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I have just quit trying for FPs


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I needed to do Direktive 7 hardmode, tryed to get it every day now and this is how it normally goes.


1.) About 30-45 minute trying to get a group.

2.) Getting a group then wait for 30 min to find a tank.

3.) After about an houre and a half we are ready to go.

4.) Keep viping on boss number 2 over and over and over and over again. Guess why. Because Im a Bounty Hunter healer.


Guess what, I have tryed to do D7HM now a lot of times but have never gotten trough because of the BH bug on the 2nd boss.


Now that is fantastic design. I dont want to go back to 2004 where you was shouting for 2 houres to get group, and then having really bad game bugs braking up the group.


It is only 1 bug, but atm there is so many of them that I in the end stoped my subscription. There was simply to much lacking in the MMO departement of the game, and I play MMO because of the MMO, not to solo grind.


I dont have the time to wait for houre and a half every day for 1 group. I am no longer a hard-core player, I have to play as casual do to RL.

And BW/EA has not been thinking far enough ahead. EA/BW has not been investigating enough on what makes an MMO go and whats not.

On a behemoth game like SWToR, just being and working "ok" is not enough.


The greed of EA will ruine the game and other games, and that is the reason I quit my sub.

Just look at Mass Effect 3 and how EA pull out things from the game and make DLC of it and put a price of 10 euro even before release day.

But that is a discussion to an other time.


Time to move away from EA.



Wow, talking about falling fast out of topick O.o

Edited by Mamono
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But that's what the /who tab on the Community UI panel allows you to do. That's what I don't understand.


A system that is not being uses is a broken system, even if it is "working".

The /who system is not working. Do you whisper everyone on the list to find out who is a tank and who is a healer? If you do then the system is broken.

You cant even see the whole message the other player is writing eiter in the /who system, so if he says "healer / xxxxx /xxxxx /xxxxx" you only know he is a healer, but not where he wants to go to. Broken.

Edited by Mamono
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So then its the responsibility of Bio to create a system that people will use.


will you STOP with the circular argument already. I've asked you WHY they don't use it, and you say because it doesn't work. I ask you WHY it doesn't work, and you say, because people don't use it. fer fux sake.


What PRECISELY about the current system doesn't work? Answer THAT please?

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So then its the responsibility of Bio to create a system that people will use.


So it's entirely biowares fault? The fact the system is 100% capable of doing what he wants and the only thing stopping him is the community means that the community is entirely blameless in this?



And for the LAAAAST time, the ONLY thing that I am complaining about are the people that refuse to use this system and THEN proceed to ***** and moan that they dont have a system to do what they want to do!


I am making no comment whatsoever on the efficiency, ease of use, bugs, perfection, etc etc of current system. Or whether Bioware is completely at fault or should be flogged and hung for this atrocious system. I am commenting on people who claim they have NO system when in reality they just have one they dont like!



I don't see how I can possibly make it any clearer than that. So if you still don't understand what I'm saying, I'm speechless.

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A system that is not being uses is a broken system, even if it is "working".

The /who system is not working. Do you whisper everyone on the list to find out who is a tank and who is a healer? If you do then the system is broken.

You cant even see the whole message the other player is writing eiter in the /who system, so if he says "healer / xxxxx /xxxxx /xxxxx" you only know he is a healer, but not where he wants to go to. Broken.



well, thank you. That's the first sensible answer I've read here.

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will you STOP with the circular argument already. I've asked you WHY they don't use it, and you say because it doesn't work. I ask you WHY it doesn't work, and you say, because people don't use it. fer fux sake.


What PRECISELY about the current system doesn't work? Answer THAT please?


I'm laughing my *** off right now, because you are in the same position I've been in for weeks now.

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will you STOP with the circular argument already. I've asked you WHY they don't use it, and you say because it doesn't work. I ask you WHY it doesn't work, and you say, because people don't use it. fer fux sake.


What PRECISELY about the current system doesn't work? Answer THAT please?


