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I'll never understand ppl who get misty-eyed and a far off look in their eyes when you mention SWG. SWG had some of the worst aspects ever conceived of in a game. All the great things people love to talk about were nearly entirely made possible by players, not the devs. With the exception of space combat, which most ppl had jumped ship well before that, the rest was a broken, crack-inspired mess. Player communities, roleplaying on a massive scale all because of players desperately making up their own content.


There isnt a comparison between TOR and SWG. SWG was a broken game that didnt do 90% of what it said, TOR is wow gameplay witha singleplayer storyliine, that 90% of the TOR forum acts upset because it does that very well.


It was the overall concept of the game....had you played from the beginning you'd understand the complexity..., the fact that you could own and decorate your house and ship, you could design an entire city where your friends and guild members could socialize both in role-play and pvp, (there is no socializing in SWTOR, it's hurry up and level so you can beat the snot out whoever, flame them for not having the right gear, etc etc. that is how all games are these days, SWG had some types like that, but overall a much classier set of people) ...the crafting system was better then anything that has come out in recent years,...., there was a game within the game with their crafting system.....so there was something for everyone, .....classes were slowly, but surely coming into balance...the only reason we had to make our own story lines in the last year or so was because SOE already knew their contract was up and they were on the way out, so you can't even use that as viable bash. Your are right, there is NO comparison betwen SWTOR and SWG. SWG wins hands down, if they put the updated graphics of SWTOR or any other game today, with SWG's capabilties, it would win hands down all over again......Bottom line is people are reminiscing about a game that had an extremely loyal following, no need to bash them for enjoying a game that was loved by ALOT of people for many years.

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I never could get into SWG, cause i started out in WoW. I started looking for quest chains to do, but couldnt find them hehe. At the time i didnt know about the whole 'you create your own adventure'. So instead i made my character a crafter/merchant and sold subpar starship parts.


But serious question, how did you guys level your combat toons? i done remember where it starts but i did do a chain that had me crafting my own speeder, then i ended up at Jabbas palace, and then to another planet and then i got bored. I also saw a mission board/console type thing. But this seemed to just hand out generic missions, or maybe they were mission made by other player? i think thats what they were, i cant remember.


Sounds to me like you must've been completely stoned or drunk...There were pointers and instructions everywhere depending on what class you roled...one quest led to another and if you had reached out to any of the "old-timers" in the forums, you would have received TONS of help.

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SWG wasn't good??? That sounds like a personal opinion as well..not to mention it outlasted every MMO that came and went in 7 years, which i played 6 1/2 of.;)


Personal Opinion ? SWG never got any awards for anything period , and had the lowest count for active players for any MMO around its time of going live .


FF11 came out a month after SWG and is still going with healthier servers than SWG ever had.

WoW came out shortly after is still going as the most Active accounts in MMO history

Lineage2 sdtill going

EverQuest 1 and 2 .............do I need to say more lol


Man you are in the clouds !

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It was the overall concept of the game....had you played from the beginning you'd understand the complexity..., the fact that you could own and decorate your house and ship, you could design an entire city where your friends and guild members could socialize both in role-play and pvp, (there is no socializing in SWTOR, it's hurry up and level so you can beat the snot out whoever, flame them for not having the right gear, etc etc. that is how all games are these days, SWG had some types like that, but overall a much classier set of people) ...the crafting system was better then anything that has come out in recent years,...., there was a game within the game with their crafting system.....so there was something for everyone, .....classes were slowly, but surely coming into balance...the only reason we had to make our own story lines in the last year or so was because SOE already knew their contract was up and they were on the way out, so you can't even use that as viable bash. Your are right, there is NO comparison betwen SWTOR and SWG. SWG wins hands down, if they put the updated graphics of SWTOR or any other game today, with SWG's capabilties, it would win hands down all over again......Bottom line is people are reminiscing about a game that had an extremely loyal following, no need to bash them for enjoying a game that was loved by ALOT of people for many years.


Grinding is COMPLEXITY , it is just having more time than others to play a game .........lol

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Sounds to me like you must've been completely stoned or drunk...There were pointers and instructions everywhere depending on what class you roled...one quest led to another and if you had reached out to any of the "old-timers" in the forums, you would have received TONS of help.


Most the MMO community must have been stoned or drunk because we all felt the same as the poster you replied too ................


Matter of fact little notice went to SWG and if it wasn't a starwars game with STARWARS in its name , no one would probably gave it more than a month and it would have been closed and done for !

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What if SWG 2 came out, and it was sandbox 2.0, basically redefining the way sandbox games work, ship, city, lightsaber creation is all still there, but expanded, sort of like EVE Online, the amount of freedom players have in that game is just out of this world, if they made a SWG 2 game with similar features i would play it in a heartbeat, i already wish this game was more like SWG and an SWG 2 would be a dream come true for me.


Not familiar with EVE, but I'd have to agree, if they updated graphics on SWG, had the same crafting system, that made the community dependent upon it, (this game doesn't have that.), houses, cities you could build, armor/clothing crafting, food/drink buff crafting, creature handler and Bioengineers being able to make pets!!! Even pvp was starting to get good after the blunder they made CU and NGE), plus continued story line development, I'd be there too.

