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What is a good (POPULATED) pve or rp server for republic?


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Elysium is too underpopulated on republic side so I am looking elsewhere.


I'm wondering what would be a good server to join if I want a PvE server which has a good population size for the republic even during the 'low population' hours - which I assume would be like 11pm-7am on USA time zones?


I keep hearing Harbinger and Canderous Ordo? Are they good for what I'm after or are there better PvE servers out there?


I'm asking specifically for off-peak population times specifically as I am Australian and during our evenings it's the quietest time for servers it appears.


Either PvE or RP servers I'm after, basically anything which isn't "PvP".

Edited by Celadore
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might as well be no distinctions since pvp servers arent really pvp save a few select zones...


get to fifty , permaflag yourself pvp and you are basically playin in a pvp server and the leveling experience was exactly the same given that you run into ZERO oposing faction members anyways...so you can safely add pvp servers to your selection if you find a republic heavy one without too much worry

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ajunta pall is a pvp rp server, and has a very strong republic pvp core(at least from my 10-49 experience so far). i hear the lvl 50 bracket is just as good though


its where my new toons are, i haven't been back to my old server since i rolled a toon there

Edited by FourTwent
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The Harbinger always has people on it. Republic fleet during off hours as around 50 people on it, and at peak over 200.



And yet FF XI, a 10 year old grind fest of a game has 2000 people in their main city( The game doesn't have a lot of subs, and servers were merged, but that is exactly what needs to happen on most TOR servers, a merge). I don't find anything healthy about the way Bioware handles server loads. It just makes me think that their hardware simply isn't all that reliable; there should be 10 times the population on these servers.


With all the phasing, there really isn't any reason to force a low population; hence all the threads about server merges.

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