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1.1.5 - death of rarity and achievements?!


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You know, that's an interesting thought. Still, it is annoying to accomplish something and have the reward trivialized.




Just ignore him. He's all angry atm.


Well, it can be if you let it be. Can you not find reward in having done the deed/thing/achievment? Or is it imperative to have some sort of tangible proof so that you can show others that you have done whatever?


I guess therein lies the difference. I don't tend to compete with many, rather than myself. I strive to achieve whatever goal(s) and my reward is in the doing as well as in the achieving.


I think the "money sink" is a good point as well. I've seen a fair amount of people claiming they have tons of money and naught to do with it. Well, here's stuff to do with it!


And someone else mentioned, odds are BW will add other carrots to chase. :) It's the way of the MMO.

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The part we really should be complaining about is how the player can not really change anything in the game world. The only thing the player can do to distinguish themselves is to try to get that coveted gear, skill, whatever, that only the "elite" have. So obviously they have to take that away as well and make everything available from a vendor, but maybe not....


Maybe they have way better stuff coming and the stuff on the vendor is now the best of the other stuff... I am willing to bet on that until I find out different. Bioware has never been about just handing out rewards in their games and if that changes I can then honestly see SWTOR failing.


So I am pretty confident that in a later patch we will see the new stuff that you have to go out and find and I am praying that they found an artist who understands the difference between medieval and star wars fasion...

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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While this is a completely valid point, it usually doesn't happen this quickly.


Well, as I see it, it really depends on the overaall content. If two years down the road, these changes are 1% of the overall content, than it really is not a big move. None of these are really all that drastic. I am gonna go out on a limb and say that they will add new cool content at the same time and down the road that will make these changes even less significant to the wanna-be "LEETS" out there.

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have you guys considered, that those vendors wont make it live?


Probably only there for test purposes to give players a chance to see the stuff on the testserver?



Use your brain for second. Would you as a game developer put something on testing server with price that even live server players not many have and let alone on testing server you would have to grind all that credit just for testing?


Would it be easier to put everything cost 1 credit so all can test as they please, even more msot items are lvl 50 only, so you level to 50 on test server and farm credits just to test it for some days?


Sorry i had a laugh here :D

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Use your brain for second. Would you as a game developer put something on testing server with price that even live server players not many have and let alone on testing server you would have to grind all that credit just for testing?


Would it be easier to put everything cost 1 credit so all can test as they please, even more msot items are lvl 50 only, so you level to 50 on test server and farm credits just to test it for some days?


Sorry i had a laugh here :D


They have said that they are working on the ability to transfer your character(s) to test server so once that gets done, and I suspect they are also working on paid server transfers at the same time, but once all that gets done there will be level 50's on test with the cash to buy the items.

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They have said that they are working on the ability to transfer your character(s) to test server so once that gets done, and I suspect they are also working on paid server transfers at the same time, but once all that gets done there will be level 50's on test with the cash to buy the items.


Im sure they will do that, and its only option to test end game content aswell. Currently there is nothing else to test if you jsut cant test can you?



The prices are there for purpose like al lthe level restrictions aswell.

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I agree, to spend weeks working on something to find it can be bought later is a pain, but the problem is you have to keep the weak players subscriptions. I am not talking casual because casual players do get what they want, The sort of player they panda too is the type who wont put the effort in,those that generally go to gold suppliers.


The only hope I have is that as they degrade one item,they usually add something new


Wow m8, do you know what a complete and utter fool you sound like? Catering to weak players who effort goes to gold supplies?


I would suggest you stop and think before you post such utter garbage.


The one thing that you and those others who are complaining about their achievements have been cheapened in some way by allow other players to buy items, are forgetting one thing, you cannot buy the feeling of what it was like when you did achieve something hard or time consuming. In some ways isn't that what the reward is? Isn't that what drives you, the achievement of doing something only a small amount of people will do?


In the end and it's been mentioned many times before, the raiders are a small vocal minority and if they want to keep the majority, they need to make things more accessible and attainable.


What they are doing is catering to all crowds.


Weak people. Shesh, some people out there need a reality check.

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You guys just make me LOL!



All this passionate discussion about some vendor on the test server designed to allow players to TEST things.




The coders spent lots of time on Karaga's Palace and the PVP rewards System, and the Eternity Vault. They aren't going to turn credit farming into valid item distribution system.



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My guild downed world bosses about 20 times to get specific magenta crystals schematics. It was a huge achievement engaging guild multiple times on raids always requiring our artificer to come online when we groupped and it took few weeks to get it.

Now everyone will get it for 25k.


I don't understand this mindset.


Your guild derived a personal sense of accomplishment and satisfaction by downing world bosses and got an item when it was rare. That's awesome! (I'm not being sarcastic, that is the epitome of what a video game should do for people).


Nobody can take that away from you. Now others will have the same crystal/mount that you worked harder to get. You enjoyed the rarity for a while, and even though it won't be rare anymore, you still have the personal sense of accomplishment and fun from killing the world bosses and having it when it was rare.


Your feeling of worth in a game doesn't have to be determined by others... you had fun with guildies doing something hard - why does other peoples' experiences (i.e., getting a crystal/mount much easier) take anything away from you? It doesn't. They won't appreciate theirs as much.

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Thanks for your cooperation!

Cause I see again posts that run under trolling or insults.


Please, I understand that the topic might be controversial but let's try to keep some acceptable level :)





All this passionate discussion about some vendor on the test server designed to allow players to TEST things.

It's called: Working before it's too late.


Remember the Flashing UI? Devs told us that it went live cause noone complained that what they done ON TEST SERVER was very bad.


So here we are now, complaining that what they are doing on a test server is very bad and you complain about this?