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let me spell it out for you.


these are FACTS.


Sandbox games for MMO's DO NOT WORK. EVE has so many players because it's F2P. If it wasn't F2P they'd have no better numbers of actual paying players.




Eve isn't free to play bud. If you play the game non-stop you can make enough credits to purchase plex's, which are in-game items that give 30 days of game time. But they cost 350-500 million isk a piece and the vast majority of players can't make that much to purchase one every month. So most players pay $15 a month like most subscription based mmo's.

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Personal Opinion ? SWG never got any awards for anything period , and had the lowest count for active players for any MMO around its time of going live .


FF11 came out a month after SWG and is still going with healthier servers than SWG ever had.

WoW came out shortly after is still going as the most Active accounts in MMO history

Lineage2 sdtill going

EverQuest 1 and 2 .............do I need to say more lol


Man you are in the clouds !


You sound like a suit or a child quoting stats he read somewhere....Either way....had you played you would know it had an extremely loyal following....nevermind the stats....SWG is based on something iconic in our society....FF11 is NOT iconic, WOW is NOT iconic, Lineage is NOT iconic, Everquest is NOT iconic....SOE got it half right, Bioware is just following the masses....when Lucas decides to actually get it's head out of it's *****.....look out....need i say more? ;)

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You sound like a suit or a child quoting stats he read somewhere....Either way....had you played you would know it had an extremely loyal following....nevermind the stats....SWG is based on something iconic in our society....FF11 is NOT iconic, WOW is NOT iconic, Lineage is NOT iconic, Everquest is NOT iconic....SOE got it half right, Bioware is just following the masses....when Lucas decides to actually get it's head out of it's *****.....look out....need i say more? ;)


Calling people a child makes you seem childish

FinalFantasy not Iconic , it has gotten game reviews SWG never got

WoW still totals out more money than any MMO in history , maybe you need to think before you post


Every Game I mention is Iconic, SWG is only Iconic by its STarWars name , the game itself was below trash


The Masses Decided what stays and what goes , masses said SWG sucked and so it went into the dust of no one cares and no one will ever call a good game . You must be in OZ to think WoW is not Iconic being the Number 1 MMO for 8 years without 1 game to even come close to its numbers . Just silly you think you know something when you have no clue !

Edited by mefit
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Grinding is COMPLEXITY , it is just having more time than others to play a game .........lol


Good come back comment....*** does that have to do with anything I said. You want to start a grind conversation, go ahead...that is not what this was about.

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Good come back comment....*** does that have to do with anything I said. You want to start a grind conversation, go ahead...that is not what this was about.


I don't think you know what you said, I am having a post reply with someone who has no clue how Games or for that products make it in life.


If I sell something and only a few like it , I become broke and have to end what I am doing !

If I sell something and millions of people like it, I can make more of it and better options in the future !


Thats life

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Calling people a child makes you seem childish

FinalFantasy not Iconic , it has gotten game reviews SWG never got

WoW still totals out more money than any MMO in history , maybe you need to think before you post


Every Game I mention is Iconic, SWG is only Iconic by its STarWars name , the game itself was below trash


Aww, did the child comment hurt your feelings? You need to define what Iconic is then dear..because Iconic to me is that it permeates everything in our society, from politics, engineering and electronics, to the plastic glow in the dark lightsaber you prolly never got to weild. Haven't seen any FF characters at Mickey D's ever either....that would be ICONIC!!!

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Aww, did the child comment hurt your feelings? You need to define what Iconic is then dear..because Iconic to me is that it permeates everything in our society, from politics, engineering and electronics, to the plastic glow in the dark lightsaber you prolly never got to weild. Haven't seen any FF characters at Mickey D's ever either....that would be ICONIC!!!


SWG was nnothing but a Iconic Fail, things a company should never do in the future . If thats what you mean by Iconic , than go ahead .


You game is over and all those games I mentioned are being played right now. I find it funny that you are here telling me SWG is better but the doors were closed and SOE has not wishing to make another game like it but all the games I mention can be played anytime I want to !


Hey enjoy your memories , its all you get :p

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What was that you were saying about trying to pass off personal opinion as fact?


FF11 out sold SWG , Iconic would be something worth remembering !


What awards did SWG ever get ? LOL NONE , thats no opinions


There was nothing Iconic about SWG other than its low account base ! Go ahead think that was Iconic !


WoW is Iconic , highest Subs in history and the most money made by a MMO yet and to this day has the highest Sub base of any MMO ! That Iconic and it came out not too long after !

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Which of the two do you like more and why? Personally i don't understand how you can go from KOTOR 1 and 2 to this, (from what i hear there are some devs that worked on KOTOR on the SWTOR team) i understand those were single player games, but a 2012 MMO to feel like a 2005 MMO or whatever is just plain embarassing, it's the year 2012, get with the times "Bioware" or whoever you are.


With that being said, i would like it if this game was more sandbox style like SWG and had populated worlds where NPC's would roam around, the KOTOR games felt rich with life, this game just feel completely dead, everything in this game looks like an abandoned movie set. Makes me sad, I feel like in the hands of another company this game probably would have been better in at least one aspect.


