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Problem with crit crafting orange gear and removing purple mods.


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4)It doesn't make orange BEST, it makes it equal.


At least in this instance, incorrect.


Orange gear will be able to crit.. meaning it will have an augment socket. Meaning - +28 to a stat of your choice, making it always better than raid-drop gear, which doesnt have augment slots.

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There is a negative.


Now no one can use the PvP or PvE gear sets if they enjoy their design. Now everyone must use orange crit gear with an augment slot to stay competitive.


Personally I would find no fault with their orange mod system if they added in an appearance tab. Let people wear gear for stats and retain the look they love.


I personally love the look of my Operatives PvP gear. I wear it all time and only switch to my PvE set when I raid with my guild. Once the new orange crit system comes into place I'll now be forced again into a look I really do not care for. None of the orange crafted gear my operative can wear is that appealing to me.


Same for my Bounty Hunter. I love the look of the PvP set, hate the look of the PvE set, and really don't care for the look of any of the orange crafted gear I have seen.


All Bioware did was add another layer to the grinding just so we can stay on par.


Give us an appearance tab already. That way players can make use of all the gear in game instead of just switching focus from one set to another.


This. This cannot be reiterated enough.

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Or allow crafters to add slots to orange gear. Problem solved that way, too.


That would be one more step towards ideal as that would open up all of the current oranges that are only obtainable via drops or commendations, but still leaves out a lot of appearances exclusive to greens and blues.

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I haven't read the entire thread, but something occurred to me. As of this time, I don't really see any place to put the set bonus on orange gear. Maybe they're going to treat the set bonus as an augment, thus making orange gear exactly the same as raid obtained gear, with the requirement that you need to crit the orange gear craft to have the ability to put the set bonuses on. Plus, y'know, actually having to raid in the first place to get the gear to strip the mods out of.


I'm really not seeing a problem here.

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I haven't read the entire thread, but something occurred to me. As of this time, I don't really see any place to put the set bonus on orange gear. Maybe they're going to treat the set bonus as an augment, thus making orange gear exactly the same as raid obtained gear, with the requirement that you need to crit the orange gear craft to have the ability to put the set bonuses on. Plus, y'know, actually having to raid in the first place to get the gear to strip the mods out of.


I'm really not seeing a problem here.


Let me clarify it for you then, look at your teir armor/weapon (pve or pvp) notice anything missing? like I dunno an armor mod, hilt barrel? They are there, you just can't see/remove them(you could in beta but min/maxers were getting stats above what BW thought was healthy) Coincedently that is also where the set bonuses reside.

What one can do once change is implemented; is remove armor mod from tier armor and toss in orange gear no probs right? well what if that orange gear was crit crafted (means it has an aug slot)?


At this point the armor is no longer a purely "social" change you can actually improve stats significantely 5x28=140 add another 28 if you get a crit crafted orange weap. basically rakata stim equivelant(which people loved so much they whined about em on forums for weeks)


The few people who don't mind the look of their tier armor will QQ because you just made it obsolete(to them anyway)


1.QQ incoming = Screwz U BW U just mad my Rakrta/BM geear usleess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The problem comes in sooner or later groups for the under geared will be even more difficult to find as we'll now have another check mark for pugs: Ah man sorry your not high enough HP, wearing greens, you got no augs /kick)




Some people who are not Armortech sitting on crap tons of credits no skin off their backs if they gotta drop 6 mil cr for 5 pieces and a weap. Some people who are not armor tech won't be as lucky/fortunate/foresited to have that kinda cash laying around.


3.QQ incoming ICant' ufford my raid guilds Requirments BW U DIE

3.a QQ alternatevly I can't afford/find the social look I want because it happnes to be the quickest turnaround mats vs selling point for armormechs:D


The reasons BW removed taking arm/hilts/barrles outta purples hasn't changed; min/maxers achieving unintended stat increases; so look for a nerf at some point. Based on trends so far my guess is to make crit crafted oranges BOP to crafter who maintains a 400 armorteech/synth ect rating to wear, which leads me my next point...


All the people who whined and moaned about biochem being OP will now have a new stump to preach about AM/synth= enjoy the love incoming fellas:D

Edited by BMBender
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Quite frankly while i am not one to come to the forums throwing around threats should this indeed be the case i have no intention of renewing my subscription.

I LOVE THIS COMMENT. Why doesn't every single post involve threatening to cancel their subscriptions? As if you'll think it'll sway someone's opinion in any conceivable way.