So when should we complain in Your opinion? When things are on server - it's too soon - and when things are on live server - it's too late.




Also one reminder: Noone told that these vendors won't hit the live servers or that prices of items will be re-adjusted after hitting live (as if the price tag would make any difference in first place - money is worthless currently and everyone can get few millions in a week).

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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See what we get:

- Magenta crystal schematics almost free from vendor.

- Very rare Ops speeders for 1m from vendor

- PvP and daily speeders for 1M+ from vendor

- VIP speeder from vendor

- all rare color crystals, including crystals from Karraga drops PvE sabers almost free from vendor. Or at higher cost, but still only credits - no achievement involved.


What the heck?!


Cry more?


Welcome to MMORPGs?


Bliz and others do the same exact thing. It's called, letting everyone have fun.


The people who can pound content early and achieve get the stuff and the sense of accomplishment.


Later they open it up to MORE people so MORE people can enjoy the goodies too.


Everyone wins.


But since this is an MMORPG, someone always has to cry. Like a brat.


This takes nothing away from the game unless you're selfish and feel like you deserve something special just for you. In which case, feel free to unsub and go away because games like this surely don't need more selfish brats in them.

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Your guild derived a personal sense of accomplishment and satisfaction by downing world bosses and got an item when it was rare. That's awesome! (I'm not being sarcastic, that is the epitome of what a video game should do for people).




You should be proud of what you accomplished.


Holding items above other people and the sense of entitlement is what's not cool. You deserve nothing special beyond the satisfaction of EARNING the stuff in a more meaningful way.


Other games, like everyone's favorite whipping post, WoW, do this same thing. Because allowing more people to have fun is good for everyone.

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Ok, so, guys, let me ask you one question:


How it's that you think giving items away on silver plate is good?

While making items require bit of time (note: it's not grinding on a level of korean MMOs) to obtain suddenly is bad?


Maybe we'll just implement "win" button, just as Bioware is going to implement "color crystal" button?

You know - less bothering with combat == more items == more "fun", as you call it.

After all:

they open it up to MORE people so MORE people can enjoy the goodies too.

Everyone wins.


Where's the Win button!?!!!!!



ps. and before someone repeats that items aren't for free: we are aware of it, but cost of 25k or even 1.5M is a joke when some casuals hold 3-5 millions or more in pockets / lockboxes, not even saying about hardcore players (who somehow didn't quit already).

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Ok, so, guys, let me ask you one question:


How it's that you think giving items away on silver plate is good?

While making items require bit of time (note: it's not grinding on a level of korean MMOs) to obtain suddenly is bad?


Maybe we'll just implement "win" button, just as Bioware is going to implement "color crystal" button?

You know - less bothering with combat == more items == more "fun", as you call it.

After all:



Where's the Win button!?!!!!!



ps. and before someone repeats that items aren't for free: we are aware of it, but cost of 25k or even 1.5M is a joke when some casuals hold 3-5 millions or more in pockets / lockboxes, not even saying about hardcore players (who somehow didn't quit already).


Sky...hyperbole and sarcasm don't usually help in an debate. There's a vast difference between what is being discussed here (release of some previously über items) and an "i win" button.


I'm just not understanding why it's so bleedin' awful for this to happen. There will be new über stuff...there always is and for those for whom this is paramount, they can achieve those new über things and know that they were there first!

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Sky...hyperbole and sarcasm don't usually help in an debate. There's a vast difference between what is being discussed here (release of some previously über items) and an "i win" button.

Is there?

You want insta-win (for some credits ofq) with Wrold boss and insta-win with ForceGhost, not even telling about all the trip Tatooine->Hoth->ilum.


There is no difference, sadly.


I'm just not understanding why it's so bleedin' awful for this to happen. There will be new über stuff...there always is and for those for whom this is paramount, they can achieve those new über things and know that they were there first!

Problem is that: Why bother achieving anything when bioware can decide that it will go for 25k on market in next patch and everyone find it great cause "it's a win-win situation" as I've been told.


Just get your lvl 41-49 gear and sit in it hoping bioware will give you stuff for credits in random period of time.


You can't buy achievements - I don't see the problem. Is the OP whining because his self-esteem is so low that if someone else has the same reward, his self is somehow diminished? I just don't get it.

1. I'm not whining, and certainly not because of self-esteem.

2. You can't but you will be able to - new vendor is added in 1.1.5 selling items that were achievements (plus: it sells few new new color crystals)

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Is there?

You want insta-win (for some credits ofq) with Wrold boss and insta-win with ForceGhost, not even telling about all the trip Tatooine->Hoth->ilum.


There is no difference, sadly.


Erm. I don't want insta-win. Please, don't put words in my mouth, so to speak. You're doing it again. Stick with the realities...the change in availibility of SOME items. Nothing to do with world bosses or ForceGhosts etc.



Problem is that: Why bother achieving anything when bioware can decide that it will go for 25k on market in next patch and everyone find it great cause "it's a win-win situation" as I've been told.


That's kinda sad, actually. Why bother? To DO IT. To experience it, to get fun stuff from it. What matter that someone else does the same? How does someone else getting items that other people got ruin it? Is the item fun/good/useful? Does it lose any of those attributes if "the guy over there gets 'em differently"?


Just get your lvl 41-49 gear and sit in it hoping bioware will give you stuff for credits in random period of time.


Give it? No. EIther it's gotten via questing, raiding, FPing etc. directly OR it's gotten via the same things but using the credits earned doing them.


I honestly do not understand why this is such a horrid thing. The only explanation I can find is petulance. There will be more neat stuff! Count on it. And for those for whom that really really matters, go for it!


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