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A Day in the Life of a Republic pvper


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This is 100% fact. I noticed this when I started getting Huttball games against another Rep team. The contest is easier. It's a closer match always. When it's Republic vs Imperial it's harder. Not because of skills, but game mechanics.


It's not a fact. Unless you have played with every single character in your faction across all servers against every single enemy across all servers it's not even an accurate observation.




I'm worried that some people don't even know what a fact is!

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It's not a fact. Unless you have played with every single character in your faction across all servers against every single enemy across all servers it's not even an accurate observation.




I'm worried that some people don't even know what a fact is!


EA/BW have even asked for more folks to roll Repub....face it if you're IMP you've an advantage.

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pretty sure that covers the basics, so unfortunately no amount of patching can fix stupid. Stupid players will always be stupid players, and a win:loss ratio means that possibly the unfixable is many stupid people play Republic.







oh for crying out loud. do you actually think theres less stupid people on the imp side.


come on, you took an otherwise usefull post and turned it into garbage with that remark.



the only reason rep players could be considered stupid is because they didnt roll the easy mode, over pop faction.

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EA/BW have even asked for more folks to roll Repub....face it if you're IMP you've an advantage.


Have they specified on what server?


Because without this the advise is pointless unless all servers have the exact same number of players and the exact same number of imps vs. pubs (and the exact same number of imps swap to pubs).





For the record I have never claimed that all servers are perfectly balanced. Given that we have no way of knowing the populations of each faction (short of guessing based on the population of a single zone on a single server at a single time) I couldn't back it up even if I wanted to.


But that doesn't stop some people (almost always pubs) assuming that it's the same on all servers, that all imps exploited to get BM, that everyone kill trades, etc, etc.

Edited by Jestunhi
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Have they specified on what server?


Because without this the advise is pointless unless all servers have the exact same number of players and the exact same number of imps vs. pubs (and the exact same number of imps swap to pubs).





For the record I have never claimed that all servers are perfectly balanced. Given that we have no way of knowing the populations of each faction (short of guessing based on the population of a single zone on a single server at a single time) I couldn't back it up even if I wanted to.


But that doesn't stop some people (almost always pubs) assuming that it's the same on all servers, that all imps exploited to get BM, that everyone kill trades, etc, etc.


I just went looking for it, an dI cannot find it. I do not think they did though. I only play on 3 servers, IMPs have around 2x population on fleet. I have IMP toons too, but it takes no time to get their dailies and eons for the repub toons.


Biggest isue imo is the animations and casting times repubs have, they broadcast everything thus getting knockbacked/interupted/stasis/rooted/stunned whereas IMPs just do it instantly.


And the damage bonuses from stats....are laughable in comparison.

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I present a list of warzone matches played over the course of a day on 24/2/12 Chuundar server.



As a world famous mmo gamer and pvp legend I know that these losses are not because I or the rest of republic side are bad players its merely that we are massively disadvantaged by ingame mechanics and the appalling bias toward imps overall.


Yep, everyone is a world famous player! :D


Anyway, when I play Republic I find that although Imps tend to win more they don't win that much more and we even had a perfect game in Alderaan before. We're weaker at Voidstar but we still win those and the biggest problem are people just standing around doing nothing instead of planting bombs even when no Imps are in sight.

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It's a problem on a lot of servers. Not enough people rolled republic, so all republic players end up suffering for it. Less flashpoints, less pre-mades for pvp, less operations, less economy for the GTN, etc. Seeing less than 30 people in fleet is certainly a bad sign, unless its like 4am.

I doubt imperial side suffers any of these issues. None the less, its not like its going to change. Bioware took the gamble on 2 faction populations being balanced; even after being told Imperials would end up being the over populated side.

Edited by Paltu
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oh for crying out loud. do you actually think theres less stupid people on the imp side.


come on, you took an otherwise usefull post and turned it into garbage with that remark.



the only reason rep players could be considered stupid is because they didnt roll the easy mode, over pop faction.




No, no that was a general statement on my part. I'm not trying to single out Republics here, I'm just trying to say that a stupid player (regardless of faction) will always be stupid. I guess I should have clarified. My bad.

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Playing solo makes it very hard to win consistantly.


Imp over population, gives very few advantages in WZ. Moar Huttball practice? Thats about it. The fight should start even teams.. finnishes even teams.


On Krayt Dragon, our guild has many fresh 50's. We try to bring them along in WZ and because of the gear gap and the tough competition. ( hats off to our pubs an imps alike) It can be very challenging to win WZ's


Night before last we won every 50 que 9 straight. The next day, we won 2 of 9.


You will increase your odds by teamwork, and balanced geared groops. There are those times when newbs, who should be able to play, make it a lot tougher. Ship happens and you should make shiperade ;)

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I present a list of warzone matches played over the course of a day on 24/2/12 Chuundar server.



lost 6-1

won 2-1 (rep team was oppo)

lost 6-0

lost 6-0

won 6-0

won 3-3 (rep team oppo)

lost 5-1

lost 6-1

lost 6-0

won 3-2(rep team oppo)

lost 3-1

lost 3-2




















lost 415-0

lost 400-0



won 65-0


won 330-0

won 120-0

lost 300-0

lost 200-0

lost 300-0

won 300-0

lost 305-0



Ok so 36 matches during 24/2.I am a level 50 gunslinger with 634 expertise gear mostly now champion.


36 matches played won 9 lost 27


So that works out to a 75% loss 25% win record.


This was pretty average for the server overall and although there are many players on my server who deny that republic are at a disadvantage and always claim that warzone matches are about 50/50 the evidence above is there for all to see.


