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Fix jug dps bioware


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Jugg DPS is more then enough...if you went immortal then of course you have low DPS, because any higher and the class would be way OP. Then you would have a bunch of people wanting easy mode joining our class. I think currently the players that play Jugg are skilled and want a challenge, not easy mode.
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I think currently the players that play Jugg are skilled and want a challenge, not easy mode.


Not everyone is a lvl50 on Rakata Gear to be a Vengeance DPS... leveling through 35~50 on Vengeance PAINS AS HELL. Even you should think that there is game beyond the gear and that every tree should be well scaled with gear.


Even on Rakata gear, i still looking at my "50 damage per second" bleeds and i bleed myself :/...

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I am not sure...from what I hear you should try rage spec then. I am not 50, I am 38 and I so far love it. I put enough damage out, control people.


Honestly if you don't like a class you should reroll. When devs start nerfing or buffing classes it starts messing up the game. The only thing I agree with is the nerf on Ops CC. 10 secs or something was ludicrous. But the nerf on Acid blade armor penetration was too much. Yet the nerf on it's crit was reasonable.


It's not like nobody knew Juggs put out low burst DPS and good sustained DPS. I don't mean to offend anyone. For me personally I can't continue to play a game with a class I don't enjoy. And if I don't like any of the classes then the game wasn't meant for me.


I personally enjoy every aspect of the Jug, and I usually always play a high DPS class or healer in other games.

Edited by KKillah
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if you went immortal then of course you have low DPS, because any higher and the class would be way OP.


This is a major problem in your argument.


Sin Darkness Spec deals more sustained damage and the most logical way to look at tanking is that DPS = threat. The problem with Immortal is Threat and that a Tech and Sin can tank just as efficiently while dealing higher DPS. It's not about making the Jugg top the chart when it comes to tanking but rather balancing them out with a small boost so the field is leveled.



Granted, the OP is just being silly.

Edited by tXHereticXt
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Even on Rakata gear, i still looking at my "50 damage per second" bleeds and i bleed myself :/...


Vengeance bleeds are pretty damn bad, there's no denying that. Also, why don't we get the 15% heal over time from popping our charge builder, like the trooper/BH dps specs? I love the Vengeance Jugg, but it needs something...defense is lacking, bleed damage is poor, no self healing at all...needs work.

Edited by Vember
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Jugg DPS seems like its comparable to other melee classes, but we really wont know anything for sure until we see combat logs in operations environments.


Personally Im Rage in PvE and we have no problem downing any content in 8 man up to NM. As a caveat we haven't even attempted Soa NM.

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people are complaining on the pvp forum that juggernaut dps is to much...


Everyone complains about Rage crits or Immortals in Huttball, nobody ever complains about Vengeance, although you will see the occasional "Vengeance is crap" post. That's the spec that needs buffing.

Edited by Vember
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I am not sure...from what I hear you should try rage spec then. I am not 50, I am 38 and I so far love it. I put enough damage out, control people.


Honestly if you don't like a class you should reroll. When devs start nerfing or buffing classes it starts messing up the game. The only thing I agree with is the nerf on Ops CC. 10 secs or something was ludicrous. But the nerf on Acid blade armor penetration was too much. Yet the nerf on it's crit was reasonable.


It's not like nobody knew Juggs put out low burst DPS and good sustained DPS. I don't mean to offend anyone. For me personally I can't continue to play a game with a class I don't enjoy. And if I don't like any of the classes then the game wasn't meant for me.


I personally enjoy every aspect of the Jug, and I usually always play a high DPS class or healer in other games.


I highlighted the part that matters, I lvled up a marauder to 50 I quit enjoying him about 25 but wanted to get something to 50, now he is shelved and I am lvling a jugg and loving him completely, if you don't liek the class seriously stop and pick something now before you regret wasting your time on a class you dont enjoy playing.

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Not sure what the raw numbers are, but I take a Jugg dps with one group to raid, and a PT dps to another, and the one time I get no interference, the solo fight, the PT always beats the times my Jug gets, despite being in inferior gear.


