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It's a much more deeply seeded form of anger for me than just SWG vs TOR. I wear no rose colored glasses, the game was deeply flawed. Despite that, it was still significantly different from Blizzard's abomination and that was the biggest merit for me. It's shutdown is little more to me than the dead of diversity in favor of, yet another, "me-too" knockoff that exists only to try to cash in on that game's freakish accidental success.


Every game since WoW has been that way, just another attempt to mime the so-called "magic formula" to try make lightning strike twice. This one is no exception and future games on the horizon don't look any better.


I play TOR. I don't just come to the forums to vent (even though during breaks at work it offers a great form of stress relief), and it's enjoyable to a degree, but it's nothing new. Just another one built on the same tired formula. For me, personally, the game won't last long. Too much of a "Been there, done that" feeling to it. Whether it is successful or not in the long run is irrelevent and I'm not going to venture to guess.


It is my sincerest hope, though, that both The Old Republic and Mists of Pandaria fail to such a massive degree that it causes a collapse of the entire industry and sets the whole thing back to square one. Maybe then developers will stop being scared to try new things.


TOR even if it starts failing will be like SWG and be massively funded on lifesupport till someone better comes along with a better idea.


Problem with NEW THINGS is usually it has alot of bad things in it . SWG Sandbox was a good idea , but not having really any story worth looking at and lacking story as well kinda sucks . Player created content is good but having the game strive on it sucks.


STO has player created content and Open SPace Combat with many ships , but also Cryptic updates it with new Content and story of their own. In the end STO is better than SWG for the formula they have but it is like everyother cryptic game on the market , 1-4 servers !

!-4 servers that have a decent amount of players but the game went f2p within 2 years of going live.


SWG came from atime when MMOs had companies pushing them no matter how bad they would do , but now its about the next big MMO to try and knock WoW off its throne .


Casual players rule the MMO market and until that changes , Majority rules !

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as a SWG vet myself, i think we all really do need to let it go, why??? Its gone its never coming back it had its time then the QQers had to ruin it and now its time to move on, I have and i am enjoying playing TOR. But it finally needs to be put down.


I agree to a degree. I am not trying to revive SWG, but I will not sit by and let those who just didn't like it spread falicies about it and accuse it of being a (total) failure. It had some great things that it did right that survived the CU/NGE. And other games, this one included could learn some of those lessons and try to apply them to their MMO's so that the players have the option to enjoy the game in ways other than "kill X of Y, repeat".


One thing they could do is address the issue TOR players are having with armors/outfits right now, especially for Consulars with 1.2, and allow players to RE base armor stats from modable armors and put them into different skins using a slightly improved crafting system. Then players can create looks they like but that have the stats the devs designed each class to have (so that balance isn't effected). And this gives the RP'rs even more options, but it is all cosmetic.


One major change I wouldn't object to is revamping TOR space to play more like SWG:JTLS. We can't have player houses on the planets the way TOR is designed, but they could make our starships our "mobile homes" that we get to decorate (if we want) and invite groups to travel with us so they can enjoy how we customize our ships. Maybe after raching max level we could earn through quests the ability to change the starship we have/use.


If I want to play SWG again I will play the EMU. I hold no hope that SWTOR will ever be made into a defacto SWG2, they are just not the same game and just as SOE's mistake was trying to make SWG into something like what SWTOR became, it would be wrong to to the opposite to SWTOR. Because I prefer the "sandbox" more than the "themepark" style MMO I would love to see another Star Wars sandbox game again someday. Other MMO plyers may not and that is their choice/preference. As a Star Wars fan I am playing this game and enjoying it for what it is, and offering suggestions (some based on SWG) how to make it better.


On the flip side of your point, some posters who didn't like SWG need to let go of their hate for SWG and quit trying to trash it in general terms or totally made up terms when it doesn't deserve such rancor unleashed on it....or those who prefer it over SWTOR. It had its flaws and I will not disagree with those who critisize it for them, heck I will even list them myself. Every player has a different preference in what they like, there is room for all those play styles and the game that manages to offer as many differnt game play options to the gamers out there will benefit for it.

Edited by Yager
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One thing they could do is address the issue TOR players are having with armors/outfits right now, especially for Consulars with 1.2, and allow players to RE base armor stats from modable armors and put them into different skins using a slightly improved crafting system. Then players can create looks they like but that have the stats the devs designed each class to have (so that balance isn't effected). And this gives the RP'rs even more options, but it is all cosmetic.


