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Game fading fast for me


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It always amazes me the number of people that will read a thread title like this one, knowing full well what's in the thread, yet come in to the thread and reply anyway, adding even less to the discussion than what they think the OP added.


Me? PvP feels like a minigame in SWTOR and that's not for me.

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With you bro. Free month, debated on re-subbing but did in the end, hit 50, started the valor grind, didn't even reach BM. 3 days left, cancelled and I don't even log in now. It's sad, cause I love SW and the whole IP.


Launching with so little pvp content in 2012 is dumb. If we wanted pve we'd buy ME3. MMO's need strong pvp content. Yes, cater for the carebears, hell, even I raided a few times in SWTOR, but 3 wz and a failplanet is not gonna cut it.


What this guy said.


Even if they lauched with say, 6 WZ, there´s no world pvp to make me going.


Warhammer at least, has quests at early lvls that put players from both factions right in the middle of the fray.


Then i thought: its SW, we have republic and the empire. Man, there will be some crazy world pvp here. Meh.

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This is what you need to hear Bioware


wow if this guy isnt a wise old gamer sage i dont know who is, when swtor first came out i would get up early in the morning to get on and level becuase i wanted to beat the que timers and it was the most exciting time i ever had in any video game ever but once i got battlemaster and started farming 10/10nm the game has nothing to offer, i continue to level alts and continue to think that it is all for nothing, this new patch in the spring will really make or break the game, if people wanted a storyline game they might as well play games like skyrim and mass effect, and even though regardless if mass effect is a good game the multiplayer will suck, ive played the beta and its completely stupid, once the campaign is over the game is done, there is no subscription, and if there is no endgame in SWTOR then getting new people to play will be pretty hard becuase what they hear from the community will be bad news, and if they want some casual game they will just go to WoW becuase it has much more to offer in those fields(With the exception of children who favor lightsabers over pandas i really want to give this game hope but its still real money, and the longer time goes on the more i lose faith in swtor's future

Edited by Cuddlezz
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What this guy said.


Even if they lauched with say, 6 WZ, there´s no world pvp to make me going.


Warhammer at least, has quests at early lvls that put players from both factions right in the middle of the fray.


Then i thought: its SW, we have republic and the empire. Man, there will be some crazy world pvp here. Meh.


Yeah. I can only take so long when it comes to instanced WZ over and over again.

Withour real pvp in a game today like this will fail, look at warhammer. I think the problem is that they just dont care at all about pvp bioware. Just look at ilum.They dont talk about.They give players no hope for the future.So we leave for a game that has better pvp and we dont come back.

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Yeah. I can only take so long when it comes to instanced WZ over and over again.

Withour real pvp in a game today like this will fail, look at warhammer. I think the problem is that they just dont care at all about pvp bioware. Just look at ilum.They dont talk about.They give players no hope for the future.So we leave for a game that has better pvp and we dont come back.


I don't mind instanced PvP, it's usually the most "fair" and "skill based" PvP you can get in an MMO, as long as all things are fairly equal as gear/premade vs premade or pug vs pug etc etc.


Open world needs to be everywhere, not just a zone. When it's just one zone, or one keep etc, that's when zerging becomes an issue and that's when open world stops working like it should. I want skirmishes, I want objectives being fought over that effect the world. Guilds should be able to at least put a flag up or something(the whole Guild system just seems like a last second "oh yeah we need guilds still..toss that in" system).


I want to get ganked and gank people while I level. Good lord I even made my alts republics so I'd be outnumbered and I STILL DON'T SEE ANYONE :(

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It is just not true. This game has the greatest single player component among all MMOs, which results in most fun leveling I ever saw. You do not need to grind when you level, in fact if you grind you doing it very wrong.


Problem is when you out of the leveling and hit 50, SWTOR at once becomes extremely usual and after a month very boring as well. Main frustration for many people is the contrast between pre 50 and post 50.


There are many ways to keep end game players happy, but at the moment SWTOR fails in this department.


I think answer is to leave the game now and come back in 6 months, when they will polish it a bit and add new content. If game will survive for so long, which I think it will, but who knows?



I have to say, leveling to 50 WAS fun, i have 2 x 50, and many up to 30. Problem is once you level your first char to 50 the noverly of VO wears out, and the game becomes KOTOR3 but not as cool as it could have been if it WAS single player. I dont see msyelf ever buying a game made by anybody from Mythics again, if i see 1 dev i recongnize form mythics, i will NOT buy that game, thats how much i distate i have for that company after WAR and ToR.

