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To put it gently, I agree with these guys..


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And the funny part is that the mods arent even lurking this forum for criticism or feedback, they just want a reason to pull the trigger and delete a post.


Considering the grey-item quality of the posts in this forum, I can't fault them for that. Helps to clear away that white noise I was just talking about.

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I think the gaming market is no longer gamers, it's consumers. Consumers have expectations, game companies have traditionally had a tremendous amount of leeway when it came to producing broken, useless product and those days are rapidly coming to a close. Things like SWG and AC were tolerable back in the ancient days of gaming, when gaming was a nerds only venture but games just aren't like that now. Electronic gaming is now full market entertainment and has the budgets to prove it, it also has the increased standard of service that comes with that status to deal with.


I suppose people would love to call it entitlement because that's the cheapest insult du jour on most internet forums. I would ask though, would anyone buy a house with no windows and happily wait for the contractor to put them in when he gets to it? If the shingles start to lift after a day is the roofer not going to hear about it? Sure you're house isn't just a game; but being held to a high standard with regards to product doesn't mean the consumer is the weak point.


Maybe the real problem is that game developers just aren't up to the task their booming industry has put before them yet. They have a vastly more complex product than the rest of the home entertainment industry for sure, but maybe it's time for gaming companies to start to take their customers a little more seriously. There aren't very many consumer markets where "we'll fix that later" will wash, gaming is rapidly becoming one of them.


Actually i think a lot about the game is awesome.

But there are a lot of stuff that makes this awesome game feels much less awesome.


One thing is communication, between bw and their customers but they what do i know, i come from playing Eve-Online where CCP has very close ties with it's customers and has several dev blogs etc, they even have a group of players that acts like a bridge between the players and the company itself.

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Guys why are you even trying.

Making these guys admit or even realise there are some very major flaws with this game is as easy as making a 13 year old girl understand that justin bieber sucks.


Fanboys will always be fanboys, and they will never accept facts.


nuff said really.


I haven't seen one post yet denying there are flaws with this game, and believe me there are major major flaws. Bugs that bring Flashpoints and Ops to a screeching halt. Game engine optimization issues. Lack of depth to crafting professions. Those are just off the top of my head. I love this game but those are major issues. The difference between myself and you is that I have a little perspective.


I'm enjoying the game now and I see all the potential it has, but if they can't address some or all of those problems in a reasonable time frame I'll move on and I won't make a post about it bemoaning what could have been and what this game should have been. I won't get upset because I enjoyed my time here and when its time to move on I won't hold a grudge. No, this game isn't perfect, I've yet to play one that is. Part of that is subjective to the individual and part of that is simply the nature of games and the hardware we play them on.


Honestly, I just don't understand where all this self righteous anger comes from, like BW and EA set out to personally insult you made this game so it wouldn't live up to your standards. People need to drop all the self important aggrandizing. We don't care the BW personally affronted you with this game's release, we're enjoying this for what it is...a game. Do you really want to be the kind of person that gets this worked up over a game?

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Feedback should be useful. Useless feedback (as most of the detractor's have provided in this thread) is nothing more than white noise.


Well I didn't think my feedback referencing a well designed blog post I agree with in total, was useless. I would not be able to articulate all that.. I wasn't expecting to see that there when I went over there today, but it so well summed up my impressions I was compelled to share.

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Guys why are you even trying.

Making these guys admit or even realise there are some very major flaws with this game is as easy as making a 13 year old girl understand that justin bieber sucks.


Fanboys will always be fanboys, and they will never accept facts.


nuff said really.




Someone is enjoying the game for whatever reason ... is a fanboy.


Someone who doesn't like the game yet for some reason still plays and campaigns their opinion as fact instead of simply leaving ... is a rational human being with the only valid viewpoint.



Gotcha! Sure would hate to think I was irrational in anyway thinking "pay for a game if I like it" or "stop paying for a game if I do not like it". That must be too simple to make sense.


I really must remind myself to formulate all my opinions and learn all my 'facts' from others on forums without personal reflection.

