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Republic composed of Commandos and Sages


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Every wz i join on The red eclipse eu...

every game has atleast 3 sorcs and atleast 2 tracer missile spamming BH's

sometimes you can get "lucky" and get 5 sorcs in 1 game.


The reason why everyone play sage and troopers are because they are the LEAST broken classes to deal with Sorcs.


smugglers and knights have very little chance against lightning spammers

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Every wz i join on The red eclipse eu...

every game has atleast 3 sorcs and atleast 2 tracer missile spamming BH's

sometimes you can get "lucky" and get 5 sorcs in 1 game.


The reason why everyone play sage and troopers are because they are the LEAST broken classes to deal with Sorcs.


smugglers and knights have very little chance against lightning spammers


Only reason most people play them, is cause they can literally spam 2 or 3 abilities from 30m and get away with it.


I'm not saying they ALL do. It's just a simple fact that they "can"

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Heh yah,plus they said they would take action against those who abused Illum that day,,,,silence,so they lied and the reasoning behind the abrupt nerf to scoundrels/Ops just did not pass the smell test to me,sure reduce opener or the stun,but they went alittle too far and that is very worrisome on both subjects that i mentioned.


That's funny. I run beside a Scoundrel pretty much all day on my DPS guardian and the two of us pretty much kill anyone we want. He seriously makes a difference in every fight. The ability to smack someone onto their face is very useful. He does great damage and still throws good heals.

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I think it has to do with the psychological profile of the players who choose each faction. republic attracts more healer types Empire less. George Lucas modeled the Empire in Star Wars after NAZI Germany in the last century. Who knows what factors are influencing character choices in this game.


And Godwin's law has been invoked ....

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Couldn't help but laugh yesterday, when I ran into a pub group on Ilum with the following composition: 5 sage healers, a commando healer and a guardian. Most of the sorcs I tend to see in pvp seem to be pve heros who like turreting lightning and nothing else. Is it just that republic players tend to have a more defensive mindset, related to playing a less aggressive and more peaceful class/faction?


Also, at the guy who claimed that ranged setups are useless in pvp... try planting a bomb on voidstar whilst getting ranged. You can root a melee, and give urself an extra 4 seconds. Root a ranged? waste of a CD.

Edited by Neovag
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That's funny. I run beside a Scoundrel pretty much all day on my DPS guardian and the two of us pretty much kill anyone we want. He seriously makes a difference in every fight. The ability to smack someone onto their face is very useful. He does great damage and still throws good heals.


wow what a tough fight, a DPS guardian and a scoundrel against "anyone"...how on earth are the two of you managing to do that????

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I brought my guardian to 50, mainly because the story was pretty decent, and i like playing tanks in PvP.


Sadly, i don't find the guardian tank very fun in pvp in this game. I really enjoyed the iron breaker in WAR, and was pretty comfortable with the warrior in WoW, which is saying a lot about this game, as warriors were really not "built" for PvP, as much as TOR.


Make my Guardian fun, and I'd love to play him.


Ths is subjective of course, whats fun for me isn't fun for all, i just find tanks in pvp somewhat lacking.

Edited by Tic-
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wow what a tough fight, a DPS guardian and a scoundrel against "anyone"...how on earth are the two of you managing to do that????


My point is that Scoundrels still do just fine in PVP. He is doing good damage and still has solid heals. His opener while not ending the fight right off the bat does a nice chunk of damage.


I should point out that sometimes we beat groups that double our numbers.

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i agree, republic is full of sages and troopers... its ridiculously stupid watching 4 troopers spamming gravity and healing and also have 2 sages behind them healing.....



sigh its unbelievable


What would be better? A bunch of non-healing squishies getting vaporized?

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I brought my guardian to 50, mainly because the story was pretty decent, and i like playing tanks in PvP.


Sadly, i don't find the guardian tank very fun in pvp in this game. I really enjoyed the iron breaker in WAR, and was pretty comfortable with the warrior in WoW, which is saying a lot about this game, as warriors were really not "built" for PvP, as much as TOR.


Make my Guardian fun, and I'd love to play him.


Ths is subjective of course, whats fun for me isn't fun for all, i just find tanks in pvp somewhat lacking.


We would not be "lacking" if people understood our value. There are lots of times I do my job and turn the tide of games but it is not something that people notice on the scoreboards. On my guardian I can usually hold an objective long enough for my friends to get there if it is attacked. Even when I am DPS specced. The tank is best suited to this role but you don't see much glory on the scoreboards so you leave the game feeling you did not add much. Even if your role was pivotal to the victory.


Going to break this out into a new thread.

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Imperials whinging about republics starting to smarten up is hilarious. No more easymode PvP for the imps.

In my experience, the elitist "IwantIWinButtonNOWZ!" pvp crowd usually roll their pvp toons on the side with the "edge" and will have the initial advantage, thus they get their Epeen brushed. The "underdog" PvP'ers usually roll toons on the side that doesn't get any inherrent PvP advantage and thus doesn't WTFPwnz the Iwinbutton crowd initially. In the long run, the underdogs will prevail due to them being more inclined to cooperate (The elitist PvP'ers tend to designate their peers as baddies and not worth helping)


Keep on fighting the good fight for the Republic!


Sages + troopers is an answer to the Imperials constantly using BH + Inquisitors.

Metagames change, FoTM will change, things will keep evolving, whinging on republic players for trying to win is just inane ranting imo-

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Its the same on the Empire side, the picture says it all. I took the picture because of the classes and not because of my 25-0 one of my better fights :)




Hehe :) Must disagree. It's just poor matchmaking. Once we fought against 8 Troopers :p

Anyway - on Imp side I always see me (operative), very often some snipers. 1-2 Maruders and ofcourese most popular - BH and Sorcs.

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