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How long have MMO's lasted for you?


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SWG- From the release date until the game was shut down. This game was my favorite overall. Aside from it being Star Wars, it provided so much for a person and you could really get into your character more than any other I have played.


I would still be playing SWG had it not been shut down.


WoW- I admit I never really gave this game a fair shake. I played it about a month and it just never provided the style of play that I was looking for. Nothing against the elfs and orcs or the world, it just never was my cup of tea.


One thing I did not like that stood out to me was how easy the game was. SWG was very detailed. The crafting, the decorating, and space was just nothing any other game could provide.


Guild Wars- I tried this with freinds but I had a hard time once I ended up playing alone. Not that the game was difficult, I just got bored playing in solo mode. lol I did like GW more than WoW for some reason.


I tried CoH for it's trial and just never got into it due to friends not playing it much. I did like the character options there but eh I didnt play it to have a real opinion.


This game is doing very well for me and my stype of play. My guild is doing great and we are all enjoying what the game is providing. Sure there are bugs and issues, as well as, things missing that we all would love to see, but the game is very young still and we already see efforts to make things better. :D

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Make a list of MMO's that you've played and how long you've played them for!

If possible provide two reasons (1good/1bad) why you left or play the said MMO.





SW:G - Played for quite a while, left before NGE and CU.

Good - Can't think of just one good thing about it, sorry. There was so much I loved about the game in it's original form.

Bad - My husband (boyfriend at the time) and i left because of a bad guild experience and had no desire to restart. EQ2 Had just come out as well and we wanted to try that.



EQ2 - Played for a couple of years, our guild's first branch still was formed here.

Good - Enjoyed the crafting and the faction betrayal quests.

Bad - I quit because of a *horrible* CS experience with SOE regarding Station Access. My husband quit because I quit.


Horizons / Istaria - Played for about a year

Good - Absolutely loved the character creation system and the customizable / personalized crafting.

Bad - Left because when they merged the servers, the maps got messed up and the beginner areas were barren for crafting. Newbie lvl resources were found in dangerous areas. Overall the blending was done poorly.


Hellgate: London - Played till the company folded and the servers were taken down.

Good: Loved the setting and the visuals of the content. Loved that loot was personal to you so everyone got stuff and it could be traded.

Bad: Didn't like that there were no "open" zones in addition to instanced areas so outside of your group you only saw people in the hubs.


LotRO - Still play to this day, just not very often.

Good - Lots. Especially the setting. There are so many great features to this game despite its age.

Bad - We left because even though a game can be very good, after a while you just want to try other things.


Bloodymare: Requiem - Played a few months, once in a blue moon I still play

Good - F2P. LOVE the horror style setting, the creative visuals are stunning, especially the unique looking npcs.

Bad - I didn't stick with it because as cool as it looks, the gameplay wasn't any different than other things I was playing.


Champions Online - Played for about a year

Good: Best character creation system ever, loved the "testing facilities" for new powers before you were locked in.

Bad: Still have a lifetime subscription even though it went F2P, stopped playing because it is a fun game but the superhero setting isn't really my thing even though I loved character creation. Also, supposedly won a contest but "sponsors" never followed through and the contest site just kind of died without any news. Didn't like the lack of commitment.

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WoW- 1 day, too slow.

I'd avoided WoW for years due to all the negativity associated with it. However, when my clan started to pick it up, I told them I'd give it a shot only if they paid for my subscription. One of them bought me a month, and I played it for maybe an hour, probably less. The game just felt too slow, and I didn't feel any attachment to my character at all. I'd been yelled at for not giving the game a chance, such as raids and whatnot, but I wouldn't be talked into it. It was boring going from point A to point B in the starting areas, how would it be once I got into the game? I asked some friends what happens when you hit the level cap. Was not impressed when I got, "That's when you actually start playing WoW."


DCUO- A month. Loved it, but couldn't get friends to play.

