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Patch 1.2 will save the pvp or not ???


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When I hear people cry for more OWPvP what they seem to mean is


'I want to jump folks from cover/stealth/surprise and kill them easily'


In a word, Ambush Gameplay, which is fine, I just wish they'd come out and state it, if they wanted 1v1's or 2v2's or ranked arena matches they'd ask for that. Instead they want a place where they can be malicious and get rewarded for it. At least that's what I see, after 10 years of mmo gaming.




I like the chess match and teamwork of a War Zone. The numbers are (mostly) balanced, the objectives clearly stated, and it quickly becomes apparent who's contributing to the group goal and who isn't.

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I think it is very likely too late.


PvP is made by the community. There have to be other Ps to have PvP.


With the mass exodus from this game that has already happened, it might not matter at this point. If there is no player base, it doesn't matter how awesome 1.2 may or may not be.




the non-casual pvp comm has either already left or is ready to jump ship as soon as one of the promising games on the horizon is released (hell, even D3 will put a noticeable dent into this game I am sure)

Edited by mufutiz
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the non-casual pvp comm has either already left or is ready to jump ship as soon as one of the promising games on the horizon is released (hell, even D3 will put a noticeable dent into this game I am sure)


the casuals are ready too. this just isn't real pvp.

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Originally Posted by Tivel

This and...




This probably Friday night after our guild meeting. Also, no, I don't think it will save PvP.




How dare they remove his post.

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Healing for sure is OP in pvp. Can just count the number of healers each side has and the outcome is determined. especially if they queue together and know how to play. But that seems to be the case in just about any mmo that I know of. The amount of healing it takes for Boss encounters just doesnt translate into pvp because no player is as powerful as a champion boss in a HM or Ops. It makes it frustrating that's for sure. Even with 2 seconds off of the CD on an interupt, a healer with any alacrity at all can still chain cast heals and have most of them hit. Add to that they can stun and dislodge you and create LOS issues makes them near invincible. I would suggest a reduction in healing power for pvp only, but I know that would go over like a lead balloon. I am on 2 servers, and on 1 server I can hardly get 3 wins in 20 matches, and on another server I can get my 3 in 3 or 4 matches, so I know from both sides that great inequalities exist. Queueing as a class isn't helpful because of the talent trees. Someone might queue as a dps or tank but have healing abilities, and someone queueing as a healer has dps abilities. So trying to match classes and abilities wouldnt work.
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Oh crap... that mean you guys mostly think the patch 1.2 Wont change anything and the game is pretty much doomed ?


well maybe im not the most casual pvper .. but im more casual than not .. and yea, this isnt pvp by anyones stretch of the imagination. I mean it's a fun little hobby .. but it pales in comparison to any other game at release or not .. even vanilla wow pvp was more engaging than this garbage.

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It's funny how people are such an advocate against this game, and are so supportive of Guild Wars 2 like some petty highschool rivalry on these forums.



No, what's funny is I remember how the forums on WoW/Rift/etc. were full of "just killing time till SWTOR comes out, can't wait to ditch this POS game for a REAL MMO, WoW/Rift is dying, deader than dead, SWTOR is the future!"


Now it's "can't wait till GW2/Tera.TORTANIC-TORTANIC-TORTANIC!"

Edited by Abanoth
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What you guys think ?


They can't even fix the Empire advantage in Civil War after saying it was fixed...or a lot of other things they say are fixed but are still broken...


I doubt they will pull it off...


It's sad I used to be such a Bioware fan but they have made me really bitter.

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I think 1.2 will improve PvP, but it will not save it. It really doesn't address the root issues in PvP. The sad fact is with some INTELLIGENT work swtor had the potential to have some really nice PvP, albeit more instanced than open world but still.


Until Bioware realizes that:

CC was done SO wrong in this game (too much of it overall, some classes have CC that is a joke, a short duration-long cooldown CC breaker, and more) *Yes I hate the CC in SWTOR!*

Faction imbalance really hinders meaningful "World PvP" (READ: Ilum)

Medal system promotes solo-play and kill farming instead of objectives

Queue System is just retarded



We've all taken part of those EPIC and FUN PvP situations in other MMOs; the amazingly close 1v1s, the small groups attacking and trying to out maneuver each other, the large group vs group. You might find that in SWTOR, but its more rare than anything. The large group(s) PvP is semi-common on Ilum but the game cant handle it so that takes away those split second decisions that make you feel like you won the battle for your side.


