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So... 1.2 is going to be the Messiah of all Patches?


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You are off your crack pipe if you think TOR is not the most solo friendly MMO(Massive Multiplayer Online), game on the market.


NoxiousAlby wasn't addressing difficulty of leveling solo or "how solo friendly". It's the content issue. If you level your toons to 50 then what for solo? There are those that don't want to PvP or Raid. In SWG there was a ton of stuff to do from an explorer or social aspect (it was at its best pre-CU for this but there were still elements even up thru the NGE).

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I heard there was gonna be a new daily hub. Now that I think of it, I can't remember where I heard that, but it was probably on the internet, so it must be true!

Let's just pretend it's true for a minute, does a daily quest hub aka Firelands provide entertaining fun? Will it allow for character progression?


This is the problem I have with daily quest hubs, for some players it maybe a new experience but for others weve been doing them for 7 years in other games. They can appear as more of a chore other than entertainment. If the decision was mine to make I would introduce the Lotro skirmish system which allows FP's & OP's to be run solo, 2, 4, 8, & 16 man. Have it so we could solo FP's with 3 companions, the companion system is a great part of the game but we dont utilise it. I've been flogging this dead horse for a month but BW seems so hung up on grouping=community, well a LFD will kill that anyway.


We dont know what will be in 1.2 apart from a "legacy system" (which we know nothing about) but I hope to goodness it doesnt contain a "quest hub".

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You are off your crack pipe if you think TOR is not the most solo friendly MMO(Massive Multiplayer Online), game on the market.


Thanks for the drug related insult


But to answer your question, it is until you hit 50. At 50 there is no character progression except for pvp and terribad space combat.


I have found that story lines are very similar, for example warrior & Inquisitor class almost echo each other but that okay theres just enough of a difference to be tolerable. Side quests, who really does them more than twice? which means levels need to be acquired through pvp or the rail shooter till you reach the next appropriate class quest level.


Yes this is an amazing solo player game until you hit 50, unfortunately thats as far as it gets.

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The only messianic cries I see on this forum is that GW2 is going to be the second coming of MMOs.


Those people are only going to be disappointed.


Guild Wars 2 is going to be way better than TOR in my opinion. TOR is very good, but not as good as Guild Wars 2 from what I've seeing and all that I've read

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So what exactly were you hoping for in a themepark game exactly?


SWG2...? I hope not.


Seeing as how I already answered this question i'll just quote myself


If the decision was mine to make I would introduce the Lotro skirmish system which allows FP's & OP's to be run solo, 2, 4, 8, & 16 man. Have it so we could solo FP's with 3 companions, the companion system is a great part of the game but we dont utilise it.


Having solo versions of FP & OP's would allow you to gear yourself and your companions, it would offer character progression. You could alterante your companions afterall we have 5 of them but only ever use 1.


This would offer me months of entertainment value in between patch content, If I could handle completing ZA & ZG over 500 times being able to do the above would be paradise.

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Let me tell you what's going to happen when 1.2 releases.


Despite the patch having a great deal of fixes and content, the forums will be in an uproar about how terrible the patch is and how Bioware is doomed. Someone will post a graph showing a dip in server population and talk about Bioware completely failing and mention how they've dropped the ball. What with GW2 around the corner.


The same ten people who have been saying they're going to cancel their subs will continue to inform us so, yet they'll continue to post and play the game.


There will literally be dozens of posts by armchair developers about how they would've done the patch a million times better than Bioware. Everyone of these posts will be about some ridiculous feature that no one besides the poster really cares about. Someone will spell ridiculous as 'rediculous'.


Meanwhile, in game, people will continue to play and have fun.



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THIS outstanding!


There are only 2 types of forum posters. They are:


1: Players who are never happy and come here to just complain and threaten to quit the game.


2: Players who love the game but are now stuck and work and unable to play. So they come here to try and convince the complainers to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Less complaining more enjoyment!


Wrong. Try again.

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I can't speak for others but for myself I am cancelling this game today. I'm BM rank 64 and just the thought that I could play all week and make zero progress is enough to quit.