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People are totally overblowing this, as craftable oranges only cover five slots total; three armor (head/chest/legs) and mainhand/offhand (offhand only applies to four advanced classes).


As I stated above the 5x28=140 (168if you include crit weap) stat increase is no more/less OP than the biochem rakata stim but look how well that went over. sY I'm glad my mains 400 bio, alts 400 ArmorM, other 400 Arms


now I can add that 140/168 to my rakata stim buff*grin*

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As I stated above the 5x28=140 (168if you include crit weap) stat increase
It's 4x max for most classes, 5x max for four ACs, and yes those include weapons.


You can already grind out as many or more augment slots in end-game gear.


Like I said, lots of overreaction in this thread.

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It's 4x max for most classes, 5x max for four ACs, and yes those include weapons.


You can already grind out as many or more augment slots in end-game gear.


Like I said, lots of overreaction in this thread.


1 head

2 chest

3 gloves

4 legs

5 feet

6 MH weap


For some clases/crew skills 7 Bracers 8 belt 9 offhand 10-11 implants 12 ear with master crits which I have already except the bracers

Edited by BMBender
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Let me clarify it for you then, look at your teir armor/weapon (pve or pvp) notice anything missing? like I dunno an armor mod, hilt barrel? They are there, you just can't see/remove them(you could in beta but min/maxers were getting stats above what BW thought was healthy) Coincedently that is also where the set bonuses reside.

What one can do once change is implemented; is remove armor mod from tier armor and toss in orange gear no probs right? well what if that orange gear was crit crafted (means it has an aug slot)?


And what I'm saying is that if they're smart, they'll turn the set bonus holder into augments. Just because it was the way you describe while in beta, doesn't mean that's what it'll be when they make it doable again. Maybe that's the plan, maybe not. But it would make all this argument completely moot. You'd need a critted orange to get the set bonus, which would be a pretty big pain, but it would make everything equivalent.


I still don't see the issue though. You STILL have to get the gear to strip the mods out of. And maybe in 1.2 there will be new orange schematics that look like the endgame gear (as if it's anything special). The point is we just don't know. Too many people have knee jerk reactions.

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The only problem I have with this upcoming change is that I will have to equip a player-made item to be viable, forcing my character to look a certain way.


Currently, there is no difference, as I have to equip specific end game gear to be viable.


BW, give us an appearance tab so that we can choose our character's 'look', while maximizing our gear.


I love the support to crafting; I also ask that you support player's individuality.

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I refuse to use the crap crafted gear. Even if it gimps me, I won't wear it.


The entire point of the orange gear was supposed to be choosing how you look; it was intended to be a replacement for an appearance tab (which is what Bioware should have gone with in the first place).


Now we're just being railroaded from one fixed costume into another. This is no improvement.


Fire whoever is making these decisions, Bioware. It's time for this idiot to taste the harsh reality of unemployment in 2012.


I wish they would. :p

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That would be one more step towards ideal as that would open up all of the current oranges that are only obtainable via drops or commendations, but still leaves out a lot of appearances exclusive to greens and blues.


I wonder why Georg Z or any other Devs have failed to talk about this yet. What am I supposed to do with all my Orange items that have no critted-slot?


I need to pal up with players that can craft item mods & armor much better than I can. Do you happen to know anyone like that on the Lord Adrass server?


It also bring up another point, why is there no way for my armormech to reverse engineer a blue/green item until it turns into an orange item? There's quite alot of green/blue armor pieces that I like the looks of & would like to see upgraded to oranges...or y'know I'd much rather see an appearance tab put into SWTOR which would totally fix that problem...whichever comes first. :)

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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The only problem I have with this upcoming change is that I will have to equip a player-made item to be viable, forcing my character to look a certain way.


Currently, there is no difference, as I have to equip specific end game gear to be viable.


BW, give us an appearance tab so that we can choose our character's 'look', while maximizing our gear.


I love the support to crafting; I also ask that you support player's individuality.


That is a strange thing to say and a big assumption at the same time.


Strange because at the moment all end gear looks the same. The tionese, columi and rakkata gear all look the same. You make it sound like you won't have a choice what you look like in the future, while that is the problem we have right now. There is only one look for each class.


Player crafting will allow for multiple designs. You assume players will only be able to make one design per class. That is an assumption. Also you assume there will not be orange drops in endgame with augment slots. This is a definite possibility.


