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Bioware, accept responsibility for your crappy engine.


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There appears to be much variability in the performance people see. Truth be told, performance is pretty decent in my experience. It was better at launch before some of the patches, but it still remains by and large fine. There have been two areas I've experienced through questing where I was hit by a sudden FPS drop to like 5-10 fps, but each time it was confined to a single, small room. Since these are just quest caves and such, it's not something I ever have to go back to. There is also a small stretch of coastline on Alderaan on the way to the Republic side of the planet where my framerate decreases quite a bit (maybe to 25-30 fps).


In general however, I find myself at an average of about 60 fps at 5120x1200 with maximum settings and 16x AA forced on in the driver. Heavy areas like the fleet yield about 40 which isn't great, but it sure isn't a problem.

Edited by Bryos
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I don't have a great computer, but I love the fact that all these people that have high end systems are at the same advantage as me. I hate the fact that people who have these retarded rigs, have such an advantage in other games. I am glad that they are right down with the average person now. HAHAHAHAHA.


Other than a child who depends on their parents to make large purchases for them, any "average" individual able afford this game, monthly gamecard or subscription fees and broadband internet access should be able to budget and save to make a worthwhile computer purchase or upgrades to a current, modern computer. The secret here is to budget and save. Most individuals who claim to be unable to budget and save waste their money on frivolous purchases such as premium movie channels, junk food, alcoholic beverages, eating out rather than preparing their own meals and many other unwise purchases. This is often due to the most recent generation not being taught basic fundamentals in school and at home. I pay my 15 year old daughter minimum wage ($7.50/hr) while she works in my store 3 days a week at 8 hours each day during the summer and 4 hours each day on weekends during the school year. She has managed to save and purchase her own vehicle, desktop and laptop computers, a new saddle for her horse and has a substantial interest earning savings.


I find it to be quite sad that people like you think others who work, budget, and save their hard earned wages to puchase an updated computer should have to deal with the issues players are having with this game simply because you are unwilling to do as they have done by using the common method of working, budgeting and saving. Do you really dislike others for this reason? It's a petty reason to be so resentful towards those with sweaty brows and calloused hands. Although, if you are willing and are an adult, there are adult education courses available at little to no cost through your local Department of Labor or higher learning facilties. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals you may have missed out on as a child. Your greatest asset to yourself is your own education.

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Do I hate this game? No. Do I hate bioware? No. But this should be addressed in some way. Ilum is literally unplayable in combat, which is sad, because it could very well be fun but no one can really tell. (unless you're in a corner fighting the npc's and not players)


My dear gamer, it is being addressed! Very low shader setting and killing ilum pvp!


Thats their solution to everything. Rather then fix and optimize they would rather divert you to instances to pvp (warzones) and dumb down the settings even more.


The devs working on this game bit off more then they can chew when they chose hero engine.


And they didn't choose it for the performance and smooth play they chose it becuase it allowed them to work at the same worlds all at the same time from different areas around the world. They chose the engine based off that one feature from the sound of it based on interviews with them and the hero engine lead designer.


Was a poor choice and they are paying for it now.

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To add to my above post it would take a year or so to move this game over to unreal engine 3.


They have vast experience with it already (mass effect series). All the assets for swtor are modeled already, all the texturing has been done.... all assets are there they would just have to port it all over to a new engine.


Square enix is doing the same thing with their newest mmo which was a complete failure. Their timeline for putting the game on a new engine and fixing the game is one year.


There is no reason bioware cant do the same.

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What's really telling is that Ilum was designed from the very beginning to be the open pvp world where you WOULD have the HUGE 100v100 battles. BUT, it fails. Even with high-end systems, the fps drop when you get about 40 people together.

Will they get it fixed? Hard to say. Their quick solution? Kill Ilum pvp completely with the new Warzone changes that let WZ kills count toward the Ilum kill quests. Why go there at all now?

What I believe their long term solution will be - wait 2-3 years for better computer hardware that will run the game better.

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What's really telling is that Ilum was designed from the very beginning to be the open pvp world where you WOULD have the HUGE 100v100 battles. BUT, it fails. Even with high-end systems, the fps drop when you get about 40 people together.

