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No, SWTOR shouldn't have all the content WoW does.


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So the complainers have a regular complaint. That SWTOR isn't 'progressed' enough. That WoW is so great, and that SWTOR should have all of the content that WoW does. And, in my opinion, it shouldn't.


Now, the other counter argument is that 'WoW had seven years to mature, give SWTOR time'. And that isn't necessarily correct either. There are some fundamental things that SWTOR could have done better. But I digress, on to the heart of the matter.


These games are MMORPGs. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. Look at the ESRB rating. You'll see a little thing that says 'online gameplay is subject to change'. This is because MMOs are expected to push out new content all the time, new raids, new features, new pets, new crafting skills and items... the list goes on and on.


Now, if SWTOR had all the content WoW does, where would it be? I know that I stopped playing WoW for the time being because, as such, there's nothing for a casual player such as me to do but log on, clear the LFR raid every week, and log off. Because WoW has hit a dry patch in terms of content release that can go on as long for 6 months, and will go on until they release the next expansion. If SWTOR had all the content WoW had, it'd be in the same place. And I really, really, don't want that.


SWTOR will keep adding new content. They'll get in all the stuff WoW has in place (server transfers, cross server PvP and LFD tools) and they'll get it in relatively quickly as well. So would you all just take what you got for the moment and be happy with it? If not, you can just re-sub six months later when they have all that stuff you guys want.


Oh yeah, TL;DR: there is no TL;DR, read the damn thread.


That's all. *flameshields up*

Edited by jedistreen
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Most people don't expect the game to have as much content as WoW.


Most people DO expect the game to come with standard MMO tools that Bioware left out.



While that "standard" differs from person to person, the overall point is the game is missing a metric ton of features that make life at endgame more enjoyable.

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This game has so much more potential then WoW because of the technology. Guild space stations, space combat warzones, space combat flashpoints, planets and their history and a WHOLE lot more to add to that if you just put your mind to it considering new expansions with new race a lot of variety. Really you could turn this into another SWG when you could add learning new languages and then unlock new planets on this game I mean seriously this game is gonna go FAR.
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There is a big difference between content and features. Nobody with two brain cells expects a new MMO to have as much content as one that has been live for 7 years. However, a game that was in development for so long with such a considerable budget to launch without something as simple as /roll? Yeah, fail.
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