I agree with all that you said, except I didn't play KOTOR, I was SWG. Played quite a few other mmo's inbetween just to check things out, but I always went back.

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FF11 out sold SWG , Iconic would be something worth remembering !


What awards did SWG ever get ? LOL NONE , thats no opinions


There was nothing Iconic about SWG other than its low account base ! Go ahead think that was Iconic !


WoW is Iconic , highest Subs in history and the most money made by a MMO yet and to this day has the highest Sub base of any MMO ! That Iconic and it came out not too long after !


What you just spouted off is fact and I'm not disputing that. Calling the game trash is personal opinion, though. I don't care if God himself came down from on high and said "SWG is trash!". It's still personal opinion and I would just tell the almighty "To each their own."

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I don't think you know what you said, I am having a post reply with someone who has no clue how Games or for that products make it in life.


If I sell something and only a few like it , I become broke and have to end what I am doing !

If I sell something and millions of people like it, I can make more of it and better options in the future !


Thats life


Then you quoted me wrong and your argument on Iconic is still fail....better go back to school son....SWG hardly failed..they were in business for 7 years...that's about 4 years beyond the success of most MMO's in the last 10 years.

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Most the MMO community must have been stoned or drunk because we all felt the same as the poster you replied too ................


Matter of fact little notice went to SWG and if it wasn't a starwars game with STARWARS in its name , no one would probably gave it more than a month and it would have been closed and done for !


yet another well thought out reply....done with your ridiculous comments.

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You rock Blue :)


Thank ya.


I'm going to be blunt that I simply prefer the structure of SWG over TOR, faults and all. You know if you enjoy something enough you can look past the faults in it. I mean, just look at the player-base of TOR.


At any rate, the reason is because the game required thought to excel in. There was no "push button, instant gratification". As someone who was a crafter, it took careful planning and developing a customer base for my ship parts. Not a huge requirement of time, but a lot of patience on my part.


In TOR, it's very different. It's watered down and distilled to the point that it simply feels sterile to me. It's not any more a Star Wars experience than "Buck Rogers with Glow bats" would have been. Not to say it's bad, but TOR comes off as pretty thoughtless in my opinion. It just feels like a game designed for vegging out instead of actually being engaged in anything.

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In TOR, it's very different. It's watered down and distilled to the point that it simply feels sterile to me. It's not any more a Star Wars experience than "Buck Rogers with Glow bats" would have been. Not to say it's bad, but TOR comes off as pretty thoughtless in my opinion. It just feels like a game designed for vegging out instead of actually being engaged in anything.


It's funny you say that, because I feel exactly the opposite. SWG felt like a watered-down, "vegging out" sort of game lacking in genuine Star Wars experience to me. I mean, the DWB "liquids" grind is one of the most tedious mindless things I have ever done in my life anywhere, let alone in a game. Especially when the place was crowded and you were stuck in front of one NPC, killing and letting respawn for hours on end....that's not Star Wars. It requires no thought or skill. Just the ability to endure tedium for countless hours. Same for most anything worth having. My goodness, I remember just running around Yavin 5 killing stuff for no reason other than the super rare drops. No adventure. No story. Just "hey, I sure hope I loot such-and-such feather so I can upgrade my armor."


Even gaming functions like hunting bounties (NPC or Player) got tedious after a while. Get the name from a terminal, use a probe droid, find the planet, use a tracking droid, follow, fight, and repeat until your brain becomes mush.


What I appreciate about TOR is that they seem dedicated to giving us actual adventures..... real stories that have plots and give us reasons to do them besides the loot. The game isn't even 6 months old and already we're getting new soloable dailies and group heroics, new flashpoints and new ops missions. That's how to keep a game going. SWG? Hell, we'd be lucky to get a handful of new missions each year. With them it was all PvP class balance and that travesty of a card game. "Hey, give us more money on top of the 15 bucks you already pay each month for these virtual cards that might give you loot. Beats the DWB for another 115 hours doesn't it? Now pay up, suckers."


In ANH, Luke Skywalker couldn't wait to stop farming, crafting, and doing the housework so he could get on with having adventures. As a former SWG player I knew exactly how he felt. For my money SWTOR already has SWG beat a million ways to Wednesday when it comes to genuine Star Wars excitement and adventure. Long may it continue.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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I AM SWG.. I was an inhabitant of SWG, I felt part of the server I played on. Not so with TOR, BW do more to encourage me to drop my characters to make new ones. I stand to gain nothing by staying on one character.


TOR is not an MMO... look at the the majority of the legacy, these are SPG mechanics rewarded on completion of a single-player game. Yeah, MMO'RPG' perhaps but it even falls short of that within the first 3 letters... Instanced to a meagre fraction of who is online is not massive. Infact current single player games with online featuers currently have more people per match than any of the instances I've seen on TOR.


I want to play in a virtual Star Wars world... I want my character to be consequential to the world around me. I do not feel like that is possible with TOR. Even warzones are simply a SPG online feature.

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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