Your logic is flawed though. You can't force people to use a system thats crap, no business can operate like this.

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You cant even see the whole message the other player is writing eiter in the /who system, so if he says "healer / xxxxx /xxxxx /xxxxx" you only know he is a healer, but not where he wants to go to. Broken.


Although I do agree with this bit, let's all be honest and put the finger on why this system is not working. People are used to finding groups using an automatic LFG tool and just can't do it any other way. Anything different to 'easier' is considered 'broken'.

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Although I do agree with this bit, let's all be honest and put the finger on why this system is not working. People are used to finding groups using an automatic LFG tool and just can't do it any other way. Anything different to 'easier' is considered 'broken'.



The current system is not broke, its just crap. Its like saying you should live in a little shack because it protects you from the rain just as well as my 4 bedroom house.

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With the amount of people QQing about not getting people to join up for FP runs and heroics on these forums, one would think the general chat would be filled with LFG requests.


and it usually is...



so what is the problem here? we have tons of people wanting to play FP's and heroics but apparantly none of them can get anyone to join them.


Must be something else going on here... i mean, some of these people have to be on the same server looking for groups so they should join up together then...


but apparantly everybody is looking for a group, but nobody is ever joining anyone.... just doesnt make any sense.


EDIT: id like to add that ive also seen at least 4 different people spamming LFG for the same FP at the same time in fleet without any apparant answers... obviously completely missing that theyre all looking for a group for the same FP... this is more a player problem than it is a BW problem.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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The current system is not broke, its just crap. Its like saying you should live in a little shack because it protects you from the rain just as well as my 4 bedroom house.


That was a rubbish analogy, but I suppose I should commend you for not doing a SW:TOR forum special and making it food or car related.


To make your analogy work, It's like asking for a new house because you keep getting wet when it rains on your current house, even though you wont actually step inside your current house because you think it leaks.


Having said all of that, I'm not actually against an LFG tool. WoWs popularity has forced Biowares hand. People are so used to their tool or similar tools that they now cannot function without it, which has a knock on effect for everyone. I just wish people would just use the tool they have instead of pretending that it's somehow broken because they don't like it.

Edited by Englefield
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I'm laughing my *** off right now, because you are in the same position I've been in for weeks now.


heh, well, you've got more patience than me...this Reejex character is just...wow....I mean at least Mamono had the intelligence to explain to me things that are difficult/broken with the UI. That is all I'm asking for here, lol. I didn't think it was rocket science to explain, but apparently for some <ehem> it IS rocket science.



On a related note, the cross-server tool bothers me because I'm wondering if it would be possible, and easier, for Gold (read: credit) farmers to use it as a way to distribute their wares from one base of operations to the entire game.

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I think people prefer to join a group rather then start one. No one wants top be leader perhaps?


I always prefer to go into new instances for the first time with guildies.


I hate tanking for pugs and very rarely join them. This is because of my experiences in WoW where DPS like to go for whatever target they want or burst their AoE to get to the top of the meters.


The worst DPS are the ones who try to beat me to the pull.


I hate tanking for PuG's.. It is without a doubt WoW that has put me personally off tanking in pugs.. I don't mind dpsing but then I do good dps and attack the right target and am careful not to pull agro and if I do I run to the tank and not away.

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The current system is not broke, its just crap. Its like saying you should live in a little shack because it protects you from the rain just as well as my 4 bedroom house.


Except it is not crap.


Does it show you who is looking for a group? Yes it does.


Does it show you spec? No it does not...that is as easy as a simple whisper.


Does it say where they want to go? Only if they put that in the comment instead of their spec.


It is flawwed but it works. Yes, it infact works. The fact so many of you refuse to use it is entirely and 100% YOUR FAULT. Use the system, tell others to use the system, and pretty soon everyone is using it. Ofcourse the other side is to not play DPS. Groups of 4 people, thus you need a lot more tanks and healers in this game than in others.


