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Imperial Population vs Republic Population.


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I am on the Port Nowhere PVP server.


No matter what time of day, no matter which Ilum instance, and no matter who I run with, the same thing happens. Imperial side of the Ilum warzone is about a 2/1 ratio vs republic numbers. My group has even decided to go to ilum 2 to dominate that battlefield. It only takes about 10-15 minutes before the imps come over and outnumber us again.


It isnt just ilum either. If you look at the imp market on my server vs the rep market or even just look at the numbers on each planet. You can tell that the imps outnumber the reps by a large margin.


Bioware I know you know about this. Is there any way possible to set some kind of limit on a server? Like if too any imperials or republic are on it then the server will not let you create a character on the imp or rep side. Of course you would need a way to exclude inactive accounts, and possibly exclude characters that were created for the sole purpose of crafting.


And to prevent some extra discomfort, you could set up some kind of invite system that will let you invite someone so that they can make an imp or rep character even if one side or the other is locked out because of overpopulation. That way you dont prevent friends from playing with each other because of overpopulation.

Edited by Lightning-count
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I am a Republic player on Port Nowhere. My guild goes out 2 - 3 nights a week and has no problem with those odds.


The problem on Port Nowhere is the Republic players tend to be leaderless pug's most times of day, and when there is a good Ops Leader taking charge, only half listen to what hes trying to do.


The problem isn't the balance, its the players. There are times when there aren't enough players out to deal with the situation at hand, but its not 24/7. That's just life in PvP land of any game.

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Lol dude you are preaching to the choir about pvp and imbalance. (EVE player.) But it isnt just ilum. Make an imp character and just go to the fleet and look at the numbers. Its completely imbalanced.


I hear people talk about running EV or KP and seeing 60-70 people in the imp side yet I have never seen more that 30. Although that is a good thing as it keeps the tards from spamming general chat and complaining about bugged pylons and SOA.


But the point is still there. Ive seen a HUGE overpopulation every single time. If you run ilum then you know what I am talking about. Everyone camping in the rep base while a trooper or shadow tries to pull in an imp that gets to close, hoping you get 1 shot on him before the turret kills him.

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Lol dude you are preaching to the choir about pvp and imbalance. (EVE player.) But it isnt just ilum. Make an imp character and just go to the fleet and look at the numbers. Its completely imbalanced.


I hear people talk about running EV or KP and seeing 60-70 people in the imp side yet I have never seen more that 30. Although that is a good thing as it keeps the tards from spamming general chat and complaining about bugged pylons and SOA.


But the point is still there. Ive seen a HUGE overpopulation every single time. If you run ilum then you know what I am talking about. Everyone camping in the rep base while a trooper or shadow tries to pull in an imp that gets to close, hoping you get 1 shot on him before the turret kills him.


Oh absolutely, that is exactly how it goes when people are just "there". Ive done it myself plenty.


However, we DO have enough Republic players to go out there and win. We do it all the time, its just that its a handful of guild groups doing it. There is no real coordination of open Republic Ops Groups to get it done, but the numbers are there to do it, just not the willing teamwork. Part of the reason is that not everyone there is actually there to PvP, they just want to stand in the door and get their daily done.


I personally do my daily and go, but I take my guild out 2 - 3 nights a week for a few hours of PvP and its a totally different story.


So yeah, there a are more Imperials on the server, but the Republic has plenty enough people to compete in PvP, though it can't be argued that its sporadic during the day compared to the Imperials almost near constant presence.

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We (reps) are outnumbered on my server by imps just like everyone else yet ive managed to finish my 150 weekly every tuesday evening for the last 4 weeks. When we all come out to play each night, we have no problems taking central. Sometimes its a back and forth battle, sometimes we smash there faces. Someone just needs to step up to the plate and lead ur forces. hold ur ground. mark the healers, stealthers focus them down or pull them out to ur group and burn then down. Once healers are down, its just clean up time. Push with ur heavy armor, heavy hitters while ranged stands back and blows ppl up.


One good leader makes all the difference

Edited by heinywb
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Darth Zion Republic..


There is about 30 hardcore Republics on our side that are basically all BMs and thats it.. no one else PVPS.