One major change I wouldn't object to is revamping TOR space to play more like SWG:JTLS. We can't have player houses on the planets the way TOR is designed, but they could make our starships our "mobile homes" that we get to decorate (if we want) and invite groups to travel with us so they can enjoy how we customize our ships. Maybe after raching max level we could earn through quests the ability to change the starship we have/use.


Another idea, SWTOR has a social points system that one gathers point for by grouping but groups can sometimes be hard to find so they could mae a class that is a pure social class (dancer/singer/entertainer) and they hang out in cantinas and perform for the combat clases to give them a social buff that earns them social points even when they are playing solo (with their companion).


Or maybe have the entertainer class be the one that gives players the XP bonus that logging/hanging out in cantinas now gives players.


Or mayebe an entertained player could get their PvE "revive here" timers shortened by 25% or 50%.


These sorts of things encourage the players who like the social game to participate, give the combat players a reason to use their services but at the sametime they are not game breaking or unbalancing.

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So, you want two multi-million (billion in WoW's case) projects to fail out of spite? Because that's what what you said essentially boils down to.


That's petty as hell.


I'm a petty person. I don't deny that.


Anyway, in hindsight of what I said there is still one MMO that stands apart and that's Eve, but for me personally it was too jarring with lack of a ground game to go with the space game. Perhaps the future will bring it more to the forefront with additions to it.


For TOR's sake, I do home for a more open space system where you actually get to fly your ship in more than just a starfox mini-game. Can't really have space-based PVP if you can't put two ships in the same space.

Edited by Bluerodian
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I don't care how many ways SWG players look at it , their game is dead. It was on lifesupport for 8 yrs and when Lucas Arts found someone to do Star Wars MMO all over again fron scratch they gladly ended their license with SOE and SOE did not put up a fight. Game over friends


TOR players do not want a SWG game , only you guys . If they wanted a SWG game they would have played SWG as it had 8 yrs to gain players and it didn't . Heck they even had ads everywhere so it wasn't because it lacked t hat .


I can promise you that if they made this game anywhere grindier than it is now , players would reject it and move on to the next MMO .


TOR players want

More OPEN space but it will not be like SWG , sorry

More Crafts but not grinding your life away to get them

More skills

Better UI

More Story ontop of story , not that TOR lacked story Like SWG did

More classes and jobs , no mmo player is just happy with current set of jobs

More Endgame

More Gear designs


More endgame , even though Tor has Endgame and more than anyMMO taht was out for a years time

More Social games . yea TOR lacks that agreed

and much more


^ but these wants are no more than any MMO player has had for any and all MMOs that have came out now or past .


Sandbox games are great , but when they is nothing to do in them but stand around and talk , well thats not what people want.


Majority of MMOers > Miniory of SWG players


SWG is dead , no one is gonna bring it back other than SWGemu which I am not even sure if that is legal or not . To be honest SWGemu is gonna have the same lacking player base and won't make anymoney , so I would bet LA wouldn't even care lol.


Life goes on without SWG , continue to wine and cry on TOR . Its funny


Its even more funnier that you have to pay to post on TOR forums and help the game I love continue to have money to dish out some of the best MMO Stories to ever be seen !



thats because the majority of tor players came from wow so they are getting everything they want. i guarantee you if somebody made swg 2 wed be having the same convo but about how the game is too hard to play

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I don't care how many ways SWG players look at it , their game is dead. It was on lifesupport for 8 yrs and when Lucas Arts found someone to do Star Wars MMO all over again fron scratch they gladly ended their license with SOE and SOE did not put up a fight. Game over friends


TOR players do not want a SWG game , only you guys . If they wanted a SWG game they would have played SWG as it had 8 yrs to gain players and it didn't . Heck they even had ads everywhere so it wasn't because it lacked t hat .


I can promise you that if they made this game anywhere grindier than it is now , players would reject it and move on to the next MMO .


TOR players want

More OPEN space but it will not be like SWG , sorry

More Crafts but not grinding your life away to get them

More skills

Better UI

More Story ontop of story , not that TOR lacked story Like SWG did

More classes and jobs , no mmo player is just happy with current set of jobs

More Endgame

More Gear designs


More endgame , even though Tor has Endgame and more than anyMMO taht was out for a years time

More Social games . yea TOR lacks that agreed

and much more


^ but these wants are no more than any MMO player has had for any and all MMOs that have came out now or past .


