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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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10 would proabably be good for now, seeing as legacy is release.

As I read some of the reponses in here unlockable character slots or rewardable slots via legacy levels sounds like a really good idea so that BW isn't just giving space to people who wont use it.

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10 would proabably be good for now, seeing as legacy is release.

As I read some of the reponses in here unlockable character slots or rewardable slots via legacy levels sounds like a really good idea so that BW isn't just giving space to people who wont use it.


agreed :/

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In my own case I have five L50s, another at L45 that I will probably have to 50 within the next few days, and then I will split my time between my other two -- a L29 and an L19. Then what?


If I want to make any more characters I'll either have to delete existing ones (and I really don't want to do that considering how much effort I'll have invested in playing them) or start playing on a different server where I will immediately lose contact with my kinnies (and be less available to go play content with them or help them) and will lose my "perks" from the legacy system.


I can see that BW wouldn't want to expand the number of character slots if it results in a flood of chars that are rarely/never played (some of which might just be "storage mules" leveled to ~15 to get the cargo space) but they will need to address situations similar to mine in the not-too-distant future when many players will be nearing level cap with all 8 of their slots.


Perhaps the easiest way to add slots "fairly" would be to tie slots to legacy...something like 8 slots to start off with; then have a new slot open at Legacy L20 and one more slot every 5 levels thereafter (perhaps up to a max of 16 slots at Legacy L55). That would ensure that people are actually playing all of those alts and really need the slots.

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Not against the idea, shouldnt be any great technical limitation to have more per server. I would like to see it to keep players happy.


Off course there are a lot of servers you could start other chars on, but appreciate that may not suit (perhaps a workaround for now though?).


I actually didnt know of the limit till this thread! I play Republic on one server and Imps on another so havent reached the limit yet.


Perhaps the upcoming dual spec I keep hearing about may help too.


The problem there is some of us like the people we play with and play both sides of the coin on one server. My imperial guild has a sister republic guild on same server. I would LOVE to be able to play one of each advance class but as it is I play one of each class and reverse the the opposite advance class of the compatible classes from each side. IE: Sith Warrior Juggernaut vs Jedi Knight Sentinel. There are many of us who like playing alts and don't mind too much playing the side quests over again. Would be nice if story quest differ by advance class though. Like the Sith Assassin class story different from what the sith sorceress does even if it is only slightly.

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in game credits, paypal, legacy requirements I don't really care which i just want my 16 slots :/ my main problem is the fact that i already have a lvl 50 scoundral and a lvl 50 gunslinger so i mean i wouldn't be able to get all of the legacy benefits if i were to do the 4 republic and 4 empirials now unless i reroll one of them.... and i don't really feel like rerolling a lvl 50. sorta a reason that i cancelled my account (in addition with school has me too busy) i was sad to think that i would have to reroll one of them to get all the legacy benefits


no you don't have to reroll them. The legacy goes cross fraction. you level your legacy on both sides it is one legacy not two. In fact in adding your republic and imperial toons to the legacy you can mail your toon cross fraction. Your level 10 Juggernaut could have you smugglars buff skill.

Edited by LadyStarlea
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I like the idea of opening up slots with legacy, however I would be willing to pay for them. And, no, it's not for mules. Since I can mail cross faction and don't have to mess with the GTN on Nar Shadaa (slowest load screen EVER,) I'm pretty content with my space management.


At launch, there was no discernible benefit from trying different classes, just an emote, so I just made a boatload of humans and one Chiss. Now it's a carrot to level different races to 50 so you can use them in different classes....and I have one Chiss. Will there perhaps be racial benefits in the future? If so, I'm $h1t outta luck, coz thinking in terms of Legacy being pretty much a name, I thought it made more sense if my toons were mostly the same race.


Seven of my characters are at least 20, all have crafting/gathering/missions skills to 400, have bound gear, and I've spent entirely too many hours leveling them to delete them at this point. So...yeah, I want more toon slots not only to try out the other half of the classes, but to level some different races.


Perhaps 8 slots was enough to begin with, but now with the Legacy system in place, and much more to come, 8 is definitely *not* enough!

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More opening up with legacy makes sense and getting to 16 would make sense.


That allows people to literally have every AC on both sides which the legacy system encourages with the new class traits and can expand on later.