My main reasons:

-Dead & Lifeless world(see numerous youtube videos on this, search 'static swtor')


-Poor performance


-Nothing challenging in the game.


-RNG of the Battlemaster bag grind( I know it's being changed but this is only one of the problems imo)


-Too heavily instanced.


-Feels like a Single Player game with multi player tacked on at the last 5% of development.


-Ability delay when in Warzones.


-Pointless world PvP compared to what 'other' games on the horizon are planning.


-Slow to respond to game breaking issues, such as:

* Illum FP camping which allowed Empire thousands of points of Valor due to this bug.

And to think these gains were not rolled back???!!!! Unacceptable

* Operative insta-killing people with 8k crits which took weeks to address. IMO Operatives are still overpowered in the fact that no class should be able to take a person to 1/2 HP before they can even react.

* Warzones not giving credit. I can't count how many WZ's I won that didn't give credit for weeks before this was finally fixed. Did I get credit for these eventually? Of course not.


-Worst and most limiting UI I've seen in an MMO since before WoW, and that was 2003.


-No community support and just generally no emphasis on building a community inside or outside the game. Server forums would go along way towards this. Server group forums where we have to prefix every post with our server name? Seriously, why would you make me scroll through pages of posts just to find those from my server. I know I could use the search function but still, very lackluster.


-Bioware lack of experience in an MMO. They've never made one and it shows.


-Doubts about the Hero engine going forward. You can only tweek an engine so much so I really don't see BW all of a sudden allowing hi-res textures and having great performance in this game no matter what they do.


-Economy is pretty pointless. Hey I have over 2,000,000 credits and really nothing to spend it on.


-GTN filters still sometimes done work correctly and it's just not very user friendly.


-Nothing innovative except voice acting & companions, everything else was a lesser carbon copy of WoW. Honestly i'd rather have something innovative I could experience every day not just the first 2 weeks of the MMO. VO was cool at first but eventually I, like I'm sure many others, would just space bar through it. Post 50 companions are pretty pointless too. I'd just assume have a crafting station at least you'd actually have a place where people might gather.


Sorry if this post upsets some people but I owe to BW to explain why I'm leaving. Furthermore perhaps some of these issue apply to other people and because of posts like this the game will get better.

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FYI to everyone, as of today nothing is in 1.2. Sorry to break your hearts but until there are release notes all you are doing is speculating. For all we know it will be a normal weekly patch.


Until you see it on the test server or see official release notes, you are just playing a guessing game.


I say SWIMMING is in 1.2!!!!

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Overall I like my experience with TOR. Most of my gripes with the game is the user interface. I mean when a party group is formed, the party box overlaps my left hotkey bar, lol. In certain Warzones the giant status bar overlaps my buttons on the right bar. I play on a 24 inch monitor at 1680 x 1050 resolution, overlapping of the UI should not be happening.


That said, it seems every gripe known to the community, legit or otherwise is soon met by a response that 1.2 will resolve said issue.


1.2 has a lot riding on it ... :D


Not sure what to do about the Warzone stuff overlapping your right bar, but the party bar can be moved away from your left bar, there is a clicky icon on the bars that lets you unlock and drag.

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FYI to everyone, as of today nothing is in 1.2. Sorry to break your hearts but until there are release notes all you are doing is speculating. For all we know it will be a normal weekly patch.


Until you see it on the test server or see official release notes, you are just playing a guessing game.


I say SWIMMING is in 1.2!!!!


I hope you're joking.

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I can't speak for others but for myself I am cancelling this game today. I'm BM rank 64 and just the thought that I could play all week and make zero progress is enough to quit.


My main reasons:

-Dead & Lifeless world(see numerous youtube videos on this, search 'static swtor')


-Poor performance


-Nothing challenging in the game.


-RNG of the Battlemaster bag grind( I know it's being changed but this is only one of the problems imo)


-Too heavily instanced.


-Feels like a Single Player game with multi player tacked on at the last 5% of development.


-Ability delay when in Warzones.


-Pointless world PvP compared to what 'other' games on the horizon are planning.


-Slow to respond to game breaking issues, such as:

* Illum FP camping which allowed Empire thousands of points of Valor due to this bug.