A couple of my clanmates used to play loads of DCUO. . . when it was P2P. It went F2P and they stopped. One of them picked it back up again last December and I downloaded it because he could get no-one to join him. It was fantastic. Not slow, easy to pick up on, loved the style tabs (something I wish they'd do with SWTOR) and I had a lot of fun just running around exploring the different cities. I stopped playing when I couldn't get the rest of my clan to keep playing with me. Once the holiday event was over and I had gotten the special items for it, I was out.


Forsaken World- An hour. Long and drawn out.

Same issue here as I had with WoW. Took too long to go from point A to point B and it drove me crazy. All of my clan mates who at the time played it were too far ahead and I hate playing catch up. Haven't gone back to it.


Rose Online- A day. Simple and fun, but issues with collision detection just got annoying.

I can't really recall anything I disliked about the game. Clearly aimed for a younger age crowd, it was easy to level and move on through the quests, even more fun as a group. However, I admit, I'm picky. The game is click to move and while I don't mind that, if a game is going to have that kind of a movement mode, fixing or even implementing collision detection of some sort would be nice.


Dragon's Nest- 2 months. I broke my arm ):.

Nexon made it. I picked it up when it was in beta (I think it's been officially released now) and instantly new I'd love the cleric classes. Everything outside of towns was instanced and I could not get enough of tanking with the cleric. Unfortunately, I picked the game up at a time where my laptop had crashed completely, reducing me to the use of what could only be compared to a toaster gaming-wise, and about a week later I had fractured my right arm. Friends had either moved onto other games or joined other guilds when I recovered, so I haven't gone back. Also, bots. Everywhere. Christ in a hand-basket.


SWTOR- 1 month and counting. What is there?

I think this is the first MMO I'm going to really stick with, and of all the ones I played, enjoy fully. The storylines, the character development, it's just awesome. Gameplay is a bit lacking it feels like, but I haven't made it to end game yet so I won't cast judgement until then. Character creation is also lacking, but perhaps we'll see more with later patches (or expansions?). I'm enjoying what each of the classes has to offer so far. We shall see. I'm thinking so long as my clan continues to play it, so shall I.



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Star Wars Galaxies : 2003 to Nov 2005 when NGE impacted.


Planetside : 2004 until 2006 off and on.


Everquest 2 : launch and 3 months after, wanted to commit murder shortly thereafter from how theme park it was.


EVE Online : Nov 2005 till Nov 2011, just got burned out even though I consider it one of the best MMO's around, nothing compares to its PVP and sandbox, not a damn thing.


SWTOR : Jan 1st 2012 - Feb 27th 2012. Yeah.....you know its bad when you are looking forward to getting into betas of Guild Wars 2 and Planetside 2 to tide you over.

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I guess this isn't that on topic, but i just have to wonder. This is my first MMO, i'm not 12 haha, i'm 19 and i've been a console gamer for a while. I'm also a huge star wars fan (used to have Luke Skywalkers original lightsaber from return of the jedi until my dad had to sell it cause of a car accident). Basically as a newbie to MMO's, what is it that people don't like about this game really? It seems like alot of people don't want to give it much of a chance, from what i've heard, WoW wasn't nearly this polished when it first came out, and look how big it got. Maybe I've just got Star Wars blinders on, but I really don't see what so bad about this game :/
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EQ 1 - 6 months was my first mmo - I learnt a lot (I think)


WOW 2004 to 2011 - loved it most of the time - played most classes and raided (not too hardcore)


Rift - was a great break away from WOW - raided up to the last instance - but the game was very small and I got sick of the end game grind and the lack of areas to level new alts in


I tried Aion, Conan, Lotro and a few others for a month or so each - too much grinding to level past level 25 odd


SWTOR - love it - I love the story lines, the zones, the graphics and the fact it's science fiction based (being a big reader of science fiction) - going to be at least 6 months before I have seen all the stories I think


How ever - I could see that a lot of people would not be interested sufficiently in that kind of thing - but having said that - I wonder what alternatives of gaming there are out there now or even will be


What I don't like about SWTOR - the damn 9000 error dcs - especially when our characters come back and may be all over the place (looks like some kind of server issue)

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The problem most people (myself included) have with this game is that it is nothing new. Most ACs are copy/pastes from WoW and other MMOs. Skill trees are almost exact copy/pastes of WoW's. Things get repetitive fast. Hands down, best part of this game is leveling 1-49 for the first time. But then 50 Gets boring quickly, and if you make an alt, you are basically forced to run 90% of the same quests.