Not to mention more characters means even bigger family tree dynamics and replayability on a single server than having multiple servers worth of characters just to try new things.

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8 slots would probably be fine for now if I played one character all the way to level 50 and then created my first alt and played it all the way to level 50, and so forth. But that's not how I play.


I've now got all 8 slots filled (deleted 4 good Republic characters to make 4 Imperial characters) and now all of my characters are between level 13 and 35. So for me and the way I play, the Legacy system is really just a big inconvenience at this point. Heck, to me, even sprint only came one level early for two characters.


With my personal limitations and life outside this game, 8 characters is probably all I can realistically juggle for now, but I'd really like to have the room to at least create one of each advanced class.


I really liked having some really low level characters that I could plan on developing at a later date, and I also kind of enjoyed saving up good drops for them.


Bioware, please give me more character slots. Even if I have to pay actual real-world cash money, I'll do it.

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I agree as well. With the new Legacy options and the desire to stay on the same server with all of my friends, it would be great to see 16 character slots. I want to play each storyline twice choosing the opposing alignment options each time, plus, in doing so I can play each advanced class, so this would be great.


EDIT: I definitely agree with having a reward system in Legacy that allows you to open more character slots as you go. With hopefully 16 being the max. As long as it doesn't cost 1 million credits...



Edited by Salemswrath
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I am definitely for this. I want to be able to play two of a couple of classes while having all, I'm thinking 10-12 would be perfect.


I did try rolling on another server, while I was having fun before 1.2, I don't anymore because I miss my legacy options. I think I would be ok with the 8 slots if I could carry my Legacy onto another server. Optimally, I would prefer more character slots as most of my friends play on my main server.

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i know in many other games increased character slots were not always possible just due to memory/server architecture. im not against it, and if enough people cry for it its even likely to happen, but i wouldnt be looking for it soon. this is the kind of change that you may see in the first expansion 1-2 years down the line.


If they say it's not possible then... I don't know... I have 28 characters in City of Heroes on the Virtue server. Yes, 28 characters. On one server.

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the minimum amount to add is 4

that way one can have a full set of all advanced classes of his favorite faction and a full story-line of other


best imho- add at least 4 from legacy and people will be thrilled with legacy system- an extra slot for unlocking a legacy and say each 15 level of legacy lets unlock one more character slot...

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If they say it's not possible then... I don't know... I have 28 characters in City of Heroes on the Virtue server. Yes, 28 characters. On one server.


I really liked how City of Heroes handled this, too. Could be unlocked as vet rewards as well as purchased. I know a lot of people don't like the idea of purchasing things in game, but I would be willing to buy extra server space if it can't be a freebie/legacy unlock.

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I really liked how City of Heroes handled this, too. Could be unlocked as vet rewards as well as purchased. I know a lot of people don't like the idea of purchasing things in game, but I would be willing to buy extra server space if it can't be a freebie/legacy unlock.


I would MUCH rather have to purchase additional slots than have to grind for them. I do not want to have to grind characters to 50 or grind legacy levels just so that I can gain the slots I need to make the rest of the characters that I've already come up with back before the game even released.


If they do add it in so that you have to grind for it, I agree in that the option to pay real money instead should be available.

Edited by Nichos_Ketra
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Adding my wish for additional character slots. As an altoholic I filled my 8 slots quite early - so a lot of the Legacy unlocks become kinda useless as well as the inheritance gear.


Personally I don't care HOW it is done; one-time cash, split faction server (letting me have 8 Rep and 8 Imps) Legacy unlock or something new and creative (which ofc would be even better - and if anyone can do something like that it would be BioWare; right?) - but waiting 1-2 years for it - SERIOUSLY?

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at least give us the chance to unlock more slots with legacy. I already have my 8 slots full / planned... and I even rolled two chars on another server just to see the story :(


I don't even want to think about what happens when the game adds more classes and races. I'll be ragequitting, I tell you! ;)

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Yes, please. I can't imagine that something like this would be complicated to do. Even with 7 characters on my main server's legacy the family tree looks pathetic. I would also like to be able to roll one of every advanced class in the game as currently I've split them up as four for the Empire and four for the Republic. My 8th slot is reserved for my Sentinel on another server once character transfers become available.
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