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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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The fleet pass is available to return to the fleet quickly. However, I have several casual friends who would like to return to the planet they are currently questing on more easily. An ability to bind to a spaceport, hangar, or cantina would make getting back into the action a more speedy process.


Do you have plans to add a galaxy wide quick travel ability?

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To whom it may concern,

This is to humbly ask that a new feature be added to stop this behavior. The 5 minute PvP option is a failure. This allows level 50s to prey on those who are just trying to do missions and quests. A new feature needs to be implemented where PvP can be turned completely off and any interference by other factions cannot be allowed. This ruins missions which take several hours or more to complete and adds a level of frustration to the game that should not be there. An example of this behavior was experienced on Tatooine during the Heroic 4 Search and Rescue mission where my entire party was attacked with no provocation and hours of work lost. Please keep the PvP action where it belongs and in the environments where this is the choice of those participants. Also the CTDs are becoming a serious problem, four crash to desktops took place last night one after another and in the same mission environment. Also of note a level 50 Sith player appeared there shortly after reconnection to that area. We had to just leave and use the teleport globe to go to the nearest safe zone. Where the Sith level 50 player tried to attack the entire republic outpost in an effort to get to us. :mad:

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Would it be possible to one day experience content with groups composed of ONLY our companions (for example, 4 person Flashpoints or six-person (player cahracter + 5 companions) Operations) for a reduced/minimal loot table.


Seems that this would encourage gearing up all of our companions which acts as a natural resources sink.

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i have noticed there are 13 pieces of enforcers gear, 12 pieces of field medic gear and only 6 pieces of field tech gear.


I have raised a ticket and recieved a ridiculous answer, raised it in the forums asking the question has gear for snipers been missed out with no clarity on the situation. This is for all agent vendors, both pvp and pve.

Why do snipers only have half a gear set and have poor choices to make from other specs that will not have the best stats for the specific role.

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Since I am only allowed one here it is.


Any chance on teasers for the 1.2 changes to professions before every main raider drops every other profession for biochem?


Extremely expensive re usable adrenals/flasks and medpacs are still better than anything else even if the stats are the same.

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What are your plans for PVP in the long term? We know you are going to release a new Warzone soon, but i dont mean Warzones. The StarWars IP is so unique and open to possibilities and I want to know do you have any really original PVP content in the works? Such as sieging an enemy base on Hoth, or boarding an enemy ship and taking a NPC hostage, or pod racing against other players, or having two teams battle over control of a ship that is burning and about to crash onto a planet. We need stuff like this, its Star Wars!
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As it is now, Alacrity is considered a really poor stat for many Scoundrel/Operative healers. Is there any plans to improve how this stat affects our actual heal throughput? With the amount of casts we can do limited by energy, all Alacrity does is force us to wait for regen between casts, or use the very subpar Diagnostic Scan.
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When will we ever be able to change character looks, outside of character creation? Like say I would like to add a scar to my character later or say she gained weight. I can't currently do that.


Please, can this be answered? I try every week with no luck.

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i love the story and have been lvling a lots of toons/alts


if u are giving us more race options with the legacy system will i be able to race change my character, so i can get something diffrent i dont like certain races i would love to run one of the tenticle head dudes for my Jedi Knight but if u allow that i dont want to reroll my toon, same if u give us yoda's race


linked to this, how will it work if u play on multipul servers, i play with friends they play not only on diffrent factions but also on diffrent servers

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Is there any hope that you could have a woman or a team of women help with companion romance construction? As a female player, I feel like I am missing a lot of story line because I don't get the same [flirt] options as the male counterparts. I also think that getting to the end of a romance is anti climatic. You work hard to build your affection and get to the part where you get married and then there's not a whole lot of anything happening. ((We can do that in real life ;) )) It would be nice to see small romantic gestures (perhaps scenes on the ship where you hug/kiss and say things like "Hey, I've been waiting for that all day!" or such. It would be nice to not have the story line just drop off once the marriage is done. I've read over 1/2 the forum pages that are for the Dev Q&A and the questions about SGRA are about 5-1 vs other questions about the game. Please don't leave us in the cold! We want our [flirt]s and romances too!!! <3

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The Guardians on Jung Ma are a large Guild and have recently capped our 500 character capacity limit. We have restricted it to only having 1 main and 2 alts in the Main Guardian Guild and have created an overflow guild to take care of alts. That is a band aid for now, but we are still close to capacity because we have a large guild. Are there any current plans to allow Guild size to be larger then 500?


Even with the Chat channel we are finding it hard to communicate and when Guild Banks are created in the future harder to get items spread out. Is there a reason for the 500 cap? Any plans to expand it? Not to mention we all wear "The Guardian" guild tag proudly and with honor and would like to keep our main Guild name and not an Alt Guild title even it is is still cool.

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