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The top floor not for Mauraders


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SO MANY knock backs. Today playing huttbal was a real pain in the ^&*. Every range stays on the levels like they are supposed to do and everytime I jump up their I just get knocked back to the spot i just came from. Anyone have any idea what other gap closers they could possibly add for maurader?


my idea


Let me pull people to me or lower charges cooldown and rage gather


I would rather have charge up every 6 sec and generate no rage then wait their for 12s after i put 2 points into the force charge tree skill



Spend 1 rage for 6 sec immunity to knockback completely situational and spammable our dps goes down to the ones with knockbacks but we are able to stay on them Other then the constant knockback this class has to be the most balanced if played well and I look forward to see what 1.2 brings

Edited by sixfreshcookies
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It's really annoying. However, most players are pretty stupid about it. If they're up there, the first reaction is a panic knockback. Jump to them and hit them with crippling slash as you run away, and run away parallel with the catwalk. Most of the time you will get knocked only 2m forward and then the little sorc is yours.
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If I'm not being directly attacked or if I can close the distance without taking too much damage I tend to run to them rather then use charge. That way I have it ready when I get knocked back/off the ledge. Also, keep your back away from the edges and never stand between a class that can knock back and the fire/acid.
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The more I play PvP, the less knockbacks affect me.


Sure, you're still going to get knocked off catwalks on occasion, but once you get used to which classes have knockbacks, you'll notice that you can position yourself in ways that they cannot EVER knock you off.


They can knock you back slightly, but they will never knock you off the catwalk if you do it right.


Just keep your back towards an obstacle (sandbags, those metal block things, hell even the poles on the corners of the fire traps).



The big thing about the Marauder is that it is not a slug-fest style character (Rage spec excluded). The Marauder is a skirmisher. They strategically pick 1-2 characters and utterly dominate them while the rest of the team creates a chaotic slug-fest for you to go unnoticed.



Honestly, if you've ever played a Void Star game as this class, you'll know that it is the Marauder's favorite map. The sheer chaos of it all ensures massive damage outputs, and Rage/Annihilation can AoE/DoT enemies to prevent bomb planting respectively.

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bro be happy u didnt roll operative then, atleast when u get knocked back you have the option to fly through the air (im sure some % of the time it isnt possible)but as an op u have no way ever to get back fast.


Yeah maras also have all them ranged attacks... oh wait... that's you.



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Knockbacks are only a problem until you learn how to position yourself. It should be the first thing you think about. If you just leapt up to someone on the catwalk, the first thing you should do is position yourself so that if they KB you, you'll go lengthwise down the catwalk a bit instead of off the side. It's not hard. Even better is to plant your *** against a pole or the sandbags. There's nothing they can do then. You just need to get in the habit of this. I don't even think about it anymore.
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Only thing I'd want is temporary knockback immunity while in the air to my target. If we charge onto a platform just as someone fires off a knockback we'll eat it when we get there and get chucked right back down. Once my feet are planted somewhere it's very easy to avoid them.
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when knocked off "the top floor" as ure post suggests ure arent in range or los to use them 9/10 times, anyways i wasent saying this is a problem for me, i was merely saying u have a gap closer and if this bothers u you would be far worse on an op, thats all, i wasent trying to start an inter-class debate.
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As mentioned several times, this frustration can be avoided 90% of the time through proper positioning. There's the odd time that my target has a knockback loaded up the second I jump to them, but for the most part I have more than ample time to strafe around them so that I'll be knocked back a whopping two meters or so. Then it's back to business.
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So what I gather is:


1. Never force charge anyone with a knockback.

- This limits us to only charging Powertech/Vanguard and other Marauders.


2. Keep your back facing the length of the catwalk.

- If you're lucky, you'll stay on the same level as your enemy; if you're unlucky, you'll burn to death.


3. Knockbacks are essential to making sure melee classes have the worst gameplay experience possible.

- If you QQ about it, you're a noob and should reroll. /sarcasm




Here's an idea, how about AOE Knockbacks be set to a substantial cooldown?

20 seconds is ridiculous, especially in an environment like The Pit.


Marauder AoE Mezz is a minute-long CD. I suggest the CDs for AoE Knockbacks be increased in PvP Warzones to 1-minute. Problem solved.

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So what I gather is:


1. Never force charge anyone with a knockback.

- This limits us to only charging Powertech/Vanguard and other Marauders.


2. Keep your back facing the length of the catwalk.

- If you're lucky, you'll stay on the same level as your enemy; if you're unlucky, you'll burn to death.


3. Knockbacks are essential to making sure melee classes have the worst gameplay experience possible.

- If you QQ about it, you're a noob and should reroll. /sarcasm




Here's an idea, how about AOE Knockbacks be set to a substantial cooldown?