Wow had issues when it came out, but it also took months to reach 60, had multiple starting areas and questing areas of the same level, and had enough end game crafting/rep grinding to give people something to do. Also, it came out 8 years ago. Most MMO's have learned to improve upon WoW's formula. This game feels more like a bad rip-off.


Since it's your first MMO, you probably don't notice all the similarities. And of course, loving Star Wars helps (I don't think anyone playing this game right now can truely say they're not a fanboy). But if you imagine playing this game for 10 years, then a new games comes out that looks interesting and innovative, only to find that it's the same exact game, just with a different setting and about 1 month of new content.... well, I think that's how most of us feel.

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I have at least tried a bunch of MMO's. I have tried EQ 1 and 2, Planetside, SWG, WoW, Lord of the rings, Warhammer, Aion, Rift, SWtoR, and a bunch of free ones. I don't see any difference in any MMO. Maybe each one had a different look or feel to it but they are all the same. The only MMO I've played that I think was better than the rest was SWG prior to the CU/NGE and heck even after the CU it was better than most MMO's. I'm really suprised that there hasn't been another MMO that was as free as that one. By free I mean you were never stuck with a class, you could go anywhere you wanted, you could live almost anywhere you wanted....if you wanted to spend your time just dropping harvesters all over the galaxy you could. I liked the variety of ships....I could really go on with the things that made SWG better than any other MMO out there but I wont...
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Lineage 2 - 4 years

Good: Graphics, Open world pvp

Bad: Grind


Age of Conan - 2 years

Good: Challenging, great raiding, awesome graphics, great music

Bad: Shrines of Bori destroyed PVP, premade vs. pug all the time


LOTRO - 2 years (still playing)

Good: Excellent rpg tools (player music, outfitting, housing, pipeweed, events, crafting halls), good story, great music, each class feels different, best mmoRPG to date imo, best f2p model

Bad: No real pvp


Warhammer 1 month

No comments;)


Rift - 1 year (I quit to play SWTOR)

Good: Graphics, music, dynamic events, ok warzones, great open world pvp, great raiding

Bad: Story? What story? :p, Becomes grindy fast, crafting


SWTOR - 2 months (subscribed for 3, not going to renew)

Good: Leveling first character 1-50, great story, voiceover, music, lighsabers;)

Bad: Graphics, Rat maze design, 95% repeatable quests for all classes (except story), super easy, RNG, worthless crafting, nothing to do at level 50, no rpg tools, no social tools, Ilum, no day/night cycle, lifeless worlds

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DAOC - I can't even remember. I played since Beta. God I loved that game. You think PvP is bad in this game? I played an infiltrator first. Could not be killed. Then they buffed up some other classes, so I thought I'd try a Sorc (I followed the trend of avoiding FOTM and played whatever class was considered the worst... Yes, I know it's funny since Infiltrators and Sorcs ended up being God. )


Ah the Sorcerer, I had many good moments with that class in DAoC.


One my best DAoC moments was years ago, but it still burns clearly in my mind.


I had just finished buffing my mind-controlled green pet, one of the Celts near Bold Keep, and was running around solo in front of the passage of conflict dungeon when I saw them. A full group (8) of Hibs were headed straight at me and I knew I would never be able to outrun them with my weaker speed. So I put my jail face on and was fortunate enough to catch them all in a blanket area mesmerize. I sent my pet after their bard and started casting my damage spells. They quickly tried to recover from my mesmerize with purge but by that time I had already killed three of the eight and was working on the fourth.


The shock they received of seeing so many of them already dead gave me a couple seconds to send my pet after their first druid and cast a quick area root on them all, locking them into place. Three of them had managed to get around the root with charge and were coming at me full tilt and I knew that when they reached me I would not be able to cast. In DAoC you cannot cast at all if anyone touches you, so you have to position and utilize your abilities to keep them at bay.


