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I understand that, but what you mention can be done in this game. It might not be the way you want it to be, but its there. Its similar in nature, but not exactly the same.


3 dumbed down from the list of the thing i did meh i dont want it to be the same as swg. and im not realy understanding your point. i said things i did in swg so what if a couple things are similar what does that have to do with me just saying things i did in a swg vs tor topic.

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I'm sure plenty of people will disagree with me, but SWG was ahead of its time in many ways. The three best things SWG had going for it were player housing/cities, social features, and crafting. So many people flame SWG for all the things they didn't like about it, and I'm sure a good number of them never even played it...


The crafting system in that game was so much more in depth than any other MMO as of yet. You actually had to go out and harvest the minerals or materials you needed. You had to power your moisture vaporizers on Tatooine. If you wanted to pool resources and become a successful crafter you had to work at it. Different resources would pop up at different spots on different planets and you had to survey to find the hot spots for the resources with the best stats. Once you were established though, it was rewarding. You could have your own shop and people would pay for your goods knowing your name meant quality.


SWG was also much more of a sandbox game than anything else. I played from beta through NGE and cancelled my sub immediately after NGE hit. I honestly wish this game had more planets that were set up similarly to those from SWG. Ditch the rails and spread out the quest givers or remove them and just make it about exploring the planet. In the future I'd really love to see this game have player housing and player cities.


Some people like the social side of MMOs and SWG did a great job catering to those folks. You could talk with either faction. Pvpers could go covert when in enemy territory or go overt and openly wage battle on any planet, anywhere at any time.


All these other forum members bashing SWG refuse to see where I firmly believe it did some things "right". SWG may not have had 10 million subs but I feel like it offered a more diverse array of features. My most honest opinion is that there are these people out there who will whine when things aren't handed to them in a game where you have to work to earn your rewards. When enough of these people complain, it is not too far-fetched to think that they can shape the way that games change. Perhaps that sounds like I'm being hypocritical. I'm not asking for anything to be made "easy". I would like to see more complexity in the game. Does anybody else find this game to be as incredibly simple as I do?


In my opinion, SWG (Pre-CU) > TOR, but that's only for now... I know SWTOR has plenty of potential and some great stuff ahead but it feels like its taking a long time to reach the 'promsed land'. For me, I'd like to see more open worlds, free to explore, no more rails. Same with space combat, eventually it would be nice to ditch the rails. I'd love to see a new level of complexity with crafting. I know it makes many people shy away from crafting but currently there's little to no challenge in any of the crew skills. This game is a Star Wars game, and the only thing, for me, that feels really Star Warsy is the storytelling.


I am still subbed to this game. I don't plan to quit for a while. I play on Prophecy of the Five, which has a little bit of a pop problem lately. Out of 120 guildmates, only 10-20 are still active. These are just my observations and I don't believe I can sway opinion with my words. That's not my intention. After reading posts upon posts of flames and snide remarks, I felt like voicing my experience with both games. I hope very good things come together for this game. I enjoy playing ToR but am currently awaiting the next big patch.



* I apologize if you've read this far and have realized I have summed up everything stated in other replies, I just read the title, a few flames and then replied. Hopefully that isn't the case but forums are the usually the land of redundancy.


To each thier own, i played on and off for 8 years....guess my 1st prof, go on guess....and the 3 things you listed were 3 of the 4 things i had zero intrest in, the 4th being space.

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Rofl realy u are not even worth a response it would just be me saying the same thing you won't get it and think you have argument on this topic when you don't have fun qqin in the wrong post I will not answer any more of your nonsence.


Shorter greenleef: "You have proven me wrong; therefore, I will not acknowledge you anymore."


BTW, I certainly hope English is not your first language.

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3 dumbed down from the list of the thing i did meh i dont want it to be the same as swg. and im not realy understanding your point. i said things i did in swg so what if a couple things are similar what does that have to do with me just saying things i did in a swg vs tor topic.


I understand that, but my point is that there is things in this game to do, which is why i quoted you earlier. I really dont care what game you like the most, since for the most part this thread took a nose dive since the get go.

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All I would like to have seen is more freedom of travel around the planets with multiple cities and startports. Personally, i had never considered when awaiting release that the planets would be as instanced as they are with zoned areas that play like console gaming levels.


That is the biggest issue i have, i can live without player housing, player cities, Storyteller. I can even live with out sitting in chairs and day and night cycles.


As of right now I find little to no reason to travel to planets i have already traveled to, exploration is minimal and complete through questing. The "virtual world" feels non existent here. Instead this is just a video game.


I swear reading somewhere from Bioware that would happen. Though it's probably another thing that is still in production, ergo another 3 months away from being implemented.