20 seconds is ridiculous, especially in an environment like The Pit.


Marauder AoE Mezz is a minute-long CD. I suggest the CDs for AoE Knockbacks be increased in PvP Warzones to 1-minute. Problem solved.


1. They can't knock back while stunned. Force choke will buy you time directly after a dangerous leap to plan your positioning.


2. You can also run out early from targets that you know will want to knock back asap. Works particularly well if you collide with sandbags or metal panels as/before the knockback hits.


3. They aren't as harmful to sents/maras as you think. They can suck in huttball, but I would not trade force leap for one.

Edited by EvilCoatrack
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SO MANY knock backs. Today playing huttbal was a real pain in the ^&*. Every range stays on the levels like they are supposed to do and everytime I jump up their I just get knocked back to the spot i just came from. Anyone have any idea what other gap closers they could possibly add for maurader?


my idea


Let me pull people to me or lower charges cooldown and rage gather


I would rather have charge up every 6 sec and generate no rage then wait their for 12s after i put 2 points into the force charge tree skill



Spend 1 rage for 6 sec immunity to knockback completely situational and spammable our dps goes down to the ones with knockbacks but we are able to stay on them Other then the constant knockback this class has to be the most balanced if played well and I look forward to see what 1.2 brings


Or to simplify it just give them a 6 second immunity to Knockbacks after using FOrce leap

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If knockbacks were 1 minute Marauders would be beyond broken lol.


How would that break Marauder?


We're the only class (save Operative) that doesn't have the ability to insta-kill an enemy near a ledge/trap/hazard.


Inquistors (Sorceror and Assassin), Snipers, Juggernaut and Mercenary all have a knockback. That's 5/8 classes. In addition to their other CCing abilities, such as mezz and stun.


You mean to tell me that putting their 20-30 second CD Knockbacks on a 1-minute CD would make MARAUDERS broken? No. It would mean having to choose WHEN to use your Knockback, rather than spamming it the moment a melee jumps on you.


First, Inquis/Sniper/Merc AoE knockbacks deal damage. Sniper/Merc also roots/snares.


Juggernaut Force Push is already a 60 second cooldown. AND it's only a single target knockback, though it refreshes Force Charge CD.




Marauder have the least CC in the game and are affected by it most. That's a fact.

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How would that break Marauder?


We're the only class (save Operative) that doesn't have the ability to insta-kill an enemy near a ledge/trap/hazard.


Inquistors (Sorceror and Assassin), Snipers, Juggernaut and Mercenary all have a knockback. That's 5/8 classes. In addition to their other CCing abilities, such as mezz and stun.


You mean to tell me that putting their 20-30 second CD Knockbacks on a 1-minute CD would make MARAUDERS broken? No. It would mean having to choose WHEN to use your Knockback, rather than spamming it the moment a melee jumps on you.


First, Inquis/Sniper/Merc AoE knockbacks deal damage. Sniper/Merc also roots/snares.


Juggernaut Force Push is already a 60 second cooldown. AND it's only a single target knockback, though it refreshes Force Charge CD.




Marauder have the least CC in the game and are affected by it most. That's a fact.


Marauders are already extremely strong, the reason why those knockbacks are on such short cd is because if they can't get you off of them extremely fast, they die. Give Marauders cc and watch the op threads flow. Knockbacks feel like a bit much some days, but you have to be smart about how you use your charge, you have to pay attention to your enemies, and you have to position yourself properly. Marauders. Don't. Need. Any. Buffs.

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The constant knockbacks, chain stunning, and chain interrupting has got to go. The resolve bar is an absolutely crappy mechanic to try to prevent this.


Knockback, stun, and interrupt lockouts need to occur as buffs on a persons bar once they have been affected by one of these skills. It is honestly getting to the point of insane with these skills.

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Wow, most of you guys seem to be up against some REALLY stupid Sorcs/Mercs. While I try my best to position, so does the sorcs and mercs I come up against. I hardly EVER see a sorc or merc that uses his knockback without positioning himself first.
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1. They can't knock back while stunned. Force choke will buy you time directly after a dangerous leap to plan your positioning.


Force Choke is channeled if you didn't know that already. Once the channel is over, so is the stun and you are open for knockback asap.

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Force Choke is channeled if you didn't know that already. Once the channel is over, so is the stun and you are open for knockback asap.


And here I thought I just liked staring at the animation every time my Sentinel used Force Stasis.


OF COURSE it's channeled. I said it bought time to PLAN, not position. While you channel it, line yourself up for an immediate run to a safer side of the inquisitor, as that player is likely going try spamming the knock back as soon as the stun breaks. The knockback animation has a small delay, so you have a bit of time to direct yourself before it hits.

Edited by EvilCoatrack
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