I morphed my pet into ml9 enrage, making him a massive lumbering hulk, and sent it after their last druid. I was unable to cast myself because of the three attacking me so I popped my mastery of concentration, realm ability, and started to life tap them to stay alive. In a few seconds the three that had been attacking me lay dead at my feet and my pet had killed the last druid and was working on their warden. But before my pet had managed to kill their last druid died he had gotten off an egg of youth and resurrected their entire group but I quickly covered them with another blanket of mesmerize and finished them all of one by one. It's easier the second time around because they are buff-less and suffering from resurrection illness.


Once they were all dead, time returned to normal, and the adrenaline wore off. I noticed I was sweating and my heart was beating at 100 miles a minute. The entire thing had lasted less than 20 seconds!


DAoC was the only MMO that could give me this feeling of euphoria and rush after defeating opponents. In any other MMO it feels like a chore and repetitive but in DAoC every single PvP encounter was different.


Has any else ever received that feeling of adrenaline and euphoria while playing an MMO? :D

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Silent Death Online: 3 years


Ultima Online: 1 year


Shattered Galaxy: 6 months


Earth and Beyond: 2 Years -


SWG: 7 years


Star Trek Online: 6 months + 4 months Beta


Warhammer: 8 months


WOW: 2 days


SWTOR: Since day one of pre-launch + three months of Beta. Will give it six months to see if it gets better. If not, then off to the E*u which can't be named.

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The problem most people (myself included) have with this game is that it is nothing new. Most ACs are copy/pastes from WoW and other MMOs. Skill trees are almost exact copy/pastes of WoW's. Things get repetitive fast. Hands down, best part of this game is leveling 1-49 for the first time. But then 50 Gets boring quickly, and if you make an alt, you are basically forced to run 90% of the same quests.


Wow had issues when it came out, but it also took months to reach 60, had multiple starting areas and questing areas of the same level, and had enough end game crafting/rep grinding to give people something to do. Also, it came out 8 years ago. Most MMO's have learned to improve upon WoW's formula. This game feels more like a bad rip-off.


Since it's your first MMO, you probably don't notice all the similarities. And of course, loving Star Wars helps (I don't think anyone playing this game right now can truely say they're not a fanboy). But if you imagine playing this game for 10 years, then a new games comes out that looks interesting and innovative, only to find that it's the same exact game, just with a different setting and about 1 month of new content.... well, I think that's how most of us feel.




Well said.

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UO - 3.5 years - quit when I moved out of my parents house because I had no computer, came back a few years later when Age of Shadows was released but while I was gone the devs completely ruined the game by making it gear based.


Shadowbane - 2 months - loved the game but there was no solo content, I wanted to level a thief but nobody would group with thieves because they could pick pockets so I never got past level 13 or so.


WoW - 2 years - was cool loved vanilla wow, BC was alright but left me missing 40 man raids.


Tabula Rasa - 1 month - huge disappointment for a big UO fan, although the cover system in swtor was copied directly from this game.


AoC - 2 months - first 10 levels were amazing, last 30 levels were such a huge grind. But the lack of quests forcing you to grind mobs actually lead to some interesting pvp as groups would fight over the best grind spots. But once you made it to the end game over nothing to do.


Darkfall - 2 months - cool concept and everything but just not enough players for how big the world was. I would spend hours running around with guild mates and we would maybe find one player to kill.


Mortal Online - 1 month - actually really cool game and worth checking out again I think, was just really busy when it came out and I lost interest.

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Aion - 10 Days - too many fuzzy wuzzys and panda bears like creatures for me.


Rift - Beta


AOC - (3 years +) terrible game at first, well not the game so much as the programming. VASTLY improved as time allowed, excellent graphics, world is huge, pvp, pve and guild based resources. Bori intro was bad, content more or less dried up for me..... but that is after playing it for years (still on f2p).


TOR - im here for the long haul.