Sandbox games are great , but when they is nothing to do in them but stand around and talk , well thats not what people want.


Majority of MMOers > Miniory of SWG players


SWG is dead , no one is gonna bring it back other than SWGemu which I am not even sure if that is legal or not . To be honest SWGemu is gonna have the same lacking player base and won't make anymoney , so I would bet LA wouldn't even care lol.


Life goes on without SWG , continue to wine and cry on TOR . Its funny


Its even more funnier that you have to pay to post on TOR forums and help the game I love continue to have money to dish out some of the best MMO Stories to ever be seen !



People will always complain. Read the topic of the OP. It asks to discuss which game is better. Many people have given their opinions. Every person is different. Many like SWG and want it back, and many like TOR. I loved SWG and want it back; However, I thoroughly enjoy TOR as well. The title is not blast everybody that liked SWG just because you are biased and immature. Also, by the way learn to use modifying words. More/Most funnier? Really? This almost discredits your whole argument, lol.

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Its stayed alive because people played it.




It stayed alive because it was LICENSED to run. Meaning they paid for it to run for the last 4 years. They weren't going to just shut it down so instead they milked people from TCG and character transfers.

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Actually mefit, until LA raised the licensing fees, SOE and LA already jointly announced last Spring they were happy that SWG and TOR could co-exist. When LA's stuffed shirts decided to jack up the fee for the new contract peroid starting in 2012. SOE balked, and that led to the sunset. SOE had the entire dev team adding new features up to when they took the hamsters off their wheels. Atmospheric flight, atmospheric combat, air to ground/ground to air combat was added, something folks had wanted for years. for Sony to allow a dev team to contiue adding content for a sunsetted game is unheard of. And yet they did so.


In reading you posts, you have an extremely narrow minded view of what SWG was. I don't fault you for being enthusiastic over this game, which appears to bordering on fanatic/compulsive. But to reply to nearly every posters view that your opinion of Galaxies trumps everyone else's experiece and opinion makes your points invalid. and as such, you need to move along. this is not the thread you should be positng on. ;)


False. But nice try.

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People will always complain. Read the topic of the OP. It asks to discuss which game is better. Many people have given their opinions. Every person is different. Many like SWG and want it back, and many like TOR. I loved SWG and want it back; However, I thoroughly enjoy TOR as well. The title is not blast everybody that liked SWG just because you are biased and immature. Also, by the way learn to use modifying words. More/Most funnier? Really? This almost discredits your whole argument, lol.


The OP calls us Biodrones you call me immature ... So whne you are totally wrong go to name calling ! Fine my Grammar is alittle off , and your game sucked lol .


Its not Biased,it is a fact ! The game lost most its accounts the first month and every month after that till NGE in which it gained back a bit . When the game went down it had 10k players , thats not enough to run the servers .


The game is dead and gone .


Story ...........TOR > SWG

Graphics .......TOR > SWG

Gameplay ......TOR > SWG

Sandbox ........TOR < SWG


Oh well 1 thing SWG will have over most games but EQ and Lineage that did sandbox batter !


The Topic went to the whole SWG has things to be brought to TOR, that is what made us TORers come out to defend against these kinda threads .

To be honest SWG has no place on a TOR forum as it has NOTHING to do with this game ! Show me one MMO that had a interview to its developers and they said "WE USED THINGS FROM SWG " , it won't happen because those are words that never came out any Developers mouth !

Edited by mefit
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thats because the majority of tor players came from wow so they are getting everything they want. i guarantee you if somebody made swg 2 wed be having the same convo but about how the game is too hard to play


Thing is no one is gonna make SWG2 because SWG 1 was a mistake in how it was ran and how it originally came out . It was made like most Asian Grinders and not for Westerners . You'd think because StarWars was made in America that a MMO being made around it would be made for American gamers !

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Thing is no one is gonna make SWG2 because SWG 1 was a mistake in how it was ran and how it originally came out . It was made like most Asian Grinders and not for Westerners . You'd think because StarWars was made in America that a MMO being made around it would be made for American gamers !


