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Everything posted by DifferentShiz

  1. <Oni> Is looking to fill their ranks to begin raiding. We are a newly formed guild (about a week old) and have a pretty solid core of players who are all itching to raid in the next few weeks. We use TeampSpeak and are currently building up to get a Guild Bank started. Here is our website if you are interested in applying. http://oniguild.enjin.com/home/m/13004648 Thank you for your time.
  2. Currently I am a Jugg OT for our 8man (10/10) Nightmare progression ops group and I am 14/27 Hybrid tank/dps spec and I haven't played in the PTR, and probably won't. My question for you is; what exactly changes? Where are you putting the points in Immo that you originally had in Veng (and where did you take points out). I believe that Hudde (if intercede is used properly) is an amazing tank ability, and I could do without the Force Scream crit and Impale DoT that both rely on using Impale frequently. Another question I have is: How is survival with 18/23? Does it differ that greatly from 14/27? Obviously Invincible is a must have for this spec, but with 18/23 do you drop the points in Huddle to pick up the extra dps boost? Or do you stick with Huddle and ignore the dps boost? Also, with 1.2 right around the corner and BW really stressing how important raid mechanics are going to be, will this spec still be viable for OTs, or will I have to go full Immo for the added survivability/threat in order to progress in ops?
  3. Another suggestion for the puzzle-boss room is to have your OT taunt a chunk of the murder droids that are up at the time and jump off the ledge to kite them. Also using pushes off the edge will keep them out of combat for a decent amount of time, it will clean up mobs and help your group get settled.
  4. Another helpful tip for big, aoe groups (lots of weak, only 1 or 2 strongs) is to Charge-->Smash-->Enrage-->Sweeping strikes... Now, when all the AoE from your groupmates starts flying, that is when you drop Threatening Scream, that 6 seconds of the group attacking you instead of scattering around to your dps will probably result in all the mobs being taken out. (unless your dps is bad).
  5. Oh cool! Another button (Victory Rush) to add to our already extensive list of abilities? I have 20 attacks hotkeyed right now, and I don't think my fingers would appreciate another ability.
  6. No... Stop... Don't cancel your ME3 pre-order... You'd bring BioWare to it's knees...
  7. I have been noticing this as well, and it is quite aggravating. Having a 15 sec CD and costing a third of your total rage to use and only getting 100 more damage than Vicious slash is just dumb. The only reason I use Crushing Blow is because of the 3 sunders it gives you.
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