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Did Mace Windu get dark side points for choosing to kill the Emperor?


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Lol this could actually be a really great thread concept,,,,


OBI WAN's tree


1) Before you go Luke, remember anything Darth tells you is a lie (Darkside 100)

2) Hey theres something I not told you, Darth is your father

3) Go Luke remember dont give in to hate, its leads to the darkside (Light 100)



OBI WAN prequel movie


1) We will go with you Ja Ja

2) (using Jedi Mind trick) You will harm yourself in the pod speeder enging blast (Darkside 100)

3) Look Ja Ja I will cut you down just for speaking (lets face it, its gotta be Lightside lol 10000)

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For the warm up a little companion dialogue. ;)


Padme: We used to lie on the sand and let the sun dry us... and try to guess the names of the birds singing.


1. I don't like sand. [Kiss her.] (+17 affection)

2. Tell me about it. (+50 affection)

3. Did the gossip press write about it. (-2 affection)



But now the class story of another character.


Return of the Jedi, Final Duel Luke-Vader

Vader: You cannot hide forever, Son.


1. I will not fight. (50 LS)

2. [Remain silent.]

3. [Prepare to ambush him.] (100 DS)


(1) Luke: I will not fight you.


Vader: Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends.

Vader: Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for...

Vader: Sister!

Vader: So...you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her, too. Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete.

Vader: If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will.


1. No! [Attack him.] (50 DS)

2. I trust her. (50 LS)

3. I can't allow this.


(1) Luke: Never! (attacks)

(2) Luke: She won't turn to the dark side. I know she would rather die.

(3) Luke: If I have to fight you to save her, I will.


-> Quest: Defeat Vader

-> Quest: Talk to Vader


Emperor: Good! Your hate has made you powerful. Now, fulfill your destiny and take your father's place at my side!


1. No. (500 LS)

2. [Kill him.] (500 DS)


(1) Luke: Never! I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.


(2) (Luke kills Vader)


(1) Emperor: So be it...Jedi.


(2) Emperor: Good. Good. (Luke kneels down before the Emperor) Rise, Darth [...no idea...] . We have to leave this station soon.


(This would need a defect faction function, though.)

Edited by Maaruin
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If it were an SWTOR choice, would it have been something like:


(1) He must stand trial. (100 light side)


(2) He's too dangerous to be left alive. (50 dark side)


(3) I'll let Yoda decide.

Why would he let Yoda decide? Mace Windu was a leader of the Jedi Council. Yoda was just a wisest member. However, important decisions are up to whole Jedi Council, not just to one member.

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Why would he let Yoda decide? Mace Windu was a leader of the Jedi Council. Yoda was just a wisest member. However, important decisions are up to whole Jedi Council, not just to one member.


actually Mace was Master of the Order which is different than being the Jedi Grand Master... granted most of the time one person holds both titles (Yoda did before the clone wars started after they did Mace held it while Yoda was still the grandmaster) at this time they were separate... it's not a hierarchical position like master of the order is...

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Like everybody else, this response is based on personal belief. No, Mace Windu would not get dark side points for choosing to kill Darth Sidious. Although the Jedi Code states that Jedi do not strike down defenseless opponents, one must keep in mind that the Dark Lord just slew three Jedi Masters. In fact, those three along with Windu were the Jedi Order's greatest swordsmen. Since Sidious committed mass murder, he had to pay for it with his life.
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Like everybody else, this response is based on personal belief. No, Mace Windu would not get dark side points for choosing to kill Darth Sidious. Although the Jedi Code states that Jedi do not strike down defenseless opponents, one must keep in mind that the Dark Lord just slew three Jedi Masters. In fact, those three along with Windu were the Jedi Order's greatest swordsmen. Since Sidious committed mass murder, he had to pay for it with his life.


As Bastilla said, no one deserves death, no matter what their crimes.


They could've stripped him of his Force powers lol.

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Like everybody else, this response is based on personal belief. No, Mace Windu would not get dark side points for choosing to kill Darth Sidious. Although the Jedi Code states that Jedi do not strike down defenseless opponents, one must keep in mind that the Dark Lord just slew three Jedi Masters. In fact, those three along with Windu were the Jedi Order's greatest swordsmen. Since Sidious committed mass murder, he had to pay for it with his life.

no I strongly disagree. If you play the JK story you actually get in this situation and striking down the opponent is DS points.

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Luke: It looks like the sandpeople did it, all right. Look, there's gaffii sticks, bantha tracks, it's just, I never heard of them hitting anyhting this big before!


Ben Kenobi

1. Search your feelings Luke, and you will discover the truth. (50 LS)

2. It was the Empire. (50 DS)


3. You're right! Let's go kill some Sand People! (150 DS)


Ben: They didn't, but we are meant to THINK they did. These tracks are side by side. Sandpeople always ride single file to hide their strength and numbers. (+50 LS)


Luke: These are the same jawas who sold us Artoo and Threepio!


Ben Kenobi

1. We must honor their memory. (50 LS)


2. Only Stormtroopers can shoot this straight! [Lie]


3. Serves the snitches right! (50 DS)


Ben: And these blastpoints, too accurate for sandpeople. Only Imperial stormtroopers are this precise.


Luke: But, why would Imperial troops wanna slaughter jawas? If they traced the robots here, they'd know who they sold them to and that'd lead them back...home!


Ben Kenobi

1. Clear your mind, calm your emotions. (Affection: Luke +15)(50 LS)


2. Wait! Don't go! (Affection: Luke -2)


3. Wait! I'm coming too!


Ben: Wait, Luke! It's too dangerous!


Mission Complete: Investigate Sand Crawler

LS + 50, Luke Affection -2

Bonus Objective Updating...

New Bonus Objective: Collect 20 Jawa Corpses and bring to bonfire.

Edited by ObiWanBaikonur
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Replying directly to the topic's question, didn't read the whole thread.


Yes. Mace Windu got "Dark Side points" for choosing to kill Sidious. At this point Mace was skimming on the surface of the Dark Side for years, and the Clone Wars had changed him for the worse. He wouldn't have fell to the darkness, but he had lost sight on the true Jedi ways.

It wasn't his fault, this was the whole purpose of the Clone Wars - to scatter the Jedi and ruin them by forcing them into fighting in the destructive conflict. Anakin was not the first Jedi who fell to the Dark Side; a little look at the EU tells you of guys like Sora Bulq, Depa Billaba, Tol Skorr, Pong Krell - all of them were Jedi who were ruined by the Dark Side as a result of the Clone Wars.


Mace wouldn't have fallen as far as them, but by the time of the late Clone Wars he definitely was tainted. It's stated a bunch of times in Episode 3's novelization - when Obi-Wan meets him on Coruscant he's startled and saddened by the change in Mace, who had become a much darker person. Later, Windu openly suggested that after the Jedi took down Palpatine, they would have had to take control over the Senate in order to secure peaceful transition. While I believe that Mace's intentions were sincere and well-meaning, he was talking about the Jedi Order usurping the power over the Galaxy. That's as far from Jedi ways and ideals as it can go without falling to the Dark Side. Sure, it may have been for the greater good, but it's dangerously unJedi-like.

Same with killing Palpatine - for all Mace knew the guy was beaten and defenceless. Sure, we know that it wasn't so, but Mace didn't. He chose to kill a being he assumed was unarmed and defenceless. That's not the Jedi way - and it's not a chance that Sidious himself had Anakin killing Dooku in a very similair situation. Again, Mace was thinking for the greater good, but he wasn't acting like a true Jedi.


So, yes, 50 Dark Side points for him.

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