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Trouble finding a laptop that will run SWTOR


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I've been looking round for ages trying to find a laptop at a reasonable price that will run smoothly on low settings.

Will this be any good?




If not what will be? Looking around £600 or below.


Just to increase your chance of getting help, could you define "smoothly"? Because I know a lot of people who thinks 30 fps is smooth while other think 50+ fps is required for smooth gameplay.

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Laptops are not gaming machines by design, they're intended for work purposes and basic entertainment. The few that contain the right kind of hardware are easily over £800 and the ones which are less are either end-of-line or are cutting corners somewhere.


If you have that kind of money to blow you're better off with a desktop pc, for the same kind of money it will be twice (or more) as fast as that overpriced laptop.

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Agreed, if you are decided to play on a laptop however, buy something that will let you run the game at minimun (ex. focus on cpu, the video card is secondary).


If you are trying to run graphics maxed on a laptop, you will spend way too much money for little actual benefit. After all the main point of a laptop is being able to play "on the move", if you aren´t going to move then a desktop is way better in every aspect.


I think something like this: http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/system/Xplorer_X6-9100_Gaming_Notebook/

should be able to handle the game on the lowest settings.

Edited by myndenx
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A laptop that can play this game does not have to cost £800 +

Some people just dont know what they are on about, this laptop would play it fine on high but with shadows and AA on low




and to poster above cpu fist LOL even if running on low gpu is always first you can play this game on a 1.2Ghz cpu easy cant find any that slow now anyway.

Edited by Exterma
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Intel integrated graphics 3000 or better will run this game fine on low settings with a decent processor.


I have an HP dm4 laptop with an i5, 6gb ram, and integrated graphics 3000, game runs fine on it with lowish settings. Paid $400 for it

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Take a look at the gaming laptops by Sager. They have a wonderful track record of producing great gaming laptops at affordable prices, and several of their off-the-shelf models match your price range handily.




EDIT: Be warned though. These are the polar opposite of the new "ultrabook" laptops as far as weight and thickness, but that's a trade that has to be made for a true portable gaming system.

Edited by Ronamo
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I know that people love to dump on them as being overpriced, and I guess they are if you don't get a good deal; but I have an Alienware M14x. It runs the game pretty much at maximum settings with no trouble at all, even with voice comms, a web browser, and itunes all going in the background.
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So does my m11x R3


WHY PLEASE WHY people saying cpu key LOL gpu is key now no laptop you can buy now will ever get a bottleneck in the cpu NEVER this game will lag bad on a I7 2.6Ghz cpu if its got a intel 3000 gpu but pair it with a GT540m and boom playable in high!


I should know my laptop has switch able graphics tried with intel one on low 15-20fps even lower on fleet but with GT540m 45-70fps on high!

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So does my m11x R3


WHY PLEASE WHY people saying cpu key LOL gpu is key now no laptop you can buy now will ever get a bottleneck in the cpu NEVER this game will lag bad on a I7 2.6Ghz cpu if its got a intel 3000 gpu but pair it with a GT540m and boom playable in high!


I should know my laptop has switch able graphics tried with intel one on low 15-20fps even lower on fleet but with GT540m 45-70fps on high!


Because the intel graphics are integrated into the processor....

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High bud if your looking for a laptop that will run this game seemlessly check out the Toshiba L755 its a good machine and just £600, £100 more than you were going to pay. I use it for graphics design but it will run SWTOR on high to. Its got an I5 2.6 GHz chip and 6GB RAm with a 1GB Nvidia 525m which to be honest with a little bit of tweeking runs sweet as a drum. Hope this helps, I build desktops and laptops but couldn't get near the price I paid for this buying the components myself and making the laptop. I fyou could be persuaded towards a desktop you could make a pretty mean machine for £600. Hope this helps.
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Just to back up what people have said and disagree slightly to you do need dedicated graphics for this game around about the 1 gb VRAM level but and this is the important bit the command functions of the gain are programmed to the CPU so having a good CPU is more important where SWTOR is concerned, obviously if your graphics card is awful running a top spec I7 wouldn't matter either so ensure you have balance geared towards CPU but not exclusive at the cost of selcting a dreadful GPU.
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The most important thing to look at when choosing a laptop is the videocard. Here is a benchmark site that ranks Mobile video cards:





you want a card that's at least tier 2 and preferably on the higher end of tier 2.


If you are considering a card click on that vid card's link on the list to go to that card's page. If you scroll to the bottom and you can see the benchmark tests for specific games with laptops that had that card.







Hope this is helpful and GOOD LUCK!!

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You didnt look very hard.




1200 dollar comp for under 800. I bought it 2 months ago, it runs swtor absolutely flawlessly. Ive not had one single issue since buying this computer.


I get 30 fps in high settings on swtor, upwards of 60 fps on low settings.

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Take a look at the gaming laptops by Sager. They have a wonderful track record of producing great gaming laptops at affordable prices, and several of their off-the-shelf models match your price range handily.




EDIT: Be warned though. These are the polar opposite of the new "ultrabook" laptops as far as weight and thickness, but that's a trade that has to be made for a true portable gaming system.




Laptops are not designed for the type of heat dissippation needed for the CPU, GPU, and Motherboard chipset when running games. Bottom line, games are the hardest thing you can ask your PC to do. When all that heat-creating hardware sits so close together in an enclosed space, things get pretty warm. The type of air-flow laptops have is inadequete for gaming purposes. Heck, your average off-the-shelf PC has inadequete cooling for gaming purposes, though still far beyond your average off-the-shelf laptop.


If you cannot afford a laptop designed for gaming, as stated in the above quote, you are FAR better off with a desktop PC. More bang for your buck. I usually buy a cheap store-bought PC tower, which has the right motherboard for being upgraded, and buy myself more RAM, vid-card, improved cooling, and upgrade the CPU last, over the period of a year. Once I've fully upgraded, the PC is usually beyond recommended game requirements for a good 5 years after full upgrade.

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Dude for £600 You could easily get a laptop to run it on high settings just maybe a refurbished one. Try E-bay, or amazon. Shops like john lewis are rip offs... Your paying for a name & not the quality of the product. Just search the GFX cards and CPU find out what gets you the best bang for your buck. I mean I'm on a lappy I paid 150 for and it runs everything on low. Shop around.
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