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Everything posted by KKillah

  1. Wow I just came back to the game after 3-4 years, I can't believe the speed hack and the flying hack is still around. Surprised they haven't fixed the exploit for this.
  2. You totally do not understand how to beat bubble and fall into the category of baddie. As a scoundrel you still open in stealth on a bubble, then after doing 3-5 K damage step back lob thermal, force stealth go back in and do your rotation. Or just kick them in the nuts and back blast.
  3. You need to be more specific, which garbage?
  4. True...and that's the rub: it's easier to figure out how to use those skills (bubble/smash) then it is to learn how to counter it. But the players that take the time to figure it out don't post on forumns. And that's the drawback of forumns. Mostly baddies post on it so it paints the picture to the devs like it is a major issue. Going off topic to show a good analogy of how forumns skew issues: Gun Control. In 2011 41,545 people died from poisoning, 34,485 died from vehicles, and 31,347 died from Firearms. That is .0001 percent of the US Population that has died from firearms, yet people take the Aurora, CO and the Newton, CT murders to paint a picture that a higher percentage of people are dieing from firearms. Same as these forumns, a small percentage of the community posts about "X" skill needing to be nerfed, so devs read it and think it is a larger problem then it really is.
  5. Yes and the small percentage that know how to counter that through say the use of Awe brings back balance to the force. At the end of the day it's about joining a PvP guild, because those guilds spend there time learning how to counter game mechanics. PvP guilds just don't go do wz's, they spend as much time researching PvP mechanics as PvErs spend researching mob mechanics.
  6. Terrible Players.....bubbles absorb about 3K damage. Every Melee class has a 10m attack. You run outside the 5m bubble range and use your 10m attack. Sure every now and then you will get blinded by a bubble burst. But if you are constantly being blinded then your positioning is bad. If you see someone coming at your group that is bubbled why would you stay huddled together? That is like staying close together as a suicide bomber is running at you. On another note: Smash; honestly if you see anyone jump to you or in a pile of people why would you stand there? Smash has a 5m range so move out of the way. Or if they leap to you stun them. Intead of complaining, you should learn how to counter attacks. Some people have the time to play multiple classes so they can identify the weakness of other classes. Those that don't have the time should join a PvP guild so they can ask different classes what their weakness' are. I am assuming most of the people that complain on these threads are PvErs Of course you will not always be able to avoid a bubble or a smash, but if were able to then it would be pointless to have those skills. On average if you watch your positioning and learn how to counter attacks you won't be stun locked. There will also be situations where you will have 3 or 4 people on you, nothing you can do about those circumstances. And finally to finish my diatribe: if you look at these forumns every class says another class is "OP". The only agreement that everyone has is Commando/Mercs suck and need a buff. I have been sucked into the loser talk, but this talk is what causes devs to nerf classes when nerfs aren't needed.
  7. Only 3 letters are needed to reply to this thread and other qq's: L2P
  8. KKillah


    Word has reached the halls of Justice about slandering of it's most Divine member. Divine'Justice knows no macros.....Divine Justice is swift and ruthless.....it's speed is unmatched. Justice has been served: owned
  9. Everyone that is complaining about classes being to OP or too weak need to just learn how to play. I've played all the classes except sorc, none are OP to the point you can't take them down. Now people are complaining about medapac use??? Really, it's a 90 sec cooldown, no battles last that long in PvP. I don't know why the devs are listening to you all, all that's happening is a good game is getting ruined by people that want a class with a 1 push I win skill. PvP is about group vs group not 1v1, that is dueling. This game is very balanced when it comes to classes. Each class has a both a class that can beat it and 1 that it can beat easily. The only problem with this game was the zerg fest in Illum. Which is easily resolvable with 1 of 3 options: 1) You zone it where say only 200 people can enter, 100 Jedi and 100 Imps. 2) You limit new player creation, make sure factions have a 51/49 max imbalance. 3) If Illum is over run by 1 faction you drop in lvl 50 Elite and Strong NPC through a Starship Air drop to counter the imbalance. I personally like option 3. That is all.
  10. I am not sure...from what I hear you should try rage spec then. I am not 50, I am 38 and I so far love it. I put enough damage out, control people. Honestly if you don't like a class you should reroll. When devs start nerfing or buffing classes it starts messing up the game. The only thing I agree with is the nerf on Ops CC. 10 secs or something was ludicrous. But the nerf on Acid blade armor penetration was too much. Yet the nerf on it's crit was reasonable. It's not like nobody knew Juggs put out low burst DPS and good sustained DPS. I don't mean to offend anyone. For me personally I can't continue to play a game with a class I don't enjoy. And if I don't like any of the classes then the game wasn't meant for me. I personally enjoy every aspect of the Jug, and I usually always play a high DPS class or healer in other games.
  11. Jugg DPS is more then enough...if you went immortal then of course you have low DPS, because any higher and the class would be way OP. Then you would have a bunch of people wanting easy mode joining our class. I think currently the players that play Jugg are skilled and want a challenge, not easy mode.
  12. I'm not level 50 yet, only 38. I only really PvP. I have a background of playing Sin/Healer type characters. I love my Jug though...it is def a class with high defense and moderate DPS, high sustained DPS...Jugs are powerful once you get enough practice with them. But I do not think Jugs are the tanks in this game. Go to torhead and highlight and mouse over the classes: the Vanguard and the Powertech are described as the first line of Defense, the Tanks. So if you want to roll a tank roll Powertech/Vanguard. Sith Warriors/Inquistors are Generals. They plan the battles. Jugs can take a beating but they, like the Jedi, are suppossed to control the battle and shift the momentum. Your Powertechs/Vanguards are the tanks in this game. Just like your Operative is more of a rogue then the Sin is. How do you shift momentum? Throw guard on your PT's, Force Push someone that is beating on your healer then Force Leap and finish them. I think it's the second hardest class to play, first being operative (post nerf). Yes people kite you but you have some ways of negating that. I recommend people read the forums from higher level Jugs and learn from them. That's what I did. A lot of great advice and tips all around. I don't know how we fair endgame, but I think I will still love my Jug. For those that PvP and are frustrated you have to get out of the mindset of I can't beat this player 1v1. 1v1 is dueling not PvP. If you want a gank class or a high DPS class you should not roll jug. PvP is about group play and group dynamics. And this games roles are not traditional. I don't think Jugs are tanks and meant to be taking all the damage. You have to look at Star Wars lore and see how classes fit. Just like some higher levels said...don't rush into battle, pick your targets wisely. It's a different play style and mentality I had to get used too. Getting your *** kicked by another class is a great learning experience. I was getting slaughtered by mercs...hated tracer missile....now I win 7 out of 10 battles, why.....intterupt is your friend. All they use is tracer missile so just interrupt...beat them up, interrupt...they don't know what do do without tracer missile So all said and done...stick with the Jug...you'll love it, listen to our 50's, they put out gr8 advice and you will def get better by listening to them. They already faced all of the frustrations we are currently facing
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