Bottom line, what you fear is what we have now. A change can only make it the same or better, not worse. Considering what the point is of this change, I'd suspect it's safer to assume there will be more variety than we have now.


Also, I do not know if expertise can be moved to PvE gear. That simply wasn't mentioned. It may be they are not compatible with PvE augment slots. In fact, there is no specific mention of any of this applying to PvP gear. Maybe PvP gear doesn't get this or simply cannot mix with PvE for these purposes.

Edited by Tsillah
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don't forget that if you want to craft an end game mods and such, you need to run ops or HMs to get the schematics.

nothing here is handed for free mate, your will still need to run endgame content to be able to switch the mods and also be able to craft endgame gear and mods.



so in the end, if you dont run the ops and such, you get no benifit from this update whats or ever.


and i would like to be able to use my fav orange gear instead of the horrible looking pvp gear i have to choose from as an IA. thats one of the reasons i dont even bother with pvp. the gear is ugly as it can be for my taste. at least the pve gear looking pretty, but not all. now with this update we get to choose how we look and still have the same lvl gear.

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And what I'm saying is that if they're smart, they'll turn the set bonus holder into augments. Just because it was the way you describe while in beta, doesn't mean that's what it'll be when they make it doable again. Maybe that's the plan, maybe not. But it would make all this argument completely moot. You'd need a critted orange to get the set bonus, which would be a pretty big pain, but it would make everything equivalent.


I still don't see the issue though. You STILL have to get the gear to strip the mods out of. And maybe in 1.2 there will be new orange schematics that look like the endgame gear (as if it's anything special). The point is we just don't know. Too many people have knee jerk reactions.


and this is better easier than a social/appearance tab how? how much more beta testing of quercky gimmicks do we need to do to get basic features?

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and this is better easier than a social/appearance tab how? how much more beta testing of quercky gimmicks do we need to do to get basic features?


When did I say that it's better than an appearance tab? I've been playing a game prior to this one that's had appearance tabs for years, and I like the system. But this seems like Bioware's answer to the appearance issue. And I'm okay with that, because it also gives crafters a piece of the pie, which may help out the economy some. I'm just suggesting a way for them to make it so both sets remain viable.

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When did I say that it's better than an appearance tab? I've been playing a game prior to this one that's had appearance tabs for years, and I like the system. But this seems like Bioware's answer to the appearance issue. And I'm okay with that, because it also gives crafters a piece of the pie, which may help out the economy some. I'm just suggesting a way for them to make it so both sets remain viable.


we'll see, you have more faith than I do

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So, correct me if im wrong, but dont these changes essentially make orange crafted gear the best in the game? Why bother with my PvP or PvE gear when i can i just remove all the mods and set bonus, and put them in a piece of orange gear that now also has an augment slot for extra stats? In fact, why bother having PvP or PvE gear at all then? You might as well just give people a set of mods instead of a piece of gear, because EVERYONE that is atleast semi interested in min/maxing will be using orange gear.


I thought the goal was to make Crafting viable and competitive not make it the best gear. If this is indeed the case i find this an extremely stupid change. Quite frankly while i am not one to come to the forums throwing around threats should this indeed be the case i have no intention of renewing my subscription.


Uh... You realize you'll have to actually obtain your PvE/PvP gear in order to have access to those mods, right? I don't see where the problem is.

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If you can crit oranges to get an augment slot, then there has to be another way to get augment slots as well. Otherwise, the vendor orange sets like the Pilot sets will be useless. Same goes for any other future commendation based sets BioWare wants to introduce (and I'm sure there will be some).
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All Bioware is doing is adding another layer to the grind.


Now instead of everyone wearing the same PvP and PvE sets, everyone will now only wear orange crit mod gear.


There is still NO APPEARANCE TAB. With the new change I can not chose to wear the PvP sets I love the appearance of. Now I'm completely restricted to using orange crit gear if I want to stay competitive.


Orange gear is not a substitute for an appearance tab.

Edited by illgot
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If you can crit oranges to get an augment slot, then there has to be another way to get augment slots as well. Otherwise, the vendor orange sets like the Pilot sets will be useless. Same goes for any other future commendation based sets BioWare wants to introduce (and I'm sure there will be some).



For real. I weird fix would be a 50% chance when you pick up your loot/rewards that it will turn from a normal orange item into a orange item with an augment slot holding your current level mod.


Everyone gets a 50/50 chance to pick up quality orange loot every time they finish a quest/flashpoint/op & pick up their rewards/loot.

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