Will they get it fixed? Hard to say. Their quick solution? Kill Ilum pvp completely with the new Warzone changes that let WZ kills count toward the Ilum kill quests. Why go there at all now?

What I believe their long term solution will be - wait 2-3 years for better computer hardware that will run the game better.


If its still limping along 3 years later that is. Without major changes I dont think this game is gonna go very far.

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To add to my above post it would take a year or so to move this game over to unreal engine 3.


They have vast experience with it already (mass effect series). All the assets for swtor are modeled already, all the texturing has been done.... all assets are there they would just have to port it all over to a new engine.


Square enix is doing the same thing with their newest mmo which was a complete failure. Their timeline for putting the game on a new engine and fixing the game is one year.


There is no reason bioware cant do the same.

Except FF14 was a massive failure. Horrible reviews and no ppl playing it. As for the rest of your post, well thx for the laugh:cool:

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Except FF14 was a massive failure. Horrible reviews and no ppl playing it. As for the rest of your post, well thx for the laugh:cool:


Reviews and the reason it failed have nothing to do with my post.


I am simply saying they could do it with about a year of dev time.


Not sure what you found funny.


Its time for school though you should get going.

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When I lowered my resolution, I haven't had a single FPS issue -- even with all on high except the resolution (around 1440x900). It's not the engine that causes that issue. Try tweaking the settings and see if it helps.
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Reviews and the reason it failed have nothing to do with my post.


I am simply saying they could do it with about a year of dev time.


Not sure what you found funny.


Its time for school though you should get going.

Insults wont help you out:)


Your post was basically a lot of claims that you have no evidence to support and your comparison with FF14 was severely flawed


Have you worked on a mmo on unreal engine? on the modified hero engine? If you can't say yes to both then you are not qualified to speak of what's wrong with the engine and what they could do to fix it

Edited by lineschmidt
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The guy who was instrumental in choosing the hero engine for this game.. left 11 months before it came out.


Anyone remember what this game looked like back then? Remember those bland looking characters? that wasn't artwork not done.. that was the best they could come up with without killing the FPS. (name any other game that 12 months before release had unfinished artwork as bad as swtor did in their trailers). In the end they had to split it into high-def for cutscenes, and low def for everything else (except the faces.. they backed themselves into a corner with that one).


So what happened about a year ago? Rift launched around the same time, and looking infinitely better then SWTOR did back then. I'll have to check my facts, but im pretty sure ther was a blog about swtor in the past year where they had to revisit all the sets because the art department hadnt gotten it right (so who told the art department the wrong stuff to begin with? hmmm i wonder). I can't help but wonder if that was anything to do with the way Rift looked, and honestly Rift still looks way better environmentally. Shadows that dont look like they belong in minecraft? amazing!


I'm honestly not surprised that the Gordon skipped town to a casual game company after what he did to swtor (oh did i mention he was at SWG too??)


Neil Harris, president of HeroEngine, went on the defensive recently with regards to this game and its reception. One fact stands out quite a lot: BW split off developing this engine more then 2 years ago; they stopped getting updates from HeroEngine themselves.


If you had faith in the 3rd party providing the engine to you.. wouldn't you want to keep getting the latest code? BW will claim they customised this engine so much then couldn't easily update it any more. I'd love to know what was customised so much they couldnt manage those updates any more (eg even the space fights are a *core* component of HeroEngine). Either BW lost all faith in the engine, or (and this seems more likely) they thought they could do better themselves.


This being the same company who didnt even think on to include a /roll option in a game with master looting. Yer.. wonder who made those decisions....


One last point. Graphics don't make the game, theres no doubt about that: They add to the experience. But then why are so many people so vocal about the engine? because once you get past the quest lines, and look into the actual MP part of this game.. its decidedly lacking. This is a single player game, trying very hard to be MP, that we're paying a monthly fee to play and we dont even get proper graphics fidelity to distract us from that fact.


SWTOR is a game where the design documents, and the engine, were locked down about 5 years ago. If this game had launched back then, it would easily be top of the charts right now (the missing features now, wouldnt have been an issue 5 years ago). As it stands, it just smacks of being stuck in the past.

