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Healers getting too many medals in WZs


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This thread seems to have become more of a "Tanks get too many medals" thread than a "Healers dont get enough" one.


The large majority of healers I know that have stuck with healing spec, do so because they feel winning gives better rewards than losing with more medals, and because they like to know they they are largely responsible. Also tbh on our server the majority of MVP votes go the most healing.


As a poster said above, it's nice to have a game that DOES finally reward tanks. My main MMO prior to this one was Warhammer which ofc was PvP based. DPS would solo kill players for max gain, healers would go out of party and heal random people, because the renown gain for a kill was split between your party... so by being 'involved' but on their own, they got full reward. Tanks... well, tanks had to just hope the guy they were protecting actually killed something.


I do agree healers need more reward, but I am glad to finally see tanks get some. A tank will perform far better with a healer behind them, and a healer will perform far better with a tank guarding them. I think its unfair to say "You only got that much protection because X healer did Y healing"... why not the healer only managed so much because the tank prolonged his life long enough to get through concentrated CC? A tank is sacrificing (for his best protection at least) his own HP to do his job.


With it being easy (yes, it is easy I admit) to get the first 3 medals for protection I find it hilarious that so few tanks actually bother. However this shows again there is a huge difference between a good tank and bad one. Just as there is between a good healer and bad one (the bad ones are the ones who stand in a corner Noble Sarifice + heal to get big numbers for MVP :p).


I myself, am a terrible healer and I know it.. but as a tank, I will do more than just throw guard on and go to dps, I stay near my target, I use CC's to help them, I will pull a DPS off them if I get knocked/pulled away from them and most of all, I swap my guard to who needs it rather than just stick it on 1 guy and forget about them. Won't always get protect medals though as I have a tendency to get focused a lot myself.



The main thing I agree with here is that healers need 'tags' if someone they heal tags an enemy. This would give them more medals WITHOUT giving the DPS healing classes more still, by which I mean the ones who get 300k dmg medals etc but still get the 2.5k/75k heal ones because they bubbled themselves and jumped through the fire. The majority of the healing medals such players get are merely for self protection vs a tank whose protection stats can ONLY be gained by assisting other players.



TL:DR? Give healers access to the kill tag medals easier, but don't bash the tanks who FINALLY get something for sacrificing their own hp.

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It's not a pve, where u stand at one place and heal, heal, heal....heal.

U need to dps, and if u dps - u are fine with medals.


It is obvious you have never played in a competitive PVP match where you can't afford to risk even a single GCD or the force to splash dps to get 'kill' tagging credit. Sure its easy to get medals in lopside matches, but in the competitive ones, it is not uncommon to completely carry your team on your back and get a whopping 4 medals for the effort.


A healer should get a competitive amount of medals for healing, period.


Step 1:


1. Heals give kill credit in open RvR, they should in warzones as well. If I heal you and you kill them, I get credit along side of you for killing them.


2. Reduce the 5k medal to 4.5k to account for the surge nerf. Add in a 150k medal and 500k medal.


This would let you go from 3-4 medals in a warfront where you are forced to strictly heal, to 6-8 consistently, with the possibility for several more.

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This thread seems to have become more of a "Tanks get too many medals" thread than a "Healers dont get enough" one.


The large majority of healers I know that have stuck with healing spec, do so because they feel winning gives better rewards than losing with more medals, and because they like to know they they are largely responsible. Also tbh on our server the majority of MVP votes go the most healing.


As a poster said above, it's nice to have a game that DOES finally reward tanks. My main MMO prior to this one was Warhammer which ofc was PvP based. DPS would solo kill players for max gain, healers would go out of party and heal random people, because the renown gain for a kill was split between your party... so by being 'involved' but on their own, they got full reward. Tanks... well, tanks had to just hope the guy they were protecting actually killed something.


I do agree healers need more reward, but I am glad to finally see tanks get some. A tank will perform far better with a healer behind them, and a healer will perform far better with a tank guarding them. I think its unfair to say "You only got that much protection because X healer did Y healing"... why not the healer only managed so much because the tank prolonged his life long enough to get through concentrated CC? A tank is sacrificing (for his best protection at least) his own HP to do his job.


With it being easy (yes, it is easy I admit) to get the first 3 medals for protection I find it hilarious that so few tanks actually bother. However this shows again there is a huge difference between a good tank and bad one. Just as there is between a good healer and bad one (the bad ones are the ones who stand in a corner Noble Sarifice + heal to get big numbers for MVP :p).