Edited by Tamanous
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Considering the grey-item quality of the posts in this forum, I can't fault them for that. Helps to clear away that white noise I was just talking about.
Trying to find honest constructive criticism here is like digging in a landfill for something good. Nasty, dirty, and the chances of you finding something good are really low. Edited by Genkin
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I haven't seen one post yet denying there are flaws with this game, and believe me there are major major flaws. Bugs that bring Flashpoints and Ops to a screeching halt. Game engine optimization issues. Lack of depth to crafting professions. Those are just off the top of my head. I love this game but those are major issues. The difference between myself and you is that I have a little perspective.


I'm enjoying the game now and I see all the potential it has, but if they can't address some or all of those problems in a reasonable time frame I'll move on and I won't make a post about it bemoaning what could have been and what this game should have been. I won't get upset because I enjoyed my time here and when its time to move on I won't hold a grudge. No, this game isn't perfect, I've yet to play one that is. Part of that is subjective to the individual and part of that is simply the nature of games and the hardware we play them on.


Honestly, I just don't understand where all this self righteous anger comes from, like BW and EA set out to personally insult you made this game so it wouldn't live up to your standards. People need to drop all the self important aggrandizing. We don't care the BW personally affronted you with this game's release, we're enjoying this for what it is...a game. Do you really want to be the kind of person that gets this worked up over a game?



In this day, I dont really believe its a question of, Bioware worked hard on this game, they made it for you and you should appreciate it, if not get out. But more of that the entire gaming industry just lacks innovation and promise.


People signed onto these forums in 2008 i think? maybe later? Don't quote me, but my point is, us as fans and gamers become hyped and devote ourselves to these games, and these companies lead us to believe that their game is going to be much worth our time and money, and then after 2 months of playing this game that you waited so long for, you discover that its really just another game. Not the promising, immersive world you were looking for, or even told you were going to get.

Edited by DarthBosss
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Trying to find honest constructive criticism here is like digging in a landfill for something good. Nasty, dirty, and the chances of you finding something good are really low.


Well it's not like BW gave us much to work with.. For the systems to offer constructive feedback I mean, of course.



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Kinda like stopping the reading at the first sentence and making a blanket judgement?


At least I went in with an open mind to begin with. They didn't.


edit: and to me they had already said in that first sentence all I needed to know about their opinion. That it wasn't one worth reading because they already had a biased view going in.

Edited by Apocalypsezero
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Well it's not like BW gave us much to work with.. For the systems to offer constructive feedback I mean, of course.



Even if there was do you honestly think that the quality of the "contructive critisism" you have seen get the Dev to really look at the posts? The vast majority is about how they hate this or how they hate that. Sorry that is in no way, shape, or form constructive.


And just in the last few hours I've seen a thread complaining the plnets are too small and then another saying the are too big? Ya thats helpfull.

Edited by Genkin
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Because what some people are looking for in games either will never exist, or might exist with increased technology 10 years from now.


It's still a video game at the end of the day.


But the absurd Irony is that in the beginning it was the norm. All the early MMORPGs were heavily complex and integrated. In social engineering, in game economics, to 100% player driven crafting..


The industry has been trying to recapture that appeal ever sense, and failing a little more every year. If not for being way to far on the other side of that EvE Online would meet most of the elements that made the oldest MMOs so great. But by the numbers that business model and game design motive is clearly working to turn a profit and maintain positive growth.

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It simply amazes me that people who "hate" the game the most are on the forums "posting" the most.


I suppose the happy people are playing while I'm stuck at work waiting to play.


Generally when I hate something I have nothing to do with it, but I guess I'm the odd man out.

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Even if there was do you honestly think that the quality of the "contructive critisism" you have seen get the Dev to really look at the posts? The vast majority is about how they hate this or how they hate that. Sorry that is in no way, shape, or form constructive.


And just in the last few hours I've seen a thread complaining the plnets are too small and then another saying the are too big? Ya thats helpfull.


Although, all these people took a look and talked about it. I really don't care if the Dev's pay attention or not. I am of the opinion they are deaf and dumb.

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It simply amazes me that people who "hate" the game the most are on the forums "posting" the most.


I suppose the happy people are playing while I'm stuck at work waiting to play.