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City of Heroes: 4+ Years


Reasons I played: Didn't make me work like a fiend to get some decent advancement in, had a very robust costume editor I absolutely adored playing with for hours on end and had readily available set enhancements (think gear) for custom tweaking your characters DPS-y or Tank-y or Heal-y stats with. The missions were excruciatingly dull to the point of churn-and-burn, but it was very easy to play with anybody of any level, story arcs were pretty interesting and their latest content post-GR is mostly pretty neat and really steps up their storytelling game.



Reasons I left: They could have done amazing things with the Incarnate system. Instead, they turned it into a doldrum raid farm. Your characters are becoming demigod-ish and, while there's a bit of story, the story is very much irrelevant to the process.


Add to that that City of Heroes never did do a very good job of making you feel like you were playing a superhero (villain side at least had much better lore service to creating the feel of playing a supervillain) which rankled me for most of that 4+ year stint and here I am, not there anymore.






Champions Online: Played 5-6 months



Reasons I Played: Wonderful costume editor and character editor even more robust (and in many ways prettier) than City of Heroes', very fun freeform character building, lots of content that actually leaves you feeling like you're playing a superhero and not some two-bit clown with delusions of being cool. Combat's also a lot of fun; very action-y and pretty fast paced.



Reasons I Left: I still play from time to time, though I thoroughly despise the cartoonish lore and setting formatting. I can't play Champions for terribly long before I accidentally pay too much attention to the mission lore and whatever else is going on and then the brain-hurt begins, and I'm gone for another month. I -HATE- saturday morning cartoons for 8 year olds, and Champions lore in the MMO is well and truly fit for an 8 year old.





Lord of the Ring Online: Played 4+ years



Reasons I Played: Lord of the Rings is quite possibly the only culturally iconic IP other than Star Wars that I crave, and they delivered admirably on telling an 'And while the events in the books unfold, this was happening in the rest of the world' type of story that meshes very well with Tolkien's lore.


Additionally, being fairly heavily patterned after WoW, they took a lot of what WoW did well in terms of quest orientations and (Evenswim,er...I mean, Evendim having been a glaring exception for a while) streamlined quests better and, frankly, made them more fun than much of what WoW managed until Wrath.


Their housing system was neat-ish, though never got the love it deserved, and the crafting was, and remains, a wonderful system. Never useless, usually vital for something even raiders want (moreso as time went on, particularly once Moria introduced Legendary Items) and their festival events were quite possibly the most lore-relevant and (for me) fun out of any MMO I've ever played.



Reason I Left: They just can't stop trying to be more and more like WoW on too many things. Once again, the treatment of the lore and setting wound up killing it for me, and their addition of a dungeon finder to offset how 'good ol' boys club'-like things got amongst the raiding community on at least some servers came far too late for it to matter.





Fallen Earth -- Still playing



Reason for Playing: Despite how clunky the game can feel to play, I adore its crafting system and find the setting to be just Fallout-like enough to get a splendid post-apocalyptic fix. Like SWTOR, you can set a lot of your crafting projects to continue while you're offline, but unlike SWTOR, your crafting projects benefit greatly by both intelligent preparation (building or acquiring from other players the components you'll require fosters a lot of crafter trading).


And again, even though it's kinda clunky to play, it's still pretty dang fun.



Downside: Having just went F2P, there's a lot of lag, it's not the easiest game to get into in the first place (it has a fairly steep learning curve to excell in, and things don't tend to come quickly. Dilligence and intelligence win in FE, and that makes it fairly niche in the appeal), but if you liked Fallout 1 and 2 or even 3 and New Vegas, FE will feel pretty familiar in a lot of good ways. Including the humor.




World of Warcraft: Played From retail release to about 9 or 10 months into Vanilla, then patchwork from then to more regularly at the start of Cata to present.



Reason for Playing: Initially, it was the shiny new thing that didn't suck as much as my very short experience with Everquest did. Friends to do things with really make or break that game for me; without friends to do things with, I still don't care to do a dang thing in it. With friends, it's a blast. Very fun game to burn around doing any of its prolific numbers of things to do with if you've got friends to do them with.


Otherwise (for me), ho hum, blah de boring blah.