Talk in general a lot in fleet (actually talk like a real person) and people remember your name and invite you on reputation alone. Talking in general on planets helps as well.


I'm a Tank, usually turning down 10-20 HM requests a night from reputation alone because I talk to people I run FPs with and I know what I am doing. I tend to hold off and run with my guild however.


If you are friendly with EVERYONE you form a large network of friends and running anything is as easy as a few tells.


Apparently everyone forgot how to form networks of friends, a skill you absolutely needed in any proper MMO (WoW is a heresy that needs drawn, quartered, lit on fire, and the ashes destroyed with a plasma cutter so even the carbon molecules are ripped apart).

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Except it is not crap.


Does it show you who is looking for a group? Yes it does.


Does it show you spec? No it does not...that is as easy as a simple whisper.


Does it say where they want to go? Only if they put that in the comment instead of their spec.


It is flawwed but it works. Yes, it infact works. The fact so many of you refuse to use it is entirely and 100% YOUR FAULT. Use the system, tell others to use the system, and pretty soon everyone is using it. Ofcourse the other side is to not play DPS. Groups of 4 people, thus you need a lot more tanks and healers in this game than in others.


Talk in general a lot in fleet (actually talk like a real person) and people remember your name and invite you on reputation alone. Talking in general on planets helps as well.


I'm a Tank, usually turning down 10-20 HM requests a night from reputation alone because I talk to people I run FPs with and I know what I am doing. I tend to hold off and run with my guild however.


If you are friendly with EVERYONE you form a large network of friends and running anything is as easy as a few tells.


Apparently everyone forgot how to form networks of friends, a skill you absolutely needed in any proper MMO (WoW is a heresy that needs drawn, quartered, lit on fire, and the ashes destroyed with a plasma cutter so even the carbon molecules are ripped apart).


*shakes his hand* I agree with you 10000000%


But you seem to be overlooking one glaring flaw in your proposition....it takes effort. Effort seems to be anathema to a good portion of the MMO population nowadays for some weird reason.

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Except it is not crap.


Does it show you who is looking for a group? Yes it does.


Does it show you spec? No it does not...that is as easy as a simple whisper.


Does it say where they want to go? Only if they put that in the comment instead of their spec.


It is flawwed but it works. Yes, it infact works. The fact so many of you refuse to use it is entirely and 100% YOUR FAULT. Use the system, tell others to use the system, and pretty soon everyone is using it. Ofcourse the other side is to not play DPS. Groups of 4 people, thus you need a lot more tanks and healers in this game than in others.


Talk in general a lot in fleet (actually talk like a real person) and people remember your name and invite you on reputation alone. Talking in general on planets helps as well.


I'm a Tank, usually turning down 10-20 HM requests a night from reputation alone because I talk to people I run FPs with and I know what I am doing. I tend to hold off and run with my guild however.


If you are friendly with EVERYONE you form a large network of friends and running anything is as easy as a few tells.


Apparently everyone forgot how to form networks of friends, a skill you absolutely needed in any proper MMO (WoW is a heresy that needs drawn, quartered, lit on fire, and the ashes destroyed with a plasma cutter so even the carbon molecules are ripped apart).


...but no one uses it and you want to fault paying customers for this. Very odd logic

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*shakes his hand* I agree with you 10000000%


But you seem to be overlooking one glaring flaw in your proposition....it takes effort. Effort seems to be anathema to a good portion of the MMO population nowadays for some weird reason.


*shakes hand*


It takes less time for me to mention to 2 or 3 people I'm interested in an FP (thanks to...you know...making friends with people) than it would for me to use ANY LFG tool on the market today lol.


A small amount of effort early on pays off for the rest of your career in an MMO. When you land in a new server, you talk to everyone. Anyone listening to general chat sees your name pretty consistently (and aslong as your being a friendly helpful sort) will begin talking back. I need a DPS I know won't act like an idiot? I ask my healer friend who he has on his list (despite said friend not being in the run because of a guildy healer in my group already) and I'll get 6 names shot back in a reply along with a "have fun!"