My entire guild rerolled Imperial because the 5-10 PM Imperial fleet has 160+ People while the Republic side has 35-65. They claim its so much better.. markets, Getting groups, Ilum, and even WZs because of Huttball. They said the stories are even a billion times better. They all want to play republic but claim there is no reason too.

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Yes we know there is a faction imbalance, get over it. BioWare can't make people play certain factions...what kind of game would that be that you're forced to play one faction because the designers tell you to?


They should be worried about the network effect. Basically once people start leaving one faction for the other.. its all over. it will be cascading affect where people that play on the faction losing people will either quit or re-roll to the primary faction. Basically killing half of the game and classes.

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They should be worried about the network effect. Basically once people start leaving one faction for the other.. its all over. it will be cascading affect where people that play on the faction losing people will either quit or re-roll to the primary faction. Basically killing half of the game and classes.


The game will even out over time, its roughly two months old. In my opinion, there are several other issues that are more harmful to PvP than the population ratio.

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I'm not flaming or trolling but why do you believe it will balance out? I tend to think it will get worse. The Network Effect will come into play in the next few months. No one republic side will be able to get PvE groups, the market will be small and suck, and The imperials have equal Q times for PvP because of Huttball and whatever the new WZ is going to be. The Empire will have huge benefits in terms of availability compared to the Republic.


The question is why play republic when Everyone is already Empire?

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They should be worried about the network effect. Basically once people start leaving one faction for the other.. its all over. it will be cascading affect where people that play on the faction losing people will either quit or re-roll to the primary faction. Basically killing half of the game and classes.


They aren't though. Sure one or two people are changing sides but who cares? Most of the people who I know play Republic because they like being the underdog. They want it to stay that way. I highly doubt that eventually there will be only 30 Republic players left. People will always play it. In fact, some Empire players I know have rerolled to join us on Republic side because it's much less crowded, and our fleet doesn't lag them out every time they zone in lol.

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All imbalance would be solved if Republic side only could choose Yoda's race. Give Imps ewoks or jawas (preferably useless ewoks, since jawas are kinda cool and ppl will probably want to roll them, but any short species should work) so they can't complain about Republic having an advantage in hitboxes.
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I'm not flaming or trolling but why do you believe it will balance out? I tend to think it will get worse. The Network Effect will come into play in the next few months. No one republic side will be able to get PvE groups, the market will be small and suck, and The imperials have equal Q times for PvP because of Huttball and whatever the new WZ is going to be. The Empire will have huge benefits in terms of availability compared to the Republic.


The question is why play republic when Everyone is already Empire?


I don't know about you but I've got 2 level 50 Republic characters, and one level 43 Imperial character. My Republic character, my first/main character is fully geared in Rakata/Champion gear, there's no way in hell I'll ever not play it or just leave it there. I worked to get all that stuff and I'll be damned if I never use it.

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I'm not flaming or trolling but why do you believe it will balance out? I tend to think it will get worse. The Network Effect will come into play in the next few months. No one republic side will be able to get PvE groups, the market will be small and suck, and The imperials have equal Q times for PvP because of Huttball and whatever the new WZ is going to be. The Empire will have huge benefits in terms of availability compared to the Republic.


The question is why play republic when Everyone is already Empire?


The reason I say it will balance out is because it always does. In every game I've played I have been on the side with less people, but as time goes on things just "balance out". That doesn't mean that all of a sudden one day the Republic side is going to have a 2 - 1 advantage, but things just tend to work out on their own merit as long as the game developers focus on the important things (lag, bugs, etc) and let players play.


As for your question, I simply don't care. I play Republic and it doesn't matter to me how many play Empire.

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They aren't though. Sure one or two people are changing sides but who cares? Most of the people who I know play Republic because they like being the underdog. They want it to stay that way. I highly doubt that eventually there will be only 30 Republic players left. People will always play it. In fact, some Empire players I know have rerolled to join us on Republic side because it's much less crowded, and our fleet doesn't lag them out every time they zone in lol.


haha yeah right. basically everyone is gone from repub on my server. it wont magically get better by itself, and imperials wont reroll since there is literally 0 reason to

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They aren't though. Sure one or two people are changing sides but who cares? Most of the people who I know play Republic because they like being the underdog. They want it to stay that way. I highly doubt that eventually there will be only 30 Republic players left. People will always play it. In fact, some Empire players I know have rerolled to join us on Republic side because it's much less crowded, and our fleet doesn't lag them out every time they zone in lol.