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I've tried more MMOs than I can actually remember but these are my major ones:


EQ2 - 6 years and still subbed. I don't play as often but I still enjoy the world enough to dip in and out every now and then.


WoW - intermittently for around 2 years all together. The world was fun but I didn't enjoy the combat as much as EQ2 (GCD drives me nuts but it seems to be the way of MMOs nowadays).


Eve - 5 years intermittently. Love Eve, love it. Whenever I don't play I feel the urge to resub. Nothing like being blown up in a ship it took a year to train and save for to let you know you're alive ;-)


WAR - played at release and for around 3 months after that (I'm terrible with time it could be longer or less). Great ideas poorly executed imho. RvR was great fun at first, then the pop dropped and defending a Keep could be a solo effort.


The others that can be counted in months - CoH, AoC, Rift, Fallen Earth, DCUO, GW, Vanguard, LoTRO and as I said, more I've forgotten.

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5)Aion - 3+ months GOOD - Rifting! BAD- G-r-i-n-d


Summary: I really really hated this game when I was leveling up, do a handful of quests and then kill 1.4 trillion mobs each level... Really... Really?! Who enjoys doing that? Its not hardcore or a challenge its just a massive time sink, and bad for your wrists. My brain almost turned to mush playing this game but I managed to hit 50 because I don't want to judge a book by its cover... and discovered the Abyss. Somehow I learned about "Rifting" (going through portals to enemy realm and killing them for RP) - this completely changed the game for me, I absolutely loved this system it was always exciting to find a new rift, enter it and spend hours upon hours killing enemies (not griefing or killing lowbies, but killing ppl in groups who are equivalent or higher lvl) I wouldn't even attack lowbies unless they attacked me because there was no challenge to that. Kill enough people and eventually you were marked with a "bounty" your character would show up on the map as a tiny blip and you'd be hunted down by killing squads. Most fun I've had since DAoC, thank you NCsoft... I guess there is a soul behind all the grinding if you look hard enough.




Just gonna comment on that.


I absolutly agree with you, the grind in Aion was mind numbing in every aspect.


Rifting was absolutly amazing and fun.


The game died for me @ 50 because of the lack of pvp Rifting, and no warzones/battlegrounds (I love world pvp, but flying around 30 mins to find 2-3 ppl just aint fun, if I log in, I want to be able to just start doing what I enjoy :)

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Where do i start :)


Asherons call 4 years Good was first MMO i ever played and payed for it stopped me paying out £100 month on games that lasted 15 minutes Bad got dated quick its still out there and maybe just one day.......NAH


Asherons call 2 hhmm think it lasted just over a year well i did anyway

Good Everything about but for one thing (see below) i loved the game

Bad it was a group played game



Wow 2 years

Good played it for the first 2 years then i just got bored have tried to go back a few time and each time i think why

Bad KIds


SWG 3 years kept going back OMG what a great game

Good it was Star wars

Bad Sony online


Rift start until Swtor came out

Good was fun to start with

Bad no real story and the each months events was the same thing just a diffrent name


SWTOR Loving the game

Good i am loving the game i can see me being here until the servers are switched off

Bad my wife hates it and the amount of time i play..... oh is that a bad thing


I have played many others to but for once i am enjoying SWTOR and at the moment nothing coming out intrest me :)

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Anarchy Online-- started in 2002 and played it 5 years solid. I log in from time to time. best community ever, best world PvP concept ever just needed some more tweaking. They never should have added the sword and sorcercy stuff.


CoH -- I loved this game played it for 2.5 years. Just got burned out and the dev made it way to easy.


WoW -- played for about 5 years solid. But the constant grind of getting gear to get more gear wore me out. Also, adding new lands with more raids is not an expansion. Still a good game for what it is though


EvE -- Played for a year, loved it. But had to quit because it was worst than crack to me *smiles* Best sandbox/pvp game ever. Dev's should be copying this game instead of WoW.


SWG - one year quit for the same reasons as most did.


AOC -- So much wanted to like this game, because the same people made Anarchy Online. Big disappointment to me. Only 2 months.


SWTOR -- I like the story and the Stars War Universe, but this game is a WoW clone. And WoW does it better. Will see how long I last.