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I don't mind instanced PvP, it's usually the most "fair" and "skill based" PvP you can get in an MMO, as long as all things are fairly equal as gear/premade vs premade or pug vs pug etc etc.


Open world needs to be everywhere, not just a zone. When it's just one zone, or one keep etc, that's when zerging becomes an issue and that's when open world stops working like it should. I want skirmishes, I want objectives being fought over that effect the world. Guilds should be able to at least put a flag up or something(the whole Guild system just seems like a last second "oh yeah we need guilds still..toss that in" system).


I want to get ganked and gank people while I level. Good lord I even made my alts republics so I'd be outnumbered and I STILL DON'T SEE ANYONE :(


Agree with you 100% well said. Thats what all real pvp players want.

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You know why? Because even after 7 years between launches, SWTOR is either on par with WoW at launch, or worse. That just doesn't make sense, and it leads people to wonder where the largest budget for any MMO has gone.


What's better in SWTOR currently, gameplay wise, that wasn't in WoW circa 2005? Maybe I'm just jaded, but I honestly can't think of anything, can you?



I just have to address this. WoW's launch was a total and complete failure. Queues a mile long, loot lag and and more bugs than Swtor. Even if you could get in and actually play the game, you found massive troubles with the classes. From the hunter dead-zone to the druid identity crisis to healers being forced to roll a dwarf for a racial ability. World pvp? Ok Terran Mill was fun, but pointless in every sense of the word. And this off the top of my head from a dusty 7 year old memory so you know theres a ton of issues I don't recall.


Swtor has its problem but it is the most polished of any MMO at release, period.


The standards are not just in playability, but in time to develop. No one can reasonably expect a game developer to invest 10 years developing their product. There has to be a starting point, and BW, while not above criticism, picked a decent one.

Edited by Sowwy
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I just have to address this. WoW's launch was a total and complete failure. Queues a mile long, loot lag and and more bugs than Swtor. Even if you could get in and actually play the game, you found massive troubles with the classes. From the hunter dead-zone to the druid identity crisis to healers being forced to roll a dwarf for a racial ability. World pvp? Ok Terran Mill was fun, but pointless in every sense of the word. And this off the top of my head from a dusty 7 year old memory so you know theres a ton of issues I don't recall.


Swtor has its problem but it is the most polished of any MMO at release, period.


The standards are not just in playability, but in time to develop. No one can reasonably expect a game developer to invest 10 years developing their product. There has to be a starting point, and BW, while not above criticism, picked a decent one.


I think you'll find that most people will agree that SWTOR had a GREAT LAUNCH, however, many products have great launches but that doesn't mean the product is better than a competitor(WoW) or that they can convince people to leave and use this one.


I mean..for example..iPhones are everywhere, the Droid phones come out, great reviews, good product, yet it initially struggled to get anyone to switch because, while a good launch, it really wasnt anything better then the iPhone, just a little different looking/performing. Essentially it was the same functioning product though. Not many people want to sell something they already own to get something that's basically...what they..already own..?


All things said, the game isn't entirely doom and gloom for me, but like I and others have stated before, I have never had such a fast burnout on a game ever. True it could just be that I've played one too many MMO's but it's also, as previously mentioned, partly BW's fault for not trying to be different enough from what we already had.

Edited by Dreadspectre
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I just have to address this. WoW's launch was a total and complete failure. Queues a mile long, loot lag and and more bugs than Swtor. Even if you could get in and actually play the game, you found massive troubles with the classes. From the hunter dead-zone to the druid identity crisis to healers being forced to roll a dwarf for a racial ability. World pvp? Ok Terran Mill was fun, but pointless in every sense of the word. And this off the top of my head from a dusty 7 year old memory so you know theres a ton of issues I don't recall.


Swtor has its problem but it is the most polished of any MMO at release, period.


The standards are not just in playability, but in time to develop. No one can reasonably expect a game developer to invest 10 years developing their product. There has to be a starting point, and BW, while not above criticism, picked a decent one.


At least Tarren Mill was fun.


Which is more than we can say about this no-bracketed, buggy, imbalanced, ability-delayed nonsense we have here.

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Heck i am with alot of you. This game even though it's only been live for what 2 months now the game has just become over all really boring!