I played SWG when it was first launched, and I played Star Trek Online (recently purchased by Perfect Worlds, a company responsible for those Asian grindfests), and I can tell you, the way SWG played, compared to the way STO plays now, is nothing alike.


SWG was not a "grindfest". Sure, there was grinding in it. Point me in the direction of an MMO that doesn't involve grinding somewhere down the line

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Thing is no one is gonna make SWG2 because SWG 1 was a mistake in how it was ran and how it originally came out . It was made like most Asian Grinders and not for Westerners . You'd think because StarWars was made in America that a MMO being made around it would be made for American gamers !


i agree with your first sentence. that is the hardest type of game to balance because there is so much customization and its obvious that SOE scared every other game company off due to the poor way they handled it. i still believe that the sandbox genre will rise again, my prediction is that everyone and their mom is gonna come out with a themepark mmo and the genre is going to get so watered down that a smaller company is gonna come in and try something "innovative" and hopefully from that the sandbox is born again


your second sentence is partially true. it was a grinding game but only due to the fact that there were a lack of quests, i cant say if SOE intended it to be like an asian mmo or not. what i can say though is since it was a sandbox game you were free to lvl where you chose. i lvled mbh at the blue leaf temple and mdef on dant with a power lvling group killing pikets, i think i even made it to dath one time to kill rancors. also, profession progression was a lot quicker in swg. in tor you are forced to quest as pvp gives **** xp and there are no other options. questing takes forever and forces you through trash mobs that are nothing but a time sink. at least with the sandbox grind you can choose where you want to lvl and how fast, you can power lvl a profession in a few days or take your time a solo a few things, the beauty of swg is that you chose unlike tor which is spoon fed to you

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False. But nice try.


Not false, this was announced last year by the Community Leader of SWG, and was in several Gamer columns. SOE's contract was up for renewal in 2012, and LA wanted more than SOE was willing pay.


And folks know that the game is dead. They aren't in denial, they are playing this game because its the only SW skinned game in town. And don't count Clone Wars as an MMO rofl.


Too bad NBC/Universal squashed the folks who were creating an actual BSG MMO. The garbage they refer to as an MMO is just a FPS that looks like something from the early 90s.

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I played SWG from out of gate all the way to Mustafar.... With all it incarnations in between. I loved the sandbox aspects of the game. I loved crafting. I loved being able to take a pinch of this skill set and a dab of that set to make your character your own.




But the community of SWG was far better than what is on SWTOR primarily because of a simple thing called "CHAT BUBBLES". You could start a conversation with people in general areas with out a lot of effort and yes... spam your business or guild.


The local cantinas had character. The patrons got to know each other. there was a sense of community in a local area. You could run in a cantina and ask " Anyone seen Wong?" and the room would not only see it but reply.


BioWare says they tried chat bubbles in BETA and it created "performance issues". So they left them out. They install 20 miles of useless walkways to enter/exit a ship instead of a gathering point that people could use to chat it up and wait for a shuttle. Instead we slog along listening to mindless ramblings of the stale humorless companion.


The Cantinas in SWTOR are empty and lifeless, you cannot sit anywhere ( but I swear they said you could ), there's nothing that binds the players in this game. Not even Guilds! Have you EVER heard of a MMO where guilds had no gathering hall?


Say what you want about SWG... tell me again how it was a dismal failure. Tell me how it never made money. How it never was anything but a borefest. It was a lot of things to a lot of people, but it had a community that had a heart and a feel that WoW nor SWTOR can duplicate because when you run on tracks you never stop to smell the roses.


I love this post.. I also agree. I loved being a bh... taking a bounty and the hunt. I loved the exploration, the guild halls, the ships, the collecting, paintings, glowies etc..etc.. I loved how diverse and open it was.


I enjoyed the cantinas where you sat like RL and bsed to one another, the PVP where you would defend the cities etc. Even the gcw battles. (Kill counts and the active frame) I do enjoy TOR alot, but the WOW/LOTRO type questing experience without any deviation from the path (really) isn't too much my cup of tea. The graphics are tremendous, But there are many aspects of swg I truly miss. INCLUDING customization of character, clothing, and colors. I guess it SWG spoiled me after all those years playing it. I didn't find it to be a bad game, even up to the end. I always had alot to do. Just my opinion, but TOR is great in many ways and hopefully more changes over the next bit will help us SMALL amount of sandbox lovers to adapt to this style of MMO

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The OP calls us Biodrones you call me immature ... So whne you are totally wrong go to name calling ! Fine my Grammar is alittle off , and your game sucked lol .


