured

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From a few pages back, someone else quoted it:




That's pretty clearly Lucas talking about Anakin's state of mind and decision making process, NOT an objective Word of God from the author to the audience.


No it isnt. It clearly states he wants to become the most powerful. to do it you MUST go to the dark side. You have no argument, your a fanboy in denial. It also doesnt help when it was stated that if Yoda turned to the dark side he would have obliterated Sidious with ease, something light side Yoda could never do.


Your just like the people who also twist Lucas's words that Mace beat Palpatine into Palpatine lost on purpose blah blah blah. When Lucas outright stated Palpatine was going 100%

Edited by Girdeux
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No it isnt. It clearly states he wants to become the most powerful. to do it you MUST go to the dark side. You have no argument, your a fanboy in denial. It also doesnt help when it was stated that if Yoda turned to the dark side he would have obliterated Sidious with ease, something light side Yoda could never do.


Your just like the people who also twist Lucas's words that Mace beat Palpatine into Palpatine lost on purpose blah blah blah. When Lucas outright stated Palpatine was going 100%


Haha, Hahaha. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Really, the only appropriate response to this is laughter, because it is SO DAMN FUNNY!


Thanks for the morning joke, I needed that.

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