I have rolled a Sith Sorc to lvl 50 am currently rolling a Imperial Agent lvl 29 & Jedi Counselor lvl 33 and the game honestly reminds me to much of SWG NGE which i was against from the day the announced it! And alot of the reasons the game ultimately failed because the playerbase that Pre-CU & CU had was no longer there.

They are working on a EMU of SWG called SWGEmu which is set back to Pre-CU 14.1 which honestly after my time is up i might just go back to since it is alot more fun there then it is here really!

One thing that really gets me is the Daily on Ilum "Defend the Shipment" has been bugged for weeks and they never seem to fix it or get it fixed!

I had alot of high hopes for this game, when i kept hearing about it, but now that i have been playing it for little over 2 months the game just seems dull and lacking alot of things!

One of the biggest things i think this game needs is the ability for Jedi & Sith to pick the types of sabers they use, wither it be Single - Dual or Dbl-Bladded, since in The Old Republic we were allowed to pick which one we used.

And the WarZones are kinda stupid! Why should you stick all the level 50's in together and not all the lower levels in a same level area! I mean no level 12 can stand up against a level 49 who has more skills and better gear. They should rework it so 10-19 & 20-29 & 30-39 & 40-49 are all in their own Warzones that way a level 12 is not getting constantly farmed by a level 49 and that level 12 might never want to go back in them because of that!

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I just have to address this. WoW's launch was a total and complete failure. Queues a mile long, loot lag and and more bugs than Swtor. Even if you could get in and actually play the game, you found massive troubles with the classes. From the hunter dead-zone to the druid identity crisis to healers being forced to roll a dwarf for a racial ability. World pvp? Ok Terran Mill was fun, but pointless in every sense of the word. And this off the top of my head from a dusty 7 year old memory so you know theres a ton of issues I don't recall.


Swtor has its problem but it is the most polished of any MMO at release, period.


The standards are not just in playability, but in time to develop. No one can reasonably expect a game developer to invest 10 years developing their product. There has to be a starting point, and BW, while not above criticism, picked a decent one.


Rift would like a word with you. Best launch I've ever seen.


Build a vibrant, dynamic, and challenging PvP system with varying degrees of risk and you have players that will log on faithfully to ENJOY the game for many many many many months, or dare I say years? PvE content is what is quickly digested and thus costly i.e. company-resource-hog. PvPers can be a game's most faithful playbase, just give us a reason.


Luckily something happened the other weekend that literally saved the game for me, at least temporarily...


A numbers of PvP-focused guilds from both factions met up in Outlaw's Den and held a PvP event. It was tons of fun. Why? It was unlike anything I've seen in many years in any MMO. It took place outside in the open. It was unpredictable.


BW/EA, stop playing it safe and protecting the bottomline. Show some guts, show some innovation, and show us why PvP matters.

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Haven't logged into the game for a week now. Don't really miss much about it now. Sad thing is that I actually prefer coming home and working some more instead of logging into the game now.


Realised as I wrote this post that I am not really enjoying the game so no point staying subbed any more either.

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I just have to address this. WoW's launch was a total and complete failure. Queues a mile long, loot lag and and more bugs than Swtor. Even if you could get in and actually play the game, you found massive troubles with the classes. From the hunter dead-zone to the druid identity crisis to healers being forced to roll a dwarf for a racial ability. World pvp? Ok Terran Mill was fun, but pointless in every sense of the word. And this off the top of my head from a dusty 7 year old memory so you know theres a ton of issues I don't recall.


Swtor has its problem but it is the most polished of any MMO at release, period.


The standards are not just in playability, but in time to develop. No one can reasonably expect a game developer to invest 10 years developing their product. There has to be a starting point, and BW, while not above criticism, picked a decent one.


I wasn't talking in terms of bugs. I was talking in terms of gameplay.


It's exactly how Dread described it; why buy an android when you can keep your iphone with the same basic functionality?


And in all honesty, I've had plenty of issues with class quests/character skills/bugs that are pretty similar to what we started out with in WoW. That's why I don't even care to compare the issues this game has with exploits/hacking/perma-stuck bugs.


When you talk ingenuity in game design though, SWTOR has nothing to offer. And yes, I do expect that after 7 years of watching THE BEST MMO created, in terms of popularity/subscription rates, and watching its era come to an end that game designers might take some of the basic concepts that define the current market and expand upon them.


