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Maintenance times unfair to West coasters.


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I know it doesn't hurt anybody here, but ask european gamers how they feel about the maint. times ;)


Imho it's quite difficult to find a perfect timeframe. Perhaps all servers should vanish into a big black hole, supposing that time stops there - as soon as servers would be ready they could be sent back to the normal space-time continuum and, tadaaa, everybody would be happy.


Well, the problem is: as time would stop, servers wouldn't never be ready. Eh.. and then there is the problem: how to send them there and: Would they "survive" the travel and even the impact? I suppose: no, but hey.. in the end this is a SciFi-game :)




Edited by Amarynthum
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Yes I do have a concern, it's the servers going down at 12am for west coasters and I would like Bioware knows us here on the left of the country thinks it sucks.



Actually, we don't.


Most of us are in bed or headed that way at midnight.


On the way home from work, pick up a book or something.


Face it, this is a global game. No matter when they do maintenance, someone is going to cry about it and whine that it's unfair. It's impossible to make it 'fair' for everyone.

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12am is really screwed for west coasters, just saying every other game maintenance didn't start till 2am.


Of course I'm still bitter from when you announced maintenance, canceled it then had it the next day.


That was two days straight I didn't get to play....




Already considering canceling, I can deal with 2am maintenance but I don't even get home and chance to sit down till 10-11ish.


This is nothing compared to those in Europe and Australia. If BioWare catered to the West Coast times, then the Europeans and Australians would have an even rougher time.

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I'd be a little more tolerant if I were playing a game based clear around the world, I'd expect it if I were playing Chinese MMO's.



I only get a few hours to play in the evening, all other MMO's wait till 2am before kicking on the maintenance.


I haven't had a chance to play in 3 days, first chance I get and the servers going at 12am?


If that's not going to change I have no reason to continue subbing.


Stop talking out of your rear end, you don't care where the game is based, you only care that your precious non-peak gaming time is being eaten into. Someone has it far worse than you and all you can say is basically deal with it?


Hows about this; the time isn't changing, if you wish to whine any more about it then you can go sit you in the corner for the next half hour where you can think about your actions.

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What do you think happens when you play a Japanese MMO? East coasters get shafted. What your experiencing is exactly what I experienced when I played FFXI for 2 years. I loved the game, hated not playing for days, but that how it goes.


I'm sorry that your frustrated and hope you don't unsubscribe because of your disappointment.


Lol don't get me started when the Maintenance ends, and all HNMs pop on Japanese time(endgame stuff for those who didn't play ffxi)

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Yes I do have a concern, it's the servers going down at 12am for west coasters and I would like Bioware knows us here on the left of the country thinks it sucks.


But since we are making juvenile poorly thought out declarations as fact here's mine, You don't matter to anyone, sorry.


You have no right to complain, sorry. The servers go down at midnight for you? Well cry me a river. They go down and are unavailable for the most of the day for europeans.

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Seriously to the "get a life" trolls I worked a 16 hour shift today,


So what? So did I. Do you think you're special or something?


2am minimum has been the industry standard for every MMO todate and some of us have limited time to play.


Only if you're an MMO virgin who's never played anything but WoW. Not every MMO comes down at 2am.


If you don't have a problem with it fine, some of us actually do have lives as opposed to pretending to have one on a message board to belittle the simple request that they don't start maintenance in the middle of many players evening.


Really? You have a life at midnight Pacific? What is there possibly to do, even in Seattle, at midnight? You just stated that that the downtime is interfering with your play time, so you can't have much of a life if you're whining about downtime affecting it.


I live in Washington state it's 21 degrees tonight and it's raining you go outside in this crap.


This is probably the only thing you've said so far that makes sense, and that's only if you live up in the mountains. Everywhere else is currently showing in the 40's.

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So what? So did I. Do you think you're special or something?




Only if you're an MMO virgin who's never played anything but WoW. Not every MMO comes down at 2am.




Really? You have a life at midnight Pacific? What is there possibly to do, even in Seattle, at midnight? You just stated that that the downtime is interfering with your play time, so you can't have much of a life if you're whining about downtime affecting it.




This is probably the only thing you've said so far that makes sense, and that's only if you live up in the mountains. Everywhere else is currently showing in the 40's.