Its not Biased,it is a fact ! The game lost most its accounts the first month and every month after that till NGE in which it gained back a bit . When the game went down it had 10k players , thats not enough to run the servers .


The game is dead and gone .


Story ...........TOR > SWG

Graphics .......TOR > SWG

Gameplay ......TOR > SWG

Sandbox ........TOR < SWG


Oh well 1 thing SWG will have over most games but EQ and Lineage that did sandbox batter !


The Topic went to the whole SWG has things to be brought to TOR, that is what made us TORers come out to defend against these kinda threads .

To be honest SWG has no place on a TOR forum as it has NOTHING to do with this game ! Show me one MMO that had a interview to its developers and they said "WE USED THINGS FROM SWG " , it won't happen because those are words that never came out any Developers mouth !


So TOR has not lost players after the first month and every month since? I believe every game does that. I never saw any empirical data on SWG at its end, but if there were only around 10k players left, then they were on the server I played on. Shoot! They could have atleast shut all the others down and just ran one server with no more people allowed. It would be like an exclusive thing. I am sure they would have made enough to keep one server running. There is no right and wrong when arguing opinions, lol. I am only wrong from my point of view; just as you are only wrong from my point of view. As far as your less than/greater than views, I would say that with full graphics on a decent machine that SWG looks much better. Ever go to Naboo waterfalls and do that? It looked brilliant. TOR does have a much better story, and I love how the gameplay progresses. I have loved every FP I have ran so far. I have to say PVP in SWG was better, but maybe just because I was uber. As far as sandbox goes, I wouldn't know bc SWG, WoW, and SWTOR are the only MMOs that I have ever played.

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So TOR has not lost players after the first month and every month since? I believe every game does that. I never saw any empirical data on SWG at its end, but if there were only around 10k players left, then they were on the server I played on. Shoot! They could have atleast shut all the others down and just ran one server with no more people allowed. It would be like an exclusive thing. I am sure they would have made enough to keep one server running. There is no right and wrong when arguing opinions, lol. I am only wrong from my point of view; just as you are only wrong from my point of view. As far as your less than/greater than views, I would say that with full graphics on a decent machine that SWG looks much better. Ever go to Naboo waterfalls and do that? It looked brilliant. TOR does have a much better story, and I love how the gameplay progresses. I have loved every FP I have ran so far. I have to say PVP in SWG was better, but maybe just because I was uber. As far as sandbox goes, I wouldn't know bc SWG, WoW, and SWTOR are the only MMOs that I have ever played.


TOR still has over a million accounts after 1 month of launch, whille SWG had less than 100k after 1 month of launch.


SWG was better looking than EQ1 and EQ 1 brings in more money , and is a sandbox game .....EQ1 > SWG


I will give SWG this and only this , the minority of player it had are hardcore inlove with it and refuse to let the game die . Saddly the companies did not share your point of views.


Matter of fact the undieing loyalty of SWG fans is by far the best I have ever seen even though they do not share the reality of the world that is controlled by money and profits and everything needs a Majority to work !

Edited by mefit
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TOR still has over a million accounts after 1 month of launch, whille SWG had less than 100k after 1 month of launch.


SWG was better looking than EQ1 and EQ 1 brings in more money , and is a sandbox game .....EQ1 > CrapSWG


Do me a favor, when I play in the evenings... please direct people to my server because 4 REPS on tat in the evening hours MST is kinda yucky to me. or 2 in Corellia!!! just a few of that million running around there. OR merge some servers so we actually see others when we decide to follow our story lines and head out to do some questing.


I love the game so far... I loved alot of swg too!! But I won't sit here and state how great TOR is just yet or how it is so much better than a or b. Nor will I fight to defend anyones opinion of swg or any other game out in MMO land. We all have opinions kinda like we all have ***holes... I played swg, I play TOR....to say that anyone pays a sub to post on TOR forums kinda sounds a bit stalkerish to me. My opinion!!!


Discuss the games!!! constructively...but that isn't going to happen. /salute

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This game is just a WoW clone with lightsabers and voices. It makes you do the same exact thing as WoW


Kill 6 Jedi/Gnomes

Slow the horde/republic advance stop ________


Besides the main story theres not an actual story anywhere else. Its always the same Kill # of these, Loot # of these. Exactly like WoW. Crafting is also a bunch of crap.