Sure, this game has a wonderful single player story, but if I wanted single player content, I'd go play a single player game. In terms of an MMO though, this is just a buggy version of oldschool WoW with a Star Wars character skin covering it.


And yes, I was and still am expecting much more from BioWare. I despise WoW in it's current, contentless form, and I was really hoping to have a new game to enjoy again. I was under the impression that the Star Wars name was not willing to become tainted by something so highly revered by it's fanbase as a video game, but I feel that I was mistaken by that...

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I'm in pretty much the exact same situation as the OP. I'm a BM now, with nothing to do but dailies (The Ilum ones being almost impossible with no on in the zone). It feels more like work to log in and do Huttball over and over again. Even the other warzones are getting pretty dull now, there's nothing to keep me going. All I want are those BM tokens...which are random, so who the hell knows when I get more, who cares? BM gear is pretty awful in comparing effort vs. reward against other sets.


I find myself not even wanting to log in anymore. If I hadn't recently resubbed I would be out of here...but Bioware has 26 days to show me that pvp can be fun again.

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I dont even bother doing illum anymore.Have full bm set and full rakata set.I do some pvp with my guildies from time to time and sad thing is is that i have more fun from what is happening on teamspeak than from what happening in wz.PVE?We clear both ops on nightmare mode in one evening and after that there is nothing else to do.Il wait for 1.2,if they screw it i will unsub.
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The pvp in this game feels rather limiting but beyond that it was fun for me while it lasted. Many people have an almost family like bond with mmo type games I have noticed. Talking as about the end of a subscription with emotional wording. Take the experience for what it's worth and don't worry the game won't mind that your done playing it.
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This game really has no hook at end game for PvPers. The hook for PvE folks might be a little bigger but it also gets pretty boring running the same HM/Nightmare FP's over and over again. There's little in the way of feeling as though you affected the game world and it's a shame because, 1-49, this is the best mmo I've played.


It just amazes me, considering the money and time spent on development, that they came up with such a bland endgame. It amazes me even more that they didn't take concepts from older MMO's and incorporate similar aspects into SWTOR. DAoC's world pvp with forts and relics giving the pvp meaning and a feeling that you accomplished something as a faction. Anarchy Online with guild owned bases and cities that would draw the whole faction together when under attack. WAR with city/zone pushes and public quests. Even early WoW with Tuaren Mill/South Shore/UBRS and City raids felt more meaningful than what we have in this game. UO, Lineage I&II, Darkfall, Shadowbane, Age of Conan, GW all have or had a better PvP environments and that is just crazy to me considering how old some of these games are.


As another poster said, 3 wz's and a broken open world pvp planet just doesn't cut it this day and age. I don't care if the game has been out for three months or thirteen years, the hook better be there when your playerbase hits endgame or you're going to lose subscriptions. I truly hope 1.2 starts the process of addressing a lot of these problems because the game could be great if Bioware starts listening and EA doesn't get stingy with the finances. I still remember how EA shut down Earth and Beyond out of the blue so I'm always a little leery of their intentions at any given time but I'm hoping for the best.

Edited by Azgrey
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First of all.. to all the people comparing SWTOR to WoW start _SEVEN_ freaking years ago - stop. This isn't 2005. This is 2012. Players are not new to the MMO concept. While it was fun playing WSG for NO REASON 7 years back, it's not fun playing in the same system 7 years later.



I had high hopes for this game, although I already got a little bored while I was leveling, but I shrugged it off, seeing everyone compliments Bioware on their game design quality, and was like "I'm so sure they'll hook me up on PvP in endgame, and PvE will be great, too".


Guess what. I'm a Battlemaster now ( I don't even know why people say "pre-Ilum" or something, does it matter ? Regardless, I got to rank 57 via warzones, rest Ilum grind ), I have 2 PvP dailies to complete every day. I already mastered my class in PvP ( might come easy to a multi-glad player from WoW, where PvP was harder, I guess ). That's my PvP endgame, whooptie-f*cking-doo. Rated warzones won't save this game's PvP. Maybe arenas will, MAYBE.



As for PvE, currently, I run a guild of real life mates, with 5 of us being 50, and 3-4 more incoming to 50. I'm sure we'll have no problems clearing nightmare modes. That's our PvE endgame.



Money in this game ? Worthless, the only thing it's used is for constant respeccing ( derp, dual spec hurp durp ).