By then I think the game is going to be a complete ghost town. Every server just dead. Think, the game is 3 months old, they have a complaint every half a second. & another person saying they will unsub every, guestemate, 2 minutes. It won't last if bioware doesn't implement some new things quickly. Take the rakghoul heroic thing they've been working on. It's half way done & it has taken a year... IMO that is just not reasonable. I'm not a staff member of Bioware so idk how hard they are working, but surly it can't take that long...


I can tell you know the story line will be: "Help, please help. The Rakgouls are taking over!" *you click the appropriate response.*

"They're over there, please retrieve my wife's ring. She was infected yesterday"


3 hours later you have the ring & all's well another day saved. Sorry for my negativity but that is the basic plot line of every quest *I* have seen.

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this is all besides the point and the point is all i said was things i did in swg compaired to tor like the TOPIC said. not once i said i want this game to be a swg 2. everyone just wants to start arguments when they are not there. yea i said i want more to do and this game realy doesnt have much to do and it doesnt thats a fact.


You're stuck on SWG2, but the point we're making is that the things you say you want already exist in the game. That is a fact. SWTOR already gives us more than SWG and it's only just started. The only thing is that the storyline makes all the SWG-esque aspects irrelevant, but that's no reason for you to give them up if you miss them so much.

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By then I think the game is going to be a complete ghost town. Every server just dead. Think, the game is 3 months old, they have a complaint every half a second. & another person saying they will unsub every, guestemate, 2 minutes. It won't last if bioware doesn't implement some new things quickly.


I'm hard pressed to think of a single MMO in the history of the genre that doesn't/didn't get complaints complete with "I'm gonna quit" threats every half a second. Hell, SWG quadrupled that ratio easily.

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Bottom line is that they are two different games with two entirely different sets of mechanics. Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges.


Now, you may prefer apples to oranges, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just don't hate the orange-lover's for their preferences.


When it comes down to it, though, anyone in SWG from the start has to admit that the complexity of the game killed it. It was also the very best thing about it. It was a gamer's game, not some trussed up gimmick that anyone could master ... at least at the start. The complexity of the profession choices, the incredibly rich crafting system, the open worlds ... well, you'll find open worlds in EVE (okay, open world-on-rails), and EVE's profession system is even more varied, but you'll never get another crafting system as artful as original SWG.


Complexity killed the game for a couple of reasons. (1) It was just too great a task for SOE to code, and as a result there were far too many exploits that resulted in a mishmash of patches that made things worse and worse. (2) The "masses" could not handle that complexity, and so the whiners on the forums won the day and we got the CU and the NGE. And a great game died as a result ... but that complex gem-in-the-rough was never going to rule the mass market, and the push for subs from Smedley also killed the game as much as anything.


There are hints at more open worlds for SWTOR, for those who want the sandbox that was SWG. But even SWG had to come up with a linear story line to help people develop their characters, or don't people remember the Legacy quest series? Then again, you could just AFK macro your toons to 90, but where's the fun in that? Not to mention really learning how to play your class. LOL, there was nothing like meeting an SF who macro-grinded their toon ... always an easy kill as they button-mash away while you took them to school. All the same, I prefer Bioware's stories over the SWG Legacy quest line anyday and twice on Sunday.


I really enjoy SWTOR. I enjoy it for what it is. I'm impressed at the amount of endgame content they already have just 3 or so months into the game, far more than any of the MMOs I've played in the last 8 years (some, like Tabula Rasa, never developed any to speak of). This is a very young game produced by a stable that has a lot of rich games in its past, so I'm willing to give Bioware and SWTOR time to mature.

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I loved the first month or two of SWG. It had some of the funnest world pvp I ever played at hotspots like Anchorhead, even though it got crazy with personal AT-STs and Rancors.


SWG had great customization and race selection. Player housing and economies were a fun and worthy timesink thats missing from a lot of other MMO's.


But it was also pretty broken. SWTOR is a higher quality game but the SWG community felt so much more active and massive in SWG. You had to interact with player crafters and vendors


I also prefer SWG's timeframe since its in the awesome OT

Edited by Jakain
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Hmm one of the greatest possibilities in SWTOR is the timeline I think.. in SWG you were pretty locked up by being in between III and IV and knowing that the rebels will be busted big time and then rise up after V..


Here we have thousands of years of content and storyline, that still is written but gives much more freedom and open slots for more content

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Without a doubt it did.


But when you can log in, not find any raid groups, piddle around trying to figure out what you want to do, and finally log out feeling like you really accomplished nothing and now realize FOUR HOURS HAVE PASSED, that is just plain ugly, ugly, ugly.