Generally when I hate something I have nothing to do with it, but I guess I'm the odd man out.


People often presume to see hate when in truth there is none.

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It simply amazes me that people who "hate" the game the most are on the forums "posting" the most.


I suppose the happy people are playing while I'm stuck at work waiting to play.


Generally when I hate something I have nothing to do with it, but I guess I'm the odd man out.


I can answer that.


It's a star wars mmo with a HUGE budget behind it, everyone expected the best game ever made.


Instead they get a mediocre game and they are mad. Not only because the game isn't as awesome as they had hoped, but also because this pretty much kills any more star wars mmo's from being made for another decade.


In summary, they took an IP we loved and pissed all over it, hence, some fans feelings are hurt.

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There's the people who like WoW and expected WoW 2.0 and are disappointed since the game is worse than WoW on pretty much every common feature they share. And then there's the people who hate WoW and expected something new and exciting and are equally disappointed because the game is just a poor imitation of WoW with no depth, no balance, no customization, no optimization, nothing.


Finally there's the people who are happy with it and honestly, after reading these forums for months, I have yet to figure why exactly they are happy with it. The game doesn't really have any redeeming qualities. You could argue that for 60 euros it's a decent deal for one playthrough to last you a month. Personally I ended up paying 90 euros cause I had to buy an extra gamecard to play the first month and that's not a fair deal really, considering I haven't touched it since early January and I still got almost a month of active subscription left. Overall good blog, it captures all this pretty accurately.

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Finally there's the people who are happy with it and honestly, after reading these forums for months, I have yet to figure why exactly they are happy with it. The game doesn't really have any redeeming qualities.


I have yet to figure out why people who think that the game has no redeeming qualities have been reading and posting on this message board for months.

Edited by DorkTrooper
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Although, all these people took a look and talked about it. I really don't care if the Dev's pay attention or not. I am of the opinion they are deaf and dumb.


If that's true, then I don't understand why people would post criticism other than to vent really. People on these forums have already made up their mind about this game. They Like It, or they Don't.


Dev feedback and attention is a give and take. We have our role to provide honest, clear, and constructive criticism. It's more than just I don't or do like the game, it's WHY. They have their role in paying attention to that honest criticism, and seeking it out as well.


Stupid Analogy, I run several D&D Campaigns (yes I am a nerd) throughout the year. If I have one player tell me they don't like it and that's it, I honestly tell them to not play. Why would you play something you're not having fun doing. If however, they tell me why they aren't having fun, then I will consider is it something I can fix without hurting the enjoyment factor of my other players.


There also some things I just can't change. If I'm running a Western themed game, and you hate Westerns, then I can't help you.


To be fair, I also can't just sit around waiting for them to tell me what they don't like. I check in with them, see what's working what's not. I can take anything for granted, but neither can they.


I think I am getting lost in my own word vomit so I'm gonna stop for now.

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Too repetitive but WoW feels more in-depth for this guy... what?



There are different stories for every single class and every class plays differently, how can there be no needed feeling for rolling alts?


Most people are going to like a certain thing so every class won't be for them, that's a DUH.



Since he seems to compare it to WoW what profession matters for other people in WoW besides Alch/Enchanting? Most professions are chosen for personal bonuses.



How can he complain about dungeons in WoW having better replayability when all they all are are zerg run fests where you never get to really see the story at all.


End-game PvP & PvE

Gear treadmills aren't for him but he's comparing SWTOR to WoW... WHAT?!


He doesn't like expertise so I guess he hates Resilience in WoW?


How the game feels

Most animations are made to flow together and as a Guardian/Knight they're all swinging saber attacks... I could see if some animations screwed if he were one of the force users but he's playing a knight.


WoW had a better "feel" for a lot of people, probably including this guy, because it was there first real go in an MMO. I know I'll never forget my first couple months of WoW and that feeling and will never get it again.



You have to actually talk in general, there are actually GROUP QUESTS here unlike WoW and I find groups on every planet as a REPUBLIC. If he's complaining it doesn't feel like an MMO it's because he's staying away from people purposely.


If you actually want to do anything at 50 you have to rely on others, so that part is utter bull or he's never been to 50.

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