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Why can classes still need roll on non class gear?

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Ah, well there are a few key words like probably .


The OP should also have read in the next paragraph where it says


Your dodging your own bullet, are you not?


The OP's point, as I understand it, was that someone rolled Need when it wasn't for their class. The post he referred too, as I linked, was a direct solution to his issue.


You were the one imposing a view here, when he was making a perfectly valid point from Biowares stance on it.

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Nope, he was taking the stance that this is what Bioware will do. The post is that they will probably do. Until it happens it is up in the air as to if it is something they will enact or not. Until they do they offer the same solution I've said in the posts here. Know the expectations of the group you run with.
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Nope, he was taking the stance that this is what Bioware will do. The post is that they will probably do. Until it happens it is up in the air as to if it is something they will enact or not. Until they do they offer the same solution I've said in the posts here. Know the expectations of the group you run with.


Either way, i'm not interested in this argument :) I did my part by linking what the OP obviously couldn't find again, despite being asked to reference it.


As an offnote, gearing companions is a USE, because it is USED. Selling to a vendor is a benefit, not a use.


EDIT: Clarification to sound less of a jerk.

Edited by Dertzer
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no, your posts are being read, they are merely incorrect. you dont have to be of that class to turn in the token, and he can equip the item to a companion without issue. perhaps he wanted the enhancement. honestly no matter the "reason" why, he is still just as entitled to it as you are. you both put forth the same amount of effort, and you both had the same chance on the roll.


That is called Greed and not need. If you have a sniper companion, but have a sniper in the group and the boss drops a sniper rifle... then the sniper Needs that item. You companion is secondary.


It is even MORE greed if you just plan selling it to a vendor. How do people not understand this concept?

Edited by Scuzza
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Turning in a token and scrapping for mods doesn't make much sense either, because the mods are for the class. It can kind of work with the enhancement slot, but the one designated for your actual class is better.


edit: the tokens also can't be vendored.


It isnt. Secondary stats (crit/surge/alacrity...) are mostly on enhancements. I had to shop around for different classes pvp ger to get stat combination i want for my class.


And it was columi or it wasnt unassembled.

Edited by GrandMike
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@ OP


Do not post useless base less arguments to why someone clicked and made and "accident". merley because you are to short sighted to relaized any one can use almost any gear out there for companions ect. and its not the game makers right to decided who gets what if you put in our time as a player you get to decided otherwise we would all be standing in government soup lines.


have fun i hope other people ninja loot from you, so you can learn the next time around, some of us take longer to learn than others :p

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@ OP


Do not post useless base less arguments to why someone clicked and made and "accident". merley because you are to short sighted to relaized any one can use almost any gear out there for companions ect. and its not the game makers right to decided who gets what if you put in our time as a player you get to decided otherwise we would all be standing in government soup lines.


have fun i hope other people ninja loot from you, so you can learn the next time around, some of us take longer to learn than others :p


If Bioware will not take any measures to correct this issue and other similar ones, the SWTOR community will remain with deranged players like you who think it's fun to ninja from other players "to teach them a lesson"...

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I just spent almost three hours (the dps and heals weren't spectacular) in a flash point, only to reach the end and have a Sage "accidentally" need roll on Smuggler/Agent Unassembled Tionese gear and win.

I understand there needing to be a roll function in the event that an item for a class not in the group drops, but why can classes still select "need" on items not for their class, especially items they can't even use??

Because of rolling being a free for all and the lack of an in party trading system of bop items to remedy items accidentally winding up in the wrong hands, stuff like this is really annoying.

I'm really hoping this will change soon.


This is indeed a big issue and I hope this changes soon, too. A timed trading system for bop items is a minimum requirement and need should only be available for the class that can use it, as long as that class is in the group.

Edited by AlyII
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  • 1 month later...
I just wish you would get prompted if you "need' on something that isn't for your class. I've commited oopsies before and had them done to me. If we could just correct the true accidents I would be happy. People will still be able to ninja this way and I'll just keep a list of who they are!
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Was there no point in the almost three hours of doing the flashpoint that you discussed the gear or loot?


Its just a fp chill out, we can 2 man HM black talon naked... Most people on my server have no need from them anyway. Only for farming social to 10 atm and thats normal mode. Not saying we are anything special because I'm 100% sure that there are more geared- more devoted guilds out there on other servers. No need for fps when you have nightmare modes on farm. Ninjas are out there but I never run into them because I know that ninja-ing can happen. I make sure that if on the EXTREMELY rare chance that I'm pugging a hm fp, I discuss loot with those people before even starting. But even if it does, I dont rage, on a public forum, and dispute what everyone else says just because its not my OPINION.

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Turning in a token and scrapping for mods doesn't make much sense either, because the mods are for the class. It can kind of work with the enhancement slot, but the one designated for your actual class is better.


No, most of the time the one designated for your actual class is really not better.


I do not believe there is a single class/spec who's BiS uses gear as it comes from the vendor.


There was a recent dev post or blog or something about how the current endgame gear is itemized like crap, and how in 1.2 they are redoing the stats as they all suck.


Virtually all DPS specs need to switch out most of their enhancements as they end up with way to much accuracy (the same is true for assassin & powertech tanks as well). Jug tank gear comes from the vendor with surge rating on it (yay defense & surge enhancements!). And I think all three healers end up with way to much alacrity, and should switch out some for crit/surge/power.


As other people in this thread have said, if you don't agree to loot rules before you start...then you really don't have a leg to stand on.

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