It really isn't hard at all to find large groups of friendly people. Though a lot of these people I have on my list are waiting on GW2 (as am I).

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With the amount of people QQing about not getting people to join up for FP runs and heroics on these forums, one would think the general chat would be filled with LFG requests.


and it usually is...



so what is the problem here? we have tons of people wanting to play FP's and heroics but apparantly none of them can get anyone to join them.


Must be something else going on here... i mean, some of these people have to be on the same server looking for groups so they should join up together then...


but apparantly everybody is looking for a group, but nobody is ever joining anyone.... just doesnt make any sense.


EDIT: id like to add that ive also seen at least 4 different people spamming LFG for the same FP at the same time in fleet without any apparant answers... obviously completely missing that theyre all looking for a group for the same FP... this is more a player problem than it is a BW problem.


The problem is no one wants to lead/form the group and i am included in the wont lead or form the group.

Insult me all you want but fact is the majority of people are just like me!


The true success of a lfg system is in the automatic formation of groups. No one has to step up and make the group!


Good news is that a lfg tool is being made as we type!

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heh, well, you've got more patience than me...this Reejex character is just...wow....I mean at least Mamono had the intelligence to explain to me things that are difficult/broken with the UI. That is all I'm asking for here, lol. I didn't think it was rocket science to explain, but apparently for some <ehem> it IS rocket science.


Believe it or not, this is now the 28th thread started by Reevax about LFG tool. Any argument you make will surely fall on deaf ears.





I think people prefer to join a group rather then start one. No one wants top be leader perhaps?


I think this is a very sound point. For the most part I also can't really be arsed leading pugs.

Edited by Englefield
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Except it is not crap.


Does it show you who is looking for a group? Yes it does.


Does it show you spec? No it does not...that is as easy as a simple whisper.


Does it say where they want to go? Only if they put that in the comment instead of their spec.


It is flawwed but it works. Yes, it infact works. The fact so many of you refuse to use it is entirely and 100% YOUR FAULT. Use the system, tell others to use the system, and pretty soon everyone is using it. Ofcourse the other side is to not play DPS. Groups of 4 people, thus you need a lot more tanks and healers in this game than in others.


Talk in general a lot in fleet (actually talk like a real person) and people remember your name and invite you on reputation alone. Talking in general on planets helps as well.


I'm a Tank, usually turning down 10-20 HM requests a night from reputation alone because I talk to people I run FPs with and I know what I am doing. I tend to hold off and run with my guild however.


If you are friendly with EVERYONE you form a large network of friends and running anything is as easy as a few tells.


Apparently everyone forgot how to form networks of friends, a skill you absolutely needed in any proper MMO (WoW is a heresy that needs drawn, quartered, lit on fire, and the ashes destroyed with a plasma cutter so even the carbon molecules are ripped apart).



It is crap and it doesnt work period!

I put myself in the current tool every time i log on and have not had one group result from it since early play!


Good news is that as we type BW is making a lfg tool! SO i win!

Edited by Nitewolfe
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BW have said it's on their list of things to do. They didn't say how high up that list it is though, so it could still be months before we see anything like it.


The current LFG tool still requires you to sit in the Fleet waiting around for others who are interested. How is that any different from sitting around in the fleeting for hours spamming General chat?

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BW have said it's on their list of things to do. They didn't say how high up that list it is though, so it could still be months before we see anything like it.


The current LFG tool still requires you to sit in the Fleet waiting around for others who are interested. How is that any different from sitting around in the fleeting for hours spamming General chat?


No it doesnt. The current lfg is not restricted to the zone you're in. You can see everybody that's using it, regardless of where they are.

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No it doesnt. The current lfg is not restricted to the zone you're in. You can see everybody that's using it, regardless of where they are.


Really? Because last I checked I couldn't do missions on Tattooine and see who was on the Fleet marked as LFG? Unless there's a trick to it?

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