And to think these gains were not rolled back???!!!! Unacceptable

* Operative insta-killing people with 8k crits which took weeks to address. IMO Operatives are still overpowered in the fact that no class should be able to take a person to 1/2 HP before they can even react.

* Warzones not giving credit. I can't count how many WZ's I won that didn't give credit for weeks before this was finally fixed. Did I get credit for these eventually? Of course not.


-Worst and most limiting UI I've seen in an MMO since before WoW, and that was 2003.


-No community support and just generally no emphasis on building a community inside or outside the game. Server forums would go along way towards this. Server group forums where we have to prefix every post with our server name? Seriously, why would you make me scroll through pages of posts just to find those from my server. I know I could use the search function but still, very lackluster.


-Bioware lack of experience in an MMO. They've never made one and it shows.


-Doubts about the Hero engine going forward. You can only tweek an engine so much so I really don't see BW all of a sudden allowing hi-res textures and having great performance in this game no matter what they do.


-Economy is pretty pointless. Hey I have over 2,000,000 credits and really nothing to spend it on.


-GTN filters still sometimes done work correctly and it's just not very user friendly.


-Nothing innovative except voice acting & companions, everything else was a lesser carbon copy of WoW. Honestly i'd rather have something innovative I could experience every day not just the first 2 weeks of the MMO. VO was cool at first but eventually I, like I'm sure many others, would just space bar through it. Post 50 companions are pretty pointless too. I'd just assume have a crafting station at least you'd actually have a place where people might gather.


Sorry if this post upsets some people but I owe to BW to explain why I'm leaving. Furthermore perhaps some of these issue apply to other people and because of posts like this the game will get better.


See you in a month/enjoy your continued sub to the game.


Thread hijackers are pointless. Stop redirecting a thread's original discussion for your own attempt at garnering attention.

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1.2 will add/fix most of the main gripes people have.


1.2 will not change the fact that some players are stupid.

1.2 will not satisfy the content locusts.

1.2 will not change the fact that some people are burnt out on MMOs.

1.2 will not change the fact that MMO players don't like MMORPGs.

1.2 will not change the fact that this is not WoW.


1.2 will be the second departure of the people who didn't actually understand what they were buying.

1.2 will be the beginning of the maturing of this game.


1.2 is something I'm looking forward to.

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My expectations of 1.2:




This^, .... is what will "ruin" the patch for people. It's what "ruined" the game for people. You set yourself up for disappointment by having (too many)"expectations" for games.


The info for the patch is readily available thus far, do your homework and if it's not up to snuff by all means: move on.


There's really NOT MANY PEOPLE at all who care about your expectations.


My expectations of 1.2 are as follows:


-They ban the IP addresses of unsubbed accounts on account expiration.

-They remove PvP from the game in it's entirety.

-They push all the QQ and complaint posts into another forum area, disguised as General, so the flamers and trolls can rub one another's egos there, and think they are still doing something to cause an upset in the balance of things.

-The push all the extreme fanbois into a section like mentioned above.

-They give 3 day bans to armchair devs and couch economists.

-They pay off haters' bosses to fire them and say "I found this guy on the SWTOR forums who says he can do your job better than you, sorry. He's 14 too so he'll work for 2 cans of soda and a peanut butter sandwich every day! Not to mention he knows what EVERY ONE of our customers want based on his poll of 63 people! Amazing right?!?!?!"



Then again: why do my expectations matter to any of you? They don't. And they shouldn't. ;)

Edited by Ebbikenezer
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People like to say that so they have more of an excuse to leave. In the end it's a patch that fixes, and adds, the things that need to be fixed or added. Really I'm in it for the long haul so this is not some big game changer for me.


Honestly I was to, but leveling my 2nd alt i've hit a brick wall. I still enjoy the class quests but no way can I be bothered with the side quests yet again. I've hunted datacrons, space combat bores me, so that leaves WZ between levels till I can do the next class quest.


Wow was different, there were so many quests you could skip half on one character and do them on the next one. Having said that I wouldnt go back but had 8 lvl 85's, here i'm struggling to make 3 lvl 50's

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