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Official Q&A Thread for March 2nd, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Is there any official timeline on when the patching issue will be resolved and/or will manual update downloads ever be provided in the meantime to help those suffering this issue to get back in the game?


I have been told by CS several times it is being worked on, but I and many others still suffer from not being able to update the game after weekly patches. This leads to hours/days of troubleshooting instead of being able to play the game. The most reliable solution is to find a friend with a clean updated game from which to copy the patch material. This is a huge inconvenience to your customers. This is analogous to going the gas station to fill up, but the pump not working for you personally, so you having to siphon gas from a friend’s car who filled up at the same station to actually get full tank.

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Question: "Will prices on skills ever drop?"


Why I ask: My main complaint with TOR is the rising cost of Skill Abilities. Each rank costs more and more (especially after level 20), and for someone who doesn't do (or want to do) Space Battles or PvP, or constantly run flashpoints... it's brutal, trying to keep self and companions geared past a certain level AND afford the skills I need to play my class. Doable, but brutal.


I vote for just a 30% reduction near the mid-high end. :)

Edited by Belora
Misworded something
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When will the Codex see some much-needed fixes and improvements? With story being such a huge factor to the game, it's sad to see many missing and bugged entries. Will we see an audit of the Codex soon, fixing these problems? And what about the bug at level 50 that doesn't show when you receive a new codex entry? Please, help us completionists out!
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My question has to do with Ilum. As it currently stands there is very little incentive to go there outside of doing the daily/weekly (which, as of now, will be going away in 1.2). Additionally, Ilum is nearly unplayable on those servers which are dominated by the opposite faction. World PvP is currently sorely lacking in this game and is a type of PvP that offers a lot of potential. What is the future for Ilum? Edited by Telaan
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Hi there Bioware.


As a proud member of a server so dead it's beyond combat rezzing (Uthar Wynn EU), my question is as follows.


How soon can we expect to see server migrations or server merging?


I'd rather not put 2-3 months of work back into multiple characters on a more populated server, yet I find myself playing less and less due to the long pvp queues and general inactivity.


Are there plans to address this issue?

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Will Bioware ever create a way for people to look up other players and see what achievements and gear they have like WoW's Armory?


Sites such as the guild forums and swtorprogress are an attempt at ranking guilds/characters, but without an official way to look up statistics there's no real truth behind it besides people posting screenshots or whatnot.

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Are there any plans to improve class utility balance. For example as a Powertech DPS I know my damage meets that of the marauders in my ops group. Though when the marauders can use blood thirst consecutively to increase the whole raids damage what is the point of bringing other classes than snipers and marauders for Damage or even sorcerers for their healing.
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Is there any plan for implementing in game holidays or events? Wookie Life Day would be rather entertaining especially if we were able to get the red robes. On an unrelated note is there any plan for day/night cycles? These features would add to the immersion factor of the game.
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Are there any plans to grant valor or other rewards for open PvP combat not in Ilum? I have killed numerous imps on planets like Hoth and Tatooine, but there is absolutely no reward whatsoever. There isn't even an animation or on-screen text saying "You have killed xxxx" and so it feels very underwhelming.
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Can you implement a protocol droid deactivation toggle switch for on board our ships? (Ability to stop his constant banter)




Like make it an in character thing even, where you can click on him and it opens up a conversation where you threaten to switch him off if he won't shut up. This seems to me a very star wars thing to do. How many times was CPO shut off? Also he needs affection options.


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When new Legacy Race Class combinations are introduced in 1.2 will we be able to switch to that new race or will we be forced to re-roll the character to get that new race (Ex. Chiss become able to be Jedi Knights yet I have a level 50 Human Jedi Knight can I get a race switch as a legacy reward or must I destroy all the progress I have on the level 50 jedi knight to make a new level 1 and start all over)
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In the Feb 17 Q&A, you detailed some of the mechanics behind Taunts - what about threat-dropping abilities, such as Cloud Mind, Surrender/Countermeasures? Based on personal experience, these abilities seem to not cause consistent mob reactions, and I've heard that not all of them behave the same - could you reveal what, exactly, they do? And if the different versions of them across classes function differently, is that something being addressed, or is that working as intended?
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I and many others would like to know what your plans are for Armstech. Information on your whole Vibroknive/Scattergun non-RE mess and not having Orange custom versions would be nice as well.

I feel as if I chose the weakest class Sniper and the least optimal crew skill when I started playing. Please give me something to look forward to for my character.

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I may have just not seen this but has it been stated how many new Warzones we are going to be getting in the next big patch? If it has, I apologize for not seeing it, but if not could we get the exact number just so we know what to look forward to?
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