As a world famous mmo gamer and pvp legend I know that these losses are not because I or the rest of republic side are bad players its merely that we are massively disadvantaged by ingame mechanics and the appalling bias toward imps overall.


It is now more or less prime time on a sunday on one of the major european servers.There are 28 republic players in the fleet and this number is not uncommon.


SWTOR is a failed game with unbelieveably bad balance and pvp problems and its no surprise that the population of Chuundar server has dropped so low on the republic side.


wow, you should come to "Dxun battle circle" a PvE server in EU, here empire only wins 1/10 games, and rep dominates PvP both in warzones and Ilum.

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The problem is People are just BAD and refuse to realize it....



on my server "Davik's Estate" we had 2 pvp guild's republic side. They were the only people that would warzone republic side and you would run into the same 2 pre-mades all day every day and get stomped 90% of the time. Personally I'm currently valor 67 and I have beat those pre-mades on several occasions when I get a lucky group of competent people, or other geared battle-masters



ANY WHO..... Long story short over about the last 2 weeks I've noticed warzones on my server going from insta pop, to 10-15 min que's... now its back to almost insta pop every time and now I face roll Republic 24/7


MORAL OF THE STORY.... Baddies will be bad.... and the "grass is always greener on the other side". all the baddies on my server re-rolled republic and still suck and now I'm loving life!!!


PS just L2P baddie's and stop crying OP OP OP OP!!!!!

Edited by SithLordKota
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Personally, i am around valor 10, and i win about 1 in 20 match on the republic side, it would be of no consequence if was'nt necessary to win a match to do these damn daily quest


You need a team to compete consistantly. MMO and all.


In my guild it takes about 2 weeks to get 500 expertise. Some have done it in 1 week.

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Day in the life of a Republic pvper:


Log into TOR.

Queue for Warzone.

While waiting in queue, think about all the trivial imbalances between sides.

Accept defeat.

Warzone pops.

Don't try to win warzone, because defeat has already been accepted.

Lose warzone.

Log into TOR forums.

Complain about trivial imbalances.

Get flamed.


Log out of TOR forums.

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As a world famous mmo gamer and pvp legend I know that these losses are not because I or the rest of republic side are bad players its merely that we are massively disadvantaged by ingame mechanics and the appalling bias toward imps overall.


This line just made my day OP.


Can i ask you a question? Who are you?

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But here's the thing, it may not necessarily be YOU, but rather the people you also play with. There's other factors into suckign at any MMO pvp game than just gear.


Consider this:

Scenario 1:


We've all done it we zigged when we should have zagged, you go 1v1 with a ranged class and you're a melee and you used the wrong skill at the wrong time causing the match to end not in your favour, now consider that there's people you play with that have no clue on what they are doing (you lose the warzone)

Scenario 2:


You and 2 other team mates have a decent amount of expertise gear but the two play together and you don't, they have a voice chat program and you have typing, while they may be able to communicate fast and efficiently, you miss out on these "words behind the scenes" moments between these two. Teamwork fails and the team falls apart (you lose the warzone)

Scenario 3:


Some players have HORRIBLE spatial awareness. You end up on a team with them, guess what...you lose the warzone!!

Scenario 4:


Some people have this need to minimize the chat window and never play with it open, they miss out on ALL warzone communication. No communication means...yah, you guessed it...YOU LOSE THE WARZONE!!


Scenario 5:


Some players can't count and anticipate offensive/defensive movements. SO many times I was in Alderaan turret game and our team has had trouble capturing mid turret, upon closer inspection, I noticed that 8 Imperials were at the turret, so with my voice chat program and 2 friends with me we break off from mid turret fight and go capture the right turret with no trouble and defend it to start the lemming spam defense on left and right turrets and win the game.


Another time you notice that your one defender might be in trouble, typically when people type "incoming Need help" or anything to that effect it's too late, but real players who pvp can clearly see changes in combat and you get a feel and by reasonable deduction know exactly where the next attack point has moved to. By the time you type in these games defensively or offensively it's usually too late. You need players who can see that ahead of time and know instinctively to adapt.





In closing, to say that it's a balance issue is not entirely true, especially from that stand point. I've been pvping for about 15 years in MMO's and there's things that hold true in any of these games.


Skill (yes it matters to know when to press what skill over the other guy in all areas of archetypes)

Stats (in the end your numbers back up your skill. +1 is always bigger than 0)

Knowledge (knowing your class and knowing your enemy, all people play relatively the same, knowing what they'll more than likely do next is a HUGE advantage)

Communication (I'm not talking typing, I'm talking voice chat, you know stuff that's been around for years upon years, I don't care how fast of a typer you are, you need to type and move your fingers to the letters and therefore miss out on defensive/offensive activation abilities when it matters most)

Adaptation (knowing and anticipating movements and changes in player flow to areas makes a huge difference, must be done quick and before the other team adapts)




pretty sure that covers the basics, so unfortunately no amount of patching can fix stupid. Stupid players will always be stupid players, and a win:loss ratio means that possibly the unfixable is many stupid people play Republic.






PS - I'm not going into other minor issues of animation differences, etc. We're talking base issues here.


This here pretty much nailed it on the head as far as explanations go. There are so many variables that can go into a loss. There are a few things that remedy this though such as gear and being in a premade. But when you PUG pvp, your odds of winning just drop naturally though they are not necessarily related to you directly.

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Yesterday it took me a whole 20 minutes to get my 3 wins done outta 3 games and I pugged those. Most days it takes under a half hour. There's only like 3-4 imp premades even worth a salt on my server really......the other 98% of imps are just bad.


Republic on Rakata Mind Prison

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