And lets not get into the differences when tanking, as that just makes me sad.

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I don't think its a damage issue, i think its a damage mitigation issue, i mean i have tried both rage and Vengeance and they both equally cause me to nearly die facing a strong, the only time i do well is when i crit alot.


If i have to use all my survival cooldowns for everyday mobs, then there is something wrong with the survivability of the Jug and guardian ACs.

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Ive just started raiding ev and kp on my jugg, and i have tbh reading all the posts about how our dps isnt up to standard i was very suprised. I am very very happy with the state of our dps atm. Now thats not too say it couldnt be tweaked. I know its hard to tell how you are paying off but i never hit enrage on any hm fp's and when we last did the two bh's in kp, second boss in, i was dpsing With the tank on the guy who jumps and the roof and i easilly able to keep up with the other target which was being dps'ed by the ranged.


I think our rage building needs looking at. Not massively but a bit. Maybe lowering the cd of sundering assualt? As others have said maybe maybe bleed dmg for scream and impale are a bit lack luster. But we arnt far off, hell atleast we look better than having to glowsticks that look like they are being wielded by a spaz lol (maurader). Not that i dislike mauarders there neat classes too.

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Until a serious dps meter is out we can only "feel" dps. I only do PVE with Vengeance because I like how you play it. I may not be the best equip and skill wise and maybe the people I play with arent eighter but look at this video if me doing infernal council to compare!




This is after the surge nerf ( never mind the teamspeak its in german xD )


Its hard mode and I am wearing 3 parts Rakata rest Columi or Tionese. And concerning levling dps I soloed all of my storyline.


Keep it up guys maybe we get buffed maybe we dont but we got the real style!!!

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I highlighted the part that matters, I lvled up a marauder to 50 I quit enjoying him about 25 but wanted to get something to 50, now he is shelved and I am lvling a jugg and loving him completely, if you don't liek the class seriously stop and pick something now before you regret wasting your time on a class you dont enjoy playing.


Amen brutha. I have had zero issues leveling my vengance jugg from lvl 1 to her current point of 43. initially I had to get used to her skills and the feel of the class. this got ousted in her late teens tho, and since I picked up quinn leveling has been a breeze. I just steamrolled Hoth...jut read a thread on the sorc forum where they were griping about how tough silvers are at that level...i have yet to have any issues with any groups that had up to 2 silvers.


I'd go into details about how to really play your jugg, but I've done that a few times before (once was a pretty big writeup), so I don't want to have to do it again in another "jugg's suck" thread. Because in all honestly, after playing one for 43 levels myself, if you aren't doing good DPS at this point...then you don't know how to play the class. If you aren't having Fun...then this isn't the class for you. and I'm saying that honestly. I've tried the Operative class (smuggler as well) 4 different times...and realized it just wasn't my thing. Jugg may not be your thing.


But don't come here in the forums and act like the class is broke because you can't play it.


Edit: WITH THE EXCEPTION of immortal tanking spec. the mitigation/damage of Immortal spec compared to the other tanks is a know issue with Bio, and they are working on it. But if your complaining about Immortal damage in comparison with DPS specs your playing the whole game wrong. Veng and Rage specs are fine.

Edited by Elyx
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Yeah I agree with the majority on this topic. I shelved my marauder at level 41 cause he didnt really felt like what I was looking for, maras are nice and all but ... anyway - Currently level 27 on my jugg, going vengeance and I totally lovee it! Havent even had to summon "****** quinn" yet (toh I suspect I will have to eventually) but I cant say that I feel like my dps is lacking in any way. So far Im clearing mob-packs a lot faster then with my marauder, and the downtime between fights is less then half.


And I actually rerolled jugg mainly for pvp, since jugg (at least on paper) looks to have both better burst AND utility. Just got "Force push" and having a blast =))) ...cant wait to hit 30 and get Impale =))


As the rest says - try another AC or class, maybe jugg aint ur playstyle. I certainly appeals to me.

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