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Why can't we play Yoda?


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Ok - I've had this theory for a while that one of the reasons's so many peole went Sorcs is because they've got an iconic role model.


Like him or loath him, Emperor Palpatine is one of the most recognisable characters in the Star Wars films, and many people just couldn't pass up the chance to play him.


But reps don't have a mirror because arguably Palpatine's opposite in SW canon - Yoda - is absent from the game. So less people play sages. Meaning less healers in WZ, and less reps overall.


So why can't we play Yoda?




And don't tell me it's because LucasArts wanted to protect the brand - I've just seen the little green dude ADVERTISING VODAPHONE :mad:

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It's because they would need to code a whole new player type to show armor, and have different models for armor. Yoda is short. I don't know why they didn't code this seeing as how most games have gnomes/dwarves, but that is the reason.
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What Legacy level do you need to play Emporer Palpatine? I did not know they let you play specific characters from 3000 years in the future. I would want to play that empire dude that throws that little lever during the Death Star firing. I love that scene. When playing the RPG Star Wars, tried to talk the guy running it to let me learn that skill.
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Emperor Palpatine is one of the most recognisable characters in the Star Wars films



If this opinion is true of the vast majority of you all... at 29 years old I now officially feel old as hell because my first thought of Star Wars is always going to be Luke or Vader.


( And yes I know he was in the 80s movies, but honestly 90% of you wouldn't even know his name if it weren't for the newer movies. )

Edited by uidLucid
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Really? Yoda was playable in Soul Calibur for pete's sake.
That was Yoda himself. Lucas has oked Yoda being used in multiple game. As long as they don't try and but any lore on him. But as for using the species for anything other than the rare NPC is a no-no.
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I've been harping for weeks now that all they need to do to solve faction imbalance is make yoda's race playable on the Republic side only. Give the imps Ugnauts or something so they too have a small character model to choose from.


LOL republic would be 95% yoda's, which would be out of hand. I think Wookiees as playable race could help the faction balance.

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I've been harping for weeks now that all they need to do to solve faction imbalance is make yoda's race playable on the Republic side only. Give the imps Ugnauts or something so they too have a small character model to choose from.


Except the race Yoda belongs to is extremely rare, much too rare to have as a playable race.

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Because we don't even know what Yoda's species is. Lucas has never even stated the name or any specific details about it. If Lucas were to all of the sudden assign a name/homeworld/etc to them now, it would throw the existing Star Wars universe upside down, not unlike the whole midichlorian disaster.


Besides, I can't even begin to imagine how ridiculous SWTOR will look when there are all of the sudden hundreds of Yodas running around.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Wookies can't speak Galactic Basic which would complicate the voice acting.


Not really, they already have Wookie voice acting in the game, most notably in the Bounty Hunter storyline. The Great Hunt master is a Wookie and part of the cut-scenes involves him.

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