Edited by Steelyeye
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Just ballparking these playtimes.


SWG - 2 years

Good: Loved the sandbox and the setting.

Bad: Had to spec a certain way to be effective, but mainly, the NGE happened.


EQ2 release - 2 months -> Kingdom of Sky 5.5 years, still playing

Good: Deep classes, practically endless content

Bad: The content isn't as varied or interesting as other games, and lately, the polish is lacking


AoC release - 3 months -> Rise of the Godslayer 6 months

Good: Cool melee combat, interesting setting, great graphics

Bad: Lacked content on release, population is too small now. I wish the group size was 4.


WoW Cataclysm - 1 month

Good: Relatively interesting early game content, unmatched polish

Bad: Combat itself wasn't very engaging, and I was way behind joining the game so late


DCUO - 1 month

Good: Fast-paced

Bad: Setting didn't interest me enough, couldn't take the game seriously


TOR - Playing since early access

Good: Setting, story, war zones, love my Juggernaut (leaps are fun!)

Bad: Not much replay value in "story"...maybe I'll have something to add to the list in a few months ;)

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1. Star Wars Galaxies. 2 years.

The good: I played because it was immense and immersive and I loved every wonderfully buggy sandbox minute of it :)

The bad: I left because they removed both of my classes (teras kasi and creature handler)

I did go back for the last few months before it was shut down on December 15th 2011. Am very glad I did it.


2. EverQuestII. 3 years (but stayed subbed and occasionally played for a total of 7 years)

The good: I played because, aside form my sentimentality over SWG, I think that EQ2 was the best MMO. A good, solid game for people with decent attention spans and the preference for a game without bright flashy colors. Exploration, crafting, adventuring-there was something for everyone.

The bad: they started charging real money for in game items. Then they made it free to play. Then they added wings on all the playable races. /quit

January 2012, the game was removed from my computer without a second thought.

I got to go to an SOE block party two years ago. Great experience and a great company, lots of creativity there. But the suits suck.


3. Warhammer. less than a month

The good: public quests were fun

The bad: but they were not enough to keep me there. War everywhere and that was it. I once /danced, and got this line of text: How can you think of dancing at a time like this?

Yeah...not my kind of game :p



4. LineageII. 2 days

The good:

The bad: strange running animation, and I got ganked twice within minutes on day 2 by a player who was asking for "help." Not into pvp at all so that was it for me.



5. Rift. a couple months. Will be going back at some point

The good: decent game, nice graphics, love the public quests/raids, an all around solid game

The bad: Nothing really. Just got distracted from it by real life, SWG and SWTOR



6. Guild Wars. a month here, a month there over the years. Last time was maybe 3 years ago.

The good: The music is nice

The bad: All instanced combat. Public areas with nothing but kids (I assume) shaking their pixelated nearly naked flesh in the direction of other kids (or worse). Focus on pvp in later levels. Free to play. Bored.



7, 8, 9. Star Trek Online, Lord of the Rings Online, Vanguard: time not worth counting. One didn't even make it beyond character creation Horribly disappointing games.




10 World of Warcraft. A month several years ago. A few months a couple years ago

The good: I played out of curiosity the first time. The second time because friends from EQ2 had moved there. It's a good game but..

The bad: it failed to get me addicted. Good game but... meh? Whatever it is about WoW that grabs so many people and won't let them go has no affect on me.




11. And now SWTOR. A few betas and then started on December 16th.

The good: It's a great game. Some say a WoW clone, I disagree. WoW couldn't keep me, but SWTOR has me for the long haul. Having a blast, love the stories, having fun doing flashpoints with friends (who run a successful raid guild in WoW and are the reason I gave WoW attempt #2), love alts so I won't be too devastated when I hit 50 in a few months (it's not about the destination for me).

The bad: They have in many ways tried to reinvent the MMO and failed. UI issues, lack of macros, strange camera movement, the awkward GTN set up--all things that others before them figured out and perfected and therefore no reason for them to not be right in this game. I have no doubt that many of these problems will be fixed within the first year. It's Star Wars. I can be patient :)

Edited by Lunazen
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In order of as-I-think-of-them:


UO -- 6 months? Never got deeply into UO. Good concept but kinda meh implementation in a lot of ways.