Edited by ShadsAU
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When I lowered my resolution, I haven't had a single FPS issue -- even with all on high except the resolution (around 1440x900). It's not the engine that causes that issue. Try tweaking the settings and see if it helps.



this is exactly the trouble ppl are having my friend just bought a good system to play tor

see specs

Intel Core i5-2320 (3.0GHz, 6MB Cache)

AMD Radeon HD 6450 (1GB DDR3)

8GB memory

Hard Drive 1.5TB

22.5 dell flat screen svga

Genuine Windows 7 ® Home Premium


The pc is more then enough to run tor but the monitor trying to crunch analog svga to digital at 1900x1200 resolution is causing lag. because of the amount of graphic tor has.

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The guy who was instrumental in choosing the hero engine for this game.. left 11 months before it came out.


Anyone remember what this game looked like back then? Remember those bland looking characters? that wasn't artwork not done.. that was the best they could come up with without killing the FPS. (name any other game that 12 months before release had unfinished artwork as bad as swtor did in their trailers). In the end they had to split it into high-def for cutscenes, and low def for everything else (except the faces.. they backed themselves into a corner with that one).


So what happened about a year ago? Rift launched around the same time, and looking infinitely better then SWTOR did back then. I'll have to check my facts, but im pretty sure ther was a blog about swtor in the past year where they had to revisit all the sets because the art department hadnt gotten it right (so who told the art department the wrong stuff to begin with? hmmm i wonder). I can't help but wonder if that was anything to do with the way Rift looked, and honestly Rift still looks way better environmentally. Shadows that dont look like they belong in minecraft? amazing!


I'm honestly not surprised that the Gordon skipped town to a casual game company after what he did to swtor (oh did i mention he was at SWG too??)


Neil Harris, president of HeroEngine, went on the defensive recently with regards to this game and its reception. One fact stands out quite a lot: BW split off developing this engine more then 2 years ago; they stopped getting updates from HeroEngine themselves.


If you had faith in the 3rd party providing the engine to you.. wouldn't you want to keep getting the latest code? BW will claim they customised this engine so much then couldn't easily update it any more. I'd love to know what was customised so much they couldnt manage those updates any more (eg even the space fights are a *core* component of HeroEngine). Either BW lost all faith in the engine, or (and this seems more likely) they thought they could do better themselves.


This being the same company who didnt even think on to include a /roll option in a game with master looting. Yer.. wonder who made those decisions....


One last point. Graphics don't make the game, theres no doubt about that: They add to the experience. But then why are so many people so vocal about the engine? because once you get past the quest lines, and look into the actual MP part of this game.. its decidedly lacking. This is a single player game, trying very hard to be MP, that we're paying a monthly fee to play and we dont even get proper graphics fidelity to distract us from that fact.


SWTOR is a game where the design documents, and the engine, were locked down about 5 years ago. If this game had launched back then, it would easily be top of the charts right now (the missing features now, wouldnt have been an issue 5 years ago). As it stands, it just smacks of being stuck in the past.


Very well said.

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The part that bothers me the most with the Hero engine is how it seems to completely change what an MMO feels like when playing one.


In WoW it always felt like I really was in the world, where as the only time I experience that in SWTOR is when I am in some story/conversation in the game and even then it is more like I am playing the latest Knights of the Old Republic single player game.


The Hero engine seems to make everything so dependant on instances that there is no feeling that I am in a large expansive world.


Also the enviroments are so lacking in variation that planets seem the same, if you swapped colors around on Hoth and Tatooine they could easily be swapped out for each other....


Thats what bothers me the most about it, the Hero engine makes it like I am playing KOTOR 3 with few friends in multiplayer mode....

~blink~blink~ Did I just read this? ~checks again~


Unbelievable. Nothing you mentioned there points to the engine. Concept, art and environment design is what you're talking about. You may not like it but it has nothing to do with the engine.


  • Personally I don't think the planets feel the same.
  • Personally I like the fact that the game makes you or your small band of merry men feel important and not a peon in the world. You can't make someone feel heroic without puting some focus on them.
  • Personally I find a lot of things that make the game feel like an MMO.


That's just me.

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