Open world concept ? NOPE. They're phasing republic and empire players, respectively. If I recall correctly, Alderaan, Tatooine, Hoth and Voss are only planets in the game where empire can actually meet reps.


Also, they have GOT to stop babysitting their playerbase. If people rolled on PvP server, it means that they deserve to be ganked in open world, or do the ganking themselves. Create a planet for next ops instance, make it so you have to physically come to the ops instance, and allow PvPers to gank PvErs and vice versa. Create some sense in this game, a sort of a hook.



The funny part - I was playing LoL for over almost a year now, due to the fact that I had nothing to play while I was waiting for this game. Now I find myself playing LoL more than SWTOR, which was supposed to be a gosh darned placeholder time-munching game I picked up to spend my time until SWTOR arrives.



And to the guy who pondered why the hell are people talking about canceling their subs, well.. MMO is a investment, it's not like the games that you can download off pi*ate bay, try them out, see if they're any good and then buy them. When you buy a MMO, it means that you trust the developer enough that your money is well spent. Sadly, right now, this is not the case for SWTOR.



People who are hooked up close to addiction to this game have ridiculously low standards. 1.2 will make it or break it. I don't plan on renewing if 1.2 isn't good, I think the rest of playerbase are in the same boat.

Edited by Kennobai
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I've gotten them into the 20s on all my alts and then the XP grind starts becoming noticeable compared to the amount of story progression and I begin to ask myself "do I actually care enough to grind out the xp to see the rest of the story on this toon?" So far, the answer has been "no".



On the one hand my own alt collection proves your point, on the other these forums are full of people complaining that the leveling is too fast and easy.

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They are changeing the daily system if you haven't already checked it out, but I get what you're saying. I also feel it is super lame to put in all this work to get BM gear that is hardly better unless you have a full set. That being said, SWTOR does a great job of patching and listening to the people. What would realyl spice things is :


1> New Warzones (Like the one they are adding in March)

2> New Rank Sets of Armor with better detai and stat variation (Like A Set at 70, 76, & 82 or something to that effect)

3>Guild Hangouts would be really cool, but i understand if that's a huge thing to work on

4> I'm hoping for a pretty radass Legacy system, plenty of customization changes ;)(And on Gear)


5>Guild Vs Guild Ques wouldn't be such a bad idea, but just a big push into Pvp is what's gonna keep swtor going in my opinion. Granted I like PvE, but PvP is way more satisfying to me.

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I'm feeling the same way. I can hardly bring myself to login anymore. I think it's a symptom of many things:


Lack of Innovation

UO, EQ, DAoC and then WoW were all innovative in their own rights. They brought things to the table that were unlike anything else. There was much less competition for subscribers back then. The communities were much smaller. Developers were more in-touch with the player-base and making games fun for the sake of it. WoW changed everything. MMOs are now big business. It's not about making unique games or trying something different. It's about attracting investors and trying to make a huge blockbuster games that can compete with WoW by copying their model over and over again.


Death of the Themepark

Most of us have done this to death. It has its merits but a lot of us have spent years playing the same basic model now and frankly nobody has been able to do it as well as WoW. It's old and stale. No matter what coat of paint you throw on a Ford Pinto, it's still a Pinto. This goes back to lack of innovation.


Repetitive Content

You can only play the same content so many times before it gets boring. I don't know what the answer is here. I think the industry has moved towards instant gratification and many of us burn through content too quickly. Leveling is way too fast. The plethora of guides, information, youtube vids, etc allow most of us to burn through the content very quickly.


Lack of Challenge

There is very little challenge in this game. It is a very, very easy game in most respects.


No Risk

Rewards are more satisfying when there is some sort of risk associated with them. There is absolutely no risk here. It's as carebear as you can get.


No Meaningful Impact on the World

The world is segmented and feels very disconnected. The actions we take as players have little to no impact on the world.


Just some thoughts I have as to why this game and so many others ultimately end-up being disappointing after a couple months. Maybe I'm just getting old but nothing released since WoW has been able to capture my attention for more than a couple months.




This basically sums up why I cancelled tonight.

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I hear you OP: 5years of EQ, 6 years of WoW, 4 years of Lotro, 6 months of Aion, 2 years of warhammer and daoc. After 2 months of this game I barley log on anymore and find the forums more entertaining then the game.

I am a huge Star wars and Mmo fan but this is no better than a single player console game for ps3 or xbox. Heck even those single player adventures have more to offer.

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