I myself, am a terrible healer and I know it.. but as a tank, I will do more than just throw guard on and go to dps, I stay near my target, I use CC's to help them, I will pull a DPS off them if I get knocked/pulled away from them and most of all, I swap my guard to who needs it rather than just stick it on 1 guy and forget about them. Won't always get protect medals though as I have a tendency to get focused a lot myself.



The main thing I agree with here is that healers need 'tags' if someone they heal tags an enemy. This would give them more medals WITHOUT giving the DPS healing classes more still, by which I mean the ones who get 300k dmg medals etc but still get the 2.5k/75k heal ones because they bubbled themselves and jumped through the fire. The majority of the healing medals such players get are merely for self protection vs a tank whose protection stats can ONLY be gained by assisting other players.



TL:DR? Give healers access to the kill tag medals easier, but don't bash the tanks who FINALLY get something for sacrificing their own hp.


I think tanks should get the medals, I just think they should need to work much harder to get them. As it stands a DPS jugg can pretty much get all the tank medals 30 seconds into every match (I know because I do on my jugg.) You shouldn't be able to get 3 tank medals with a single AOE taunt.

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I get so excited when I hit 5 medals. One time, I even got 7!!!


The sad reality, is I usually only get 2-3, especially in Huttball (which is really all I get to play).


I like healing in pvp, I think I do pretty good at it. But, I really would like to get a little bit more reward for my effort. If I'm lucky, I'll get a bunch of mvp votes. I think this might also entice more people to heal. A majority of games, I am the only healer on my team. I would love some friends. :(

Edited by KittyPrawn
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I play a sorc healer and am 100% specced for healing. I very rarely stop to do damage unless...


- I'm the only one keeping someone off a door in voidstar.

- Stunning someone/bumping someone onto a flame pad or into acid.

- Buying an ally some time to cap a turret or bomb a door.

- Everyone is healthy/out of reach.


Most of the time x amount of force is better used towards a heal, because my damage is on the pathetic side with no points invested into dps talents.


I'm contented with MVP votes on my server because I usually end up with 3-5 votes.


Medal wise I usually get 4-6.


With the upcoming addition of people you heal kills counting for you too, thats going to guarantee the 25 kill soldier medal every match.


Healers will still probably have fewer medals than tanks, but unless they add more healing milestone medals ie: 175k healing, we'll probably never have the amount a competent tank will.

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The healing medals are a little off. But, in reality, the Tanking medals are what is all wrong. When a spec type can do as much PvP damage as a pure specced DPS while also getting medals for doing what the class is based on (guard) and using a taunt to reduce their target's damage, something is vastly wrong.


Healers need help but PvP tanks need a medal adjustment.

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The healing medals are a little off. But, in reality, the Tanking medals are what is all wrong. When a spec type can do as much PvP damage as a pure specced DPS while also getting medals for doing what the class is based on (guard) and using a taunt to reduce their target's damage, something is vastly wrong.


Healers need help but PvP tanks need a medal adjustment.

Not really, not after 1.1.5. It won't matter anymore because rewards will be capped at 4 medals.

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I really don't have a problem with medals in normal WZ matches, but what really pisses me off is the really intense matches.


Good example would be 600k healing in a voidstar last night, it was premade vs premade and every global cooldown was committed to me and my parties survival. At the end of the match, after not having any opportunity to try and ninja a killing blow from a DPS, or work on the other medals that are easy to obtain, I walked out with 3 medals: 2.5k single, 150k and 300k, since I was in combat the entire match the surge nerf + the pvp healing debuff made my biggest crits hover just under 5k in full champion + 2-piece rakata gear....i usually have to consumption myself to 20% and get a crit heal out of combat to even get the 5k heal.


So yes, I would like some more medals in intense matches where I can't go medal hunting. But the vast majority of the time i can pull 6-7 when i seek them out.

Edited by Ozith
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i love how every post about healers being fine when it comes to medals lists a bunch of medals they can get by not healing. funny stuff.


well if you are high valor BM geared you can get numerous medals playing competently. i.e. over time your ability to get medals improves.


However tanks in particular generate many medals on day 1.


So in some ways it's a gear scalability issue. Whether you went biochem to control your adrenal supply or are dependent on a GTN (Scales with gear when you can easily get the 5k damage and heal medals) etc...

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The real reason tanks get so many medals is because they are team players. They keep the healers alive, reduce damage to everyone but themselves, protect objectives, disrupt enemy healers, targeting low health characters to finish them off before a heal, and stick with the team, so that the match is won.


As opposed to dps that go Rambo in the middle of the enemy team without the survivability.


The reason you see more tanks at the top of the list is probably because they picked that class and spec to support everyone else, pve is a good example. Applying the same techniques and mentality, I easily get 8-10 medals. I see the same dps that pull aggro and wipe in flashpoints do the same stupid **** in warzones.