SWG had such great promise, but it was really nothing more than a very expensive systems demo. It had no meat to keep people there, which is why it failed.


I get that feeling after 5 minutes of SWTOR, it took you 4 hours to get that feeling in SWG in a single sitting? Seems like you got your monies worth.

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I get that feeling after 5 minutes of SWTOR, it took you 4 hours to get that feeling in SWG in a single sitting? Seems like you got your monies worth.


Exactly. SWG just had more of a warm home feeling. TOR has love, but atm it's cold love. Idk that's just what I'm getting, SWG the community had banded together. I'm sure it will happen on TOR, but first they need to get rid of this faction separation ******** & then it might happen.

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Exactly. SWG just had more of a warm home feeling. TOR has love, but atm it's cold love. Idk that's just what I'm getting, SWG the community had banded together. I'm sure it will happen on TOR, but first they need to get rid of this faction separation ******** & then it might happen.


Patience. Everybody is just getting settled in their new proverbial "houses." A "warm home feeling" only comes with time, with or without faction separation.

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I was an avid SWG player for 7 years, but given the lack of development on the game in terms of graphics immersion, I would not go back if SOE opened the game again for free!


To me SWTOR is pretty much everything I would have expected from a SWG 2, with the minor addition of the KOTOR style UI.


I agree, same here, its hard to really compare also, two different concepts, but I prefer TOR over swg, only reason i played swg was friends and guildies, the game nerver really offered much.

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You're stuck on SWG2, but the point we're making is that the things you say you want already exist in the game. That is a fact. SWTOR already gives us more than SWG and it's only just started. The only thing is that the storyline makes all the SWG-esque aspects irrelevant, but that's no reason for you to give them up if you miss them so much.


1 i listed things i did in swg

2 i did list them even tho there is similar type things in tor

3 i never said they were not in tor i did say how crapy they were cuz they are rail flight and send compainions for recourses dueling in populated area the fleets is coming sometime

4 never said i want this to be swg2 or copy there idea was only sticking to topic

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I like them both equally, strong points on either side.


But the one thing I WISH some company would freakin do, is bring back the 20 man groups SWG had when it first came out.


4-8 people per group = fail.


20 man groups were soooooo much fun, and nobody has done it since... :(

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I'm curious, did anyone NOT quit SWG the moment NGE hit?


I didn't. I was quite happy to keep playing post-NGE. The simplified game play didn't bother me. As long as I got to play a BH I was happy. Playing a Jedi never held any interest for me, so that controversy flew right past me. Meanwhile, we were seeing all sorts of cool new expanions like Kashyyyk and Mustafar.....I was a happy little camper.


With hindsight I think things started going downhill for me when Restuss became a PVP zone. It was cool at first, especially the PVE missions leading up to it...very exciting. But after that it seemed like almost every update revolved around balancing and rebalancing and rebalancing and rebalancing and rebalancing and rebalancing and rebalancing and rebalancing and rebalancing and rebalancing PVP ad nauseum. PVE content came far too sporadically and when it came it was threadbare and underwhelming.


The final straw for me was that *********** card game. Now upgrades consisted of the latest PVP rebalance and a cheap fly-by-night method of bleeding players of even more money. It was hard not to be cynical about SOE adding F2P elements to a subscription game. It was an insult. After that my days were numbered. I left two or three months after the big server merge, and I'm sure that didn't help either. Wanderhome was gone, Starsider wasn't the same, I was bored to tears with having no fresh content coming in and feeling disillusioned with the CCG scam...I was done.


So now SWTOR is here, and while it's not perfect it's off to a great start from where I'm sitting. And I very much hope that, unlike SWG, they maintain focus on new PVE content instead of cheap gimmicks and PVP.

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I was thinking about this over the last while.. All the people who pumped the boards with "This isnt swg 2.0 now leave..." might just be wishing it wasnt true anymore :D


true lol.maybe tor will head in a very good direction in the next couple of years and we can all be elders.

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I personally thought SWG was way better in my opinion. The player base, the sense of exploration, the planets, the species. I can just keep going on and on. This game bores me to the point why I'm wondering why I spend 15$ a month. It's funny, because I used to say to myself, "Why would I spend 15$ a month for SWG. I've played it since the beginning. It's always gonna be here. I have Emu to play for free right?". I want to slap myself in the face for saying that back then.


I'm not gonna lie, I totally miss SWG. And I was extremely upset when the last day came. I was one of those people who played it from the beginning till the end. But I've realized it's gone and that amazing game will unfortunately never come back. Gah... is it lame that I'm starting to become speechless thinking about how amazing SWG was?...:(

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