Everquest - 3 years. Did maybe 3 months on a PvE server then 2 years on a PvP server (VZ) then about another 9 months on another PvP server (SZ)


DAOC -- 3 months. Hit the endgame and realized I did not like my Warden for PvP. The thought of leveling a second character 1-40 to re-join PvP was too depressing and I quit (at the time, there was no PvP 1-40).


Asheron's Call 2 -- 3 months. Fun for open world PvP, actually, but they launched with an incomplete game and couldn't fill it in fast enough.


WOW - 3 years on a PvP server. WOW's open world PvP was reasonably good and active (relative to a lot of other games) and that helped keep it interesting.


Planetside - 2-3 years off and on. Great PvP game. One of the best if not the best, assuming you don't mind shooters. Their inability to make good content updates eventually wore it down.


Pirates of the Burning Sea -- 1.5 years? Good game, ship combat was fun, but somewhat limited by the forced 6v6 / 24v24 battle setup. Makes it hard unless you can always have exactly 6 people ready to go out and fight.


EVE -- 4 months? Played as a pirate. We had some reasonable success and it had some good moments but too much downtime and the combat is just really one-dimensional. PvE combat is kinda necessary to raise funds and it's stupid boring, even for PvE.


LOTRO -- about 5 days in beta, lol. "Oh look another generic PvE MMORPG. I'm out."


Star Trek Online -- 2 months. Played as Klingon. Buggy / very little PvP content. PvE content was very canned.


DCUO -- 2 months. Actually a very enthralling PvE game and I don't normally like PvE. Open world PvP was pretty fun too, as were the PvP battlegrounds. Mainly quit because the endgame content needed more people than we had -- couldn't get my guild interested in trying it. Could'a used more PvP content too, of course (this is true of almost every game).


SWG -- 3 months? Not enough PvP. Lovely crafting system though. PvE was a complete bore. They forgot the "war" part of "Star Wars".


Every Cryptic game ever (COH, COV, Champions...) -- about 2-3 months each. They're always pretty fun but also pretty canned and they run out of entertainment fast.


Age of Conan -- about 2 months. Kinda like AC2, they launched with an incomplete game and didn't fill it in quite fast enough. Good combat mechanics but no real PvP content (you'd think a Conan game would launch with good PvP...)


Battleground Europe (aka World War 2 Online) -- about a year total here and there. It's a game I can keep going back to. It's a "simulation", not an action game, but has lots of fun elements to it.


Aion -- about 3 months. Endgame PvP was underwhelming. PvE was grindy.


Warhammer -- about 3 months. Public quests were good but too shallow. Warfronts were good but got boring. Open world PvP was mostly just big empty fields, so that got boring fast. Standard PvE was just too dull to carry on with.


Rift -- about 3 months. PvP also underwhelming. PvE not interesting enough. "Rift" system was cool but they could have done a lot more with it.


SWTOR -- looking like another 3 monther. Lacks PvP content. PvE content good the first time through but not much replay. I've never particularly enjoyed repetitive instanced PvE content either so the endgame doesn't thrill me. The warfronts were really good but I've played them about 200 times each and am about bored to death with em -- they should have launched with at least 6 maps imo. (Ilum really sucks. Spent 30 minutes there and never bothered going back.)



I'm sure I'm missing some too but that's the high points.


Next game: Guild Wars 2. Looks really really good and after my history of MMOGs, I don't often say that.

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DIABLO 2 (does that count?) - 2 years.



OPERATION FLASHPOINT (COLD WAR CRISIS)- 4 years. (NOT an MMo but long lasting PvP battle community)



FREELANCER - 2 years (LOVE THIS GAME but not compat with vista, Now Windows 7 no chance)



GUILD WARS - 4 years On and Off



DC Universe (PS3) - 1 year (ongoing)



RIFT - 30minutes



SWTOR - 1 month (ongoing)

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