I tried to craft in SWG and i was horrible, but it definitely took effort, skill and alot to understand how to be a good crafter. SWG was also more social than any other MMO and that definitely brings more "Star Wars Immersion" then kill # jedi because ____.


I must have sat hear and read this about 4 times to consume all the differences in both games. I have played SWG, WoW, and now this. Galaxies had a wonderful open play mode. You really did not have to go questing at all to be honest may take longer but didnt have to. The usage of building your own cities and working as a team to create the city was a good concept. I really enjoyed it. Now to assume that both this and WoW are exactly the same you have lost your mind. In a sense i see your point BUT any other MMORPG is the same way. Go kill this or go deliver that. Same thing. Now the biggest difference I find with this then WoW is the difficulty level. WoW started off being hard and now is full of crap and everything is really stupidly easy to get. You have to earn your keep here this is what makes it besides the fact its fully voiced over and you can choose your side <light or dark>. Now the guild concept is a little slow to start with right now but I am sure they will incorporate something into new patches to make it more interesting for all of us. If you really wanna compare WoW to this at least do it by thinking about it. WoW and this are similar but they are not the same. People need to bear in mind this is a brand new game that just released, less then a year old, they are still working everything together. Like any mmo its bound to either get better with the patches or get ran into the dirt. You just have to wait and see like everyone else and enjoy the game. If you do not enjoy it for what it is just quit noone is forcing you to stay.

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SWTOR is all about PvE, story, and graphic.. Ilum is hardly world of pvp at all. I highly doubt swtor will add bounty hunting system due to npc champions all over the cities and there separate fleets. Bounty Hunter should not be in imperial. Imp bh is fake because it dont even hunt. Rename it to imperial trooper. no cross faction communciation and mail.


SWG was all about PvP and bounty huntin system. Little pve and story thats enough. I would playin SWG forever. I dont minded bad graphic. it had cross faction communciation and mail.


When u done all pve instances then now what?

PvP forever.

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One thing I most sorely miss from SWG was the community. That game had a very strong sense of community, which gave rise to much more world-PVP and social interaction. I have a theory as to why, and it has to do with the underlying systems involved.


In the structure of SWG, you had a sense of ownership. My town, my house, my ship, my character. The reason you had the sense of ownership is because you had to work to get these things. You had to drop the credits, know the right people, or spend the time gathering the resources to build these things yourself.


With the advent of cities, came a stronger community structure over-top of the interdependency that already existed between players (Remember primarily that you were limited to 1 and later only 2 characters per server). People would buy their gear from other players, gets buffs from entertainers and doctors, etc..


In TOR it's very different. There's really no sense of community and zero incentive to form one. It's little more than a directionless mob of individuals as opposed to a focused community. The occasional guild forms, sure, but that's where it ends. There's no sense of ownership because no work was involved in acquiring the virtual property.


Now on to world PVP and the sense of ownership. The theory I have there is the psychology of the players and the events that are presented. It's one thing if the Imperial Fleet/Orgrimmar is attacked (As an example). Most would simply say "Not my problem."


It's another if it were one of the player cities on SWG. It goes from "Not my problem" to "Hell no, that's my neighborhood!"


When you create a sense of ownership of virtual property and community through the game's structure, you create a psychological need to defend said property.

Edited by Bluerodian
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i really wish it was still around just only not because i enjoyed it but i do love both SWG and SWTOR. But how i would do it and play it with my characters is with the timeline of the 2 games and with the legacy system of TOR "family system" and make it happen with SWG. For example my characters that is in tor would have family generation in SWG. Edited by Jorelle
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One thing I most sorely miss from SWG was the community. That game had a very strong sense of community, which gave rise to much more QQ and Social drama.


Fixed it. ^


If there is ANYTHING from SWG I don't miss is its very "social" community. You gotta love all the senseless drama PvPers and Roleplayers made especially when they showed their true colors in the game's final days.

Edited by TalkingDinosaur
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Fixed it. ^


If there is ANYTHING from SWG I don't miss is its very "social" community. You gotta love all the senseless drama PvPers and Roleplayers made especially when they showed their true colors in the game's final days.


Oh yes, on the SWG there was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much drama and QQing and trolling. It was entertaining though..

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