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Bioware Wen are we gonna get more char slots?


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Like many people I wanted 1 of each AC and all 8 main classes (Republic/Empire) so I could play all of the stories. I have got this but discovered that I prefer certain combinations and would like to play them on the side I play on a regular basis - Empire. I absolutely do not want to delete any characters I have spent many, many hours on and obviously want all of my legacy bonuses I have worked to obtain (bonus 290 presence and rising iirc). Can I have some clarification on when/if we will get more character slots as I am having a hard time deciding what to/not to do character wise right now? All we have heard so far is 'we are looking into this' which is stopping me from deleting a low level character and rolling another for example.


To be honest people have been asking about this now a while now so any clarification would be most appreciated.

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Yea, more slots needed. I can't fully enjoy Legacy unlocks without 12+ slots - it's impossible to unlock all races and then use those unlocks for the next character. I want to play all classes and all races, and after that create and play my Sith Smuggler and have fun again!
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im yet another that agrees with the idea of more slot maybe 16, ive got limited servers in my timezone to choose from and as im new to mmos would prefer to stay on a pve server but thats not possible if i want to stay on an Aussie server because we only have 1 pve server, and also why would i want to have to find another guild on a diffrent server when i start to get into the higher lvls. more slot please without it limits the games life span in my opinion.
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I really, really, really, really want more character slots. As a matter of fact, it's driving me crazy, when I hit the Create Character button, and nothing happens! Eight slots is NOT enough, with this new Legacy system in place. They only gave us enough slots, one for each class, but what if we want an assassin and a sorcerer, or a guardian and a sentinel, or an operative and a sniper and so on? Did they really think this through? Not to mention, they gave us a level cap of 50... I mean... come on... So, yes... I definitely vote for more character slots. 16 would be nice, more would be better. Here's hoping they listen and implement it FAST!



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This should be a top priority. I'm gonna have to start deleting 50s soon. I do ops and flashpoints on both sides, and enjoy leveling as well. If I want to make a trooper, I'm gonna have to kill either my 50 sage or sniper. We should have had 16 char slots since we have 16 classes.


Ideally it would be unlocked with legacy LEVEL, not credits. They already lied about the legacy system flat out and it pissed me off, if they expect money, real or credits for slots, they can forget it.


What kind of an incompetent developer thinks "hey, yeah, let's make leveling multiple chars awesome and reward players for doing so" then at the same time "hey, yeah, let's penalize people who make alts by making them delete max level characters!" and additionally "yeah, hey, let's make new species available so they can again delete their max level characters!"


That's stupid BioWare. Double the slots, now.

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This should be a top priority. I'm gonna have to start deleting 50s soon. I do ops and flashpoints on both sides, and enjoy leveling as well. If I want to make a trooper, I'm gonna have to kill either my 50 sage or sniper. We should have had 16 char slots since we have 16 classes.


Ideally it would be unlocked with legacy LEVEL, not credits. They already lied about the legacy system flat out and it pissed me off, if they expect money, real or credits for slots, they can forget it.


What kind of an incompetent developer thinks "hey, yeah, let's make leveling multiple chars awesome and reward players for doing so" then at the same time "hey, yeah, let's penalize people who make alts by making them delete max level characters!" and additionally "yeah, hey, let's make new species available so they can again delete their max level characters!"


That's stupid BioWare. Double the slots, now.


I agree with the content of your post (although not the slightly rude way you present it, insulting someone you want to do something doesn't often work ;-) .....).


I actually think this is THE most important thing Bioware implement for 1.3. The game is at its best when you are leveling. I nearly have 4 50's and have a couple more that are a good way through the leveling process, I do not want to start again on another server without the legacy bonuses but I definitely want at least a couple more characters. When I have 8 50's I worry that I will tire of the game quickly and I don't want to. This is Biowares core, loyal population here that they want to keep playing and paying so this feature NEEDS implementing fast.

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I agree with the content of your post (although not the slightly rude way you present it, insulting someone you want to do something doesn't often work ;-) .....).


It's not rude to call a stupid design decision stupid. I didn't insult their mothers or anything. Lack of forethought and not taking into account key elements and how a) affects b) is, by definition, a stupid design.


I blame my upbringing where words only have as much weight as their context.

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It's not rude to call a stupid design decision stupid. I didn't insult their mothers or anything. Lack of forethought and not taking into account key elements and how a) affects b) is, by definition, a stupid design.


I blame my upbringing where words only have as much weight as their context.


Like I said, I agree with you - I just would not have put it so 'bluntly' then ;)

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I really wish they'd give some info on this. I went out and bought a 2nd account just to make 8 more for the story. It seems like a waste of time to make them if extra slots come out. Since Legacy isnt on that account.


I really just wish they'd give some kind of info on how this will work and when we can expect it.

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I really wish they'd give some info on this. I went out and bought a 2nd account just to make 8 more for the story. It seems like a waste of time to make them if extra slots come out. Since Legacy isnt on that account.


I really just wish they'd give some kind of info on how this will work and when we can expect it.


I feel exactly the same way there.


A rough timetable, even if it's with a wide margin of error, would make me feel a lot happier.

Edited by llesna
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I for some stupid reason deleted my lvl 28 vangaurd in favor of making a commando but then of i deleted him to make a gunslinger because my guild needs more ranged dps and they are better dps, now i cant make a trooper cause i got full 8. Really there is no reason to not have even 10 slots tho id prefer 16 or more with the legacy down the road we'll have all 50s and new stuff for lowbies wont do anything for us and what about guild needs some of us got the time to lvl alt of an adv class we have tried on the other side so our guild can take advantage of our multiple rolls and abilities so they can pick and choose what adv class they want in an op or coming up later in a cross server 8 man pvp op.


Sorry if this was long winded or been already said

Edited by Twiglingen
fixing grammer
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