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Something I've never done in an MMO successfully.


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That is find a group of people to run through the content from start to finish with.


My thought on doing this would be to get three others, who preferably would play all different professions obviously in the same faction, this way we could all experience the progressions of each storyline as a group. Also only leveling and running through content when all the members are around, none of this "oh sorry I out leveled you and now you have to catch up and I don't feel like waiting." For those of you familiar with playing pencil and paper role playing games, it would be like getting together with friends and running through a campaign together at designated times that work for all members. There's really not much else I can type here to further my point, it's all right there and this is my attempt to get over my TOR blahs cause I really want to enjoy the game, but doing it alone is a waste to me, I have other games for that.


I currently play on Lord Ardaas, however for this I'm willing to change servers if necessary. Heck if other people want to try and forge "adventuring groups" through here, go for it. I'd love to help bring a positive impact on the gaming experience of others.

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That is find a group of people to run through the content from start to finish with.


By content do you mean Operation or Flashpoint type content? My guild does Flashpoints nightly and we do both Operations weekly.


My guild, Among the Shadows is located on the Kaas City server if you are interested in checking us out.

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I've always thought that this would be a great thing to do as well.


I know that some people are lucky enough to have a core group of friends, either in real life, or from other games, which allows them to do it- but otherwise it's pretty difficult.


I guess the main problem lies in the logistics- finding a suitable time when everyone can be online. Being able to play that character for only a few hours a week wouldn't be very satisfying.


Anyway, good luck! I hope you're able to find enough people to make it possible.

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By content do you mean Operation or Flashpoint type content? My guild does Flashpoints nightly and we do both Operations weekly.


My guild, Among the Shadows is located on the Kaas City server if you are interested in checking us out.


I mean everything; standard missions, class missions (which are single person but entire groups can watch. Which is why I suggested a preference to all being different professions), you name it, like a D&D pencil and paper group would in a campaign, except in an MMO environment.


Thank you very much for the invite to check out your guild.

Edited by Neostryx
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I probably should have just put this into the above reply, but yes logistics are usually tough and I'm willing to try and make it work, even if it only happens once a week, I'd prefer more, but I'll take what I can get.


I didn't quite understand what you were refering to, but I understand now. Yeah, that would be a toughy to work out since you would need to schedule time with 3 other players and get everyone on together. Definitely worth a shot though and sounds interesting if it can work. Schedule it like operation times, but just for leveling.

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I mean everything; standard missions, class missions (which are single person but entire groups can watch. Which is why I suggested a preference to all being different professions), you name it, like a D&D pencil and paper group would in a campaign, except in an MMO environment.


Thank you very much for the invite to check out your guild.


I've tried this on some previous games that were very group centric and it always lead to the group falling apart sometime around the halfway point for a variety of reasons including.


1) mixed levels of enthusiasm for the game

2) real life issues limiting play time

3) enthusiastic players wanting to continue progressing outside of the scheduled times


So, yeah; it sounds fun in theory but it never works out. The only person I've ever done all content with in an MMO is my wife, and the MMO is this one. I think it's almost a prerequisite that you live with the people you try to do this with.

Edited by _Marou_
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Levelling groups are always great.


In this game I find group forging and encounters rare. Maybe Just lack of server players or when it is full nobody answers the call for help. Then you start the quest then two come along at once asking for same mission your already 75% into. GRINDING TEETH...


Yeah its rare to run game from end to finish. I did that once in GW with a group of 3 all paying for a run to Lions Gate. Once there we formed up and played game all way to end. Was amazing long 9 hours of bonding. By the time we finished we formed a GUILD. Life was good. Would like that here but its rare.

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I did this in SWG for a while with my (now ex-) girlfriend.


The only way it could reliably work in SWTOR would be if you each have a specific alt that you only play when you can all get online. However even then it can be challenging - one of you wants to run Flashpoints once, two others want to complete the armor sets for FPs, and so on). Two are interested in crafting, so want to grind FPs for companion affection gains (granted, they can do that with Esselles/Black Talon once they get to 20-25 so that they get very little xp and do not outlevel the rest of the group).


It is really cool when it works, and if one of you cannot make it, the others play their other characters for a while or go grinding low-level content (so as to not outlevel the absentee) together.

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I did this in SWG for a while with my (now ex-) girlfriend.


The only way it could reliably work in SWTOR would be if you each have a specific alt that you only play when you can all get online. However even then it can be challenging - one of you wants to run Flashpoints once, two others want to complete the armor sets for FPs, and so on). Two are interested in crafting, so want to grind FPs for companion affection gains (granted, they can do that with Esselles/Black Talon once they get to 20-25 so that they get very little xp and do not outlevel the rest of the group).


It is really cool when it works, and if one of you cannot make it, the others play their other characters for a while or go grinding low-level content (so as to not outlevel the absentee) together.