Healers do need more medals, which is why I always throw the top healer MVP.

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I think tanks should get the medals, I just think they should need to work much harder to get them. As it stands a DPS jugg can pretty much get all the tank medals 30 seconds into every match (I know because I do on my jugg.) You shouldn't be able to get 3 tank medals with a single AOE taunt.


Mixture of things really. Healers are now (rightly so) going to get the tag medals for healing other people, that will solve them without giving them EXTRA medals to be obtained.


The tank medals need to be brought down, I think they should make it:


5k Protection in 1 life.

10k Protection in 1 life.

50k Total Protection.

100k Total Protection.


There are other problems with the medal system at the moment aswell though, Sage/Sorc are the only class capable of getting medals without doing ANYTHING (well, all healers can but it involves lots of gear removal/reequip). Giving access to 2.5k/75k easily, and potential 5k and bumping the missing bits for the 300k.


There are numerous SS floating around with combined totals of 1mil healing on a team but rarely more than 300k combined protection, because a) you need healing to stay alive enough to achieve them and b) the enemy needs to be attacking the right (well, wrong) targets. So if you ramp up the protection medals TOO high.. well, I can't see more than 1 tank getting 100k+ protection in a single game, I already rarely see 2 on the same side with the 50k. But frequently see 3 healers on same team with 300k.


Protection medals require the enemy to attack someone that ISNT you, and to actually live long enough to do the damage. There have been many games I've had guard on a healer and he's either stayed out of fire on his own, or the enemies coming in have been CC+Nuked before they get to do any damage that I don't get anything.


So, healing medals can be done on your own, tank medals are dependant on ENEMY performance, DPS ones are dependant on you VS the enemy. That combination makes it very hard to 'balance' the gain of the lot. Healers getting tag credit is a definite step, and I do think the lower tank ones should be upped, but due to above points.. I think it's a tough area.



Then again, all the above is pointless because there is no gain over 4 medals.


One last thing: As a tank who will guard someone even if they are on 1k hp and wearing green gear (2 players hitting enemy is better than 1) because I think its better for the team... and who cringes when a DPS sage turns up to a 3v1 fight and doesnt even try bubble you when youre on <3k hp.... It makes me despair to see all the "I don't heal cos I don't get rewards enough".... so, winning worth nothing these days?

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again, getting 4 medals for throwing guard up and tossing out the random aoe taunt and having a healer do all the work to keep you up is a little silly.


yup i just stood there and let the healer take damage how did you know? post a SS of you doing better?


and i repeat myself. healers should get more medals, but tanks deserve the ones they get because blocking damage on a ball carrier or healer can be the difference between winning and loosing a match.



also at the guy 2 posts before that said tanks can barely get over 100k protection, its more than possible, just buddy up with a healer and stick together at an objective point



Edited by tangypoon
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yup i just stood there and let the healer take damage how did you know? post a SS of you doing better?


and i repeat myself. healers should get more medals, but tanks deserve the ones they get because blocking damage on a ball carrier or healer can be the difference between winning and loosing a match.



also at the guy 2 posts before that said tanks can barely get over 100k protection, its more than possible, just buddy up with a healer and stick together at an objective point




so you think it's fine that 2 minutes into the match you already had 3 of the 4 tank medals and you probably got the 4th 2 minutes later?


imagine if a healer could get a medal for a 2k heal, 10k heals without dying, 5k overall heals, and 50k overall heals. Seriously, 1 AOE taunt can get your the first 3 tank medals. that's broken.

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so you think it's fine that 2 minutes into the match you already had 3 of the 4 tank medals and you probably got the 4th 2 minutes later?


imagine if a healer could get a medal for a 2k heal, 10k heals without dying, 5k overall heals, and 50k overall heals. Seriously, 1 AOE taunt can get your the first 3 tank medals. that's broken.


2 minutes into the match i didnt have any tank medals because we were attacking voidstar and i snuck over and planted the first door.... but i think you are just mad because you cant get more than 6 medals. but its cool damage mitigation isn't worth anything to a team.

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Not really, not after 1.1.5. It won't matter anymore because rewards will be capped at 4 medals.


I actually just saw this. Pretty much solves everything. Though, now you have to wonder why there are so many medals now that just the first 4 matter. But hey, anything that MIGHT push people towards the actual point of the WZ is good. Tired of matches where its me (lvl 48) and 7 people under lvl 20 where I'm all alone trying to win while the mouth breathers are going nuts killing people. Feels like Darwin's theory of Evolution only in reverse.

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