The shorter version of my opinion is this: Bioware spent so much time picking apart other MMOs for great ideas/inspiration that they didn't see the mistakes they should avoid at all costs. Just because something was a good idea in some other MMO doesn't mean it will work combined with stuff from another MMO. I mean I love bacon, donuts, pizza, pasta and bologna but that doesnt mean putting all of it into a blender is going to be a good thing!

So no, 1.2 will not save PvP. I personally love to PvP (win or lose doesnt matter as long as its close and exciting!) but PvP in SWTOR is just 'meh'.

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They can't even fix the Empire advantage in Civil War after saying it was fixed...or a lot of other things they say are fixed but are still broken...


I doubt they will pull it off...


It's sad I used to be such a Bioware fan but they have made me really bitter.


Yep, look like they lost any kind of "control" and the game is going down :(


All my guildmates went back to EvE online (we play since 2004) it never get old...

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I think 1.2 will improve PvP, but it will not save it. It really doesn't address the root issues in PvP. The sad fact is with some INTELLIGENT work swtor had the potential to have some really nice PvP, albeit more instanced than open world but still.


Until Bioware realizes that:

CC was done SO wrong in this game (too much of it overall, some classes have CC that is a joke, a short duration-long cooldown CC breaker, and more) *Yes I hate the CC in SWTOR!*

Faction imbalance really hinders meaningful "World PvP" (READ: Ilum)

Medal system promotes solo-play and kill farming instead of objectives

Queue System is just retarded



We've all taken part of those EPIC and FUN PvP situations in other MMOs; the amazingly close 1v1s, the small groups attacking and trying to out maneuver each other, the large group vs group. You might find that in SWTOR, but its more rare than anything. The large group(s) PvP is semi-common on Ilum but the game cant handle it so that takes away those split second decisions that make you feel like you won the battle for your side.


The shorter version of my opinion is this: Bioware spent so much time picking apart other MMOs for great ideas/inspiration that they didn't see the mistakes they should avoid at all costs. Just because something was a good idea in some other MMO doesn't mean it will work combined with stuff from another MMO. I mean I love bacon, donuts, pizza, pasta and bologna but that doesnt mean putting all of it into a blender is going to be a good thing!

So no, 1.2 will not save PvP. I personally love to PvP (win or lose doesnt matter as long as its close and exciting!) but PvP in SWTOR is just 'meh'.


like 100% true

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1. no bounty hunting system. It never gonna happened here.

2. Only 3 WZs .

3. Limited Communciation. I want send tell to Imp when Im on reb side.

4. Ilum Lag.

5. Sicked of Vehicle. I want leave it out while I run in kil imp asap then jump on vehicle, speed off for lol.

6. Limited Weapon used. I want switchin to melee and ranged around. flexiable.

7. Biometic Crystal Alloy drop in pve only. I cant stand pve at all..

8. Here is all about GEAR. I prefer use skills, it more fun.

9. No Guilds War.

10. Unbalanced profs.

Im not stayin here till they fixed it..You can stay. up to u. Im checkin out GW2 and Dominus. IDK which one as long as there good pvp and bounty huntin system.


1. I agree with this, if Dominus (Another MMO) can make a good Bounty Hunting system (self funded company) why can't a multi million company do so?

2. New one next patch, looking forward to it.

3. No, not needed. Who cares anyway? I don't want tons of whispers off players I just beat in a Warzone calling me a 'scrub' or a 'noob'.

4. Annoying, yep.

5. What?

6. Again, what? Lets give bounty hunters lightsabers!

7. What?

8. Uh...

10. Being fixed next patch, everyone will be able to buy the Biochem stims.


Most of your points are invalid, but I agree with the majority of this thread that there is a severe problem with PvP atm, mostly revolved around the insane amount of CC/Knockbacks and the resolve system.

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PvP seems really backwards to me in SWTOR--as well as other MMOs. My first PvP experience was Dark Age of Camelot. Battlegrounds were not that significant as you leveled up, because the real PvP was out in the Frontiers capturing the other factions castles and forts and earning PvP XP while you did it.


I thought Illum was going to be something like that, but everybody just does their daily and weekly missions and then queues up for Warzones. I guess I just don't like developers putting so much emphasis on Battleground or Warzones, where you queue up for a ten minute battle and then sit around wait for the next queue to start up.

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What if they completely remove open pvp (Ilum) and focus on Wz by adding some more and fixing all they can ?


I'd like to see Bio scrap Ilum's joke of a battleground and replace it with something similar to Wintergrasp in WoW. That was the funnest and most challenging group PvP I've ever played.

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