You sure went through a lot of trouble to troll this guy....well done. Even going to check on his weather LOL.

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Considering that downtime is not consistently on a nightly basis (and will become rarer the longer the game runs for) I don't see a real issue. There will always be someone impacted by downtime. If you are unfortunate enough to play in off-peak hours then sorry you'll just have to deal with it.


If this means that you feel you have to unsub because of 1 or 2 days play missed in a week then fine, go right ahead.

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Suck it up, it's one day a week on a normal week. Go outside, smell the night air, look for meteor showers :p .


Basically, yes. Or in the case of the folks from the EU, run errands, do that housework that you've put off, grouse that you're tired of freezing to death and moan about spring not being here and clearing snow from the non-essential areas that you put off. Always something that needs doing and then you can game guilt-free when servers are up!


Plenty of things to do and I learned years ago that grumbling about downtime didn't accomplish a thing.


That said, it would be nice if there could be US downtime, EU downtime and Asia downtime but I can see flaws in that as well.


So, back to just sucking it up. :)

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You sure went through a lot of trouble to troll this guy....well done. Even going to check on his weather LOL.


The weather was easy. I live near Seattle. Since I had the news on while I was writing the post, it wasn't hard to see the weather for the region.


Wasn't a troll at all, to be honest. I live in the same area he's QQing about. Just pointing out that unless he's one of Jerry's Kids, he's not special at all. :D

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Don't you have euro servers on their own schedule?...


Newp. We're down "all day" on maint. days. And for some that takes a day per week out of their gaming time. Which, for some, is a full on tragedy. ;)


Be nice if there were regional maint. times but I can see flaws in that too. No matter when, some folks are going to be irked. Now what'd be REALLY nice would be no maint. but, well....

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Listen, it's going to be inconvenient for someone. Welcome to "the world does not revolve around you". The sooner you accept this, the happier you will be. Also, I am currently in the same boat. Seems like every time I have a chance to play due to work schedule, the servers are going down. But unfortunately, the world does not revolve around me. And I do not rely solely on SW as a hobby or relaxation. That reminds me, seems like it's time for me to continue reading my Stephen King horror novel.
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Really? You have a life at midnight Pacific? What is there possibly to do, even in Seattle, at midnight? You just stated that that the downtime is interfering with your play time, so you can't have much of a life if you're whining about downtime affecting it.


There's a few things you can do at midnight in Seattle. You could see Laser Floyd, watch bums fight at Westlake, get up to cheeky shenanigans . . .

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Unsubbed :) Thank you all reminding me for what a atrocious lot MMO players and why I quit playing them in the first place.


Whiny children who have nothing better to do than rage at people who don't have 18 hours a day to commit to a game.


lol, I'm in the same situation as you, and I think you're being silly. I work second shift. Actually, I'm at work right now. I don't usually get home until 1AM-3AM so the maintenance time sucks. You know what I do when there's maintenance? I read a book, go to bed, and play in the morning.

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We've been asking for a 0200 am maintenance window for a long time now. Nothing.


How hard is it to move it back two hours?


2 hours Bio. Just 2....Theres alot of people on the west coast who play nights, and you cant move the maint 2 lousy hours?



I am so done with this game. Few more weeks before my sub is done,



I cancelled. Between this and the horrid pvp, im out

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Actually I get to play about 45 mins on patch day cause I don't start playing till 11:15pm or so and I live on the west coast. From there I just either play wow or skyrim. I would rather play SWTOR but they have to patch at some point. At least they're patching the game at all. Don't want it to fall to ruin like well... other MMO's since WOW
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I think it is a legitimate complaint, I personally am a bit peeved that they didn't just roll the patch into the weekly maintenance. To suggest that "European/Oceanic" servers have it worse doesn't help, it seems a bit short sighted to place them all in the same patching cycle. No MMO I've ever played did that. I think keeping the issue alive in hopes that they eventually address it down the road isn't unresonable as people who pay for content as well as issue fixing.




Ah, but with separate patching cycles you then get complaints as well. Look at the top EU raiding guilds in Wow, they were always complaining that the US guilds got first crack at new bosses.

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