Yeah it is challenging. I duo with my husband, when I can, but there are so many factors involved.


When can we play at the exact same time? Do we even want to play a game during all of our free time? Do we agree on class/role/faction? What if one of us gets bored, with the playstyle or the story? What about finding groups; our time together is limited and putting flashpoints and even heroics together is time sucking, would we be better off just doing our regular missions? Is one of us leveling too fast ? Maybe too rested while the other wasn't, or one likes to do space missions/ war zones while the other doesn't. What about other friends who log in and out, or move around to other servers - how do we incorporate them into what we are doing? What if one wants to move on to a new alt at 50 and the other wants to keep going..


Thinking about it makes me amazed that we've even gotten anything to level 30 together. In fact I've gotten solo toons to 50 twice over in the time it takes to get a few levels in a duo.

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Wow. That is a lofty goal. Could be a lot of fun, but chances are you'll pull your hair out before hitting 15. I apologize, don't mean to be negative Nancy, but I think it's only possible with one other.


You'll definitely have to have another alt to run during this. Im leveling with my brother on one toon, it's rather frustrating as he spends more time crafting while we're together than actually running to the next quezt area or he goes afk all the time or his gf calls... Etc. after 5 weeks, we finally hit 20. It requires so much patience.


On the other spectrum, I'm leveling another with a friend and we have such different hours of playtime since he works graveyard and lives in EST and I work normal PST, but over 3 weeks we've managed to hit level 35. Our leveling styles match up very well though and it has been a lot of fun.


Other things to consider, besides the probable gear issues, is when you run across quests that require all of you to click an item one at a time and it takes respawn time. Ive run across a few of those already. Also with class quests, maybe not all want to run them because the story might then he spoiled for their next toon, but if they sit out, theyll lose out of the xp.


However if you manage to find 3 others to make it to 50 with, I will retract ALL my negatives and bow down to you :)


Sincerest good luck!!!

Edited by Strawwberry
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Me and my buddy was just talking about doing this earlier. Me and him both have our main characters on the same server and same faction, but we was thinking about making some Alts and leveling them together. Like me being a Powertech and him Doing a Sith Marauder or Jugg.. Who knows, it may work out, it may not. Its worth a shot though.
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Me and my buddy was just talking about doing this earlier. Me and him both have our main characters on the same server and same faction, but we was thinking about making some Alts and leveling them together. Like me being a Powertech and him Doing a Sith Marauder or Jugg.. Who knows, it may work out, it may not. Its worth a shot though.


Here's the first question - since those classes start on different planets, will you level up to 10 alone? Or will one or both of you level up the wrong thing and then switch them out so you can go back to playing the bh/sw combination that you originally intended to? :D


Lol I'm sorry it's just that I've had to work out this particular issue several times. Or "well I've got a level 12 so we'll play together as soon as you catch up". So I play alone until 12 and then I fall behind because the level 12 was always rested and got two levels where I only got a third of a level. :o

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Me and my buddy was just talking about doing this earlier. Me and him both have our main characters on the same server and same faction, but we was thinking about making some Alts and leveling them together. Like me being a Powertech and him Doing a Sith Marauder or Jugg.. Who knows, it may work out, it may not. Its worth a shot though.
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I've always wanted to do this myself. Like you I don't really know anyone who plays the game so I just rely on pick up groups mostly. I'm on lord Adraas also and I have a low level trooper and a JK guardian at level 21, Id be interested in joining you one or two days a week if you still need people to fill out the group.


My main is Callen if you want to try and chat in game some more. He isn't one of the characters I would bring just the toon I play most often lately.

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This is something that I've always wanted to do too. Shoot me a private message if you are still looking for a group to run with and hopefully we can figure out how to make this all work! It sounds like a blast, and it's one of the reasons I play MMOs, even if I've never successfully completed it.
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Thank you for the input, criticisms which I'm certain are meant as constructive points since there really didn't seem like too much flaming on the topic and I appreciate that.


Anyhow those of you who are interested in this, I've contacted those I'm aware of by whatever means I've had available and for those who are further interested I have acquired a free message board in order to better organize this and to limit the nightmare of logistics to a lesser degree. Click here to continue, serious inquiries only please. I've only just created it so it's very bare currently.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyone who is trying to contact me about the group, feel free to go to my forum, which sucks, but it does the job. I already have a group put together, however if more would like to do the same, I'd be happy to help. The link in my post above will take you there. I find this is far easier than trying to send messages on this forum, it's very user unfriendly to me.
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We started from scratch last Wednesday, and we're having a great time.


We currently play once a week, so anyone who wants to join us could easily catch up- or you could start a group of your own.


If this is something you have thought about or wanted to do, please take a look at the site.

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Too bad I didn't catch this sooner.


But yeah, leveling groups are really fun, makes the questing process a lot smoother too ( since if you balance it you don't have to screw around trying to find heroic and flashpoint groups either! )

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