Maybe its just my server then.. I check Mmo-junkies server populations and Darth Sion seems to be maintaining population and maybe growing slightly but I keep seeing the number of republic people in the fleet go down around 3-5 people on average each week. 3 weeks ago it would top out around 80 now its topping out around 55-65. If the server is still growing but the republic pop is going down it seems strange.


Im in the same boat I dont want to leave my toon and start over but unless populations start growing republic side I really thing they will start dropping. Im sure there is a pop level that creates a self sustaining point but its not in the 60s like my sever.

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It's a feature. By the the time the expansion comes out the Republic will win like in the movies thanks to sages and their CC. The Empire will also be removed and replaced by space elves with green eyes/effeminate hair. Rumor has it it will be called The Emperor's Crusade. Edited by Navaris
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haha yeah right. basically everyone is gone from repub on my server. it wont magically get better by itself, and imperials wont reroll since there is literally 0 reason to



I agree, I personally know of 3 people that quit the game. That had level 50 republic characters, myself I rerolled Imp for a far larger population. My new server and faction, we have people that join the guild that are rerolls from republic faction almost every day.


I have not touched my 50 commando in 3 weeks, nor do I have any desire to even log on that rotting corpse of a dead faction.


And I would rather play Republic, I like the classes over there a lot more then Imp. But I also like playing with more then a handful of people on republic faction.


Even if you find a server with a decent Republic faction, its still pales in comparison to even the worst Imp server/faction.

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What I am talking about is for new characters. New players. I highly doubt anyone is really going to quit the game they just paid 60 dollars for and possibly a 2-3 or even 6 month subscription just because they did not get to roll a darth shepard invader. With the provision for invites from friends to "bypass" the system so that you can play with your friends or guildmates, there is literally no downside. You could even set it up to where it would let you reroll another character after hitting level 30. By that time people will have liked their class and will want to continue it. Even after rolling their Darth (insert innuendo name here)
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Sorry what do you want BW to do here? Because you'll just complain anyway if its not imbalance for faction then its gear wise again. If its not gear wise its terrain advantage. If its not terrain advantage its freaking the class abilities advantage. If its not that then its probably too many Siths or Mercs in an WZ or Ilum.


I'm just tired of the qqing, instead of trying to organize a group your just complaining on the forums wasting time. I dont know why you people cant organize ****. I rerolled Republic and all I hear is whinging, and yet whenever we win its because they're the ****. When clearly they're just ****.


If you cant organize it now, either move to another server where there are willing people or just deal with it. You cant have your cake and eat it too.


I rerolled for kicks on another server where Imps are severely imbalance and whenever we lose we blame all this ****. Whenever we win, we think we're the ****. Man, Republics are frustrating sometimes. I thought Empire was bad, damn no wonder most people quit or reroll so much QQ.....

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Half the reason is Ilium itself.


You have a half baked planet that gives the average computer fits running with half the population the instance allows. Weird I can run BF3 on high settings no problem.


System messages are one of the biggest culprits, its tells everyone where everyone is, pointless, it updates you when you have gained valor, that is something useful for a system message log, not something useful for your screen, oh and it tells you when you've killed that person too recently or whether they give you valor or not.


I may be a bit old school but the beauty of world pvp was the randomness of it, and a pvp planet, one would expect there to be enemy players without having to be told. Not to mention that feature in at least a small way cuts down on communication which is an important tool to develop between factional aligned players.


Size is irrelevant, current efficiencies and technologies make it completely viable for a map that size to support the population it currently can support. There is just way too much clutter. This clutter makes that grind unplayable for half the professions in the game.

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I'm not flaming or trolling but why do you believe it will balance out? I tend to think it will get worse. The Network Effect will come into play in the next few months. No one republic side will be able to get PvE groups, the market will be small and suck, and The imperials have equal Q times for PvP because of Huttball and whatever the new WZ is going to be. The Empire will have huge benefits in terms of availability compared to the Republic.


The question is why play republic when Everyone is already Empire?


Because we enjoy hardmode.


If I wanted easy I'd have rolled my imp toon. I stayed republic because its more fun to win. When you lose I get the excuse. Ah... we are gimped. lets do x.


By the way you know who wins the war right?


Here's a clue. Not the Sith Empire.


Do you need spolier tags?

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